Ellis said on 4/Nov/18
@Canson: I would actually say that 6'4 is viewed as the ideal tall height nowadays. As for me wanting to be 6'8-9, it's just my personal opinion, it's not ideal but I have other qualities that can compensate for that so I will be fine. I guess I like standing out.
Canson said on 4/Nov/18
@Ellis: I claim 6’4.5 sometimes. But I also do it because taller friends of mine claim their heights so don’t stray from that. Also at this size, it’s plenty tall for me. I can appreciate that you enjoy your height tho. However, I can’t get with the having to add extra inches. I don’t see the point honestly. It’s like me saying that 6’4 isn’t enough when lots of guys that you see will say that they wish they were 6’0” tall let alone 6’2” or 6’3 like you see on general heights. Now for you I’m surprised you want to be 6’8” or 6’9”. That’s not necessarily the most practical or ideal height for daily life
Ellis said on 3/Nov/18
@Canson: You are a very modest person when it comes to your height, literally everyone lies about there height in my city. When I was 16 I was around your height, I was 6'4.5 and I always said I was 6'6. No one second guessed it because they were all lying as well. Since I have grown into that niche, saying that I'm 6'6 nowadays would be laughable, you got guys here at 6'5 saying there 6'7, but I get it. I feel like my body frame has changed now, I feel like 6'5 to 6'7 changes how you look, when I was 6'4-5 I was very tall but my frame wasn't that lanky, now I'm much more lanky at 6'7 barefoot. I wouldn't change it for anything that's my personal opinion on the matter.
Also who do you think is taller Lonzo Ball or yourself?
Ellis said on 3/Nov/18
@Canson: Yeah, on the basketball court I always say I'm 6'8 sometimes 6'9 now(rarely), I used to be insecure about my height I know how crazy it sounds, I would come to my school with insoles upon the default insoles in my shoes(you heard right). I just felt like I wanted to be taller, but now since I'm taller than every single person I know, and I'm taller than my height with shoes on with insoles upon insoles in them barefoot now(it has been a year now since I wore those big shoes), I don't wear insoles upon insoles nowadays. That's not the whole reason though lol, the main reason is because my height shouldn't be my main quality. This one time this kid thought I was 7 feet tall, I went with it lmao. Hopefully I'm still growing, my goal is 6'8 or 6'9 barefoot.
Canson said on 2/Nov/18
@Ellis: I used to say 6’4 1/2 or 6’5 sometimes when I played ball. Since I’ve been out of college (15 years) that’s been 6’4.5 or 6’4”. Now it’s almost always 6’4. If someone is close in height or challenges I will say I’m like 6’4 1/4-1/2 or 6’4 1/4 but 90% of the time it’s 6’4”. I do it because I have taller friends that are honest about their height as well so don’t need to put them in a position to lie for me. In addition to the fact that I wouldn’t want to be any taller than I am. I consider myself 6’4”. You definitely could get away with 6’8” for sure with a lot of people. But If I were you and you wanted the extra amount, however, I would just claim 6’7” even though you drop to 6’6.25-.5 because you’re close enough that many won’t challenge you. If you wanted to be modest 6’6 probably but that may raise eyebrows as people may think you’re downgrading yourself if you’re 6’6.5 some days still. If 6’6.25 regularly then you’d still get it. I’m not against someone rounding half down because I would even if I were closer to 6’4 1/2 at a low than I am. But because of how much taller you are than everyone. I have been told before “6’4? That’s it”. Or “ you’re taller than that I’m 6’4 and you’re almost 2” taller”. The former is someone who can’t tell the difference the latter is a liar who wants to make himself taller.
Canson said on 2/Nov/18
@Jdubbz: we’re almost identical. I used to measure 6’4.3-.4 probably but not sure if it was due to longer hair. Now I’m almost always 6’4.25-.3 at my normal low and can get to about 6’4” or a mm over on a rare occasion when I’ve been on my feet but usually when I’m experimenting to see my extreme low. I almost never come to 193.04. Usually about 193.2 maybe 193.1 once assuming I measured right (I was a bit tipsy when I did it once lol)
Jdubbz said on 1/Nov/18
@Canson I used to measure 6'3 7/8 - flat 6'4 range, but these days I'm 6'4.2 - 6'4.3 at night.
Ellis said on 1/Nov/18
@Canson: That is my extreme low, I was measured that after doing a lot of activity. I remember, I did bench press and all that good stuff, I also did a bunch of dunks earlier in the day, it was taken at midnight. I was surprised that I measured at that height, because I actually encounter that height a lot later in the day like at nighttime pretty commonly. Mid day I'm a 2 meter man, and early in the day like right out of bed I'm closer to 6'7 and 1/3 than 6'7.5 actually. It actually depends what time of the day people see me, if it is early they will either guess me at 6'7 or 6'8, I say I'm 6'8, if it is later in the day people guess me probably at 6'6, and I say 6'7. Canson how tall do you tell people you are? I say I'm 6'8 usually, I know it sounds crazy but since I'm so much taller than most people, no one can tell the difference of an inch.
Canson said on 31/Oct/18
@Ellis: that sounds like it must be more like an extreme low for you if you go to 6’6.25 from 6’7.5. What do you measure on a normal day after about 8 hours of being awake (with normal activity)? I’m 2-3” shorter than you but even my extreme low is probably right at 6’4” or a mm over the Mark after waking up around 6’5-6’5 1/8. I usually maintain a mm over 6’4.25 at a normal low which is about 3/4” to 2cm max
Ellis said on 29/Oct/18
I'm not sure what my inseam is but I run a 36 Long in jeans, in my opinion my legs look long. Most people guess me at 6'6 or 6'7 sometimes. My normal height is around 6'6.75 then I shrink once again for my night height.
Canson said on 10/Oct/18
@Jdubbz: do you measure 6’4 at a low or do you go below the mark in the afternoon? Can’t remember if I’ve asked you this before.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Oct/18
There are a few NBA players whose wingspans are nearly a foot longer than their height as well. It's few and far between though.
I don't think it's so much that women on average have proportionally longer legs than men, it's more that women have to buy longer pants than men on average, because they have higher waists than men. So for example, a 5'8" man with 32" regular inseam can wear 30" inseam pants just fine, but a 5'8" woman with 32" has to buy pants that are the same length.
viper said on 20/Sep/18
6-6 guys with a 30 inseam would get guessed at 6-4-6-5 a lot
viper said on 20/Sep/18
5-11 with a 6-9 wingspan, haven't seen anything close to that in the NBA measurements
viper said on 20/Sep/18
A 40 inch inseam at 6-4? Nuts
Jdubbz said on 17/Sep/18
@Christian good to know. I do seem to have a longer stride than nearly everyone, so having somewhat long legs for my height would explain that.
Unrelated, but this discussion of pants and actual inseam makes me wonder if the myth that women have proportionately longer legs than men, on average, is really true. Like if a 6'0 girl has a 36 inseam, would she have the same leg length as me, or would her legs be more like 2 inches shorter (since men's crotches hang 2-3 inches lower than our public bone)?
Canson said on 17/Sep/18
@Christian: I think it’s 36-37. Pants I’m right at 35 I believe. You’re right 40 is super long for someone 6’4. I have a friend who’s my height who wears a 31-32 and looks short compared to me till we stand next to each other
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/18
That's pretty long for your height, although I wouldn't say super long. Rampage Clover who's a poster, is 6'4" as well and he has 40" inseam but most likely it's a regular inseam rather than pants, so he probably wears 38", which is super long for 6'4". I have a cousin who's weak 6'4" range, about 192cm to be exact, wears 34" pants so probably he's 36".
I knew a guy from college whose wingspan's 10" longer than his height. He's only 5'11" but has a 6'9" span, but he had very broad shoulders and huge hands so that could've been the reason why. He played college basketball and he was a really skilled player.
Jdubbz said on 13/Sep/18
@Christian Yeah 30 inch inseam at 6'6 is all torso. Probably looks pretty weird irl. I'm 6'4 with a 36-36.5 pants inseam and 38.5 regular inseam, is that about average?
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/Aug/18
I had a Scottish mix Nigerian friend who was only 6'1.5" wear a size 14 shoes with a measured 35 inch inseam that is ridiculous long legs under 6'2 and having a wingspan of 7'0 same as Carmelo.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/18
30" inseam at 6'6" is insane. That's almost unhuman. I know plenty of 5'8"-5'10" guys with longer inseams than that. My 5'8" friend has a pretty long inseam for his height at 32".
viper said on 9/Aug/18
I measure 34 inches exactly from the floor to the pelvic bone
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Aug/18
Is your actual inseam length about 37-38 though? Pants length is different than actual.
Canson said on 29/Jul/18
@Christian: very true! And Barkley and Jordan are the same height and Chuck wears a 16 I believe! Jordan 13
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Jul/18
I know two different guys who are almost a foot in difference in height but share the same shoe size, lol. One is 5'5" and other's 6'4" and they both wear 11.5
viper said on 24/Jul/18
Rasheed Wallace only wears a 13 at about 6-10
viper said on 24/Jul/18
I see 6-3 Sheamus wears a 10 at 6-3.
Wilt only wore a 15 at 7-1
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Christian: a 10 is small for a guy who is 6’2.75 like Viper is
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Jul/18
10 is quite small for a 6'3" guy. But I think shoe size and height don't have that strong of a correlation like many people think. One of my friends is only 5'11.5" but he wears the same size as me at 14. And I know another guy around 5'11"-6'0" that wears a 9. And I've seen 6'5" range guys wear anywhere from 12 to 18.
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
@Christian: not sure if Bill Deblasio measures 6’5 7/8 at a low (presumably he’d be around 6’5.75 at worst judging by appearance) but I still get a taller impression from Carmelo In pics and in person He would never go under 6’6 even at a low. He doesn’t even have greatest posture in the pic above to be honest
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
@Junior: I think Melo edges Roberson after seeing pics. It’s possible if Roberson measured 6’6.25 morning that he’s 6’5.75 or 7/8 and Melo honestly looks an afternoon measurement. He may be below the mark slightly at a low but I would be hard pressed to say he’s below 6’6” and may not even get that low. I have a buddy who is 6’6 or 6’6 1/8 at a low I believe or thereabouts and he looked around the same height as Melo in person. Melo could be as high as 6’6.25 as he may have gained a tad (say if the measurement wasn’t the normal low). It looked just about 2” to me and others said 1.5-2” which still puts him right at 6’6 or maybe a mm over. I would have him edging Roberson honestly. Roberson is likely a weaker 6’6 than he is
Canson said on 13/Jul/18
@Christian: I agree 100%, they do look larger probably due to the angle. A 15 isn’t all that much of a surprise being he’s taller than both of us. But those at first glance look larger than a 15. It’s strange because I know people that are taller than both of us (my friends) that have varying shoe sizes. The “weak” 6’6” fake 6’7, ex teammate wears a 14 or 15 I believe then the legit 6’7” wears a 16 while my legit 6’5 friend wears a 14 or 15 and the 6’6 friend a 14 I believe
viper said on 13/Jul/18
How odd is it that my foot is so wide for just a size 10, even at 6-3.
They say I have a EEE foot
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Jul/18
You're right, Carmelo's shoes look bigger than a 15 in that pic. Maybe it's because of the angle of the pic or the style of the shoes.
Canson said on 8/Jul/18
@Christian: yea I’ve had some 14s I had to order online like in a dress shoe or even a sneaker before. Then again, there have been times when I could go to an outlet store and find a 14 and have even seen 15s in stock at places such as DSW
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Jun/18
Plus you have a much easier time finding size 13's at stores compared to 14's. Did you order them online when you wore 14's?
Canson said on 30/Jun/18
His feet in this pic above are huge. Not under 15 imho
Canson said on 29/Jun/18
@Viper: I’ve never seen 14 but have seen sources with a 15 for him. He looks to have at least a 15 in that pic above and when I saw him in person couldn’t guess the foot size as I’m not good with that but from a quick glance they were larger than mine noticeably
Canson said on 28/Jun/18
@Christian: yup. I wore a 14 before as I liked baggier feel with clothes and shoes but I’m really just a 13. Some 13s can be tight but most are perfect.
viper said on 27/Jun/18
Sources say he wears a 14 or 15 shoe
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Jun/18
You're pretty lucky you wear size 13 because stores typically sell up to 13. But I wear size 14 so most shoes I own I had to order online, which tend to be more expensive than offline.
Canson said on 24/Jun/18
@Junior: I’ve seen 22, 24, and I think 21 for Shaq too lol
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Jun/18
@Canson Thanks for your info. It's strange that Lebron and Melo wear the same size but was report to be 2 size difference more bizarre that Durant wear 19 but from the internet it show size 16.
Canson said on 15/Jun/18
@Junior: it says here he wears a 15. But you’re right it could be an error. I didn’t pay as much attention to the shoe size when I met him but his feet did look larger than mine and I’m a 13 myself at 6’4-6’4.5 range. I’ve never seen anything but 15 for Melo. But for a 6’6” guy like him that’s about normal. I’ve seek guys my height wear 15 and seen guys an inch taller at 6’5 wear the same size as me
Click Here
Johnson said on 14/Jun/18
In the last message I wrote Melo looks similar to LeBron in those pics
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 14/Jun/18
@Canson I thought 15 too but it maybe the shoe design make it look bigger. Carmelo feet size was reported to be size 13-14. Lebron feet size was wrongly stated size 16 in some site but he claim to be 15 not 16 and it's bizarre that Durant feet size was say to be 16 in the past but he claim on IG recently he had a size 19 feet same huge as his buddy Kevin Love.
Canson said on 14/Jun/18
His feet look larger than a 15 here on this pic
Canson said on 10/Jun/18
@Caesar: there’s a guy on Lebrons page that claimed to have met Melo and also said he’s 6’6”
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Jun/18
@Joe: I would say if Melo is that full pre draft listing which he may be Lebron is 6’7” possibly. Other scenario is Melo dips to 6’6” and Lebron 200cm like you said.
joe### said on 1/Jun/18
6´6.25 is a pefect listing and maybe lebrom can be 2 meters tall man
Canson said on 31/May/18
@Joe: that’s about right. Someone who posted here said 6’5” but I can firmly say that Melo is at worst a solid 6’6 perhaps as tall as 6’6.25. Once you’re into the 1.5-2” range that you see it’s hard to needle down to 1/4” because you don’t know who’s been awake longer etc.
Johnson said on 29/May/18
in the pictures Carmelo looks similar to LeBron James
Click Here
Canson said on 29/May/18
@Junior: I’d go 6’1.5 for Steph. I agree
joe### said on 29/May/18
with Okafor 6´9.25-5
Click Here
with dermacus cousins 6´9
Click Here
looks 198-199
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 28/May/18
@Canson The time of the measurement always an issues for guessing a correct height of the player. Melo did look 6'6 at a low. Before the draft express remove all players draft measurement i have check on Roberson height was 6'6 1/4 w/o shoes like Melo and they generally look the height maybe a low at 6'6 both. One point is that i don't agree Stephen Curry look as low 6'1.25" because he look 6'1.5-6'1.75" with Durant, Melo and Lebron.
Click Here:
Canson said on 26/May/18
@Christian: I do agree that Caron is “similar” to Kobe in height. But he would be a fraction taller imho. I would be hard pressed to see Butler sub 6’5” at a low whereas Kobe measures 6’4.75.
Canson said on 26/May/18
@Christian: same with Caron Butler. I’ve met him and I find it hard to believe he would be under 6’5”. He could look around 1/2-1” Taller than me. I would say no less than a full 6’5” and Melo no less than 6’6”. Now that’s odd because I have a friend who met Melo that thought he was 6’5 but it’s because he can’t gauge height well either
I do agree with Caesar on Jordan 6’4 1/2 and Barkley same height as Jordan. As well, I concur about D Wade as he’s a weak 6’3” guy who would measure 6’4 in basketball sneakers perhaps or even 6’3.75”
Canson said on 26/May/18
@Christian: same with Caron Butler. I’ve met him and I find it hard to believe he would be under 6’5”. He could look around 1/2-1” Taller than me. I would say no less than a full 6’5” and Melo no less than 6’6”. Now that’s odd because I have a friend who met Melo that thought he was 6’5 but it’s because he can’t gauge height well either
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 24/May/18
You sure Carmelo, Lebron and Westbrook are that short in person? One poster named Canson met Carmelo and said he looked no less than 6'6".
Canson said on 24/May/18
@Caesar: I’ve met Butler and he’s definitely a full 6’5” minimum. He’s not less than that. I’m 6’4 1/4- 3/8 and I could tell he was taller than me by close to an inch. That could be 2cm but it still is a solid 6’5 no less. I would go with 196cm honestly. Melo I’ve also met and he’s not noticeably less than 6’6”. I was told he was 1.5-2” taller than me and we both had dress shoes on in the restaurant. Look at him with Kobe as well that’s 1.5” difference. I agree on MJ and Barkley both 6’4.5 barefoot and Blake as well 6’7.5-.75 Love is around that height maybe 6’7.25-.5.
Russ looks awfully low. He’s been guessed 6’4 and 6’5. I know someone who’s met him and said he’s maybe 6’2 and change.
Caesar said on 23/May/18
Wade: 6’2.5-6’3 Have seen him multiple times. Always looked a very weak 6'3.
Pippen 6'7 Pippen is nothing below this.
Kobe 6’4.5 A very weak 6'5 is what he always looks in person. His wife measurement doesn't count in my eyes.
Melo 6’5 Yes! Carmelo is no more than 6'5. Compare pictures of him with Lebron James. Lebron has at least an inch on him.
Lebron 6’6.25 Seen him twice. Easy 6'6.
Jordan 6’4.5 This what he looks in person.
Barkley 6’4 5/8 Never met him but this looks accurate.
Durant 6’9 Legitimate
Westbrook 6’1-6.1.5
Curry 6'1
Rose 6’1
Blake Griffin 6'7.5
Kevin Love 6'7.5 Same as Griffin
Kevin Garnett 6’11
Caron Butler is similar to Kobe in height.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 4/May/18
He could be 6'6" flat but that's the worst I'd have him at.
Canson said on 3/May/18
@Junior: not sure on Roberson. I’m not sure what he measured but I know that 2013 was a morning measurement. Anything 2009 or beyond was. Melo was drafted in 2003. Not sure if that was morning but I would guess if it was that it was later morning. You’re absolutely right that there is a chance Melo could dip to 6’6” flat. Even the people around us said 1.5-2” difference. but he could honestly look just half inch shorter than Lebron as well. I put him around 198.5 (6’6-6’6.25). He can look closer to the pre draft height with Kobe as well. That looks closer to 1.5” than 1” imho. I’ve never noticed Roberson with Melo but I would have Melo taller than him if anything
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/May/18
If Carmelo was measure like ever other NBA teammates in the earlier morning he could be go as low as 6'6 flat. Andre Roberson doesn't look shorter than Carmelo and many argues that Roberson look just legit 6'6 although Roberson himself claim 6'7. More i look at Carmelo i'm confuse that 1/4. He might be just 6'6 at low. Sometimes he wear thicker footwear like Nike Air style that given 1.-4" boost of height.
Canson said on 2/Feb/18
@Frost: for Kobe I haven’t met him or MJ or Chuck. Although I did see chuck from a distance in philly once he looked short imho and a buddy of mine is 6’3” and met him two times and said he’s my height and a former coach of mine was a scout for years and said the same (he himself is 6’2). He also said Jordan was my height. I’m 6’4 1/4 at night to maybe 6’4 1/3 on a day when I’m not active He said Kobe looked “about 6’5” and that Wade was barely taller than him and that if he were over maybe 6’3” he would be surprised. He felt about half inch prob. He said 6’2/6’3. I met Melo and he looks close enough. If anything I’d say he is a good 6’6 and can be 198-99. Not less than 6’6” tho. I met Caron Butler and he was 6’5” maybe at most 6’5.25 like his draft but looked a decent 6’5” not less. There are some others there too. Jason Maxiell I played against and he did grow. He wasn’t noticeably taller than me when I saw him in high school then in college if he were taller it was about 1/2”-1” maybe. I know his cousin and he’s grown to about 6’5.5 now and that showed when he was cut from a team overseas from exceeding the height requirement of 6’5. But that’s a rare instance as a lot of the younger players now (that are measured first thing in the AM) don’t ever look as they’re listed on a draft bio. My same 6’3” friend stood next to Wall before and said he’s not even 6’2”. Said he had him by 1-1.5” which is consistent with a 6’0” friend that said Wall was only slightly taller than him like 1.5” or so
Canson said on 2/Feb/18
@Frost: Durant if anything is possible 6’9.5 like rob has him but to me remotely possible. He still looks shorter than Deandre Jordan and only about half inch taller (max) than Serge Ibaka. Russ looks spot on imho (6’2.5 is possible for him I’ll say). Russ looks a perfect 4” shorter than Melo does. I could almost even say Russ can look 6’3 at times but also see a flat 6’2” other times. He looks a lot taller in comparison to his contemporaries such as lillard and those guys. Speaking of Lillard remember Shawn Respert? He was listed 6’3 but wasn’t over 6’0.5 or 6’.75 lol. Damian is shorter than all 6’1” players out there imho. He looks less than 6’1” with Kloss
Lowry I totally agree he doesn’t look much bigger than CP3
Bradly said on 2/Feb/18
Probably right on the list but I think 23 still hangs tough at 6-5.
Frost said on 2/Feb/18
Only disagreements I have with that list are westbrook Durant. Feel they're slightly taller than their celeb heights listings.
Spot on list regardless. A few I'd like to add.
Damian Lillard 6'0.75-6'1
Kyle Lowry - 5'11.5 (at least an inch shorter than lillard)
Canson said on 1/Feb/18
My guesses for the NBA players here (real afternoon heights)
Wade: 6’2.5-6’3 (doesn’t look his pre draft height at all)
Pippen 6’6.75-6’7
Kobe 6’4.75 as listed
Melo 6’6.25 as listed
Lebron 6’6’75-6’7
Jordan 6’4.5
Barkley 6’4 5/8 (Olympic measurement) worst case 6’4.5
Durant 6’9.25 like he was listed before
Westbrook 6’2.25 as listed
Curry (morning measurement) 6’1.5 max afternoon
Rose 6’1.25-6’1.5 close enough
Blake Griffin (morning measurement with hair) doesn’t look over 6’7.75 with Deandre Jordan and looks same as Kevin Love
Kevin Love 6’7.5-.75
Garnett 6’11 flat
Carlos boozer retired page 6’7.5
Kyrie Irving 6’1.25-.5
Rodman 6’6.5 close enough prime (6’6.25-.5)
Chris Paul max 5’11
Canson said on 1/Feb/18
@Rob: good thinking. You have him precise as listed. Met him in person 2 years ago and he’s roughly 2” taller than I am. One of the few NBA players who’s listing matches his pre draft (likely it was in the afternoon that year)
@5’11: if Melo were measured in the morning he may be 199.5-200 the in first hour out of bed maybe 2 hours max. Johnson bases his estimates off of soccer players who are likely overlisted in some cases (those are morning measurements for them) so instead of bringing them to normal he inflated the legit guys
Canson said on 1/Feb/18
@Rob: good thinking. You have him precise as listed. Met him in person 2 years ago and he’s roughly 2” taller than I am. One of the few NBA players who’s listing matches his pre draft (likely it was in the afternoon that year)
Junior Hernandez said on 1/Feb/18
Carmelo was very close to 4cm taller than Kobe Bryant but look more like 1.475inch (3.747cm). I would say Carmelo is a good 6'6 3/8 (199.07cm) and Kobe Bryant was more like 6'4 7/8 (195.26cm)
5'11 said on 1/Feb/18
Johnson said on 31/Jan/18
@Rob Don't you think he is legit 2.00 metres?
With Karim Benzema
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with Ashton Kutcher
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With Thierry Henry
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I can't believe some people will still say Henry is 6'1.5"-6'2. You can see from that pic he is 6' maximum.
Bennett said on 1/Feb/18
And this is more legit 6ft6 guy on this site.
Frost said on 1/Feb/18
He's exactly as listed
Bradly said on 31/Jan/18
Looked the same as me as a Nugget. As listed then and now.
Johnson said on 31/Jan/18
@Rob Don't you think he is legit 2.00 metres?
With Karim Benzema
Click Here
with Ashton Kutcher
Click Here
With Thierry Henry
Click Here

Editor Rob
Sometimes he can seem 199cm range, but 200 I'm not sure he is that tall.
5'10 lad said on 31/Jan/18
Where’s all these 6’6 guys coming from Rob lol

Editor Rob
They're coming out the woodwork, a lot more will appear!