Henners said on 29/Nov/23
How tall is Choi Min-sik? Most likely 5ft 8 range and not 177cm as listed.

Editor Rob
Hard to imagine him over 5ft 9
Mimi said on 31/Aug/23
Rob, how tall do you think is SK actor Park Seo Joon? He's listed as 185cm and here he is with Lee Byung hun and 158cm listed actress Park Bo-young.
Click Here
Here's a closer look at their footwear.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Can't see him over 184cm
just guy said on 13/Aug/22
should be downgrade as 5'8"(or 5'8.25")?
Click Here
(with 6'1.5" Jeong Woo Sung and 5'11" Lee Jung Jae)
FE said on 16/Jun/22
@Editor Rob,
How tall is the Former Korean Actor & Current Model “Won Bin”?
From my previous post, Weak 5’10” is a better fit. Also is Won Bin possibly worth a page?
He’s retired from acting since 2010, but most of his movies really impressed me & loads of commenters on Celebheights want to request a page for him since he’s quite a popular South Korean actor regarding some controversy about his height.
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
I would really need to find time to look at him, as I'm not so familiar as you are.
FE said on 28/May/22
@Editor Rob,
How tall is the Former Korean Actor & Current Model “Won Bin”?
Click Here
Best known for films like The Man from Nowhere, Brotherhood, Mother and Gun & Talks.
His Official Site lists him 178cm 65kg
Click Here, But Weak 5’10” is a better fit.
What do u think Rob?
FE said on 12/Apr/22
@Editor Rob,
Is Kim Hee-sun possibly Worth the page?

Editor Rob
I have given her one at near 166cm
FE said on 4/Apr/22
@Editor Rob,
Is Kim Hee-sun Worth the page?
Her performance in several TV shows I’ve watched her in was really outstanding!
I also did not forget to mention that she’s really GORGEOUS!! & some of her TV shows are already on Netflix. Solid 5’5” on the nose would be fair if she ever has a page.
What do u think Rob?
FE said on 28/Mar/22
@Editor Rob,
How tall is South Korean Actress “Kim Hee-sun”?
Click Here
Best known for The Myth movie & TV shows like Sad Love Story, Netlifx’s Alice, Tomorrow & The Lady in Dignity.
Claims 167-8cm, Tho several Korean profiles list her 165cm
Click Here.
She’s very beautiful, but a Solid 5’5” flat is what she possibly is ;-)
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
Closer to 5ft 5 than almost 5ft 6, especially with Jackie Chan.
FE said on 7/Jan/22
@Editor Rob,
Is he legit for “Martial Artists” category?
FE said on 13/Dec/21
@Editor Rob,
How tall is Korean Actor “Lee Seung-gi”?
Click Here
Best known for the popular Netflix Tv series “Vagabond“, He claims 180-4cm (mostly 182cm)
but a Solid 5’11” flat is fair.
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
It's a wide range of heights to claim. He could seem 181ish
FE said on 22/Sep/21
@Editor Rob,
How tall is “Ga-in Han” w/ Byung-hun?
Click Here
She’s listed 168cm, but admitted she’s “167cm” in an interview. I think 5’5.5-5.75” is more realistic & She’s a Beautiful Actress too BTW ;-)
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
167cm seems an honest claim if she said it
6ft8 said on 7/Jul/21
5'8 flat
Taravat said on 10/Jun/21
Please add Lee Jong Suk height.
ROB_IS_AWESOME said on 7/Mar/21
Editor Rob,
Please add some Korean actors now. Take your time, but do add at least a few of them. They're the real debates, when it comes to heights (with their insoles and elevators galore).
Consider adding these few at least, they're HUGE all over the world:
Gong Yoo
Kim Soo Hyun
Song Kang Ho
Ji Chang Wook
Nam Joo Hyuk
Lee Jong Suk
Song Joong Ki
Lee Seung Gi
They're really really big names, and will garner healthy debates here I'm sure. Plus, we'll finally unravel their altitudes haha. Please please consider adding them soon enough. Most Hollywood stars are here already and their estimations are so aptly done. Now time for these fellas, and trust me, they'rr very very big names and will be fun to debate.
PYoo810 said on 4/Aug/20
173/MAX 174cm dude. Great actor.
Notice his shoes in pictures. Avid lift wearer. And even with heels, he looks shorter than legit 177cm people like Park Hae il, etc.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 25/Jul/20
maybe 5ft8 1/2" is better ?
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/Jul/20
He never leave behind elevator shoes. I did say weak 5'9 Frank Grillo is a little over Byung-Hun. 5'8 1/2 tops.
Peter175 said on 15/Feb/20
Are the average Actors in Korea that tall? I would have thought he was 5'7.5 not 5'9". He's shorter than most all Korean male actors
MrFish said on 29/Dec/19
Rob, how tall does he look here with Benedict Cumberbatch? He can’t be a full 5ft 9.
Click Here

Editor Rob
At worse a fraction under it there, he has a big head too like benedict
MrFish said on 24/Jul/19
Rob, how tall does this actor, Choi Min-sik, look alongside Lee? Choi is one of the biggest Korean actors currently. Considering footwear, Choi might be 173-4?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
yeah they look quite close in height
harakiri said on 20/May/19
is he possible 5' 8.75?
MrFish said on 1/Aug/18
Rob, what about a downgrade? You've said yourself that he looks 174.
Anonymous said on 23/Oct/17
I'm 5'7 and I can tell u he looks taller than 5'7 he's 5'9
$rich_biatch$ said on 19/Jun/17
he seems to have footwear advantage (at least slightly) by 1/2 to 1/4 inch... to keep that 5'9 frame.
AJ said on 3/Jun/17
I think giving him the same listing as statham and pegg is the safest mark
S.J.H said on 7/Apr/17
If simon pegg can list at 5'8.75 i see no way Byung Hun Lee can list above 5'8 , 5'9 can throw away anytime.
AJ said on 28/Mar/17
Weak 5'9", you said yourself DJ Cotrona edged him who you have at 5'9"
S.J.H said on 27/Jan/17
Byung-hun is 174cm with or without shoes
From korea said on 7/Jan/17
He is famous for deceiving his height
Most of korean people see him 170cm
crusher said on 1/Jan/17
There is no way he is over 5'7".
MD said on 19/Sep/16
Even with his footwear advantage, here, he's shorter than Simon Pegg. There is no way this guy is 5'9":
Click Here

Editor Rob
beside Pine he typically doesn't look more than 174cm.
AJP said on 19/Sep/16
5'8" in shoe, 5'7" in barefoot
sabot said on 10/Sep/16
MD said on 4/Jan/15
I've seen pictures of him in 2013 with 5'7" Psy where he does look two inches taller. But the catch is that Psy is in his usual flat-soled shoes, and Lee is in his heels, and his heels seem higher than your average dress shoe heels. He only looks 5'9" in these really heavily heeled shoes. I could be content with just an inch shaved off, but he's not 5'9" barefoot, or he could look tall in the type of shoes he wears. He doesn't.
Indeed. Here is one of those pics:
Click Here
His shoes does look suspicious, might also be an insole in there you can tell that by the high angle.
I would say he is 173 cm max (5'8), he has a 5'7 body frame, though.
eee said on 6/Aug/16
I personally I think 5'9 is a little bit of a stretch for him. 5'8-5'9 range though.
James St. said on 13/Apr/16
S.J.H. makes a good point. Height in Korea is national obsession. Even the tall guys were lifts so the smaller dudes are forced to wear extreme platforms. There you go Anon, here he is next to 171cm Takuya Himura and 190cm Josh Hartnett :
Click Here
Notice the camera angle making Takuya look smaller and also Byung's shoes. Gotta say, Takuya is also a well-known lift wearer. So who knows what's going on there.
I remember Takuya from the Smap era and Long Vaca. Seing him next to 189cm Abe Hiroshi in the TV series "Change", there was close to 20 cm difference if no lifts involved. Given average male height in Japan is about 171cm and Takuya usually appears average to slightly above average, my guess is 171-172cm for Takuya and the same for Byung Hun Lee.
sb said on 29/Feb/16
From his movies, thought he might be 6footer.
S.J.H said on 1/Oct/15
Lee is 5'8.5 in shoe and 5'9.5 in elevator shoe. 5'7.5 barefoot. Just google him with 5'9 D.J Cotrona. He cant be any taller than 171cm
Mike said on 9/Jul/15
Those who say this guy is 5'5" or 5'6" tops must be smoking weed. Might as well say he is 5'4" tops. This guy is at least 5'8.5", 5'9" seems about right.
hey rob said on 16/May/15
tom cruise of korea height wise?
Anon said on 23/Apr/15
Hey Rob, I was wondering if it was possible for you to check up the height of another celeb called Takuya Kimura. He's one of the most popular actors in Japan and theres a lot of debate about how tall he stands. There are some pictures of him with Byung Hun Lee but it's hard to determine the footwear and the difference in angles and paving etc. Anyway, I would appreciate it big time if you did a posting on him, thanks!
MD said on 4/Jan/15
I've seen pictures of him in 2013 with 5'7" Psy where he does look two inches taller. But the catch is that Psy is in his usual flat-soled shoes, and Lee is in his heels, and his heels seem higher than your average dress shoe heels. He only looks 5'9" in these really heavily heeled shoes. I could be content with just an inch shaved off, but he's not 5'9" barefoot, or he could look tall in the type of shoes he wears. He doesn't.
Nick said on 1/Jan/15
I don't know why he's on the list. In Korea, he is very busy for a lawsuit with 20-year-old girls.
The Mr. lawsuit's medical checkup in 2010 says he is just above 5'6½ or 169cm.
I'm not sure this is a barefoot height or not, but one thing for sure is the figure deserves some credit. :)
You can double-check it from some picture of 1990~2000's films before "Lift" is not prevail.
Click Here
Click Here
Dan said on 5/Dec/14
How tall do you think D.J. Cotrona is?
He is listed as 5'11 but I dont think he is more than say 5'7

Editor Rob
I thought he could edge out Byung!
Juan said on 3/Feb/14
I ran into him in a restaurante in Seoul a few years ago. I'm 5'6 and he was clearly taller than me even if you consider lifts.
Vanos said on 8/Dec/13
Looks like a legit 5'8 - 5'8.5 guy. Pretty cool in GI Joe :)
MD said on 2/Dec/13
I mean, I'm not convinced he's only 5'5", but Pleb just showed exactly how he could be shorter and look taller. lol Those are some blatant elevators, right there, and they very well could include a lift.
erick said on 29/Nov/13
how is he 5-5? he was only 2 inches shorter than 5-11 willis
Pleb said on 21/Nov/13
Check out the guys footwear, Brad Pitt has a rival in the elevator/lifts department!
Click Here
Worlds most popular search engine currently list him at 5'5/1.65m, lol.
Rocky said on 20/Nov/13
@ Anamalech
Bruce Willis is clearly closer to the camera. The angle is not straight-on. Even with that advantage, we're looking at 2-3 inch advantage tops. That'd make him 5'8 to 5'9' minimum, with 5'9.5 most likely.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Oct/13
5'7" is bunk. He looks clearly around 5 ft 9 barefoot in GI Joe.
joe said on 8/Sep/13
I think he is 5'5 or 5'6 tops
Anamalech said on 21/Apr/13
He's between 172-174.
Trip Menzell said on 2/Apr/13
Looking at a lot of the pictures online in height comparison, he looks 173 tops... Of course, factor in possible posture, activity (like comparisons made while walking), angle of picture and all of that technical mumbo jumbo, then he looks to be closer to the 170-172 cm range.
KK said on 25/Mar/13
He is a big lift wearer and Korean celebrities often put 1-2 inches more on their profile than their acutal height I would put him around 5ft7
Barabas said on 21/Feb/13
That Suit he is wearing is SICK!
Clutcher said on 30/Jan/13
He always wear a big heel for good posture. 5'7 max.
Melodio said on 27/Jan/13
no way his height is 5'9. I think he was about 5'7, you can see it from IRIS press conference
MaskDeMasque said on 26/Jan/13
This seems right. Didn't think he was the 5'10 as listed most places.