barney said on 4/May/11
he can be 179cm... i agree...
Chameleon said on 3/May/11
Viper lets give him 179cm he looks that.
barney said on 3/May/11
i dont think it's 6 inches....i cant agree he is just 5-10...
Viper said on 2/May/11
LOL, thats a little more than just 5 inches. At least 5.5-6 inches.
BAG looks 5-10
Chameleon said on 2/May/11
I doubt hes 180cm but he's close so claiming it isnt exactly a lie.
I'll give him 179.
barney said on 2/May/11
adam looks 5 inches taller than him so 180
cm is about right....
Chameleon said on 2/May/11
wow Rob, u still think this guy is a legit 5'11? :p
Editor Rob said on 2/May/11
Here's BAg with Adam at the same show:
Click Here
Legend said on 1/May/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 27/Apr/11
I think he's 179cm
I think maybe he could be. I don't see 5'11 though.
James said on 30/Apr/11
have to disagree cause i think you are being fooled by his hairstyle which gives him the illusion of being taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/11
I think he's 179cm
dmeyer said on 20/Apr/11
even considering 0.2 he looks 5 ft 10.75
Viper said on 18/Apr/11
Well then, its an example of a 5-10ish guy who can even look tall.
James said on 17/Apr/11
maybe 5'9.5 is too low but he does not look over 178cm with rob
Chameleon said on 17/Apr/11
Viper he's looked more then 'Tallish'. He looked easily tall, also in most pics, but yes he's 5'10ish like you say.
Viper said on 16/Apr/11
Hes an example of a 5-10ish guy who can look tallish. Ive seen them as well. Its just the body type and the way they are put together.
Viper said on 11/Apr/11
Id give him 5'10 and change.
Chameleon said on 10/Apr/11
Exactly Legend..
Legend said on 9/Apr/11
He's 5'10.25 if he's lucky. There is not a 3 inch difference between you two Rob, come on.
Josh B said on 26/Mar/11
"tallest on the show"?
Richard T Jones (James Ellison) , who i would consider to be a main character, is 6"2
Garret Dillahunt (Cromartie) is also taller at 6"1
Charlie said on 22/Mar/11
179cm exactly
avi said on 17/Mar/11
5'10.5 tops. No 3 inches there
Viper said on 11/Mar/11
One site lists him at 5-9. Must be from his early days on 90210.
barney said on 11/Mar/11
180cm...i dont know if it is 5-11 or 5-10.75 or 5-10.5......
Clay said on 10/Mar/11
Viper says on 8/Mar/11
Hes not a full 5-11 though. Just under it
I could go with that.
Danimal said on 9/Mar/11
Clay says on 7/Mar/11
You have no concept of height if you only see 5'9.5" there next to 5'8"+ Rob.. Look at the top of their heads. That's over 2" easy..
Easily. 5'10.5-5'11.
Chameleon said on 9/Mar/11
I agree with tell-em.
tell-em said on 8/Mar/11
that ain't 3 inches. you must start at rob's hairline if u think hes 5'11". rob's hair only gives him .25. so the top of rob's head hits a little above the middle of green's forehead. if it was 3 inches, rob's crome dome would be closer to green's eyebrows. green aint 5'11"
Viper said on 8/Mar/11
Hes not a full 5-11 though. Just under it
Dural said on 8/Mar/11
[Editor Rob: if he had same hair as me, then with a ruler against it it would be 2.2 inches. Add 0.2 difference and you still get nearly 2.5 inches which isn pretty near what he claims in that one photo.]
In other words he's 5'10.5" in that photo.
barney said on 8/Mar/11
i agree with adam... 180 cm is fair for brian...
Adam said on 7/Mar/11
Touché Rob, nice illustration. I still think he is 5'11. I submit this photo
Click Here as evidence where BAG is wearing what appears to be addidas shell tops and Thomas Dekker giant boots. Now watch the video
Click Here of the event where BAG is clearly taller throughout. If Dekker is near the height listed and BAG is indeed 5'10 to 5'10.5 as some people claim here, I would think they would appear to be at least about the same height considering the footwear Dekker is wearing.
Clay said on 7/Mar/11
You have no concept of height if you only see 5'9.5" there next to 5'8"+ Rob.. Look at the top of their heads. That's over 2" easy..
Easily. 5'10.5-5'11.
Adam said on 5/Mar/11
This is pretty simple. Look at the tops of their heads...look how their eyes line up. Unless Rob is shorter than he says he is, this guy is easily in 5'11 range. Get out a ruler and look at 3", it's not as big as you think it is.

Editor Rob
you've got a ruler on this page...from my pupil to the middle of my teeth is 3.1 inch ;)
Viper said on 3/Mar/11
5-10.5 max. Its obvious hes not a full 5-11
tell-em said on 2/Mar/11
he looks around 5'10" w/ rob. definetly not 5'11"

Editor Rob
I think add 0.2 inches to that photo and he's nearer to 5ft 11 than 10.
James said on 2/Mar/11
Vipers not short he's 6'3
Viper said on 1/Mar/11
LOL, yeah downgrading in your delusional world means Im right
barney said on 1/Mar/11
viper is the same guy who always downgrade
their heights because he is short..... thats ok my friend you are taller than green,perry and all of them.... oh my god....
Viper said on 1/Mar/11
barney is the same guy who thinks Luke Perry who might not even be a full 5-9 is at least 5-10, lol.
Chameleon said on 28/Feb/11
His claim is probably in shoes, but the listings are without I heard and I cant see 5'11 then my friend.
barney said on 28/Feb/11
he is a very solid 5-11 my friend....2 inches taller than thomas dekker.... you saw a photo with rob and you think he is not 5-11....but even rob said that he is 5-11....not 5-10 or 5-10.5.... this guy is honest about his height... when everyone thought he is6 feet he said that he is 5-11.... and thiis the truth...end of story...
Viper said on 28/Feb/11
LOL at easy 5-11. Hes 5-10 range.
Whats next, that both Paul Wlaker and Josh Jackson are 6-2? LOL
Chameleon said on 27/Feb/11
Whats to get over at? He doesnt appear a legit 5'11, you get over it.
Viper said on 27/Feb/11
5-10.5 Max
barney said on 26/Feb/11
he is tall guy...get over it shorties...he is an easy 5-11...180-181 cm...rob said he is 5-11...
James said on 26/Feb/11
no way is brian 5'11 esspecially since people always comment about how he does not look as tall.
Rox said on 26/Feb/11
5'11'' seems right, he does seem taller in person because of his build. Next to Megan Fox he looks like a giant.
James said on 23/Feb/11
With rob looks no more than 177cm. his hair at the front is adding the illusion of 5'10 or 5'10.5. robs head is a solid 2.5 above brians eye level.
he's not 5'11.
barney said on 14/Feb/11
exactly 5-11...5-10 is hilarious...rob said 5-11 so he is...
K4 said on 10/Feb/11
Looks around 5'10.
Danimal said on 7/Feb/11
Mulatto says on 6/Feb/11
He actually looks about 5'9.5.
You have no concept of height if you only see 5'9.5" there next to 5'8"+ Rob.. Look at the top of their heads. That's over 2" easy..
K4 said on 6/Feb/11
He actually looks about 5'9.5. His hair gives him a bit more height and his physique makes him appear taller than he is.
height_master said on 5/Feb/11
5'10" - his hair gives him slightly more height
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/11
Being 5ft 11.25 I now feel ALOT better about my height now knowing BAG is around my height if not even shorter. Every pic I have seen of this guy, he looks very tall!
Clay said on 23/Jan/11
Maybe he was in lifts jtm you never? I believe he could be 5'11 anyways Rob has the footwear advantage in this shot.
jtm said on 23/Jan/11
clay he actually did look 6'0 when i saw him but i was also confused because i already knew that he claimed 5'11 and he never looked over 5'11 to me before.i also seen him look shorter than adrien brody and taller than david beckham who was 2 inches taller than george clooney so i think it depends on what he was wearing on that day.
Clay said on 22/Jan/11
At 5'5 JTM's eye for someone thats over 5 inches taller than him is going to be a little off. But yeah, 5'10.5 can pull off looking 6'0 with chunky footwear.
Alex said on 22/Jan/11
Viper, a guy 5'10 can look 6'0 with a right build.
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/11
I saw him on my holiday to the states. He's TALL! I would say this listing is accurate, give or take,
Viper said on 21/Jan/11
Funny thing is that jtm said he saw BAG in person and that he looked 6-0. Tells you how tall a 5-10.5 guy can look.
Observant said on 21/Jan/11
@barney: he looked taller than ian in the later seasons, bag looks tall too, until he stood next to rob!
Alex said on 20/Jan/11
5'10.5 for BAG seems pretty accurate, could be 5'10.75. Ian Ziering does look 5'10.5-5'11 with Mamum. Ziering may be in boots or bigger footwear with Mamum if hes as low as 5'9.5-5'10.
Viper said on 19/Jan/11
bag for sure looked taller than ian in the later episodes of 90210. 182-183 for Ian is a pure laugh.
BAG= 5-10.5
Ian Ziering - 5-9.5
Brad said on 19/Jan/11
Convention pose, military.
Alex said on 18/Jan/11
Hes certainly over 5'10 but doesn't quite hit 5'11. 5'10 1/2 is probably bang on.
barney said on 18/Jan/11
bag never looked taller than ian...rod iwant your opinion... i think ian is for sure it possible? he looks really tall guy almost everywhere...i dont think bag is as tall as ian is... thats my opinion...
jtm said on 18/Jan/11
rob if brian is 5'10.75-5'11 according to you then do you really think ian ziering is 5'11? brian is usually a inch taller than ian.

Editor Rob
I do think they are both very close in height.
Clay said on 17/Jan/11
You have to have Peter Facinelli at 5'10.5 at least in that case Rob.
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/11
Rob, how possible is 5ft 10.5 for BAG in your opinion?

Editor Rob
I think more chance 5ft 10.75 than 10.5
James said on 15/Jan/11
5'10.75 in the pic.
Alex said on 15/Jan/11
He looks in between 5'10 and 5'11 in pics with 5'4 Megan Fox.
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/11
Rob, do you see a 3 inch difference here b/c I sure don't. When you two met, did it seem like he had a "comfortable" 3 inches on you?

Editor Rob
well not a comfortable 3 inches but I think he is pretty near enough what he said
linke said on 15/Jan/11
Rob was he standing at his best posture in the pic.I think he's losing a bit due to his arms being around your shoulder.

Editor Rob
I thought he stood pretty proud in all the photos I saw him take that day.
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/11
Look at his shoulder linke. I see no slouch, he is standing straight. Cut the bull.
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/11
But by looking at the above pic, 5ft 10.5 seems more realistic.
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/11
I'm 5ft 11 and I don't think I look as tall as Brian does. My guess is 6ft even.
linke said on 14/Jan/11
He aint standing to his fullest.His arms are around rob's shoulders.If he has a similar posture as rob,he'll look like 180 cms guy.Check the difference between the arm level.
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/11
linke says on 13/Jan/11
if he stands straight then he'll look 5'11
He is standing straight in the photo with Rob and I don't see 3 inches.
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/11
how is that a 3 inch difference?
T.J. said on 13/Jan/11
looks 5'10" to me..but he's probabally 5'11"
Dural said on 13/Jan/11
linke says on 13/Jan/11
if he stands straight then he'll look 5'11
He stands straight.
linke said on 13/Jan/11
if he stands straight then he'll look 5'11
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/11
he looks 5'10 1/2. theres a 2.5 inch difference.
Alex said on 12/Jan/11
Doesn't look a full 5'11. I'd say 5'10 1/2 in the picture with Rob.
6'1.5" Guy said on 11/Jan/11
Looks 5'10.25" or just over 5'10"
pinkcolors said on 10/Jan/11
He looks pretty tall whem he is with megan fox.But its probably because megan is 163 cms
® said on 10/Jan/11
He looks 5'11 with other celebs.5'11 is not really tall. Inch over average caucasian.
Viper said on 10/Jan/11
You cant have both BAG and Ian at 5-11. Ian is shorter
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jan/11
linke said on 10/Jan/11
Rob you can check indian factmachine's post dated
He has used disgusting language,unfortunately its in hindi.Infact that entire page is fill with abuses in hindi.Anyways I wont be talking bout this person anymore.
Bateman:I never implied 5'11 being short.Its above avg
Bateman said on 10/Jan/11
linke, 5'11" might not be quite tall in america, but it certainly isn't short as the avg for males in the US is probably 5'9.5" or 5'10"
indian factmachine said on 9/Jan/11
i never abused any celeb , what i abuse is nonsense and u r biggest nonsense of all ,pretending to b a hotshot but i know u r a 12 yr old kid , who in hel# are u to tell that 5ft 11 is nt tall in america , have u ever stepped out of ur village let alone india...and ROB pls will u give ur own height chart as in short avg and tall...

Editor Rob
5ft 9-10.5 is average in the UK, above that is varying degrees of tall, below it degrees of short.
Tipjar said on 9/Jan/11
Looks significantly taller than Bree on Desperate Housewives
Brad said on 9/Jan/11
Yeah but in the 70's you'd have 10 or less guests at cons...mostly a few, sometimes just 2. Autographs were free.
Brad said on 8/Jan/11
He was building on 90210, Priestley was well away from him in the masters. 5' 11" is correct. Dude has a big tats on his arm.
linke said on 8/Jan/11
Brad,35+ years at conventions is pretty impressive.
linke said on 8/Jan/11
Indian fact machine,have you seen him act in any movie or soap?The guy is min 5'10.5,even rob who has met him says that he was TALLER than tyson.5'11 is tall in our part,not america.
On almost all pages,i see you either abusing celebs and using hindi abuses.
Rob btw what is the lowest he can be?I dont see him being low as flat 5'10.

Editor Rob
I would say he could look in the 5ft 10.5-11 range, not above or below that.
he did walk around and stand and take photos with good posture the times I saw him that weekend.
Viper said on 7/Jan/11
Ian Ziering is 5-9 then
Legend said on 7/Jan/11
If he's more than 5'10.25 then I'm an orange.
judge said on 7/Jan/11
True not sure why people throw in the "only" when describing height. Perhaps that would be ok when you are in the low 5' range, but no point in adding when average or above average size.
Brad said on 7/Jan/11
Same age as Madonna, wanna see us together in June '82 on a pier in NYC at a Split Enz show? Weak 5' 11" for Brian. He looks tall compared to the 90210 shrimps.
indian fact machine said on 7/Jan/11
idiots like him saying 5ft11 ONLY are making or giving fake perception to ppl that avg height has gone higher but in reality 5 ft 11 is still tall..
linke said on 7/Jan/11
brad,how old are you?
Clay said on 7/Jan/11
I dont know how you have him at 5'11 and Facinelli at 5'10.25 Rob, they both have the same amount over you I would say.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/11
Well Rob is coming up a little below his hairline so I say BAG is looking 5'10.25". How are you seeing 5'11"? It's funny though because I used to believe his 6ft listing because he did give off the appearance of a 6footer on screen, but in this photo he's barely looking 5'10".
Viper said on 6/Jan/11
Hes taller than Ian Ziering. So Ian is probably 5-9 1/2 barefoot, which he looks with 5-10 Randy Wolf
Danimal said on 6/Jan/11
d wade says on 5/Jan/11
if tyson is looking shorter than him in person why he is looking taller in the picture with you the camera angles are prefect and tyson has worser posture than this guy.
klem said on 6/Jan/11
Yet he is listed 6' at i m d b lol.
klem said on 6/Jan/11
From Rob pictures I see at least 2 inch differece + 0.2 inch because of footwear disadvantege= 5' 8 1/8" + 2" + 0.2"= 5'10 1/3"
There is probably a bit more than 2 inch differnce so around 5-10 1/2 possibly 5-10.75 max
Brad said on 5/Jan/11
Ian was heeled Super M. Prime candidate lift shoe. I've been to conventions with celebs since '74, most wear stuff to look taller.
Legend said on 5/Jan/11
He is not 5'11.
d wade said on 5/Jan/11
if tyson is looking shorter than him in person why he is looking taller in the picture with you the camera angles are prefect and tyson has worser posture than this guy.

Editor Rob
maybe the photographer is standing on Tyson's side making the distance to his head nearer than mine..
Viper said on 5/Jan/11
Hell, look how tall 5-10 range can look when so many thought BAG was an easy 6-0
Viper said on 5/Jan/11
Maybe hes more 5-10.5 and Ian 5-9.5
Viper said on 5/Jan/11
Hes taller than Ian Ziering. If hes 5-10 than Ian is 5-9
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jan/11
Looks 5"10ish with Rob
jason said on 5/Jan/11
5-10 is not right...he is not standing completely straight....he is 5-11.... but he looks 6 feet almost everywhere...strange...
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/11
Rob, are sure 5'11"!? He's looking 5'10" with you in the photo? I'm not trying to downgrade him, I'm just being honest.
MD said on 5/Jan/11
Sorry, but the .2 inch difference in footwear still doesn't make him a full 5'11", Rob.
Observant said on 4/Jan/11
yep 5'10 in this pic, hes taller than Ziering, Ziering needs a downgrade
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/11
5-10 here in the picture. Those high-top shoes he wore are prime candidates for lifts, too.
d wade said on 4/Jan/11
tyson is taller next to Rob. looks 5,9 1/2 with Rob.

Editor Rob
brian looked taller than Tyson in person.
Larc186-188cm said on 4/Jan/11
5'10.25 seems closer to the truth.
Brad said on 4/Jan/11
Weak 5' 11", looked much taller on 90210 because he stood by shrimp actresses and Priestley and was taller than the other male leads.
Dural said on 4/Jan/11
5'10.5" with Rob. I always thought he's taller than Ian by an inch?
® said on 4/Jan/11
He barely looks 5'10
d wade said on 4/Jan/11
doesnt look taller than tyson next to you rob.
kevin said on 4/Jan/11
man i was wrong. really doesnt look more than 180cm. could be 179cm.
sean89 said on 4/Jan/11
5,10.5 179 cm here
James said on 4/Jan/11
he looks 5'11 tops with rob
SAK said on 4/Jan/11
I always thought he was closer to 6ft0, but from this photo he does look like a weak 5ft11, v.strong 5ft10.
Legend said on 4/Jan/11
Looks 5'10.75 to me.
somebody new said on 4/Jan/11
no way 6ft. On the pic with Rob I dont even think he looks 5'11''. He might be 5-11 max.
gas said on 28/Dec/10
6 feet at least
JellO said on 14/Dec/10
He says "only 5'11" because all the other SCC actors are below average so he looks 6'2-ish. It's like how James Gandolfini looks like a giant on Sopranos but is actually only about 6'0.
A strong 5'11 is accurate.
SAK said on 19/Nov/10
I have to say seeing him on des houswives a few times and he is definately taller then 5ft11, he is close to 6ft0, this guy needs an upgrade.
Danimal said on 11/May/09
Zack81 says on 11/May/09
Ian is 5-10 and Brian is 5-11.
What's hilarious is that Ian always struck me as this tall football jock when next to the other cast members. When I found out that he was only 5'10" (my height), I was like that can't be right. I remember when Brian was only about 5'6" in the early seasons and then shot to 5'11" and TOWERED the rest of the cast except for Ian.
Zack81 said on 11/May/09
Ian is 5-10 and Brian is 5-11.
Gabriella said on 9/May/09
i'd go with six feet because ian ziering is 5'11.5'' and green had just about a half inch on him on BH90210
MD said on 21/Apr/09
With Richard T. Jones given 6'2", here:
Click Here
Daniel52 said on 21/Apr/09
Hes listed at 5-11 on a lot of sites. Always thought he was that. 5-10.5 wouldnt shock me either.
guacamole said on 21/Apr/09
Stood next to him at cheesecake factory in marina del rey. He's 5 10 1/2. Exactly my height. Always thought he was 6ft...
Big Show said on 2/Apr/09
On the Sarah Connor Chronicles they had a computer file on him and his height there was listed as 5'11".
Stephanie said on 2/Oct/08
Met him once. Nice guy, might I add. He was a solid inch taller than me. (I'm 5'11")
aerotive said on 19/Feb/08
Looks 6ft to me on the new Terminator show.
AshnarLynx said on 30/Nov/07
He's 5'10, as I've seen listed. He only looked an inch taller than Luke Perry. And if I may say, he's a sleazebag!
radio_man said on 27/Jul/07
viepr, I think you're right, he's 5'11..close to 6f
Viper said on 29/Jun/07
If BAG really is 6-0 these days, then he must have grown an inch since the last few seasons of 90210. I never thought he looked 6-0 at any time on that show. Looked 5-11 at his tallest.
Viper said on 29/Jun/07
Priestley is no taller than a flat 5-6. He looks nothing over 5-6 at all.
AD said on 28/Jun/07
If you look at that pic though, you'll see his eyes are virtually in line with Freddie Prinze Jnr...I think the only reason that Freddie looks taller is because of his hair!'s another pic of them together:
Click Here
Here he is with Jason Priestly (about 5'6.5" - 5'7"):
Click Here
And with 5'5" girlfriend Megan Fox:
Click Here
I think these all point to Brian being a 6ft guy.
Viper said on 27/Jun/07
Its hard to say with that picture. I still say 5-11 for him.
AD said on 26/Jun/07
If Glenn is 5'8", then Brian is definately 6ft, as he's stooping and leaning into Glenn. You can obviously see that if he stood up straight there'd be 4 inches difference. Besides which, here's a picture with 6'1" Freddie Prinze Jnr. He's no more than 1 inch smaller:
Click Here
Viper said on 5/Jun/07
Ian isnt 6-0. Hes 5-10. And BAG looked shorter than even 5-8 I thought.
Drew said on 4/Jun/07
Just watched the very first episode of 90210. He was only 16 or 17 there and he was a good two inches shorter than 6ft Ian. He grew in his late teens.
radio_man said on 4/Apr/07
I think he's more like 5'11, in 90210 he was like 2 inches taller than perry in the last season when was the tall as 5'11 I think it's correct
Robert.R said on 13/Jan/07
You are right on there Viper. When 90210 started he was about Jason Priestley's height. I guess he was the only one of the cast young enough to still be growing. Even so, as you say, his transformation was insane!
Viper said on 2/Jan/07
His transformation on 90210 was insane.
Melanie said on 1/Jan/07
gorgeous! so glad that he's not as little as he was back in the beginning of 90210 but then again he was like 14...anywayz, i buy 6'0", he's got 2/3 of a head on the glenn guy
Viper652 said on 30/Nov/06
5-10 Ian is shorter than Green now. Green is more 5-11. He said he was 5-4 when he first started on 90210. Even Priestly was saying that he couldnt beleive how small he was.
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
He's atleast 5'11. maybe 6 (like ian ziering)
Josh said on 14/Apr/06
Well a saw an episode of Freddie where he was dressed as a hooker and when he took off the heels he was next to Freddie Prinze Jr. and he looked more like 5-11 i´m sure hes 6-0 with shoes or sneakers but barefoot hes barely 5-11 . (Freddie looked easily 2 3 inches taller but Freddie was wearing shoes though)
Viper652 said on 13/Apr/06
Yeah Mr R, hes really 5-11 Max, maybe 5-10.
Mr. R said on 28/Jan/06
When he was on 90210 or the Knot's Landing show, he had a growth spurt and was described as 6-2. But he is shorter than 6-1 Freddie Prinze on the Freddie show, and he is closer to 5-11.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/06
Easy 6'0" in that pic, maybe more consider his obvious lean head bend
Danimal said on 22/Jan/06
Not at all. He'e leaning in to Glenn. The man is 6'0".
RW said on 22/Jan/06
Looks more 5'11 in the photo, wouldnt you say?