miko said on 15/Oct/22
Rob, heres a quote from Brian claiming a 5'5.5 peak height, who knows maybe he was that at his tallest or close to it.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Thanks for highlighting it. That's not a bad claim, maybe he could have been near it.
Stinky 186 cm said on 31/Aug/21
Another legend that I used to listen to when I was a teen He’s definitely 5’ 5”
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jun/21
I watched an AC⚡DC performance of their 1979 hit record 'Highway to Hell' over the weekend. My, that took me back....!
All the guys from AC⚡DC were on the short side, but they still blasted out music every bit as loud and powerful as their taller peers, proving that height has naff all to do with sound power! Why ever would it? I think that something in the back of my memory hemispheres connects very short people with high-pitched voices, but that only applies to really short dwarf types, and then only to some of them. The members of AC⚡DC, although short, were still 'normal' heights.
Brian gets 5ft5. 🎧😮🎶🎵
Leesheff85 said on 9/Jan/21
No 5ft 5 peak is fine
Keith 5'10 said on 10/May/20
Maybe a bit over 5'5" at peak.
abcde said on 11/Feb/19
Brian Johnson: A Life on the Road (2017) [Lars Ulrich] in this movie he looks even 3 cm less than Lars Ulrich, so maybe he's 163 cm or 164 cm, very short man.
Brad said on 14/Jul/16
As listed. Pretty much a dead group with just Angus after the make-up gigs are performed. Think anybody will pay good loot to see Angus and some duffers? Foreigner sometimes goes out with nobody from their hit days...Mick Jones must laugh at home drinking wine catching the name right share.
A person said on 11/Jul/16
He's is that short
The Exorcist said on 8/Oct/15
I always thought he looked average (5'9"-5'10") range. lol
Powerhouse said on 8/Oct/15
Brian Johnson is only a couple inches taller than 5'2 Angus Young. 5'5 is correct in my opinion.
yourbitch said on 24/Nov/14
I'm agree with Skg. Maybe this is outdated or maybe the videos make him look taller..
Ashley Sixx said on 27/Aug/11
I saw him in this commerrcial for a car show and he looks about 5"3, I honestly think 5"5 is too tall because Angus is about 5"2.
deryck said on 7/Jun/09
hell, and whatever. he doesnt look like he is that short. a normal guy with incredible voice. i believe he was like 3cm taller in the back in black era
glenn said on 19/Dec/08
most people? try the whole band.except cliff.
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/08
most people in ac dc are under 5'8"
De Lotte said on 17/Dec/08
never realized it before, but if ac/dc retires, brian can just dye his skin orange and become a tom jones imitator in vegas lol, pretty strong resimblince. always thought he was about 5-6 but does look shorter their. lotty out-
joe said on 18/Nov/08
nothing wrong with being short
glenn said on 22/May/08
the bizzare thing about it is im wearing thick shoes in the shorter one,and sneakers where im skinny.
Guido G. said on 21/May/08
Holy crap!! He is 5'5 but looks 5'3.5 on the left picture!
Tell me the secret to look that tall in a picture, glenn! ;DD
Fire! *BOOM* I salute Brian said on 18/Apr/08
Brian sacrificed his voice to the god of rock 'n' roll. He's never held back to protect his pipes from damage. Every show he just says, "**** it, if my throat literally explodes on this stage, at least I'll go down in a blaze of glory." That's integrity. The more gravelly and unintelligible his voice becomes, the more I respect him.
I never would have pegged him at 5'5" though. LOL
Socom said on 7/Dec/07
I can't believe what I am seeing, in the pic on the left Glenn is clearly puffing out his chest which adds some height. Also the pavement is favoring Glenn. The pic on the right shows Brian is 5'6 even because he is definately leaning a bit and is still only an inch shorter than Glenn. After also taking in account the unlevel ground favoring Brian in the pic on the right, I have come to the conclusion Brian is for sure 5'6, not 5'5. Try to Prove I am wrong.
Danimal said on 12/Nov/07
Glenn, sorry but Phil Collins looks taller than Brian Johnson, but you have them both at 5'5". Collins looks taller than Brian. Also, Brian looks 5'6" in that more recent pic of you and him. In the older one he looks like he's struggling with 5'5".
glenn said on 11/Mar/07
ac/dc is the nicest group ever.possibly.except phil rudd.he is one of the worst.bon was 5-6.brian is 5-5.
Lmeister said on 11/Mar/07
Brian looked a bit taller like 5'6''-5'7'' when he was younger, but he was always wearing high heeled boots. Until he became the singer of AC/DC. Seems to be a really nice. At least thats the impression he gives in interviews etc...Glenn, how was Brian when u met him? A down to earth guy?
Brad said on 10/Mar/07
Amazing how short Brian is. I thought Bon was short when AC/DC was the proverbial opening act in the late 70's but holy cow, Brian couldn't have been taller.
Glenn said on 25/Jan/07
Black Crowes,Soundgarden,Ramones.
Lmeister said on 25/Jan/07
For instance Type O Negative guys are tall...
R said on 24/Jan/07
I didn't realize they were ALL quite that small. Any bands noted for all being tall?
Glenn said on 11/Jan/07
There ARE NO normal size guys in the group except Cliff,who is around 5-7,5-8.Chris Slade was around 6ft.Bon Scott was 5-6.
R said on 10/Jan/07
How Tall are the "Normal" size guys in AC/DC?
Anthony said on 7/Jan/07
This looks about right.
Glenn said on 7/Jan/07
Have no idea.pavement is favoring both of us,different photos.
Danimal said on 7/Jan/07
Glenn, why does Brian seem so much taller in that second pic of you two, than he does in the 1st. In the second he can pass for 5'6", if not 5'7" if he took off his hat.
Glenn said on 7/Jan/07
Malcom is like 5-3,5-4.Angus 5-1,5-2.
Karac said on 6/Jan/07
is malcolm taller than angus?
Magismo said on 5/Jan/07
I think Brian looks taller 'cause Angus and Malcolm are so much smaller than him.
Karac said on 4/Jan/07
oyeah I love this site, it makes me less depressive somehow :D I thought Brian Johnson was about 5'10" or atleast 5'9" or something....
Glenn said on 25/Aug/06
Never heard that one before.but thats cool.
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
Had no idea Brian Johnson was this short. He never looked it in videos.
John Doe said on 24/Aug/06
Glenn you kind of look like Tony Danza in that picture, and that's not an insult.
A-Bomb said on 26/Jan/06
Brian makes Glenn look pretty tall! Another surprise I always thought he was in the 5'7" to 5'8" range. There are some real revelations occuring with Glenn on the scene now.
Danimal said on 25/Jan/06
Oh MAN is Brian shorter than I thought!!! You're looking at 5'5"-5'6", just like his predecessor Bon Scott!!! To think this guy has such a powerful voice, kinda like Ronnie James Dio.