Jackie Lee said on 6/Jan/22
Really look no more than 5'4 imo. I do not think he measures almost similar range to me
Leesheff85 said on 6/Apr/21
Maybe he is 5ft 4.5 then if half inch under amy smart. Can't see her being below 5ft 5
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/Apr/21
I mean he had the confident wear flat shoes anywhere but he still doesn't look much a full 5'5 or more especially with Amy Smart he look 1/2" shorter.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Feb/21
It would be great to compare him to Rob Brydon!
Leesheff85 said on 7/Feb/21
What's wrong with him wearing 5/8 inch converse? I often wear very flat shoes too
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Sep/19
Click Here He is daring to wear 5/8 inch converse on 185cm Craig Furgerson show. Still apear more like weaker 5'5.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/Aug/19
Mark Paul Gosselaar a legit 5'11 guy can really make Breckin look to his lowest 5'4 1/2. Also strong 5'5 Amy Smart often seem to edge out him by 1/2.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Aug/19
Rob, given a lowest which is more convince to you?
A. 164cm
B. 164.5cm
C. 165cm

Editor Rob
Would need to watch more of him to see if A-B was more believable than C
Littlelee168cm said on 13/Jan/19
Looked the same height as robin tunney in the craft and she was in trainers could be closer to 5ft 4
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Jun/18
Breckin maybe 5'4 1/2 but having a 5'3 frame.
Smiles03 said on 5/Feb/18
I thought he was always 5'8
KH said on 13/Sep/17
I think 5'5 is probably a little charitable. More like the size of an average woman in the US 5'4.5.
Robert Robertson said on 7/Jul/17
Looks like Bill Mahers mini me not that Bill Mahers is much bigger.
Lee168cm said on 23/Jun/17
Rob do you think he looks six inches shorter than mark here? I can see five inches but then again in road trip he looked the exact same height as 5 foot 5 Amy Smart so could be 5'5" and in thicker footwear than mark. What do you think?
S.J.H said on 16/Feb/17
5'4 a shout. No way he is 5'5
Eddie said on 30/Jul/13
He's probably 5'4; with shoes on.
Dani said on 9/Sep/12
He looks short in road trip, no more than 5'6.
Dan said on 19/Oct/11
Rob your about right i met him i'm 5'8 and there was abit of diff so i'd say 5'5 would be about right he might be 5'4 but 5'5 would be about right he's funny as hell though one of the coolest guys i have met which was cool some celebs can be rude lol but he was as nice as they hell
Phil said on 7/Sep/11
Rob, I really think he is 5 foot 4 and a half. Are you 100% sure about Meyer?

Editor Rob
I don't think we could be 100 % unless measured, sometimes he can appear under or even a bit over 5 5, usually with thick boot help
Josh said on 13/Jul/11
Richie, he plays Franklin in that show so shouldn't it be "Frodo and Bash"?
Jess said on 2/Jun/11
I met him at Comic Con and got a pic with him. I'm 5'5 and he was shorter than me...He's about 5'3-5'4..he was with Seth Green at the time who is 5'3 and they were about the same height or very close.
Steve said on 27/May/11
Richie, you are ignorant.
Richie said on 10/May/11
CAD analysis result is 5'2".
Richie said on 10/May/11
Careful analysis with the latest CAD software (Breyer standing next to Amy Smart, whose height is known) determined him to be 5'2", tops. One SHORT, uh, man? His new show should be called "Franklin and Frodo".
well endowed at 5'5 said on 21/Dec/10
hey jason have you ever seen road trip, hes at least an inch shorter than 5'6 amy smart
Jim said on 2/Dec/10
I saw him up close a hardward store in LA and I thought he was a kid at first glance . He can't be more the 5'3" to 5'4".
Jason said on 2/Jul/09
i think you guys got it wrong, he's more in the range of 5'6, you can just watch his movies and stuff he's not that short.
Leung said on 29/May/09
On this site Breckin
p mac said on 25/Mar/09
saw him at the gym today. he's probably 5'5", i'm 5'8
leonari said on 9/Mar/09
Anything above 5'5" is a joke. He strikes me as a 5'5" guy. Ryan is over 5'7" but never 5'9" which I think he claims.
Soem posts here below saying he is 5'6-5'7" are bogus. I say he Breckin wears dodgy shoes when he comes with an inch of Phillipe.
Leung said on 5/Mar/09
Breckin Meyer always looks 5
SAM said on 5/Mar/09
its impossible to tell his height sometimes, dodgy footwear
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
He doesn't look taller than 5'5"
guy who saw him said on 9/Jul/08
He's 5.5 and half to 5.6. I'm 5'7 and i stood right next to him, both of us wore tennis shoes.. You can argue all day over this but this is the truth.
Jon Doe said on 21/Jun/07
Icanc4 you can't be serious.You women can't estimate someone's height in your high heel shoes and you prolly don't even know if your height is accurate little lone what you are in heels.Plus he's taller than 5'4 Seth Green by atleast an inch, and maybe a little more.
MD said on 11/Sep/06
Breckin with 5'4" Seth Green:
Click HereBreckin with Justin Long, who's listed at 5'9", here, but I think may be slightly shorter (5'8"-5'8.5")
Click Here
thelasttiger said on 10/Sep/06
he's barely taller than Jennifer Love Hewitt so he is probably 5'4" or 5'5"
Guest User said on 30/Aug/06
Worked on set with Breckin. He is 5'6 and not an inch less. He doesn't often wear shoes with heels. Most pics he is in are usually with people who have higher heels. He rather be 5'6, than to wear heels to pretend to be 5'7.
icanc4 said on 13/Jun/06
I stood right next to Breckin not long ago... I'm 5'6 TOPS with a new pair of shoes on and I easily had a few inches on the guy. I would say he is 5'4".
British Guy said on 1/Jun/06
Good argument Leonari!!
Really wish someone could pin him down...
leonari said on 30/May/06
no he ain't above 5'5" but somehow Rob likes to keep that extra .5 inch on some guys...
British Guy said on 29/May/06
I agree with rob and anyone else on the matter
This guy is not a whisker above 5ft 5in... or is he?
leonari said on 25/Apr/06
Shane: you have no clue...this guy can be happy if he is 5'5"...your estimate is a joke. period.
Shane said on 25/Apr/06
He doesn't look taht short to me in Herbie Fully Loaded. Posture can be really deceiving, I'd say he is 5'6.5 inches tall.
sebastian said on 21/Mar/06
i think he is on the dot 5'5 and phillipe is 5'6-5-7 tops
REBUS said on 16/Dec/05
alongside Amy Smart in Road Trip they look about the same height so i'd say 166cm is correct
maniac said on 2/Oct/05
well thers this show on tv umm its "married to the kellys" and on it thers this tall guy he must be around 6'2" compared to others even if hes more i noticed that wen breckin stands beside him his headtop is always below his sholder level ...he must be 5'5"
leonari said on 24/Jul/05
Watch the movie Rebound and you will see that this guy ain't a tad over 5'5" if he is that! Martin Lawrence makes him look short!!!! Please. 5'7" is totally out of the question here.
British Guy said on 4/Jun/05
Breckin Meyer...
I Do Believe This Guy Is Rather Hard To Pin Down,
Nevertheless I Personally Think He Is About 5ft 5.5in.
I Agree With You Completly On This Rob Anyone Can Wear Large Heeled Shoes...
leonari said on 5/May/05
I totally agree with our editor. Meyer is not a tad over 5'5.5...NEVER.
just finished watching road trip... said on 10/Apr/05
and he really does look 5'7..there's a scene in which he and rachael blanchard are in a room and they show their full frames and she's only about 1 inch maybe an inch and a half taller then him..i think 5'6 1/2 would be a better listing..