HonestSlovene said on 28/Dec/16
@Vaneceleb I agree, still I think the best guess for Cooper would be around 183 cm flat. I can't really see him as a legit 6'1, just 6'0", possibly 6'0.25".
gian92 said on 25/Dec/16
Rob how ridicolous is Cooper near
Ben Affleck with these boots ??
Click Here

Editor Rob
gian92, it is probably about 1/2 inch footwear difference in the heel.
Vaneceleb said on 21/Dec/16
You guys do understand that if your measured with shoes on, that is NOT your height. A 5 10 guy can look 6'0" with dress shoes on but he is still only 5'10". Cooper is no more than a weak 6' barefoot this is obvious since he looks around 6'1" in films and it takes a big heal with untelling what packed in it to get him that heigh!
Dmeyer said on 20/Dec/16
6 ft 0,5 in is his low height propbably 6 ft 0,75 12noon
Nick said on 2/Dec/16
hows Bradley Cooper not looking shorter next to Liam Neeson?
Click Here
Arthur said on 17/Nov/16
Rob, please take a look at my previous comment...

Editor Rob
Arthur, at times I could see a 6ft 0.75 range for Cooper.
Arthur said on 11/Nov/16
Rob, looks like Brad was honest and he is comfartably over 6'1
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Unless he has a little helper in his shoe, even though I don't see a reason since he is already taller than both of those guys
S.J.H said on 10/Nov/16
Feel that henry cavill and bradley both could be 184.5cm close enough to 6'0.75 not a flat 184cm
Mark said on 1/Nov/16
Yeah, I checked again. Cooper might actually be slouching there. However, there are several pictures where both are standing decent and at most times, and Chris Tucker appears a fraction taller than Bradley Cooper.
Click Here
Bradley Cooper is still a legit 6'0.5"-6'0.75". What I am saying is that there are several comments on Chris Tucker's page that think Tucker is only 5'10"-5'11".
Sarah said on 30/Oct/16
About 6'0.5". Could be a little bit closer to 6'1" earlier in the day
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 28/Oct/16
He doesn't look more than an inch shorter than Chris Pratt. Chris Pratt might actually be 187.5 CM instead of 6'2" though.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 28/Oct/16
It looks like he might not be standing up straight in that photo, plus he doesn't look shorter than him there as Bradley Cooper just appears shorter due to a low eye level.
Mark said on 25/Oct/16
He was shorter than Chris Tucker
Click Here
Bard said on 24/Oct/16
I'm also pretty similar to him Brandon, just under 6' barefoot with size 13 feet. Size 12 when I was 11-12, barely grew an inch since age 14.
Kinda funny how most people guess me at 6'1-6'2, usually because they can't imagine someone with feet my size under 6'.
Rent said on 13/Oct/16
He's noticeably taller than Clint Eastwood who is likely around 6'0 today, but Cooper is a lifts wearer in events, even at 6'0.5 . Not big lifts, but his shoes always look bigs compare to others people. Celebrity can make many people insecure about what they are.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Oct/16
184-185cm is still possible even if Leo is 181cm
S.J.H said on 20/Sep/16
I have saw some picture suggested bradley cooper look 1.5' taller than 5'11.25 leo
Pierre said on 16/Sep/16
@Celebheight 6"1.5' =Roger Federer is not really closer to the camera in my opinion,only his left leg is closer to the camera, his head is a little farther from the camera than the others when i look at the floor in my opinion.Bradley's head is looking a little upward ,the others are looking at the caméra.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 15/Sep/16
If there's any difference between him and Roger Federer, then it's by no more than 1/4" of an inch (Roger Federer has a camera advantage, I just noticed that he's slouching and Roger Federer's hair also adds a small amount of height).
Pierre said on 15/Sep/16
finaly it's probably not Maria Sharapova in pictures next to Adam Levine.
In others pictures in web Bradley Cooper is looking shorter than Maria sharapova
Pierre said on 15/Sep/16
And Maria Sharapova is looking easily shorter than listed 5"11' /5"11.75' Adam Levine.
Pierre said on 15/Sep/16
@Mark=In my opinion Bradley is in reality a little closer to the camera(look at the floor) .Maria is bending a little his knee and his head tilts a little.Bradley has a better posture.
Pierre said on 15/Sep/16
If Bradley is taller than Rafael(i'm not absolutely convinced)he's never looking as tall as listed 6"0.5' David Cameron next to Rafael in my opinion.
Mark said on 13/Sep/16
And that's with Cooper having a disadvantage posture. Here is Cooper with Maria Sharapova (granted the camera angle is on Cooper's favor).
Click Here
James said on 12/Sep/16
@Johno I generally agree with you. But this is an exception. If you are objective you will admit that Cooper looks obviously taller than Nadal.
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I don't see any shoe advantage, plus the difference is too big to be attributed only to a shoe advantage.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Sep/16
Cooper claimed 6ft2 so a bit of action in the shoe department may be required to keep in line with that...Gosling hasn't claimed a height.
ly said on 7/Sep/16
Rob do you think Bradley wears lifts during events.Not big ones i mean like half an inch because he does look a bit taller in events than what he usually looks.

Editor Rob
I think if I were a betting man I'd say there is more chance Cooper wears lifts than Ryan Gosling.
Pierre said on 4/Sep/16
Picture Rafael Nadal/Bradley Cooper=Bradley is looking upward and Rafael is looking at the camera and Bradley is closer of the camera(look at the floor and the white backdrop) ,that's why imo Bradley's mouth level is above Rafael 's mouth level.Rafael's posture is relaxed as well as Bradley's posture imo.
Mark said on 2/Sep/16
Rob, could you help me evaluate on this picture with Cavill and Cooper. I don't know if I drew a straight light or not to determine who's eye level is slightly height. This would also count footwear advantage.
Click Here
Any comments, Rob?

Editor Rob
unfortunately the link didn't seem to work.
Mark said on 2/Sep/16
Actually, Cooper's mouth level was above Nadal's mouth level. Also, Bradley Cooper had a more lax posture and still looked the same. If Bradley Cooper straighten his legs better, he would be taller than Nadal. I agree that he is shorter than Federer, who would be 185 cm or 186 cm.
Johno said on 1/Sep/16
James, look again at those photos and Cooper does not look taller than Nadal and i suspect Cooper's Nike TNs give him a slight footwear advantage. Federer who is more-or-less a 6'1, as listed, looks to be a solid inch taller than both.
I don't believe Cooper would average more than 6'0 and i believe Rob has decided to list him at the top part of his height range.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 31/Aug/16
He's noticeably taller than Clint Eastwood who is likely around 6'0" today:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
He does have possibly a slight footwear advantage though.
Brandon said on 27/Aug/16
Im in the same boat as bradley, im 5'11" with a size 13 us, i always thought i was going to be tall aswell,
James said on 25/Aug/16
@Johno Cooper looks definetely taller than Nadal.
Pierre said on 25/Aug/16
another picture Rafael Nadal / listed 6"0.5'David Cameron=picture of comment 12/nov/2013 at Rafael Nadal page
Pierre said on 25/Aug/16
Bradley Cooper/Rafael Nadal=now look at the picture (comment 26/mar/2013 at Rafael Nadal page)=Rafael Nadal and listed 6"0.5' David Cameron.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Aug/16
The full 6ft1 is a distinct possibility for Cooper. Looks near 6ft2 in The Hangover movies
Johno said on 20/Jul/16
Cooper does not look taller than Nadal judging by them shots; Federer clearly has an inch or maybe more height on them in those comparisons.
truth said on 15/Jul/16
@Celebheights 6'1.5 He does look slightly taller than Raphael Nadal but still substantially shorter than Rodger Federer. Nadal can't be taller than 182 cm imho and Federer is a legit 185-186 cm, despite being listed as the same height as him (lol). Who are you kidding anyway? Cooper must be 183 cm min and 184 cm max as I have said before and he seems in normal shoes for once in this picture.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 8/Jul/16
A better shot of the three:
Click Here
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 8/Jul/16
Bradley Cooper looks to be the same height as Roger Federer, and slightly taller than Rafael Nadal (the angle is in Roger Federer's favor, so don't let that fool you):
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/16
Hey Rob, could you add more of his credits?
Wedding Crashers, Alias, Failure To Launch, Midnight Meat Train, Yes Man (all pre-Hangover roles). Also Place Beyond The Pines, Joy, Hit & Run and Aloha
truth said on 7/Jul/16
He wears additional lifts in premieres people, that is why he looks 185 - 188 cm among other people which height we know.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 4/Jul/16
Based off of their eye level, Bradley Cooper looks no more than an inch shorter than Ashton Kutcher (Ashton's posture might make him appear about half of an inch shorter) with the same footwear. There's no way that Ashton Kutcher has a bigger forehead/eye level than Bradley Cooper does as Ashton Kutcher's head is very small.
Scott said on 3/Jul/16
6 foot 1 for sure. Good posture and heavy footwear makes him look 6 foot 1.5 at times.
truth said on 3/Jul/16
Maybe 184.5 cm max but no more than that.
Civman said on 2/Jul/16
Rob how come he is taller than Kutcher in the photos below?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/16
Looks 186-187cm w/h Kutcher.
Dejavu said on 28/Jun/16
He looks 6'1.5 next to Ashton Kutcher.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 26/Jun/16
Of course he's shorter than Ashton Kutcher. My point is that there isn't two full inches between them.
Truth said on 24/Jun/16
Lol he's definitely shorter than kutcher, Cooper looks like he has his heels on in that picture. Krasinski towered over Cooper in aloha, and kutcher is near krasinski's height
Daaave said on 22/Jun/16
Whether he's 6' or 6'1", look at his heels in this picture... clearly they're giving him a lot of extra height. Interesting for a guy who's that tall.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 21/Jun/16
He's not two full inches shorter than Ashton Kutcher, even if Ashton's leg is slightly bent:
Click Here
They also had similar footwear:
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/May/16
Along with Cavill and Hamm, he's a guy that you could argue can pull off 185cm at times.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/May/16
Along with Cavill and Hamm, he's a guy that you could argue 185cm range.
Andrea said on 18/May/16
Better chance he is 6' than 6'1...
Johno said on 17/May/16
Kellan Lutz is taller than Cooper though.
PaulG said on 17/May/16
My wife met him in Georgetown, DC, she had a long conversation with him, I asked how tall he was. She said he was your height exactly, I'm as close as you can get to exactly 6' tall as you can get.
c-mo said on 17/May/16
Rob I think he needs an upgrade
look at this . on these photos you can see Daniel Brühl who is my height of ~ 176-177cm with 182cm (probably evening height) Benedict Cumberbatch . I have a friend who I measured as 181cm on the stadiometer and the difference between us looks very very similar to the one of Brühl and Cumberbatch (there is a little bit less height difference between my friend and me than among them which makes sense though since Cumberbatch is probably 182cm later in the day while I measured my friend as around 181cm towards evening)
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ok now look at these photos where Daniel Brühl is together with Bradley Cooper .I dont know if you agree but Bradley seems to be rather 186cm or MAYBE 185cm (no less) if you compare them . I had a friend who I measured 184cm and the difference between us was a little bit less than the difference between Brühl and Cooper
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my guess for Bradley would be 187 out of bed and 185cm at night and I think he probably can hold 185.5 - 186cm a good chunk of the day

Editor Rob
I'm not convinced he is a full 6ft 1 guy, although some times he could pull it off with people yes.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/May/16
Same range as Cavill, Hamm, Pine and Courteney. All 184/185cm range
Jonathan said on 11/May/16
He's a legit 6'1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/May/16
6ft0½ is the absolute lowest I can accept for this guy...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/16
Before bed: 6ft0¾(185cm)
Out of bed: 6ft1½(187cm)
Peter 180cm said on 11/Apr/16
With 171(?) Lawrence he can look 181 with good posture,but with less footwear ofcourse.So that would make him about 180cm in comparison without considering Jennifer's heels,so anywhere between 183-185cm is debatable,although he does also have some chunky heeled dress shoes.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Apr/16
A solid 6ft0½-6ft0¾. Looks more like a guy pushing 6ft1 than a guy just barely over 6ft
Celebheights 6'1.75 said on 7/Apr/16
He was shorter than Jim Carrey who was 6'1 1/4"-6'1 1/2" in person by about 3/4" of an inch, so there's no way that he's anything under 184 CM like some people suggest. I bet that he would clear 186 CM out of bed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Mar/16
184.5cm evening/before bed
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Mar/16
6ft is tallish at best
Mighty_- said on 28/Mar/16
Always looked to be around 185cm so I guess this listing is spot on !
James B said on 26/Mar/16
Don't understand why some people think this guy is 5'11. He always looks 6ft range to me and looks genuinely tall.
Johno said on 26/Mar/16
Yeh Jed, 6'0 Jake does seem to edge Cooper.
Jed said on 23/Mar/16
In the limitless tv series (near the end of ep. 19) there's a scene with him face to face with Jake Mcdorman, both wearing dress shoes. Jake looks a noticeable amount taller from all angles.
189 cm man said on 17/Mar/16
no more than 183 cm
5ft 9.25 said on 13/Mar/16
In the pic above he might wear lifts. He stands a bit tilted like 85° - just an indicator... Besides I recognized it a couple of times at our 'popular person' Donald...
Johno said on 11/Mar/16
0.5 inches shorter then Kellan Lutz*
Johno said on 11/Mar/16
Looks 0.5 inches then Kellan Lutz and Rob and Jenny both have met Kellan and Kellan arguably looks nothing over 6'0 next to them, i have him at 5'11.75. Bradley looks 5'11.25-5'11.5 next to Lutz thus a weak-6'0 or more a rather ----- a 5'11.75 are in good realms of possibility.
Kellan Lutz 6'0, 5'11.75
Bradley Cooper 5'11.5 - 5'11.75, weak 6'0
Jame said on 11/Mar/16
Rob are you think he is 183-184 cm or 184-185 cm in the night?

Editor Rob
I think that he can hold around 184 most of the day, I wouldn't say he was a guy who dropped under that mark much at all.
Johno said on 6/Mar/16
Was a bit shorter then Jonathon Ross, who i can confidently say is on the lower end of the 6'0-range; ~ 6.0.25 and only a bit taller then a strong 5'10 Chris Tucker.
Bradley can definently give off a weak-6'0 impression.
grizz said on 6/Mar/16
@Rampage, yeah, especially in Wedding Crashers. He looked HUGE next to Owen Wilson or Christopher Walken.lol
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Mar/16
Pre-Hangover Cooper could look 6ft1-2
grizz said on 29/Feb/16
@berta, look at him in Limitless while standing next to several murder suspects in line - he was the shortest guy. Sure, we don't know height of other guys, but a strong 6'1 guy (as you believe for Bradley) would never be the shortest guy in the crowd. I seriously doubt those suspects were brought to the station right from local basketball court.
Purple said on 28/Feb/16
Like Brad Pitt probably vain enough to allow himself a little boost every now an then. As often with celebrities his legs look shorter in an casual than in a red carpert evironment.
Aza said on 28/Feb/16
I do agree he could be either wearing lifts or ' the tortoise head was about to come out of the shell' hence the the military posture slightly tilted for better control.
berta said on 26/Feb/16
he often looks around 186 but i Always have a feeling that he have something in his shoes. So this listing is prpbably right but if he doesnt have enything in the shoes then he deserved 185
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Feb/16
Can look barely 6ft sometimes and a solid 6ft1 at other times
idk said on 9/Feb/16
pjk i agree. he looks like he's stealing one of michael jackson's dance moves with that lean lol. chronic lift wearer and a very height conscious dude
Pjk said on 28/Jan/16
I think in the photo of him above he has lift shoes on or lifts in them. His whole body is leaning forward and the shoes look too deep. As with gerard butler there is a confusing disparity in his height in different photos.
I suspect he may be wearing lifts when in dress shoes.
Discuss. Hehe
Johno said on 20/Jan/16
Does clear Leonardo by a couple of inches.
Does have the classic proportions of a 6-footer. There is still a part of me that still believes that he can look like a strong 5'11 to.
I am going to give him an estimate of a weak 6'0.
Hypado said on 1/Jan/16
Bradley Cooper's Height is 6ft 0.5in (184 cm)
This, no doubt.
Idk said on 22/Dec/15
Compare pics of cr7 and shayk to cooper and shayk and clear to see he's 6 ft max. Ronaldo would have over 1 inch on him
Idk said on 16/Dec/15
C. Go rewatch wedding crashers. Dude is 6 foot max. Always stands straight up and chronic lift wearer. Look at the picture above for proof lol. Looks same height as Ed helms in all the hangovers and even edged out by him in some instances. Reason he seems tall in pics is his posture and footwear advantage over most guys
TJE said on 18/Nov/15
I agree, Rampage. 6'0.5-6'0.75 for Bradley.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/15
"Bradley Cooper's height is 6ft 0⅝in (184.467cm)"
6ft0¾ and even 6ft0⅞ aren't out of reach either. He's on the stronger side of 6ft0½ into the weaker side of 6ft1
theLiars said on 7/Nov/15
he does not need to lower his head to kiss a listed 5'9" model barefoot on her heels; models listed at 5'9" are rarely over 5'8". i also doubt that noel is lying about his height in an effort to be perceived as shorter... men lie so much about their height i usually cannot convince women that i am shorter than they think i am. the only woman i can remember who nailed my height, in probably 10 years, had once owned a successful casting agency. she prided herself on having the skill to do so because of the standardized deception in entertainment and modeling.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Nov/15
Rob, any old posts?

Editor Rob
in this case doesn't look like it
joe joe said on 21/Oct/15
He has some serious heels in the pic above. That being said he does appear to be around the 183-185 mark. A hard height to tell on film
184.3cm (Night) said on 3/Oct/15
I would choose C after seeing him barefoot next to 5'9 Irina, i think he falls somewhere between 183-184.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Oct/15
Sorry meant to say A
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Sep/15
@Judd ISR: I'd also go w/h B. Personally I wouldn't rule out a full 6ft1 (187cm out of bed, 185cm before bed). I don't rate him highly as an actor but I do think is claim(s) are honest enough.
BT said on 20/Sep/15
Cooper, Gosling, Tatum and Pine are all listed 6'0.5 here, and I think it's a fair guess for all of them. Pine I'd expect to be the most legit 184 cm guy out of them though, the rest could well be in that 6'0.25 (183,5 cm) category, but it's splitting hairs really...
Dejavu said on 19/Sep/15
He could appear as a 186 range guy at times with some decent shoes.
Judd ISR said on 16/Sep/15
[Editor Rob: I would say a little under 184 is quite possible, but 183 flat I'm not sure he'd be that low.]
actually among these four choices (morning/evening):
A) 186,5cms/184,5cms
B) 186,0 cms/184,0 cms
C) 185,5cms/183,5cms
D) 185,0cms/183,0cms
I would choose 'B'...and from this current listing i would say that also for you is the most accredited...XD
C said on 12/Sep/15
An interviewer questioned Cooper's ability to take down Vince Vaughn the way he did in the football scenes of The Wedding Crashers and Cooper responded without hesitation that he is 6'2'' and 200 lbs.
Judd ISR said on 9/Sep/15
So you think he might be a micro fraction under a strong 184 cms? Like 183,8 cms at worst?

Editor Rob
I would say a little under 184 is quite possible, but 183 flat I'm not sure he'd be that low.
Judd ISR said on 7/Sep/15
Rob in your opinion he's more 184,5-184,0 cms or 183,5-184,0 cms at low?

Editor Rob
at times I probably think a bit under, then other times I think the guy can appear a decent 184!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Sep/15
185cm is still debatable.
SportsHeight said on 20/Aug/15
Rob, a while back you said of Cooper's earliest height: "I'd expect him to clear 6ft 1 mark maybe 1.25 range or on a great day near 1.5."
What would you say is the average difference between your listing of a person and their out-of-bed height? Seems like anywhere from 0.5-0.75 inches, maybe even a little more?

Editor Rob
0.5-1 inch. The taller someone is, the greater chance they would shrink in the inch range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Aug/15
Rob, how likely is 6ft flat?

Editor Rob
I think the odds are better that he clears over the six foot mark.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Aug/15
Rob scroll down
Click Here How tall do you think he looks in the one where they're standing facing each other. If she's 5 ft 9 he looks no more than 3 inches taller to me if you knock off the hair. Is 5'9 and change possible for her?

Editor Rob
Arch, I think the high angle will flatten the difference, so it becomes harder to really tell the true difference.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Aug/15
Recent pics barefoot with Irina Shayk and he's looking no more than a flat 6' with her. I think we can now safely rule out 6 ft 1 anyway!
Balrog said on 9/Aug/15
Seen enough of him to say he's not under 6'0". He is taller than guys like Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale. I think 6'0.25" - 6'0.5" suits him but I do suspect he wears lifts at times, he can pull off looking more than 6'1" which is weird.
Rory said on 23/Jul/15
Rob, do you think hed be 184.5cm at night or slightly under ?

Editor Rob
I think he will reach around 184cm by teatime
Dmeyer said on 17/Jul/15
I see nô more than 3cm under Affleck so either Affleck is 187cm or Bradley is 185. In any case Affleck is a 188cm flat Guy to me
184.3cm (Night) said on 13/Jul/15
Only problem is Rampage none of those guys are solid 5'11...I thought he looked an inch or so smaller than Carrey which leaves him 6'0.25" absolute minimum.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/15
C'mon...180cm is worse than 188cm. He's comfortably 1in+ taller than 5ft11 range guys (Alec Baldwin, Matthew McConaughey, Owen Wilson, Michael Vartan).
Mikey said on 10/Jul/15
Looks shorter than Jim Carrey in Yes Man. I´d say he´s closer to 180 cm than 188 cm. And by the look of his footwear he´s using lifts. Did you see the size of his boots in American Sniper?
Judd ISR said on 5/Jul/15
[Editor Rob: it sounds better if you think of almost as being just that, 'reasonably close' or 'within half inch' of the mark.
For G, of course within 'half a foot' might be a more acceptable definition in his book :)]
ah ah ah XD
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 3/Jul/15
He's 1"-1.5" inches taller than
Vin Diesel in some of the photos of the two together, and he might be dropping a bit of height.
Idk said on 1/Jul/15
Dwarfed by krasinski, and barely looks taller than bale even with bales terrible posture in American hustle. Both solid 6 footers but cooper is a lift wearer. Also seems to be very height conscious.
Judd ISR said on 30/Jun/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 29/Jun/15
Rob, do you think 6ft1½ qualifies as 'almost 6ft2'?
I think he'd be that range out of bed.
[Editor Rob: I reckon many people have differing opinions of what 'Almost' means :)
For me, it usually means quite close, for others it could be an inch or so.]
under this assumption, G is almost 6'...XD
personally i call "almost" someone who is max 0,5" shorter than his claim...
for example, i am 187 cms so i am almost 6'2", my cousin is 182 cms and he's almost 6'...
BC could easily claim to be "almost 6'1"" but no way he's almost 6'2"

Editor Rob
it sounds better if you think of almost as being just that, 'reasonably close' or 'within half inch' of the mark.
For G, of course within 'half a foot' might be a more acceptable definition in his book :)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/15
Rob, do you think 6ft1½ qualifies as 'almost 6ft2'?
I think he'd be that range out of bed.

Editor Rob
I reckon many people have differing opinions of what 'Almost' means :)
For me, it usually means quite close, for others it could be an inch or so.
gian92 said on 26/Jun/15
mike 1.82 178 cm for Bale is absolutely ridiculous !
Judd ISR said on 26/Jun/15
Mat 5'10 says on 11/Jun/15
Rob, If we list all the claims of Cooper, he is basically claiming 6'1.5" right? (''Almost 6'2'', 6'2", 6'1")
[Editor Rob: maybe he measured in shoes nearly 6ft 2...it is beleivable]
it is possible, of course, but personally i think he has never been measured and he simply claimed almost 6'2" (which means 6'1.51.75") because he felt taller than the average...
MikeFinn said on 18/Jun/15
I don´t think he´s anywhere near 188 cm. He looked shorter than Jim Carrey even though he wore lifts. And did you see the height difference between him and Vince Vaughn? He looks like max. 180 to me.
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 14/Jun/15
He looks taller than Clint Eastwood:
Click Here
James B said on 14/Jun/15
A bit arrogant claiming 6'2.
Danimal said on 13/Jun/15
Rob, you have Bradley at 6'0.5" and Clint at 6'0" flat, but a recent pic of them shows that Cooper has minimum 1" on Clint. So, Either Bradley is a full 6'1", or Clint is 5'11" these days.

Editor Rob
it can be hard to tell how much height a guy like Clint could lose when just standing versus being measured.
RoDawg said on 12/Jun/15
Saw him in London after his performance of the Elephant Man recently. I got a picture with him but we weren't standing on even surfaces and we were both tilting in. He also had a bit of a heel advantage. That being said, he seemed to be very comfortably in the 6.05"+ range. I could buy 6'1 potentially but I can't really tell because of his footwear and the ground we were standing on. But he is definitely no less than 6 foot. He still had a solid inch-inch and a half on 5'9 listed Alessandro Nivola (who was wearing 2-3 inch boots) while he (Cooper) was barefoot.
James B said on 5/Jun/15
For some reason people think this guy is under 6ft?
Jay ZZ said on 28/May/15
i think he is a solid 6ft 1´´ .....out of bed, at least.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/15
I wonder how he'll stack up beside Bill Murray and Alec baldwin in Aloha...
Judd said on 5/May/15
Rey says on 26/Apr/15
Bradley Cooper 5'11"7/8..will round if off as a 6 footer. That's it. He is not 6'1".
anything under 6'0.25" is simply ridicolous...he does look an honest 6' and half!
b-mint1994 said on 29/Apr/15
@Mike: There is no way that Jackman is as low as 184cm. There is just no way.
Rey said on 26/Apr/15
Bradley Cooper 5'11"7/8..will round if off as a 6 footer. That's it. He is not 6'1".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Apr/15
Out of bed: 6ft1¼-6ft1½
Before bed: 6ft0½-6ft0¾
mike 1.82 said on 18/Apr/15
how can someone explain this....? Luke Grimes's height is 5ft 11.25in (181 cm) listed here is the same height of Cooper in American Sniper. the same movie Cooper looks to me a 1.80- 1.81 cm guy. 1.84 cm is insane, never, impossible. that hangouver trilogy Ed helms listed 6 Ft police station Scene, Ed always uses sneakers, Copper looks 1,5 cm taller and always uses casual shoes that i think its at least 2.5cm to 3cm advantage. that pic with jennifer take a better look at the casual shoe, looks the legs and body quite curved to front (sorry my english) its a 7cm advantage Im sure. So this is the reason he claim 6Ft2. hugh jackman is a 1.84 to 1.86 barefoot max. Christian bale is 1.78 - 1.79 max this is the real deal
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Apr/15
He did claim 6ft2
spainmen191cm said on 10/Apr/15
Rob, how tall do you think he would be out of bed?

Editor Rob
I'd expect him to clear 6ft 1 mark maybe 1.25 range or on a great day near 1.5.
delaware said on 9/Apr/15
186 in the morning, just under 185 at night. perfect male height
Pete said on 7/Apr/15
look at pictures of bradley cooper in elephant man. He is barefoot in that musical
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Apr/15
186cm out of bed and rounds that off as 6ft2
Danimal said on 4/Apr/15
Celebheights 6'1.5"-6'2" says on 23/Feb/15
He claimed to be 'almost 6'2", not 6'2" in it of itself.
You mean not 6'2" itself.
184.3cm said on 4/Apr/15
hmm maybe he is 6'0.25" as i think Idris is more 6'2.25"-6'2.5" range. With his big footwear he can pull off 6'1. Idris was shorter than 6'2.75" listed Prince William
Click Here
Amaze said on 2/Apr/15
@Andrea yeah idris elba is 190cm or nearly 6'3 Bradley copper is 2.25inches shorter at 184cm
Judd said on 31/Mar/15
yeah i agree he can get close to 6'2" with dress shoes, which gives averagely 1"+ (2,5-3,5 cms)...In limitless, with similar shoes he was more than 4" taller than bob De Niro, because de Niro was very close to the top of his ears...i think if standing both at their tallest, De Niro will be 172 cms and Cooper 12 cms taller, so 184 cms fits him very well...
Dave618 said on 30/Mar/15
Probably almost 6'2" in shoes. I just saw American Sniper and he looked like a legit 6'1". I'd say anywhere between 6'0" and 1/2 inch to 6'1" barefoot is a good call. This is the height most guys would like to be: comfortably taller than most guys but not freakishly tall. Can still find clothes off the rack taht'll fit, and can fit somewhat easily into most cars--altough I'm 6'2" and have trouble fitting into mine.
SportsHeight said on 21/Mar/15
Click Here
In this Wedding Crashers interview, he claims 6'2". To be fair, a lot of people really do consider "height" to be the number with shoes on. If Cooper's around 6'0.5" barefoot, with the right pair of athletic or dress shoes, he could be truthfully rounding up to 6'2".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Mar/15
Can really look anywhere from 6ft to 6ft2
Judd said on 20/Mar/15
Alex says on 18/Mar/15
5'11.5 or 6ft max
that's funny...nice story...XD
Alex said on 18/Mar/15
5'11.5 or 6ft max
Emil 183 cm said on 18/Mar/15
Agree with you Andrea.
b-mint1994 said on 16/Mar/15
This is like the Brad Pitt page with all the talk about lifts
Ryan Mason 185.0 cm said on 9/Mar/15
Celebheights 6'1.5"-6'2" says on 23/Feb/15
He claimed to be 'almost 6'2", not 6'2" in it of itself.
He has claimed 6'2 in various movie interviews, just for your information.
Also wears elevaor shoes most of the time.
youssef 5'8" said on 9/Mar/15
Actually this photo shows j.lawrence's real height she has 2-2.5" advantage over cooper for her heels and still shorter than him by 4.5-5"that makes her shorter than him by 7" at least 6.5" ithink you should downgrade her now to 5'5.5 or 5'6 (she can never be taller than beyonce) is that possible Rob ?
Andrea said on 6/Mar/15
I mean, look at him with Idris Elba, who himself claims 6'2:
Click Here
His idea of "almost" (6'2) is quite optimistic since he looks at least two good inches shorter than him...
Andrea said on 6/Mar/15
"Andrea says on 5/Mar/15
To be fair, he looks as tall as the 182 NFL player at best! He certainly can look 6'1 on the screen, but i rule out anything above 6'0.5 and he very well might be just about 6'...
[Editor Rob: in some of the photos he might just have a bit of camera disadvantage.]"
That's why i said "as tall"... In fact, to be fair, he can look shorter than him in some photos but i agree he might have some camera advantage! I wouldn't put Bradley under 6', but i doubt he'd be taller than a guy like Kellan Lutz! 6' range is a fair listing for him...
Andrea said on 5/Mar/15
To be fair, he looks as tall as the 182 NFL player at best! He certainly can look 6'1 on the screen, but i rule out anything above 6'0.5 and he very well might be just about 6'...

Editor Rob
in some of the photos he might just have a bit of camera disadvantage.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Mar/15
Afternoon/Evening: 184-185cm
Out of Bed/Early Morning: 186-187cm
Judd said on 5/Mar/15
Arch Stanton says on 4/Mar/15
I really think he can pass for a proper 6'1 a lot of the time, but with that measured NFL player I think it was 6'0.5 is probably accurate.
i agree.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Mar/15
I really think he can pass for a proper 6'1 a lot of the time, but with that measured NFL player I think it was 6'0.5 is probably accurate.
Judd said on 4/Mar/15
penguinboy25 says on 3/Mar/15
This is generous. EVERY TIME I see this guy he is wearing clunky heeled shoes that look like much bigger than average dress shoe heels. I am telling you right now if we measured this guy barefoot during the day he'd be 183.
Brad Cooper is an example of a real 6'0.5"....you can see him with a lot of tall actors (Ben Affelck, Hugh Jackman, Dax Shepard...) and nobody towered on him...
In a lot of pictures he wore similar shoes of those tall actors and he always looked a 6'0.5 or even 6'0.75 guy...Actually i don't think he wears secretly lifts inside his shoes...
penguinboy25 said on 3/Mar/15
This is generous. EVERY TIME I see this guy he is wearing clunky heeled shoes that look like much bigger than average dress shoe heels. I am telling you right now if we measured this guy barefoot during the day he'd be 183.
Judd said on 27/Feb/15
N says on 21/Feb/15
Didn't look more than 3 inches taller than De Nito in Silver Linings Playbook
Actually he looks 4" taller than de Niro and sometimes even more! There're a couple of scenes where the top of de Niro's head is as the same level as the top of Cooper's ears!
grizz said on 24/Feb/15
In Silver Linings Playbook, he was constantly wearing running shoes. I know he was running a lot, but in dancing rehearsals with Lawrence and on their date he was still wearing them, even though they're not necessary for such things.
Why not Converse shoes or boat shoes - because Jennifer was tall in heels?
Celebheights 6'1.5"-6'2" said on 23/Feb/15
He claimed to be 'almost 6'2", not 6'2" in it of itself.
Dago Red said on 22/Feb/15
Look at the size of the elevators he's got on in the pic above with Jennifer Lawrence. Look like Don's. He's up at least 2 inches i those babies!
N said on 21/Feb/15
Didn't look more than 3 inches taller than De Nito in Silver Linings Playbook
Judd said on 14/Feb/15
Ryan Mason 185.0 cm says on 12/Feb/15
His 6'2 claims are ridiculous
6'0 barefoot, no more than that
Personally I think he always looks taller than a flat 6'0" guy...
Rarely he does look shorter...one of those occasion has been when he stayed next to Dax Shepard! Here he did look no more than 6', considering that I think Shepard is 6'2.5" (look at him next to Kutcher he did look as tall as him or even shorter), but I think Dax maybe had a little shoes advantage on Brad, so that could explain why Cooper did look a flat 6'...
6'0.5" for Bradley Cooper IMO is legitimate!
grizz said on 13/Feb/15
Rob,is it possible that he's 6ft 0.25in at his low?
Ryan Mason 185.0 cm said on 12/Feb/15
His 6'2 claims are ridiculous
6'0 barefoot, no more than that
Judd said on 12/Feb/15
184.3cm says on 10/Feb/15
I agree with all of those Judd with one exception, Clooney. I thought as well that he had shrunk to 5'10 but the guy just slouches something awful. I would give him 5'10.5, him and Pitt are closer than most think.
mmmm i am not sure...Pitt has 0,5" on Clooney, he showed it a lot of times...recently i have watched Seven (1997) with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt...with similar shoes, Freeman showed 4" on Pitt:
Click Here
Rob has listed Freeman at 6'2.25" (peak) but i am sure that he touched 6'2.5" when was young, but likely he was never 6'3" and that makes Pitt a legit 5'10.5" and Clooney a legit 5'10"...
184.3cm said on 10/Feb/15
I agree with all of those Judd with one exception, Clooney. I thought as well that he had shrunk to 5'10 but the guy just slouches something awful. I would give him 5'10.5, him and Pitt are closer than most think.
Shamrock said on 8/Feb/15
all way off Pierre, Cooper in 5'10 range is laughable, affleck is not under 6'2, just as leo isnt shorter than 5'11 and i doubt clooney drops under 5'10 anytime during the day.
Celebheights 6'1.5"-6'2" said on 7/Feb/15
George Clooney: 5'10.5"
Leonardo Dicaprio: 5'11.5"
Bradley Cooper: 6'0.75"-6'1"
Brad Pitt: 5'10.5"-5'11"
Ben Affleck: 6'2.5"-6'2.75"-He always strikes me as a real tall man on screen.
Judd said on 7/Feb/15
George Clooney: 5'10"
Leonardo DiCaprio: 5'11.25"
Bradley Cooper: 6'0.5"
Brad Pitt: 5'10.5-10.75"
Ben Affleck: 6'2"
Celebheights 6'1.5"-6'2" said on 6/Feb/15
178 CM? 186 CM for
Ben Affleck? Then Henry Cavill is 5'11"-5'11.5" at best.
Pierre said on 6/Feb/15
for me
Georges Clooney 176/177 cms
Leonardo Di Caprio 178/179
Bradley Cooper 178/179
Brad Pitt 177/178
Ben Affleck 186/187 cms
all seem very nice men
Pierre said on 6/Feb/15
on the picture with Jennifer Lawrence(Bradley's homepage) Bradley's shoes seem very advantageous(lace's angle).Look at the picture(rob's site)at Liam Neeson's homepage .Look at eye's height between Bradley,Sharto Copley (relaxed posture),and Rampage Jackson.we can see their shoes(Classics shoes?).Bradley seem the shortest,no?
Judd said on 4/Feb/15
184.3cm says on 3/Feb/15
Well not exactly honest since he claims to be almost 6'2 Judd:) But yes i agree that he is around 6'0.5 - 6'0.75.
"honest" about rob's listing, not his claim! i agree 6'1.75-2" is overestimated for him, but i think rob's listing is the best choice.
since 2009 i thought he was an honest 6'1" guy, but recently i paid more attention about him and his height and i think 184 cms is actually the best guess!
184.3cm said on 3/Feb/15
Well not exactly honest since he claims to be almost 6'2 Judd:) But yes i agree that he is around 6'0.5 - 6'0.75.
Judd said on 2/Feb/15
penguinboy25 says on 31/Jan/15
Lol. This guy is 183. Looks like the exact same range as 182 Victor Cruz.
i do not agree, Cooper is a genuine 6'0.5" IMO. Those pictures with cruz don't mean anything...maybe cruz had 0,5-1" shoes thicker than Bradley's one...Cooper at 5'11.75"-6'0" means
Ben Affleck at 6'1-1.5", Christian Bale at 5'11-11.25", Jennifer Lawrence at 5'6.5"...it has no sense!
He's an honest 6'0.5" guy, like Henry Cavill.
penguinboy25 said on 31/Jan/15
Lol. This guy is 183. Looks like the exact same range as 182 Victor Cruz.
burtmacklin said on 30/Jan/15
This guy always looks like he is wearing lifts.
PLB said on 22/Jan/15
How big are his feet? I wear a size 16.
Judd said on 21/Jan/15
Bradley Cooper: solidly 6'0.5"
Ryan Gosling: 6'0.25"
Appe4 said on 21/Jan/15
Click Here @ rob, you have listed cooper and gosling both 184. I ve seen many photos of them standing together, don t you think cooper is slightly taller? I think for him a weak 185 and gosling 183-183,5

Editor Rob
it's not impossible Gosling was 0.25, but I think in some of the photos of those 2 together the angle might help Bradley more.
jamie179cm said on 18/Jan/15
@silent timberlake is not 6ft his barely taller than diaz
Andrea said on 17/Jan/15
Rampage, have you seen him with Victor Cruz?
Click Here
Now Victor has been measured at 5'11.5:
Click Here
Do you still believe 6'1 is possible? I have hard time to believe he's a big 6'0.5 next to that MEASURED guy, let alone 6'1!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/15
I think he'd be 6ft1 for a sizeable chunk of the day and then drop a small bit below it before bed. Put it this way, he's more entitled to claim it then the likes of Bruce Willis, RJ Mitte and Jensen Ackles
2toes said on 13/Jan/15
Rob what makes you think he is not the full 6'1"?

Editor Rob
he's been near some footballers and from their height I think he looks more in the 184 than solid 6ft 1 range.
Silent_D said on 12/Jan/15
He is more 184cm than justin timberlake is 6 foot. 184cm is about right.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jan/15
Rob can you add American Hustle and American Sniper?
Jerjer said on 5/Jan/15
Like 6 ft and 3/4 6 ft 1 1/2 tops
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Dec/14
184-185cm range bare minimum.
He can pull off the 6ft1 look
Johnny said on 27/Dec/14
Looks like 6'2 in the photo above.
Judd said on 23/Dec/14
Sean73 says on 21/Dec/14
I am 6'1" flat at a 3pm measured by my doctor.I stood next to him LAX airport 2 years ago.I am 41 and he's close to my age.I had to have been 0.5" taller.We both ironically had on sandals that day.6'0.5" would be my guess too.
blessed words...6'0.5" is the best listing for him...he always looked a bit taller than a flat 6'0".
Joe said on 22/Dec/14
I think his listing here is true, most other listings have him as 6'1", which is probably what he is in shoes.
Sean73 said on 21/Dec/14
I am 6'1" flat at a 3pm measured by my doctor.I stood next to him LAX airport 2 years ago.I am 41 and he's close to my age.I had to have been 0.5" taller.We both ironically had on sandals that day.6'0.5" would be my guess too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/14
Looks 6ft1½(187cm) in Failure To Launch...
Joe said on 20/Dec/14
@Mike 1.82: lol you're trying too hard to bring him down to your height. He's taller than you, accept the fact. You shouldn't have height issues at 5'11.5"
Judd said on 15/Dec/14
typical example of a flat 6'0.5" guy
Mike 1.82 said on 11/Dec/14
take a look in that picture with Jennifer Lawrence, his body is curved. cleary lifts 5cm minimum.maybe 7 cm Just pay attention guys. that guy Ed helms was listed 6ft in that movie The Hangover 2 police station scene. he uses sneakers. So he is 1.82cm barefoot. Brad is 1.80 - 1.82 max
Celebheights 188 CM said on 4/Dec/14
There's not three inches between him and Timberlake, however.
jamie179cm said on 29/Nov/14
@AG i don't considered 6ft tall but i do agree that he is a 6ft guy i think 183cm is his height
AG said on 28/Nov/14
He is definitely a true 6'0 man, who can give an impression of 6'1 - 6'2. Maybe he has the same height with Chris Pine, but at least Chris is honest about his height. Again most people don't have opinion about height so they guess a solid 6'0 man like 6'2, which shows that 6'0 is a really good and tall height for a man.
jamie179cm said on 28/Nov/14
thinking about it Justin Timberlake could be a 5ft10 range guy
Radd said on 22/Nov/14
Cooper is taller than listed HE is slighty taller than 6'1.25 Roger Federer.
Click Here
BRadley is clearly 1,5 inches taller than Bale, and the later one is listed as 6'0 in this site. Bradley cooper is not below 6'1 1/2.
jamie179cm said on 20/Nov/14
Justin Timberlake could be as low 5ft9 because of the picture of him next to cameron daiz
jamie179cm said on 20/Nov/14
Celebheights 188 CM there is no way Justin Timberlake 182cm because there is a picture of him next to cameron diaz who i think is no more than 5ft7 timberlake was only like 2 inches taller than her and they are both in barfeet cooper probably is 183cm though
rmv said on 20/Nov/14
i would say this is accurate, he's not much taller than bale if at all. however he is a chronic lift wearer. every picture on a red carpet he's wearing 1.5 to 2.5 inch lifts. seems bizarre for somebody over average height to wear lifts so often
Dejavu said on 13/Nov/14
I think he could be a lift wearer. He looks anywhere from 6'0 to 6'2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Oct/14
That's the Bob DeNiro episode from 1999...
Arch Stanton said on 25/Oct/14
I saw that one, about 1995 and he had floppy curtains didn't he and seemed a bit of a geek.
Sam said on 24/Oct/14
@ Arch & Amaze, interesting to see Cooper as a long haired acting student at the Actor's Studio, seemed rather nerdy, intense & serious compared to later if ambitious.
He's in one of my favorite comedies, Wet Hot American Summer (much better than the Hangovers IMO) & upon the cast reunion reportedly Cooper didn't show & his reps had no comment, which sounds standoffish. Embarrassed by his gay character? Paul Rudd was able to participate & he played an awful sod.
Dejavu said on 19/Oct/14
Robs listing looks right on. He was 2 inches shorter than dax shepard, not the 3 inches most of you were saying. He can look 6'1.5 alot in other photos though.
Andrea said on 12/Oct/14
I, unlikely many people here, provide pictures and talk based on what i see... He doesnt look 6'0.5 for sure next to a 182 measured guy... If you wanna believe him to be 6'1 just do it but don't piss me off!
Judd said on 12/Oct/14
if copper is 5'11.75"-6'0" then Affleck can't be taller than 6'1" and de niro max 5'7"...i dont' think so...
i think flat 6' or even a bit under for bradley is a bit underestimated...he's at least 6'0.5" in my opinion...in the most of the pictures he looks closer to 6'1 than 6'...just one picture with kellan lutz doesn't mean anything!
184.9 on a bad day said on 12/Oct/14
common andrea you're annoying give us a break and stop to visit this site with your arrogance.
Andrea said on 5/Oct/14
6'1 my ass, 6'0.5 is his best case scenario, there's big chance he's under that!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Oct/14
At least 6ft0¾/185cm if not the full 6ft1
Andrea said on 2/Oct/14
I wouldn't say Lutz looks an inch taller than Bradley, he's got some camera advantage there... But, yeah, he might be a little taller... 6' flat is not impossible at all! And Dmeyer, i wouldn't base Leo's height just basing on that pic! There might be some tilt plus possible uneven ground... 5'11 flat for Leo is very possible, i'm not so sure on 179 flat...
Jay 184cm said on 2/Oct/14
@Andrea Interesting photos - he looks an inch shorter than Lutz which I wouldn't have expected. Maybe Cooper is 183cm at best and when he looks taller he's in generous footwear?
Dmeyer said on 1/Oct/14
If he is under 184cm Like 183 then DiCaprio is 179cm Like mr r saw him , i start to bélieve 5'11 flat for leo is possible
Andrea said on 30/Sep/14
Dmeyer, 184 is the top range for him! I mean, look at him with a guy who has been measured 5'11 5/8 (so basically 182)...
Click Here
Click Here
And he's not taller than 183-183.5 Kellan Lutz! So he could be 6' flat and i wouldn't be surprised if he dipped below the 6' mark, to be fair! But, yeah, he's a gut who holds a good posture and also tends to wear quite thick shoes, so he can give a 6'1 impression on the screen for sure!
Dmeyer said on 29/Sep/14
Rob do you agree bradley is a strong 184cm he dosnt dip under the mark ,leo can look 5'11-11.25 a lot i think 180.5-181cm is closer than 181.5cm
rockitbaby said on 24/Sep/14
Next to 5'11 Leo DiCaprio, Bradley looks 1,84m or 1,85m tops!
Click Here
cole said on 22/Sep/14
@Editor Rob: If the listing is to be adjusted, he really shouldn't be taken up a quarter. 6'0.5 is fine, but 6'0.25 seems like a good shout as he's the same height as Kellan Lutz. Think 6'0.25 could be a good listing for both Cooper and Gosling. Gosling looks like he could drop to 6'0 though, Bradley just seems that wee bit taller.
Rey said on 20/Sep/14
I am convinced he is 6 feet. The rest is hair.
Jay 184cm said on 19/Sep/14
Solid listing, Rob. Interesting to look at him with Ryan Gosling - in some photos they look an identical height, in others Cooper has a clear inch and looks near 6'2". It can only be the help of an extra inch in those shoes. 184cm for both Gosling and Cooper in my view.
Amaze said on 7/Sep/14
@Arch Stanton. same here. he gives off that vibe. I really did think he was 6'1 but hes 184. and hes 185lbs too. arch what would you describe his build as? he's an exact celeb my brothers size.
184.9 on a bad day said on 7/Sep/14
Rob you rule out 6ft 0.75 for Cooper ? I kinda agree he looks 185-186, but for sure his footwear is a little suspicious.

Editor Rob
he can pull that mark off at times yes, but barefoot I'm not sure he'd really measure nearly 6ft 1 anymore.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Sep/14
He seems a nice guy but I definitely get a "I'm a movie star" vibe from him whenever I see a picture of him. As James says generally he can look a solid 6'1" in films but the comparison Rob showed me convinced me this is accurate.
legend 03 said on 5/Sep/14
he's taller than dicaprio
he's teller than kellan lutz
he's taller than bale
the real is 187cm
James B said on 21/Aug/14
In the hangover films looked a strong 6'1 like 186cm. His hair can make him seem taller though.
Leo does not look over 181cm next to cooper
Billy Dawg said on 18/Aug/14
Hmmm his height seems to fluctuate, largely depending on his style of footwear, which can make him appear taller!
Mastro said on 5/Aug/14
Do all the people here saying he looked short in Wedding Crashers realize he was often standing next to Vince Vaughn?
I have no idea of his height- I don't think he's that tall- maybe sixish?
Sam said on 1/Aug/14
I don't see Bradley Cooper as anything but 184 cm...the only evidence I know of his being shorter (besides that weirdly angled picture w/ Kellan Lutz) was when Dax Shepard was listed as 6'2", which would make the 2.5 inch shorter-looking Cooper 5'11.5" but Rob upgraded Dax an inch, so there's no evidence IMO.
Dejavu said on 1/Aug/14
He looked more than an inch taller than Dicaprio. Looks 184cm and I would give Dicaprio a 181cm.
Click Here
cobra said on 29/Jun/14
Those heels on his shoes in the picture at the top of the page look massive, he always looks taller than Christian bale so I'm wondering if it's the footwear.
Emil said on 28/Jun/14
Seahawksfan 187-188 CM. says on 13/Jun/14
By 6'9.75" measured Deandre Jordan:
Click Here
Deandre Jordan appears to be slouching (don't let the hair advantage fool you) and Bradley Cooper appears to be a full face shorter. The other guy is Matt Barnes who was measured in at 6'6.75", and he appears 6'.5" inches shorter. I think this guy mainly appears to be 6'1" because of his hair.
He looks exactly 184 range in that pic
jamieorr4 said on 24/Jun/14
Amaze i guess 184cm is possible
cole said on 20/Jun/14
@Amaze: That would be interesting indeed. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Cooper edged Tatum.
Amaze said on 15/Jun/14
I want to see him next to Channing Tatum. Would be interesting, I wanna see if anyone gets edged out or anything
Thicke said on 14/Jun/14
He's at least 184cm, maybe 185cm...no way 183 or 182!
Amaze said on 10/Jun/14
no way is he 182 come on jamieorr4 maybe he is 183cm just before bed but hes a solid 184 during day, 185 after waking up for sure
184.9 on a bad day said on 10/Jun/14
He wears lifts. He looks the same as Ashton kutcher and with
Ben Affleck he looks about 186. I think he's no less than 184 and he could be 185 on the dot( 6ft.075)
dmeyer said on 7/Jun/14
probably 184cm after a long day
jamieorr4 said on 5/Jun/14
i think 182cm is possible but i doubt his under 183cm just look at body frame its quite big