How tall is Bonnie Langford

Bonnie Langford's Height

5ft 1 (154.9 cm)

English actress best known for playing Mel in sci-fi show Doctor Who. In The Burton Mail (2012) she said "I'm only 5ft 1in" and also mentioned that height on Twitter. This photo is from a 2013 Collectormania event, she had an extra inch of footwear over me.

How tall is Bonnie Langford
5ft 8 Rob and Bonnie
I really wonder what I am thinking when I wear high heels and get sore feet. I am 5’1” and I won’t ever be any taller. So, wearing high heels is a bit silly because it doesn’t make a huge difference: it means I can’t walk and it just hurts.

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Add a Comment16 comments

Average Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 0.57in (153.8cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Nov/22
Bonnie by name and Bonnie in every other respect as well!

5ft1. 💐😁
ChristianAnthonyPerkins said on 4/Jun/22
More 5'0.5", even despite the lean.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/21
Actually, I always thought that Bonnie was exactly 5ft, purely from what I had read in magazines.

5ft1. 😀💐🌹
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/21
Bonnie's friend Lionel Blair sadly died today at the age of 92 on the birthday of his late sister, Joyce, who would have turned 89 today, but passed on at the age of 73.

Canadian-born Lionel leaves behind his wife, Susan, (happily married since March 1967) with whom he had three children. Sending them prayers of comfort at this terrible time. 😢

RIP Lionel 🕯️ XXX
12th December 1928 - 4th November 2021
Nik said on 20/Apr/20
@ Paul Wood - Your comment really is a smashing one! 👍
Paul Wood said on 14/Jan/20
I remember her saying many years ago how when she was growing up she wanted to get to 5ft, and anything over would be a bonus. I've always liked Bonnie and I'm glad she got her 'bonus'.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/19
🎂🎁🎈 Happy Birthday B💝nnie! 🎈🎁🎂

Wishing this veteran of the acting business a very Happy 55th Birthday. She was a child actress and acted alongside Jodie Foster when they made 'Bugsy Malone', so this girl, as Jimi Hendrix would have put it, has been experienced, meant in the best possible taste, of course! 😉🎼🎶


Nik said on 2/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - He made himself welcome, Reg that is! Well, Bonnie and Reg must have sensed out the delights that were on offer in your house and I bet they couldn't believe their luck when they found a secret passageway that led into your kitchen! They probably thought the catflap was for them! This sounds like a wonderful story and aren't Bonnie and Reg nice names for cats! 🐖! - And piggies!

Also I agree with you in that Bonnie Langford thoroughly deserves to win the top Soap Actress Award, to act at all takes some bravery after what she had gone through with her son being killed.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/May/18
@ Nik - Further to my comment from April last year regarding the little black cat called Bonnie, who used to come in through our catflap and stuff her face, there was also another cat, called Reg, a huge big Tabby Tomcat! He would also squeeze his fat, furry body through our flatcap (!!! - nice spoonerism?) and eat himself full, sampling each and every bowlful on offer, methodically! It was wonderful to watch! Then, full as a piggy, he'd crash out in whatever he found to be comfortable in our home! He was always welcome - and he knew it! 🐈🐖
Sandy Cowell said on 29/May/18
Bonnie's heartfelt performance this week, as a Mum whose son has just been killed, has been outstanding.

I'm glad that I hadn't filled in my voting form yet in my TV Guide, because my top Soap Actress Award will now go to Bonnie! Bereft of any make-up and looking as realistic as any bereaved, shocked, grieving mother, this lady deserves an accolade for her unbelievable acting in this.

I can give her 5ft0.25.
Sandy Cowell said on 17/May/17
@ Nik - I'm glad you liked my story! It was all highly illegal of course, but I had no idea at the time!
I would like to think that the junior memberships to these animal charities still exist - and more besides! I was also a member of the 'Wildlife Youth Service', and had a little panda badge!
The WYS concentrate on educating youngsters about animals! I went to the Jersey zoo, which was a project of Gerald Durrell's; I was in his WYS-based club too, and more besides!
I think things like this are a really positive thing for children, getting them fascinated in animals and nature! I'm sure Bonnie will be 100% in agreement! She's a Mum!
Nik said on 10/May/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

I came onto this page recently via the random celeb route and then I read your interesting comment, this along with me finding out a fascinating fact has encouraged me to write this comment to you.
Firstly I would like to say about the charity work that Bonnie Langford has done,
she has supported the Children in Need appeal on 2 occasions as well as the Comic Relief appeal. During her 1987 Children in Need appearance she had her ears pierced for the first time live on the show after some friends promised a huge donation if she did this! It's great to hear that you worked in the Christmas Card department for Cancer Research, I am sure you will have found that fulfilling! Its great that Bonnie Langford also supported the Cancer Research campaign as well doing all the other charity work that she has done. It's a shame you never met Bonnie Langford when you worked for Cancer Research, I know that you would have loved to have met her! It's good when you hear about people, whether it be celebrities or members of the public, doing really kind things for other people, these people are a good example to us all and people that everyone should look up to.
Bonnie Langford is now, as you know, on Eastenders as Karmel Kazemi and proud to be an established member of the cast.
Now onto something interesting that I found out recently, I have a friend, who ironically works at the local Charity shop where I work once a week, in conversation with her I told her that when I was younger my family dog Cindy had a daughter called Bonnie. Then to my amazement she told me that when she was a kid her family owned a cat called Cindy who also had a daughter called Bonnie! I was certainly pleased to find this out!
Bonnie gets 5'0.5" from me!

Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Apr/17
Bonnie was giving her time freely and happily to the Cancer Research Campaign when I worked there in the Christmas Card department!
The public relations officer, who I'd work for when his secretary was sick or on holiday, absolutely adored her! He said she was a smashing person!
Unfortunately, I never met her but I would have loved to!
It's great to see her in 'EastEnders' now! I warmed to her character straight away when she sat discussing flatulence at the dinner table!
One last thing: I only found out recently that Bonnie starred in 'Bugsy Malone'! I haven't even seen it yet but I know Jodie Foster is in it and singing her heart out! There was a special programme on recently - by that I mean within the past year - all about musicals and Bonnie was one of the contributors, as well she should be with her fantastic career! I was bowled over to find out she was in 'Bugsy Malone' with Jodie!
I think Bonnie is 5 foot nothing!

There used to be a little black cat called Bonnie in my locality who used to come in through our catflap and eat from the plentiful supply of cat food she'd find in the kitchen!
glenn said on 15/Jul/07
ill be seeing him again tonight.
Dave said on 28/Jun/07
Cliff is taller than that, he is leaning a bit, he is actually about 5ft 10.
Anonymous said on 14/May/07
Looks 5'5.75 in the pic.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.