Big Show said on 8/Jan/09
Ok since my post from yesterday apparently didn't went through. Here's another try.
Click HereThis is a match between The Giant and John Tenta from Nitro July 1, 1996. Big Show (Giant) is looking tall here.
topdweeb said on 8/Jan/09
Big Show says on 7/Jan/09
"Jason claimed Morgan wore huge lifts. Especially in that pic with Akebono."
Kornel said on 8/Jan/09
Ok here is the deal:
Big Show from WCW and Early WWF was a legit 7'0-7'1' because HE DID NOT SLOUCH AND ALWAYS STOOD UP STRAIGHT.
The current Big Show slouches and weighs alot more. He is technically 7'0 when he does not slouch!!!!
nick said on 8/Jan/09
your absolutly right danimal the thing is is that when people hear 6'1.5 they think oh hes 6 foot so he has to be 1 foot taller. The thing is, is that mike is really around 6'2. If rob put down mike as 6'2 and you look at that picture and say wow mike is 6 foot 2 you will notice how big the big show is. Btw the big show is giving up atleast an inch and a half from posture to mikes impeccable posture. Hows head would clear the top of the photo if you imagine him doing the same posture as mike. Btw the top of the photo is 6'10
Danimal said on 7/Jan/09
Tim says on 6/Jan/09
Let see, I am 6 ft 3 and my girl friend is 5 ft 3 . In the mirror, the top of her head only comes up to my shoulders. The same would be true in this picture. If the Big Show was a legit 7 ft, wouldn't the " 6 ft 1.5 Mike only come up to his shoulders. Hey, it's not "Rocket Science" folks. Either the Big Show isn't 7 ft or Mike is a heck of alot taller than 6 ft 1.5 .....Do the math.
Actually NO Tim. Why? Because your head is NOWHERE near as long as Big Show's. Furthermore, Mike stated he was 6'1 3/4", which is essentially 6'2". I don't know why Rob hasn't changed that and why Rob keeps up this picture when they are SO MANY better ones where we see people's feet. Kind of deceiving Rob.
Big Show said on 7/Jan/09
Click HereHere's a match between The Giant and John Tenta from Nitro 1996. Big Show is looking tall there.
Big Show said on 7/Jan/09
topdweeb says on 7/Jan/09
Vegas: So Jason basically says Morgan is just one inch taller than himself? Jason claims to be 6' 3... either he is insane, a liar, or just simply a REALLY bad judge at height.
Jason claimed Morgan wore huge lifts. Especially in that pic with Akebono.
Alex said on 7/Jan/09
I say Morgan is 6'9.
topdweeb said on 7/Jan/09
Vegas: So Jason basically says Morgan is just one inch taller than himself? Jason claims to be 6' 3... either he is insane, a liar, or just simply a REALLY bad judge at height.
Vegas said on 7/Jan/09
about a year back, i posted a 6'10 reference to morgan during his time in hawaii, its under the Chaminade Silverswords section
Click HereIIRC it was only Jason who said morgan was much shorter than 6-10, he claimed 6-4 in person for morgan. having stood beside morgan twice (last time in april) with him wearing dress-shoes and sneakers he certainly isn't under 6-8, he is without question taller than both kane and undertaker in streets
Big Show said on 7/Jan/09
hubba says on 6/Jan/09
This is kind-of off topic, but how big is matt morgan (weight wise)? I found an article here (Click Here) that lists is height and weight when he playing college ball in 1996. It says he was 6-10, 230 lbs. Ostensibly, his billed weight and height in pro wrestling should not be taken to a T. And American Gladiators, who listed him at 310lbs (forgot the height), is also skeptical, for the same reasons as pro wrestling (it's in the same circle, practically, especially the original version). I can believe that he gained weight since 1996, although he looked a lot smaller than Big Show when they faced off (slightly in height but especially in weight, here).
Excellent find on the basketball listing of Morgan. For those who said Morgan was wearing lifts to fit the 6'10 billing are wrong. The guy is simply in the neighbourhood of 6'10. The lowest I'd buy for him is 6'8.5 (which could still give him a 6'10 listing if it's a listing in shoes and rounded up).
Tim said on 6/Jan/09
Let see, I am 6 ft 3 and my girl friend is 5 ft 3 . In the mirror, the top of her head only comes up to my shoulders. The same would be true in this picture. If the Big Show was a legit 7 ft, wouldn't the " 6 ft 1.5 Mike only come up to his shoulders. Hey, it's not "Rocket Science" folks. Either the Big Show isn't 7 ft or Mike is a heck of alot taller than 6 ft 1.5 .....Do the math.
Danimal said on 6/Jan/09
George says on 2/Jan/09
Jeremy don't lie, you're 7'1", Mr. Modest! I'm 7'0" and you're slightly taller than me.
Oh My God, is this ever going to stop????? It's actually like standing in an insane asylum for 5 seconds and watching a schizophrenic person have a conversation with himself.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/09
I'd imagine Matt Morgan to be in roughly the same weight bracket as Kane, somewhere around 315 lbs.
Ghost said on 6/Jan/09
George says on 2/Jan/09
Jeremy don't lie, you're 7'1", Mr. Modest! I'm 7'0" and you're slightly taller than me.
Whoever writes these must have the most boring life ever.
hubba said on 6/Jan/09
This is kind-of off topic, but how big is matt morgan (weight wise)? I found an article here (
Click Here) that lists is height and weight when he playing college ball in 1996. It says he was 6-10, 230 lbs. Ostensibly, his billed weight and height in pro wrestling should not be taken to a T. And American Gladiators, who listed him at 310lbs (forgot the height), is also skeptical, for the same reasons as pro wrestling (it's in the same circle, practically, especially the original version). I can believe that he gained weight since 1996, although he looked a lot smaller than Big Show when they faced off (slightly in height but especially in weight, here).
George said on 2/Jan/09
Jeremy don't lie, you're 7'1", Mr. Modest! I'm 7'0" and you're slightly taller than me.
Danimal said on 30/Dec/08
Big Show gives his stats on Larry King Live last year stating he is 7'0":
Click Here
Umar said on 29/Dec/08
Guys, there is nothing wrong in this picture. Mike's body is tilted, so that gives Big Show an extra inch. Big Show already looks 6 inches taller than Mike. He also has a 3 inch bigger head than Mike's head. That would make Big Show 6'11.5". I still think Big Show is 7 foot because when people are being measured, they stand fully tall. Big Show could just stand a little more straight and be 1/4 inches taller.
Anonymous said on 29/Dec/08
KingNick says on 28/Dec/08
I agree with Clay and Ranstrob it looks like Mike is either on his toes or leaning inward just so he can fit in the frame. Big Show is so wide that he is taking up most of the space in the picture.
I'll be at the Smackdown tapings at East Rutherford, NJ this Tues night if I get and good height shots I'll let you guys know!
Yes, there
Umar said on 28/Dec/08
Freddy says on 28/Dec/08
He looked a good 7 foot next to Edge on Smackdown the other night.
My comment: Big Show always looks minimum 6'9". When he was face to face with Edge on Friday Night Smackdown 12/26/08, he was slouching and he already looked 6 inches taller than Edge. Edge is 6'3", and Big Show's head is about 2 inches bigger than Edge's head, so I would call him 7'. I wouldn't call Big Show under 6'11".
KingNick said on 28/Dec/08
I agree with Clay and Ranstrob it looks like Mike is either on his toes or leaning inward just so he can fit in the frame. Big Show is so wide that he is taking up most of the space in the picture.
I'll be at the Smackdown tapings at East Rutherford, NJ this Tues night if I get and good height shots I'll let you guys know!
Umar said on 28/Dec/08
Mike is probably only 6'1.5". If he was 6'4", then Big Show would be like 7'2" in this picture!
Freddy said on 28/Dec/08
He looked a good 7 foot next to Edge on Smackdown the other night.
Rantsrob said on 27/Dec/08
Good point Clay i never thought of mike being on his tippy toes. which would explain everything because he looks about 6'4'' in the picture.
Umar said on 27/Dec/08
Rob, I posted the post that "Anonymous" did. How did this happen??? That's unfair!!! WHo's Anonymous?!?! This is what I posted...
Anonymous says on 26/Dec/08
yoyo says on 24/Dec/08
look clearly on picture above if mike is 187 means Bigshow was under 7ft, pics above he only have 17 to 18cm on mike if he stand straight up. 6ft8.5 at less 6f9 at most. BigShow looks to be same tall as Kevin Nash.
My comment: Look yoyo, Mike is 6'1.5", and he's right under Big Show's nose. That means Big Show is 6 inches taller. But Mike is leaning, which makes him look taller. That makes Big Show 6'8.5" MINIMUM as possible. Big Show's head is 3 inches bigger than Mike's. It's clear that Mike's head is around 9 inches (maybe 9.5 inches). That makes Big Show 6'11.5" or 7'. I would put him as 7 foot tall.
Danimal said on 27/Dec/08
Mike actually claimed he was 6'1 3/4". Not sure why Rob has him at 6'1.5".
Clay said on 26/Dec/08
You know what yoyo? If the camera magically scanned to their legs I think we would see a tippy-toed Mike. :)
Anonymous said on 26/Dec/08
yoyo says on 24/Dec/08
look clearly on picture above if mike is 187 means Bigshow was under 7ft, pics above he only have 17 to 18cm on mike if he stand straight up. 6ft8.5 at less 6f9 at most. BigShow looks to be same tall as Kevin Nash.
My comment: Look yoyo, Mike is 6'1.5", and he's right under Big Show's nose. That means Big Show is 6 inches taller. But Mike is leaning, which makes him look taller. That makes Big Show 6'8.5" MINIMUM as possible. Big Show's head is 3 inches bigger than Mike's. It's clear that Mike's head is around 9 inches (maybe 9.5 inches). That makes Big Show 6'11.5" or 7'. I would put him as 7 foot tall.
Alex said on 26/Dec/08
I really do question peoples claims of heights of 6'7 or taller on this site. There was one guy who was a legit 6'7.5 and had pics of himself on here.
yoyo said on 24/Dec/08
look clearly on picture above if mike is 187 means Bigshow was under 7ft, pics above he only have 17 to 18cm on mike if he stand straight up. 6ft8.5 at less 6f9 at most. BigShow looks to be same tall as Kevin Nash.
KingNick said on 23/Dec/08
The guy is trying to get a rise out of everyone. He WANTS you to reply and get mad. Just ignore him.
Big Show said on 22/Dec/08
Danimal says on 20/Dec/08
Give it a rest. Rob, this guy has used how many different names under the same IP address, claiming to be 7'0" Jeremy and his sister and his friend and now anonymous??
trolling the boards for MONTHS claiming to be something you're not. PROVIDE a PIC or stop.
I don't think this guy is ever going to provide proof of his height (for obvious reasons). I think editor Rob should give him a warning or something as Danimal is right, this guy has been
trolling the boards for months. He adds absolutely nothing to any height debate as his posts only consist of him bragging about his own (fantasy) height. I don't care if he's 7'1 or not as long as he stops referring to it all the time and just participates in the height discussions of the celebs like everybody else.

Editor Rob
he's more 5ft 1 than 7ft 1, I delete most of his posts, some do sneak through.
Danimal said on 20/Dec/08
Anonymous says on 20/Dec/08
Big Show 7'0/7'0.5" peak
Jeremy 7'0.5"
Shaq 7'1"
Give it a rest. Rob, this guy has used how many different names under the same IP address, claiming to be 7'0" Jeremy and his sister and his friend and now anonymous??
trolling the boards for MONTHS claiming to be something you're not. PROVIDE a PIC or stop.
Anonymous said on 20/Dec/08
Big Show 7'0/7'0.5" peak
Jeremy 7'0.5"
Shaq 7'1"
miko said on 12/Dec/08
Show was perhaps 7"0.5/7"1 at his peak in the 90's, as for today - he's struggling with 7"0.
Can look 6"10-11 with bad posture. I feel if he stretched himself out to the max he could still brush 7"0 early in the day.
Danimal said on 11/Dec/08
Big Show would have been the exact same height as Khali and Shaq in the mid-late 90's. I would bet my life savings on that. Remember, Big Show was listed at 7'1" in basketball, just like Shaq. Being over 500 pounds and horrible posture (back and knee problems) took at least an inch off of the big guy. I say he used to be at least 7'0.5" and today could look at low as 6'11" at times. He used to have legit 3" on then 6'9.5"-6'10" Kevin Nash in the WCW.
topdweeb said on 11/Dec/08
Alex: I agree, Big Show has features that makes him look shorter than he is.
Alex said on 11/Dec/08
Big Show would look the same next to Shaq as he does Khali I think but Shaq's head I think was a bit smaller than Khali's and because Big Show's head is pretty long it may give an impression that Shaq is a bit more taller than Big Show then he really is.
topdweeb said on 11/Dec/08
Alex: Khali is closer, but to be honest, the amount that he is closer by is so minimal that I don't know if it would give him any height advantage.
topdweeb said on 10/Dec/08
Well what I'm saying, is that they look to be the same height in the photo. And I am assuming that neither has a footwear advantage because unless there is a reason to think that one of them does, there's no reason to say that.
Alex said on 10/Dec/08
Topdweeb, good you see Khali is slightly closer to the camera as well which can account for a very minimal height difference. Even if they were level they'd look about the same still and if anything shaq may have 1/4 inch on Khali at most.
KingNick said on 10/Dec/08
Yeah I don't want to sound like a jerk but can we give it a rest with the Shaq/Khali photo? They're too close to call. Even if there is .25" in one of their favors who cares? It's only .25"!
Clay said on 10/Dec/08
Nothing is proved until there is footage of them walking into a doctors office, taking off their theirs shoes, and being measured.
Ghost said on 10/Dec/08
You can't get information about who is 1/4 of an inch taller or shorter from a photograph. That's just absurd.
Khali and Shaq look the same height, but I would say that Shaq is a hair taller. However, that cannot be proved no matter how many lines people draw on the pic.
topdweeb said on 9/Dec/08
Clay: Those lines do not show Khali being .25" to .5" taller than Shaq, and we shouldn't assume either one has a footwear advantage. Khali is slightly closer to the camera which could explain the very slight height he has. And I don't even see where you complain about being precise when you are trying to narrow Khali all the way down to his final 1/4" of height.
Clay said on 9/Dec/08
Topdweeb, according to the level lines in that pic Khali clearly ''IS'' taller than Shaq by .25-.5 of an inch. And we dont know who has a footwear advantage. You really think their footwear is EXACTLY the same? If we're going to get so freakin' precise here you have to take that into consideration. So no, its not concluded yet who is taller between Shaq or Singh.
Alex said on 8/Dec/08
I see Shaq at 7'1 for sure. Khali was the same or if anything barely less like 7'0 3/4. That puts Big Show at no more than 7'0 and could be 6'11 1/2.
topdweeb said on 8/Dec/08
Clay: I don't even see how you can peg Khali at 7' 1.25" when Shaq is 7' 1 and Khali is clearly NOT taller than Shaq.
Clay said on 8/Dec/08
Nick: I see 1.5 inches between them most of the time, the odd shot I'll only see an inch or sometimes I've seen easily two inches in videos or a photo. Barefoot I have them at 6'11.75 and 7'1.25 if we want to get exact. Topdweeb...we're arguing over literally not even an inch, LOL.
Alex said on 7/Dec/08
The photo with Mike would make Vegas's 6'4 friend really just 6'1. Doesn't add up.
Alex said on 7/Dec/08
Topdweeb, yea exactly both are the same height. Some people dont wanna see the lines in front of them, LOL.
topdweeb said on 7/Dec/08
Danimal: I used to think it was nuts that you thought Show was just as tall as Khali at his peak. I do acknowledge that Show lost height, but I still thought it was nuts. Until ghost posted that video and if you stop it at 6:08 mark, then it looks like Khali isn't even close to having a full inch on Show. Based on that, I say that I do believe a peak Show would stand just as tall as Khali does.
topdweeb said on 5/Dec/08
Click HereThere's a good comparison of the pic between Khali and Shaq. I don't know why everyone keeps saying Shaq is taller, they are exactly the same height.
Khali is 7' 1 and Big Show is 7' 0.
topdweeb said on 5/Dec/08
Viper: not to me, they looked dead on.
Umar: keep in mind that we don't even know who "mike" is. He was just some poster who showed up one day, and submitted that photo and then claimed to be 6' 1.5. We don't know who he is, and he didn't stick around long. We don't know that he really is only 6' 1.5" and we don't know that there isn't something wrong such as them not being on level ground or anything. There's a lot of questions about that photo. Vegas (a regular poster) submitted a photo once with the Big Show standing next to a friend of his who is 6' 4, and the 6' 4 wasn't even as tall to the Big Show as "mike" is. There's definitely something wrong with the photo.
Alex said on 5/Dec/08
Sometimes I can see 1.5 inches between the two but never do I see 2 inches.
Viper said on 5/Dec/08
Looked like Shaq was taller. And Khali was cloer to the camera.
Umar said on 5/Dec/08
I don't get it. How come he looks like 7-8 inches taller than 6'1.5" Mike? I once saw a picture where Big Show is about a full head taller than Ric Flair.
Danimal said on 5/Dec/08
I am conflicted with Big Show, because I am confident that the man would have been every bit as tall as Khali if he were to have stood next to him circa 1995-1999. Big had the same basketball height listing as Shaq. Shaq is the same height as Khali. Big Show isn't what he used to be. Big Show used to walk around with CRAZY good posture. His neck was long and his back was straight and his legs were straight. He was a solid 7'1" at one point. Today he give the impression that he is between 6'11" and 7'0". This may be due to his really poor posture, combined with some height loss, which may only be .5", but with the posture, it looks like he is a full 2" shorter than he used to be, giving the impression of a 6'11" man at times. I would love to see a 1996 Big Show face off with a 2008 Big Show. All of you would truly see then that the young Big Show truly was a "Giant" (as he was referred to in the WCW). He used to have 3" on a PEAK Kevin Nash. Current Big Show would appear at times only to have maybe 1" on a PEAK Nash.
topdweeb said on 5/Dec/08
Clay: 1.5 inches is a pretty good difference, and that is your conservative estimate anyway, you often say they are as much as 2 inches apart. I don't even see 1.5" ... heck I don't even see 1" and I'm not alone in that at all.
KingNick said on 4/Dec/08
OOFatman says on 2/Dec/08
Alex, yeah, I hover between 290 and 300 lbs right now. I was down to about 178 lbs back in January, 2007. Not even 2 years later here I am (ridiculous huh?). And yes, I shrink 1.25" only if I'm on my feet for a few hours. Usually I only lose an inch, but it varies from daily activity.
KingNick, I know what you're saying. I just cannot see him losing much if any height since that match with Akebono; he is only 36. At first I also thought it was a 3" difference, but after watching the match a couple more times, I could see close to a 4" difference. Akebono was also listed 204 cm, or 6-8.25. So even 3.75" over him would put Show about 7-0.
You make a good point too, bro. I'm open to that possibility.
Clay, what do you think the difference is between the two? Barefoot, I see Khali as 7'1" and Show at 6'11". In ring gear, I see 1" between them. So Show would be 7'1" in ring gear and Khali would be just under 7'2" in ring gear, which would account for the footwear advantage IMO.
Alex said on 4/Dec/08
Viper, if you have Khali at 7'0 then Shaq can't be 7'1. No way was there an inch between them. They were pretty much the same height, if anything maybe 1/4 inch difference.
topdweeb said on 4/Dec/08
Viper: yep, I think it's more like 7' and 7' 1, but either way just an inch. Everyone sees that except for Clay who is apparently blind.
Clay said on 4/Dec/08
LOL you think 1.5 is a significant height advantage? Look, thats what 1.5-2 inch height differnce looks like on a screen, thats all Im saying. Thats how I look when I stand next to someone who's 5'11'', you can barely notice a difference with me being 5'9.5. They're 7'0 and 7'1.5. Or 6'11.5 and 7'1.
Viper said on 4/Dec/08
I think Khali is 7-0 and Big Show 6-11. Just an inch seperating the 2.
topdweeb said on 4/Dec/08
Clay: you're the ONLY one who thinks Khali is significantly taller than Big Show. You provide the WORST video evidence I have ever seen anyone provide and to make matters worse, it didn't even prove your case.
If you think Big Show is standing straight, then there is no hope for you. Take a look at his neck, he is slightly hunched over, while Khali is standing so ridiculously straight, that he is nearly leaning backwards. Again, you're the only one who can't see that Big Show is slouching.
The footwear advantage, you can as if Khali is in barefeet. The difference between the two isn't even a full inch. Big Show's boots aren't much bigger than Khali's, so I wouldn't have a problem saying Big Show has like a 1/4" advantage but that still only puts Khali at about an inch taller than Show.
You simply need to get over it. Khali is not the world's tallest man like you seem to think he is.
gazz said on 3/Dec/08
absolutely agree with the last point with topdweeb,
big show cud stand straighter and i dont think there wud even be 0.25' between them
OOFatman said on 3/Dec/08
Alex says on 3/Dec/08
Fatman, so you're back to the same weight you were before you got down to 178lbs? What happened you just stopped working out and back to eating whatever?
Funny thing is, I never worked out when I went from 260 down to 178. I did the low carb thing and lost 50 lbs in 2 months. Then I got off it and lost over 30 lbs more. I think my body went into shock or something lol, I just lost my appetite and didn't eat much. But yeah, my old eating habits have gotten the better of me the last year or two.
topdweeb, exactly. If Show was 6-10.5, Khali AND Shaq would both be struggling with 7 feet.
Alex said on 3/Dec/08
That low angle made Khali look a bit taller than Show then he really is. At the 1:03 mark I see just an inch. I seen an inch in all their faceoffs as well.
topdweeb said on 3/Dec/08
Ghost: thanks. Now pause that video at 6:07. That isn't even an inch of difference between the two, and Show could stand straighter if he wanted to.
topdweeb said on 3/Dec/08
Clay says on 2/Dec/08
"Take a good hard look topdweeb, thats what a 1.5-2 inch differnce looks like on camera from a far. Big Show is barely scraping 7'0 and Khali is 7'1.5. Im not budging."
Clay: that is at a very far distance, it's at an angle, and even still, I do not see a 1.5 to 2 inch difference at all. Khali barely looks taller. And no, Khali is not over 7' 1, he was exact same height as Shaq who is 7' 1. That video is the lamest evidence I have ever seen on here, are you really serious?
Ghost said on 3/Dec/08
Clay says on 2/Dec/08
Click Here
Im going to post this again because it got lost in the shuffle. Take a good hard look topdweeb, thats what a 1.5-2 inch differnce looks like on camera from a far. Big Show is barely scraping 7'0 and Khali is 7'1.5. Im not budging.
Why do you choose that one when there are far better comparison clips for those two Like this one
Click Here ?
I'd say Khali is a hair under 7'1 and Show is a hair under 7'
Paul said on 3/Dec/08
I think Big Show needs to get his weight down to say 350lbs and spend longer in the gym. It might improve his posture, appearance and mobility.
Big Show said on 3/Dec/08
Clay says on 2/Dec/08
Click Here
Im going to post this again because it got lost in the shuffle. Take a good hard look topdweeb, thats what a 1.5-2 inch differnce looks like on camera from a far. Big Show is barely scraping 7'0 and Khali is 7'1.5. Im not budging.
That's gotta be the worst camera angle ever. The camera is like 10 feet away from the action and just look at the ring ropes. From left to right they go up, which means the person who is standing on the right (which in this case is Khali) will have the camera advantage. There are better staredowns between these guys, where the camera zooms in on the action and where the camera angle is horizontal (thus eliminating camera advantages) and there the difference is barely an inch.
Alex said on 3/Dec/08
Fatman, so you're back to the same weight you were before you got down to 178lbs? What happened you just stopped working out and back to eating whatever?
OOFatman said on 2/Dec/08
Alex, yeah, I hover between 290 and 300 lbs right now. I was down to about 178 lbs back in January, 2007. Not even 2 years later here I am (ridiculous huh?). And yes, I shrink 1.25" only if I'm on my feet for a few hours. Usually I only lose an inch, but it varies from daily activity.
KingNick, I know what you're saying. I just cannot see him losing much if any height since that match with Akebono; he is only 36. At first I also thought it was a 3" difference, but after watching the match a couple more times, I could see close to a 4" difference. Akebono was also listed 204 cm, or 6-8.25. So even 3.75" over him would put Show about 7-0.
willy79 said on 2/Dec/08
I think peak wise Show was 7'0
Clay said on 2/Dec/08
Click HereIm going to post this again because it got lost in the shuffle. Take a good hard look topdweeb, thats what a 1.5-2 inch differnce looks like on camera from a far. Big Show is barely scraping 7'0 and Khali is 7'1.5. Im not budging.
topdweeb said on 2/Dec/08
Guys, if Big Show is 6' 10.5 then at the MOST Khali and Shaq are 7' 0". Might as well throw out Shaq's 7' 1 listing at a legit sport.
Clay said on 2/Dec/08
Theres no logic with people like Umar Nick, dont bother.
KingNick said on 2/Dec/08
OOFatman says on 1/Dec/08
delux says on 1/Dec/08
Shows more like 6'10.5
Sorry, but NO. Big Show had Akebono, who is a legit 6-8, by around 4" not too long ago. He is not significantly under 7' by any stretch of the imagination. People have to realize something; weight will GREATLY affect ones posture. Hell, at around 300 lbs, I'm all hunched over at the end of the day, and I shrink 1.25" from morning to night. Big Show has about 150 lbs on me, I can only imagine how his back would be hurting after being on his feet for a while, not to mention he has been over 500 lbs before.
I agree he may have had around 4" over Akebono (maybe 3" IMO) but I think he may have lost height since then, at least an inch. It's hard to tell b/c he hardly ever stands up straight and wears huge boots.
topdweeb said on 2/Dec/08
Fatman: I agree, no way is Big Show as low as 6' 10.5. Like I said in a previous post, everyone of us will stand as erect as humanly possible when we are being measured to squeeze every bit of height into us. But no one walks around normally as if they are being measured. So it's ridiculous to think that everyone you see the Big Show he is 7' on the money.
Delux: No way. Khali is the same height as Shaq at 7' 1, and Khali does not have 2.5 inches on the Big Sow. It's more like 1 inch, 1.5 inches maximum.
Alex said on 2/Dec/08
Danimal, you really think Big Show could have lost around 2 inches in height?
Fatman, you weigh 300lbs? I thought you said you were less, maybe that was someone else. But you lose 1.25 inches of height? wow but I guess I can see that for some people. I can lose up to a full inch myself.
Frank said on 1/Dec/08
Sid had 2 inches easily on Hogan
Umar said on 1/Dec/08
Rob, Big Show looks about 6 inches taller than Mike. That makes him 6'7.5". But then he's slouching, because it's hard to stand still at that height and weight. That makes him 6'8.5". And he has a big head! That makes him 6'9.5". I'm sure Mike is wearing heels. That makes Big Show about 6'10.5"...
who agrees with me?

Editor Rob
he's got a larger head so I wouldn't say under 7 in that photo.
OOFatman said on 1/Dec/08
delux says on 1/Dec/08
Shows more like 6'10.5
Sorry, but NO. Big Show had Akebono, who is a legit 6-8, by around 4" not too long ago. He is not significantly under 7' by any stretch of the imagination. People have to realize something; weight will GREATLY affect ones posture. Hell, at around 300 lbs, I'm all hunched over at the end of the day, and I shrink 1.25" from morning to night. Big Show has about 150 lbs on me, I can only imagine how his back would be hurting after being on his feet for a while, not to mention he has been over 500 lbs before.
Danimal said on 1/Dec/08
Big Show - 7'0.5"-7'1.25" PEAK
Taker - 6'7.5"-6'8.25" PEAK
Sid - 6'7"-6'7.25"
Hogan - 6'5.5"-6'6.25" PEAK
Andre - 6'11.5"-7'0.25" PEAK
Stud - 6'6.5"-6'7.25" PEAK
delux said on 1/Dec/08
Red says on 30/Nov/08
tuga I think 2.5" is still to much, Taker has a footwear advantage.
Sid had only 1.5-2" on peak Hogan and Tenta was always taller than Hulk.
My estimations: peak & barefoot
Big Show: 7
topdweeb said on 1/Dec/08
It has to be remember that when you see people just out and about, you more than likely aren't seeing them at their max height. Everyone of us will stand as straight as we can and trying to squeeze every little bit of height into our frame to make ourselves as tall as possible. But no one walks like that, that would be ridiculous. So a legit 7 footer possibly looking a little shorter while passing by or something, isn't that surprising.
Cobra said on 1/Dec/08
I saw Show live also. H was in a Tag Team Match against Taker. He had Taker by 3 inches I guess, but it`s all posture. Shows posture is horrible. He can get from 6ft10 to 7ft with just standing straight.
sid said on 1/Dec/08
Danimal: kane in that video with big show looked more like 3 inches apart. get your eyes checked
glenn said on 30/Nov/08
saw this guy last week in boston.seemed more 6-10.
JT said on 30/Nov/08
tuga says on 30/Nov/08
....JT, I like comparisons but why don
Red said on 30/Nov/08
tuga I think 2.5" is still to much, Taker has a footwear advantage.
Sid had only 1.5-2" on peak Hogan and Tenta was always taller than Hulk.
My estimations: peak & barefoot
Big Show: 7
Ghost said on 30/Nov/08
I'm not saying that Tenta was as tall as Taker or Sid, but that picture with Sting and Tenta has is from a bad angle. I wouldn't make much estimations based on that only.
topdweeb said on 30/Nov/08
Frank: I've noticed that when wrestlers are asked what their height is, especially when they are in character, they tend to just give what their billed height is. There are some exceptions, like I remember Big Show saying he was 7' 1 when he was billed at 7' 4 in WCW. But for the most part, that's what happens.
tuga said on 30/Nov/08
Ola says on 30/Nov/08
without a doubt, Ray! sid justice would have easily 2 inches on tenta and taker 3. here's sting and sid: Click Here
and sting and tenta: Click Here
JT said on 30/Nov/08
Vegas says on 28/Nov/08
photos like that make the difference look much less, it looks 5 inches or more here and quake is not even standing straight, taker didn't look much if any taller in a staredown with yoko at royal rumble 1994 Click Here
Click Here Taker would have the footwear advantage as well.
Frank said on 29/Nov/08
Vegas, I asked Taker how tall he was and he told me he was 6ft 9 and to be honest he looked it Not saying we was with all the evidence pointing he was never that tall...
Vegas said on 29/Nov/08
JT says on 28/Nov/08
IIRC, Taker looked a little under 6'7" to you when you saw him. Did he look around the same height as Heidenreich did to you? Taker somehow looked 2+ inches taller in the ring with him.
i thought taker looked 6'7ish in person, give or take half an inch, it all depends on takers forehead length as the top of the head of sensational sherris son who told me he was a legit 6'2 barefoot(who was talking with him for a few minutes) was at takers eyeline (alot like the photos you posted of taker/lesnar)
heindenreich looked almost as tall but then i saw both guys at different times 2 years apart, unlike kane and matt morgan who i saw within minutes of each other and it was evident morgan was taller, i didn't have a legit 6'4 and a legit 6'2 guy to compare to heindenreich
frank said taker looked 6'9 to him in gear which if true means either his posture is poor when walking around or he has a little help in his wrestling boots, i don't understand how he looks about 1-1.5 inch taller than crush in 1993 (whom some on here pin as low as 6'4) then 8 inches taller than 6'2 shane 6 years later?? would love to get his basketball listing
Ray said on 29/Nov/08
Red: that video isn't that great for a height comparison on Taker and Tenta IMO; Taker is looking way down for one and also a staredown between Taker and Tenta would be what we need really for comparison. Taker would be clearly taller than Tenta.
tuga said on 29/Nov/08
Ola says on 28/Nov/08
Which pretty much proves what i have been saying all the time: tenta was only around 6'4 give or take a half inch
Its incredible how this is still debated...Tenta was measured legit 6'5 3/4 for a LEGIT sport...FACT.
Vegas says on 28/Nov/08
photos like that make the difference look much less, it looks 5 inches or more here and quake is not even standing straight, taker didn't look much if any taller in a staredown with yoko at royal rumble 1994 Click Here
Really Vegas?
Click HereAnother staredown between yoko and taker, taker is as usually slouching but it gives an idea...
If you look to yoko and tenta video look at tenta
Red said on 29/Nov/08
Click Here look at the 11min mark. Peak Undertaker looks barely an inch taller than 6
Red said on 29/Nov/08
Anything under 6
Big Show said on 28/Nov/08
Vegas says on 28/Nov/08
photos like that make the difference look much less, it looks 5 inches or more here and quake is not even standing straight, taker didn't look much if any taller in a staredown with yoko at royal rumble 1994 Click Here
I was more referring to there size rather than their height. Yokozuna looks an easy 100 lbs heavier there.
JT said on 28/Nov/08
Vegas says on 28/Nov/08
photos like that make the difference look much less, it looks 5 inches or more here and quake is not even standing straight, taker didn't look much if any taller in a staredown with yoko at royal rumble 1994 Click Here
Click HereClick HereTenta and Yokozuna also had a sumo match on Raw, with both barefoot. Haven't see it on YouTube for a while.
IIRC, Taker looked a little under 6'7" to you when you saw him. Did he look around the same height as Heidenreich did to you? Taker somehow looked 2+ inches taller in the ring with him.
Ghost said on 28/Nov/08
It's about 5 inches between Yoko and Tenta.
Yokozuna was probably around 6'1-6'2. He was billed 6'4.
Vegas said on 28/Nov/08
photos like that make the difference look much less, it looks 5 inches or more here and quake is not even standing straight, taker didn't look much if any taller in a staredown with yoko at royal rumble 1994
Click Here
Big Show said on 27/Nov/08
Click HereHere's a nice size comparison between John Tenta & Yokozuna.
JT said on 27/Nov/08
Big Show says on 27/Nov/08
....At first I was kinda surprised that you said Conan is 240 lbs. I thought you meant Conan O'Brien (who isn't even close to 240 lbs). But then I realised you meant Konnan. Not that I think he's 240 lbs either. He's short (IIRC he was about the same height or slightly taller than Eddie Guerrero) and although he's well build, I don't think he's got that much bulk to be 240 lbs.
Never paid enough attention to the guy to see how he spelled his name:) I thought he looked around 5'10". He was a pretty stocky guy, certainly heavier than a peak weight Kurt Angle.
Big Show said on 27/Nov/08
JT says on 27/Nov/08
Check out around 6:47
Click Here Conan's maybe 240 lbs.?? I don't think there's another wrestler out there, including possibly
Mark Henry, who could do that.
At first I was kinda surprised that you said Conan is 240 lbs. I thought you meant Conan O'Brien (who isn't even close to 240 lbs). But then I realised you meant Konnan. Not that I think he's 240 lbs either. He's short (IIRC he was about the same height or slightly taller than Eddie Guerrero) and although he's well build, I don't think he's got that much bulk to be 240 lbs.
JT said on 27/Nov/08
Check out around 6:47
Click Here Conan's maybe 240 lbs.?? I don't think there's another wrestler out there, including possibly
Mark Henry, who could do that.
The guy
Click Here who posted this video is compiling videos of the top 250 wrestlers, which is pretty interesting. I think he
Clay said on 26/Nov/08
Dont disagree with Danimal he's older wiser and better than you!!!
Danimal said on 24/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 24/Nov/08
Danimal says on 21/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 20/Nov/08
JT give it up, Big Show was never really 7'1. Reese and Khali have proven that
Reese prove NOTHING. He was wrapped in bandages and was ALSO listed as 7'2". Khali NEVER faced Big show back in the mid to late 90's.
Oh wow, the height pages biggest whinner, decided to bless us with his useless wisdom!
Just stating FACTS Mr. Sarcastic.
Anonymous said on 24/Nov/08
Danimal says on 21/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 20/Nov/08
JT give it up, Big Show was never really 7'1. Reese and Khali have proven that
Reese prove NOTHING. He was wrapped in bandages and was ALSO listed as 7'2". Khali NEVER faced Big show back in the mid to late 90's.
Oh wow, the height pages biggest whinner, decided to bless us with his useless wisdom!
topdweeb said on 23/Nov/08
Marotte says on 22/Nov/08
"And he is almost as tall as khali today so 10 years ago I believe he was as tall as khali and shaq."
Good chance of that. He was over 500 lbs for so long and he is still over-weight, that over time, it wouldn't be too surprising if that excess weight compressed his spine, making him lose an inch of height. And he usually has bad posture compared to Khali, so that doesn't help things either.
hs2008 said on 23/Nov/08
He claims 7'0" in his bare feet usually, from all the interviews I have read/heard.
Alex said on 22/Nov/08
It was college basketball he was listed at 7'1 with so there is a chance he was 6'11-6'11 1/2 and then grew a bit more. But I also heard he was 7'0 by the time he was 18 years old as well. All these different sources though.
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/08
poster big show linked this over on takers page, undertaker looks short there in 1999 about 6 inches shorter maybe more
Click Here
JT said on 22/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 20/Nov/08
JT give it up, Big Show was never really 7'1. Reese and Khali have proven that!
First, what part of "I still think Khali is taller than Big Show..." didn't you understand?
Second, regarding Ron Reis, the guy was in bandages and wearing what looked to be a head piece that gave him at least a 6 inch forehead.
Click Here Big Show was also slouching for most of that encounter. No decent comparison could be made, though I think Reis was little taller than Big Show as well.
Click HereClick HereClick Here
Marotte said on 22/Nov/08
topdweeb says on 22/Nov/08
Danimal: exactly. Basketball is a legitimate sport and if Big Show was listed as 7' 1, then there's a good chance that he probably was. And I agree, Reese doesn't prove anything.
Big Show looks easily 4 inches over Kane in that video and Big Show never really straightens out in it either. "Anonymous" must be blind.
And he is almost as tall as khali today so 10 years ago I believe he was as tall as khali and shaq.
topdweeb said on 22/Nov/08
Danimal: exactly. Basketball is a legitimate sport and if Big Show was listed as 7' 1, then there's a good chance that he probably was. And I agree, Reese doesn't prove anything.
Big Show looks easily 4 inches over Kane in that video and Big Show never really straightens out in it either. "Anonymous" must be blind.
Danimal said on 21/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 20/Nov/08
JT give it up, Big Show was never really 7'1. Reese and Khali have proven that
Reese prove NOTHING. He was wrapped in bandages and was ALSO listed as 7'2". Khali NEVER faced Big show back in the mid to late 90's.
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/08
Big Show needs to be downgraded to 6'11.5''
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/08
If Kane is 6'8 to 6'9, than Show is about 6,11 atallest in that video!
Anonymous said on 20/Nov/08
JT give it up, Big Show was never really 7'1. Reese and Khali have proven that!
topdweeb said on 20/Nov/08
Clay: and for the last time bullcrap. Khali is about 1 inch and only 1 inch taller than the Big Show and that's it. Sometimes the difference doesn't even look like an inch.
Alex said on 20/Nov/08
Clay, maybe 1.5 inches at most. I dont see no 2 inches between Big Show and Khali.
Big Show said on 20/Nov/08
Click HereHere's an interview with Kane from Heat, which gets interrupted by The Big Show.
Clay said on 20/Nov/08
Khali is over an inch taller than Big Show, for the last time. Theres a bigger gap between them than there is between Triple H and John Cena/Jeff Hardy/Kozlov.
JT said on 18/Nov/08
Big Show says on 17/Nov/08
Click Here
Here's a interview of the Dungeon of Doom and the 4 Horsemen from Nitro (January 15, 1996). It shows Big Show and The One Man Gang stand next to each other...
That was easily the best posture that I
topdweeb said on 18/Nov/08
Alex: I have looked at Show's boots while he was in WCW and I have never seen him to wear anything bigger than what he wears now. I think he could have possibly have lost an inch of height because of his massive weight. I don't think Show ever wore lifts.
Have you seen the pics of Hogan and Mean Gene that JT posted on Hogan's forum? He has the exact same height difference between him and Gene from the 80's to the present. What do you make of that?
Alex said on 17/Nov/08
Topdweed, I personally dont think Big Show shrunk really, maybe 1/2 inch at most. He may seem a bit shorter due to posture, weight gain, not the usage of lifts like he wore sometimes in WCW. Hogan now I believe could have been 6'6 at his peak, at least 6'5 1/2 but today I believe Hogan to be no more than 6'3. yea I believe Hogan lost around 3 inches in height.
willy79 said on 17/Nov/08
Sid looks as tall as Rodman, 6'7
willy79 said on 17/Nov/08
I'm starting to think Show never was taller than 7'0 if that and maybe half inch shorter now. He just wore Kane like lifts! Especially in WCW! Because he looked abit shorter than Yeti 7'1 and Khali 7'1.
Big Show said on 17/Nov/08
Click HereHere's a interview of the Dungeon of Doom and the 4 Horsemen from Nitro (January 15, 1996). It shows Big Show and The One Man Gang stand next to each other (I believe JT posted some pictures of this interview before).
topdweeb said on 14/Nov/08
Alex: how tall do you think a peak Big Show and Hogan were?
Alex said on 14/Nov/08
Topdweeb, a peak Andre was at no less than 6'11 I think. By his death I could believe he was 6'9. Time of WM 3 he was 6'10 max.
topdweeb said on 14/Nov/08
Alex: I think so too. I don't believe Andre was as tall as the Big Show, to me that is obvious. I still think Andre was around 6' 10.
Frank said on 14/Nov/08
Andre's boots had less of a heel that Big Shows thats for sure
I think they would be very close in Height but i believe Show might have Andre by a inch @ best
JT said on 14/Nov/08
KingNick says on 14/Nov/08
Looks 6'11" to me if Rodman is 6'7" Click Here
Click Here Salley is at least 6
Alex said on 14/Nov/08
Danimal, yea and Big Show would have more height on a peak Hogan than Andre did in 1987, that I bet on.
KingNick said on 14/Nov/08
Looks 6'11" to me if Rodman is 6'7"
Click Here
JT said on 13/Nov/08
Alex says on 13/Nov/08
....I think the line you drew may be a bit too low. I think the top of Rodman's head is a bit more higher than that.
Agreed, but I drew the line at the top of Mike's head, not Rodman's. There are ample pics out there of Rodman with at least 2 inches on
Michael Jordan. He was very close in height to Pippen as well. Rodman would have at least 3 inches on Vegas's friend based on how they match up with Big Show.
Danimal said on 13/Nov/08
I would love to have seen a PEAK Hogan (circa 1980) face off next to a present day Big Show. That would have been awesome.
Clay said on 13/Nov/08
Click Here^You think Big Show has 100 pounds on Khali Danimal? Riiiiight.
Alex said on 13/Nov/08
I could be wrong but I remember Vegas saying his friend was 6'4.5 as well. Either way Big Show has at least 7 inches on him. Based on that Mike is what pushing 6'5 compared to Vegas' friend.
JT, Rodman could be as low as 6'6-6'6 1/2 as well and even if he is Big Show is around 5 inches taller. I think the line you drew may be a bit too low. I think the top of Rodman's head is a bit more higher than that.
topdweeb said on 13/Nov/08
JT: thanks for the comparisons, it shows even more how suspicious that pic with "mike" is.
nick: yeah, yeah I've seen you do that before. The problem is, is that you manipulated the pic. And no matter how you slice it, when doing that type of digital manipulation, there is always interpretation involved of how it would/should look if Big Show stood straight. I think the most obvious answer is that they either aren't on level ground, or mike is taller than he is saying that he is.
Btw, mike said he was not standing on one foot and he claimed that the ground was level. Besides, even if he were standing on one foot (which he probably is, this guy obviously can't be trusted) then he's gonna need a lot more than an inch added from it in order to look as tall as he does.
nick said on 13/Nov/08
Click Herehaha topweed, how many times do i have to do this.
First understand that it is an illusion. The first pcture is the original, the second is if the bifg show stood in 100 percent erect posture (projected) and the third is if show was 6'6. Now you can see the height differenceis huge when you see it as a smaller picture. In the above photo or the one i posted when you do the lines across show is a hair under 6'10 but when he stand totally erect he is very close to 7 foot, just look at the middle picture. Also mike does in fact look like he is standing on 1 foot like i mentioned close to a year ago adding nearly an inch.
The big show seems to beleaning in and on his back foot which deducts quite a bit of height. Im 6'2.5 andi have pictures with my 5'8 friends and i do that all the time
JT said on 12/Nov/08
With Vegas
Drexyl said on 12/Nov/08
I've never paid any attention to that photo with Mike. It's clearly not right. It would make Big Show no taller than about 6,8.5", which everybody knows he is much taller than.
Alex said on 12/Nov/08
But Mike said Big Show looked 6'11 to him though. It sure doesn't appear to be a 9 1/2 inch difference above. That picture is fishy. Vegas's 6'4 friend who we seen next to a height chart was 7-8 inches shorter than Big Show.
Clay said on 11/Nov/08
I think Mike is standing on one foot, adding an additional inch as well.
topdweeb said on 11/Nov/08
nick: forget it. there's no saving that pic. Hell, if mike is really only 6' 1.5 and he's that tall to the Big Show, then imagine someone who is like 6' 8, they would look virtually indistinguable in height... and then what type of mental gymnastics would you have to do then. Fact is, "mike" in that pic is taller to the Big Show than Vegas' 6' 4 friend is. There is something seriously wrong. Either the ground isn't level, mike is standing on something, or he's lying about his height. But let's not fool ourselves into thinking that this picture makes perfect sense because it clearly doesn't.
nick said on 11/Nov/08
lol danimal. I know its controversial but think about it this way, mike is a near 6'2 guy and big shows head is nearly at the top of the photo, the big show isnt standing straight and mike is as straight as can be. I already did an analysis on the photo and it looks as if the big show is leaning in and also leaning back on his right foot which can take away nearly two inches in the picture, also the picture is taken upward scewing the difference very slightly. If you just imagin the big show standin as straight as mike his head would be a over the top of the picture which makes it a 10 inch difference.
People put such an emphasis on that magical "6'2" so when they see 6'1.5 they think 6 footer, i guarentee you that if it said -Mike 6'2- it would be no debate that show looks like a 7 footer.
JT said on 11/Nov/08
A few comparison pics of Big Show and Giant Gonzales using great pics from Chris and Vegas with Nash as the reference point (
Click Here) and with Yao Ming (
Click Here) using NASCAR driver Kyle Petty as the reference point. This also shows how large Big Show
Danimal said on 11/Nov/08
topdweeb says on 10/Nov/08
What it comes down to is this: Big Show was tall enough at one point to be listed as 7' 1 in college basketball. I don't know if he shrunk or not, or if that measurement is in shoes or what, but either way, he is definitely right around the 7' mark. To this day, I still don't get why that pic above is kept up when we all know that either mike lied about his height, or there is something fishy about it.
Because it created controversy and Rob knows this puts the asses in the seats ;).
topdweeb said on 10/Nov/08
What it comes down to is this: Big Show was tall enough at one point to be listed as 7' 1 in college basketball. I don't know if he shrunk or not, or if that measurement is in shoes or what, but either way, he is definitely right around the 7' mark. To this day, I still don't get why that pic above is kept up when we all know that either mike lied about his height, or there is something fishy about it.
Smarty said on 10/Nov/08
I'd say for The Big Show he was 7'1.25 in the peak of his career and 7'0 now.
Alex said on 8/Nov/08
Danimal, you may be a size 50 jacket then if your chest is 47 inches. Or you buy the 48 size jacket for a tight fit?
miko said on 7/Nov/08
7"0.25 peak, 6"11.75 today.
willy79 said on 7/Nov/08
Hugh says on 7/Nov/08
Let's just say I'm leveling the odds. A lot of people have have complained that I've upgraded every celebrity on this site. So by downgrading a celeb by a foot I'm making up for it. LOL!!!!!!!!
LOL that was pretty good
Danimal said on 7/Nov/08
Alex says on 6/Nov/08
Danimal, whats your chest size? Some say you buy the exact jacket size as your chest size then some day go up a size for a better fit. My chest is about 43 inches I'd probably be a 46 jacket size I am guessing.
Hugh said on 7/Nov/08
Let's just say I'm leveling the odds. A lot of people have have complained that I've upgraded every celebrity on this site. So by downgrading a celeb by a foot I'm making up for it. LOL!!!!!!!!
Hugh said on 7/Nov/08
I was being sarcastic. Stupid joke apologies. I think barefoot Big Show is 6ft11 to 6ft11.5. Not 5ft11 lol.
Annoyed said on 7/Nov/08
Id imagine Hugh was being sarcastic there fella's! goodness.
topdweeb said on 6/Nov/08
Alex: ah yes, you're right, thanks for the correction... but what kind of typo would that be? At first I thought maybe he meant to say 282cm, but that would be way too tall. So I don't know what he meant. And to make matters worse, he said Big Show would be 5' 11 in boots, not even barefooted at the least. lol
Big Show said on 6/Nov/08
Click HereHere's a match from Heat, which features an 8-man brawl between The Union (Big Show, Test, Mankind & Ken Shamrock) vs. D.O.A. (The Harris Brothers) & Too Much (a.k.a. Too Cool). Those Harris brothers were some pretty big men (as seen in the pic with Chris), but Big Show just dwarfs them.
Alex said on 6/Nov/08
182cm is actually 5'11 1/2.
But WTF, Big Show 182cm though? Maybe Hugh made a typo! LOL
Annoyed said on 6/Nov/08
Big Show was 7'0.5" FLAT peak, thought it was common knowledge.
topdweeb said on 6/Nov/08
Hugh: get real, 182cm is just a little over 5' 9"... if you seriously think Big Show is only around 5' 9 in big boots then it's amazing your brain can even generate enough power to your hands to type such a comment.
Hugh said on 6/Nov/08
In boots, Big Show seems about 182cm.
Salva11 said on 6/Nov/08
My chest is about 50-51 inches 125-127cm
Alex said on 6/Nov/08
Danimal, whats your chest size? Some say you buy the exact jacket size as your chest size then some day go up a size for a better fit. My chest is about 43 inches I'd probably be a 46 jacket size I am guessing.
Alex said on 6/Nov/08
Big Show claimed 420lbs on the Howard Stern show in 1999 and claimed 430lbs in early 2000 on Conan I believe. Makes sense that he probably gained 10lbs more but when you're that big its hard to tell if someone gains or loses 10lbs.
Salva11 said on 6/Nov/08
Alex this is european size i wear a 56-58, one of my best friend who is 6'7" ans 225 lbs wears a 58 size the way now i'm 230...i think 46-48 for u at 205 lbs is too low, for exapmle one of my friends who is 6'1" 190 lbs wears a 50...
i dont'know how about US size
Danimal said on 5/Nov/08
JT says on 3/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 2/Nov/08
Click Here
Here's a nice size comparison between Big Show and Vince McMahon as of 1999....
That was probably the best shape Big Show's ever been in (solid 450 lbs. at around 7 feet, which is pretty scary). Vince probably wears at least a size 50 jacket, which is huge. Picture Big Show trying to put that on. Click Here
Actually, he was between 420-430 pounds at that point.
Danimal said on 5/Nov/08
Alex says on 4/Nov/08
5'10 225lbs with a 58 size jacket? You seem big especially if you're built but a 58 jacket is huge. Normally for someone who is much heavier I'd think. I am 6'0 200-205lbs and I believe I'd be a size 46 jacket. Or if I want it more roomy I could wear a 48 then.
I'm about the same height and weigh about 5-6 pounds less and my jacket size is 48". 58" is HUGE.
Alex said on 5/Nov/08
Big Show looked good in 1999-2000. It was after Judgement Day 2000 where he got hurt, came back in the summer and was heavier and closer than he was before. He then took off time again and came back in early 2001 not looking any leaner really. He's been struggling with weight since.
Alex said on 4/Nov/08
5'10 225lbs with a 58 size jacket? You seem big especially if you're built but a 58 jacket is huge. Normally for someone who is much heavier I'd think. I am 6'0 200-205lbs and I believe I'd be a size 46 jacket. Or if I want it more roomy I could wear a 48 then.
Drexyl said on 4/Nov/08
That's a pretty cool picture. Show looks a solid foot taller than Vince there when you take into account how tall Vince's hair is.
Show was a much better athlete back in the late 90s. He's in pretty good shape today compared to the way he was a couple of years ago, but he's definitely past his prime.
Hugh said on 4/Nov/08
I'd say Big show is around 182-183cm in his boots.
Salva11 said on 4/Nov/08
i'm 5'10" 225 lbs and i wear a 58 size jacket, i think Vince wears minimun a 52 size...
topdweeb said on 4/Nov/08
Clay: doesn't matter. When Lesnar does fight, he weighs in at 265 lbs and he still looks bigger than Tatanka, minus the huge gut Tatanka is packing.
Alex: I know, it's ridiculous to have someone who is like 5' 10 trying to pass of as 6' 2 or more. I wouldn't even want to be billed like that if I were a wrestler. I am 5' 8 and I couldn't imagine fooling anyone into thinking I was 6'.
Just a random thought, but I'm glad Chris Jericho is world champion again.
JT said on 3/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 2/Nov/08
Click Here
Here's a nice size comparison between Big Show and Vince McMahon as of 1999....
That was probably the best shape Big Show's ever been in (solid 450 lbs. at around 7 feet, which is pretty scary). Vince probably wears at least a size 50 jacket, which is huge. Picture Big Show trying to put that on.
Click Here
Alex said on 3/Nov/08
I can't buy HBK at no 200lbs today. I am 200lbs and I feel bigger than HBK is. HBK I can believe was maybe like 220lbs at his peak but today I would say he's as low as 180lbs.
Alex said on 3/Nov/08
When you're very tall you can get away with bigger billings. Look at Kane for example. He's no more than 6'8 and he's billed at 7'0 and hes tall enough to pull it off, but then its crazy when you have guys like Bulldog who are 5'9-5'10 and billed at 6'3. Thats insane.
Clay said on 3/Nov/08
Tatanka looked 250, at least, in 2006 and if he's gotten fatter I dont see how 300 is so unrealistic. Topweeb do you follow MMA at all? Lesnar doesnt weigh 265. He cuts there to make regulations, but he's more 275-280.
Vegas said on 3/Nov/08
i saw lesnar numerous times in person in wwe shows back in the day when he was peak weight including being ringside for summerslam 2002 when he was no more than 10 feet away from me when himself and the rock go into the crowd, tatanka today is heavier than lesnar was back then from what i saw in person, lesnar had no huge belly, tatanka looks like he is pregnant with 5 kids, he can barely move today he is so overweight
Red said on 3/Nov/08
KingNick says on 31/Oct/08
Here's Tatanka and RVD, how tall do you guys think RVD is?
RVD was 2cm shorter than Shawn Michaels and looks to have an inch on Tatanka.
Michaels - 181 cm 5
KingNick said on 3/Nov/08
I think 280 is conceivable but he could be lower. Probably the range topdweeb is saying. And Chris, thanks for your input! I'm putting Tatanka at 5'10" - 5'11", maybe right in the middle is accurate.
Sometimes it's not so much height as it is just how the person's built. I weigh about 170lb (I stand 5'10.5") but most people I tell that to don't believe me. I'm real thin but also kind of wide. Maybe Tatanka is wider than we think or has a bigger bone structure.
Danimal said on 3/Nov/08
Vegas says on 3/Nov/08
if tatanka is 250-260lb today he was under 200lb when i saw him in the mid 1990s, he has put on 30-40lb since i saw he at a live wwe show in 2006 and he was massive that night, jay culter is 5'8 and 320lb off season, anyone got photos of him off season??
Lee Priest at 5'3" has been known to go up to 285 pounds in the his past offseasons as well.
topdweeb said on 3/Nov/08
Vegas: well look at Brock Lesnar. He is a lot taller than Tatanka and a lot more muscular and just looks massive. But Lesnar is only weighing in at 265 lbs these days. Do you really think Tatanka weighs 40+ lbs over Lesnar?
Btw, I wouldn't say Tatanka was ever under 200 lbs. But Shawn Michaels for example is usually billed at 225 lbs, but when he and Batista were feuding, Shawn said he was maybe 200 lbs, implying that he might not even be that much. Wrestlers' weight are probably more exaggerated than their height.
I saw based on that pic you showed, and assuming Tatanka is around 5' 10 (by the way, it's insane for someone who is only 5' 10 to try to get away with 6' 2), then I give him around 280 at the most.
Frank said on 3/Nov/08
I seen Tatanka Twice he looked about 5ft 9 to 5ft 10 and 5ft 10 maybe pushing
it.... I have a picture with him but he was wearing cowboy boots with a big heel and possibly a lift inside and he looked alittle taller than me and when i seen him in sneakers he looked 5ft 9
Big Show said on 3/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 2/Nov/08
Click Here
Here's a nice size comparison between Big Show and Vince McMahon as of 1999.
Here's also a good comparison between Kane and McMahon.
Click Here
That anonymous post was me.
Vegas said on 3/Nov/08
if tatanka is 250-260lb today he was under 200lb when i saw him in the mid 1990s, he has put on 30-40lb since i saw he at a live wwe show in 2006 and he was massive that night, jay culter is 5'8 and 320lb off season, anyone got photos of him off season??
topdweeb said on 3/Nov/08
Danimal: If Tatanka is only around 5' 10, then I would have to see him get on a scale in order for me to believe he is a 300 pounder or see more photos convincing me he actually is significantly bigger than my dad. You say you don't care what he looks like, which is fine, but that's what this is all about, isn't it? Looking at someone and trying to judge their weight, that is. And since my dad is close to the same height as Tatanka, and based on the photo Vegas provided, approx same build/size, I am using him as a reference to estimate Tatanka's weight. Sure he isn't Tatanka but ironically, he is 1/2 Native American, heh. Anyway, you can see Tatanka's workout schedule online. Assuming it is accurate, then he is very much human. That leads me to believe he is not packing over 40 lbs worth of muscle vs. my dad, who again, I am only using as a reference point.
Danimal said on 2/Nov/08
285-295 pounds at 5'10"-5'11" sounds about right. I don't care what your dad looks like, he is NOT Tatanka (no disrespect to you or you dad). Tatanka is NO WAY only 260 pounds. I'm 220 pounds today (and YES, I carry muscle) and am barely 5'10". Tatanka is a hell of a lot more than me.
Anonymous said on 2/Nov/08
Click HereHere's a nice size comparison between Big Show and Vince McMahon as of 1999.
Here's also a good comparison between Kane and McMahon.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 2/Nov/08
Tatanka was about 5ft9 to5ft 10 i seen him twice
topdweeb said on 1/Nov/08
KingNick: It's pretty obvious that if his billed height is 6' 2 when he is more like 5' 10 or 5' 11, then his stats are greatly exaggerated and his weight probably is too. I say based on the pic Vegas showed, Tatanka is around the 260-280 lbs range (though I think 280 is pushing it). The only way I could see him being closer to 300 lbs than that, is if he really is his billed height of 6' 2.
Billie Jean said on 1/Nov/08
if that guy is '6 ft 1.5' that makes wight like 6 ft 8 !!
What a Joke !
Alex said on 1/Nov/08
Tatanka looks at least 280lbs there.
Chris said on 31/Oct/08
KingNick says on 31/Oct/08
Here's Tatanka and RVD, how tall do you guys think RVD is?
Hey Nick -
I'm pretty sure RVD is right at 5'11"...I have talked to a couple of people who have met with a photo and both said he was right at 5'11"...Hope this helps.
Clay said on 31/Oct/08
Well I guess Im not the only one who see's it Danimal. Clown.
KingNick said on 31/Oct/08
Oh got to Bio/stats on the Tatanka page, I don't think the link I posted takes you directly to it.
Big Show said on 31/Oct/08
Tatanka was already a large guy before he returned to the WWE in 2006. I don't remember much from his 2nd stint in the WWE, but he lost a lot of weight before he came back (and gained it back again it seems).
Click HereHere he's being announced as 295 lbs and that was back in 2002.
KingNick said on 31/Oct/08
Here's Tatanka and RVD, how tall do you guys think RVD is?
Click HereTatanka was always one of my favs. Believe it or not HE claims 6'2". I think 5'10"-5'11" is more accurate. In terms of weight I have no idea tho but believe or not he CLAIMS 285lbs
Click Here
topdweeb said on 31/Oct/08
Danimal says on 31/Oct/08
"I suppose your dad is ALSO carrying all that muscle mass in addition to the big stomach right? Thought not. Tatanka is a 300 pounder nowadays."
Oh I'm sorry Danimal, do you know who my dad is??? That's right, you don't. And YES, my dad does carry probably the same amount of muscle mass as Tatanka. He used to body-build and was a very accomplished athlete and amateur boxer.
There is no way Tatanka is a 300 pounder. Ola is pretty accurate.
Danimal said on 31/Oct/08
topdweeb says on 31/Oct/08
Vegas: I hate to say this about my own dad, but my dad is about 5' 11 and looks about as big as Tatanka does in that photo. And my dad is 259 lbs, so I really can't see Tatanka being 300 or over. I actually think Ola's estimate is pretty accurate.
I suppose your dad is ALSO carrying all that muscle mass in addition to the big stomach right? Thought not. Tatanka is a 300 pounder nowadays.
Annoyed said on 31/Oct/08
Big show has horrific posture and a tendancy to lean his neck forward, overall id say Big Show is 7'0" FLAT and Khali is at least 7'1" . Same as Shaq.
topdweeb said on 31/Oct/08
Vegas: I hate to say this about my own dad, but my dad is about 5' 11 and looks about as big as Tatanka does in that photo. And my dad is 259 lbs, so I really can't see Tatanka being 300 or over. I actually think Ola's estimate is pretty accurate.
Atoadaso said on 30/Oct/08
Vegas is right. If Khali was standing behind the light like Shaq, then you would see virtually no height difference between them. Khali actually would edge out Shaq if he assumed the same orientation with his head.
Alex said on 30/Oct/08
Topdweeb, I agree. 7'1 for Shaq and Khali and 7'0 for Big Show.
gazz said on 30/Oct/08
kane looked an absolute beast in that rumble video...theres no way even with lifts that anyone can say hes 6' 7.5 in that video.
big show dead on 7 foot i reckon
topdweeb said on 30/Oct/08
I don't see how some of you think Shaq looks taller in the pic. If anyone looks taller, it is Khali. I am sorry Alex, but I still don't really see how Khali is closer to the camera. If he is, it is so minimal that I seriously doubt it gives Khali any advantage. But like I said earlier, I pasted that photo in paint and I got them to be the exact same height. My take is that Shaq & Khali are 7' 1 and Big Show is 7' 0.
Vegas said on 30/Oct/08
in that photo shaq is not taller than khali, the top of khalis head IS NOT at his hairline i think that and the fact that shaq has lifted his head so his features are higher confuses people
Tatanka beat pn news on sunday night
Rantsrob said on 30/Oct/08
sid says on 29/Oct/08
topdweeb Kane is over 300 pounds it's not 200 pounds more then kane.. kane is 317 pound khali is 420 it's around 120 pound diff. kane is strong enough to slam khali and big show. i recall kane in a royal rumble kane lifted big show without any help from show. and carried show over the top ropes and dropped him. now thats strength
Click HereClick HereClick Here 1:45 in this video
willy79 said on 30/Oct/08
I thought Khali looked a little taller than Shaq.
topdweeb said on 30/Oct/08
Danimal: I don't see Khali being shorter than Shaq.
Vegas: Oh gosh, I never heard of seen that guy until you showed that video... please tell me Tatanka didn't lose to him?
I just don't get how Tatanka let himself go so much, especially since Tatanka isn't even on the hectic travel schedule of the WWE. And even if he was, it's still no excuse, because wrestlers get paid so much money and one of their jobs is to stay fit.
Danimal said on 30/Oct/08
Clay says on 29/Oct/08
If Khali was truly under 7'1 he would have to be in lifts to look 5.5-6 inches taller than Kane. Dont buy it. And dont forget Shaq has ENORMOUS feet who knows what kind of heel he's packing there in his giant shoes?
Khali - 7'1.25
Shaq - 7'1
Show - 6'11.75
Kane - 6'8
Taker - 6'7.75
Kid, Shaq is taller than Khali. Everyone sees that but you.
Vegas said on 30/Oct/08
i was going to get a photo with tatanka but security kicked us out, 5'11 i suspect is his height
he was wrestling this guy on former wcw wrestler pn news who was billed at 405lb on sunday (i didn't catch tatankas billing)
Click Here tatanka nearly looked as heavy as news and of course the match was horrible, i walked by pn news outside after the show, he didn't look his 6ft 3 billing at all
Alex said on 30/Oct/08
Tatanka was listed at 6'0. Probably really 5'10-5'11. He does look very heavy there. He's out of shape there with a huge stomach but his arms look to be in good shape still.
Alex said on 29/Oct/08
Topdweeb, if you look closely Khali is barely closer than Shaq which could result in 1/4 inch different. Pretty much they're the same height.
topdweeb said on 29/Oct/08
Vegas: oh man, yeah he has really porked up. I don't know how people let themselves go to that point, especially when it is your job to be physically fit. How tall is Tatanka anyway? Like 5' 11?
Clay said on 29/Oct/08
If Khali was truly under 7'1 he would have to be in lifts to look 5.5-6 inches taller than Kane. Dont buy it. And dont forget Shaq has ENORMOUS feet who knows what kind of heel he's packing there in his giant shoes?
Khali - 7'1.25
Shaq - 7'1
Show - 6'11.75
Kane - 6'8
Taker - 6'7.75
Shaq said on 29/Oct/08
topdweeb says on 29/Oct/08
I just copied and pasted that pic in paint and drew a line between the tops of Shaq's head and Khali and I am getting that they are the exact same height. So I would say that they are both 7' 1 and Big Show is 7'.... by the way, I remember a while ago on this site, a lot of people claimed that Shaq said that he was really 6' 11.5 on the Howard Stern show or something like that.... so what ever happened to that?
Shaq was probably joking, Howard probably commented on him being 7 feet and Shaq being sarcastic probably gave a figure just under 7' joking around. He was measured 7'1" at the '92 pre-draft camp and has claimed 7'1" five times. When he was just barely 17 he said he was "7 foot even". Those figures add up, he dwarfs Amare Stoudemire(minimum 6'8.5", possible 6'9.25").
Nick said on 29/Oct/08
I've straightened the KANE/SHAQ photo out on Kane page if anyone is interested.
Vegas said on 29/Oct/08
topdweeb says on 29/Oct/08
I just copied and pasted that pic in paint and drew a line between the tops of Shaq's head and Khali and I am getting that they are the exact same height. So I would say that they are both 7' 1 and Big Show is 7'.... by the way, I remember a while ago on this site, a lot of people claimed that Shaq said that he was really 6' 11.5 on the Howard Stern show or something like that.... so what ever happened to that?
someone found his old barefoot draft listing which had him at 7'1 without shoes
Alex said on 29/Oct/08
If anything it may be like this. Shaq is 1/2 inch tops taller than Khali and Khali has an inch on Big Show.
Big Show 6'11.5
topdweeb said on 29/Oct/08
I just copied and pasted that pic in paint and drew a line between the tops of Shaq's head and Khali and I am getting that they are the exact same height. So I would say that they are both 7' 1 and Big Show is 7'.... by the way, I remember a while ago on this site, a lot of people claimed that Shaq said that he was really 6' 11.5 on the Howard Stern show or something like that.... so what ever happened to that?
topdweeb said on 29/Oct/08
I cannot at all see how anyone thinks Shaq is taller than Khali, same height maybe, but definitely not taller. And, as I said, to me Khali actually looks slightly taller, and I don't see him being any closer to that camera, and if he is closer, then it is so minimal that I really doubt that it gives him any advantage.
sid said on 29/Oct/08
topdweeb Kane is over 300 pounds it's not 200 pounds more then kane.. kane is 317 pound khali is 420 it's around 120 pound diff. kane is strong enough to slam khali and big show. i recall kane in a royal rumble kane lifted big show without any help from show. and carried show over the top ropes and dropped him. now thats strength
Da Man said on 29/Oct/08
Big Show says on 28/Oct/08
"And what to think of the pic with Kane?"
4" diff, and that was with Kane's smaller boots and leaning back towards Shaq.
Click Here
Danimal said on 28/Oct/08
Actually, on closer inspection, Kane looks to be at least 6'8.5"-6'9" next to Shaq. I am sure a prime Big Show would have stood the exact same height as Shaq.
Danimal said on 28/Oct/08
Shaq is slightly taller than Khali. I see Khali at 7'0" and Big Show at 6'11" nowadays.
As for Kane, he does look to be close to 6'8" next to Shaq. 6'2" Tony Atlas has shrunk, seeing how much height
Mark Henry who is 6'1" has on him today.
Clay said on 28/Oct/08 Big Show used to be awesome back then. Holding that fat guy in the air like that for a chokeslam...amazing. We forget how ripped Show used to be.
topdweeb said on 28/Oct/08
I think Big Show is stronger than Khali. As Alex and I talked about a little while ago, appearance and looking built doesn't necessarily mean you are the stronger one. Khali can barely even walk and is so unathletic, I bet Big Show is healthier than he is.
Jordan said on 28/Oct/08
ShaQ looks taller to me in that pic casue Khali'es hair is giving him some and shaq is bald and still looks sligtyl taller. I think Khali is 7'0.
Alex said on 28/Oct/08
Topdweeb, he may but if he takes a step back he's no taller than Shaq.
Alex said on 28/Oct/08
I think Shaq may edge out Khali by 1/2 inch since he's slightly closer to the camera but they are just about the same height really. Shaq would have the same height at least on Big SHow as Khali does. Big Show is bare minimum 6'11-6'11 1/2. Khali is an inch taller than Show so Shaq would be 1-1.5 inches taller than Show.
topdweeb said on 28/Oct/08
BTW, to me it looks like Khali is slightly taller than Shaq...
topdweeb said on 28/Oct/08
Pretty much confirms what we've always said, Khali is 7' 1 so Big Show is 6' 11 minimum.
KingNick said on 27/Oct/08
Jackpot my friends. Khali and 7'1" Shaq (see photo 15)
Click Here
Clay said on 27/Oct/08
Oh really Danimal??? Because I was under the impression everyone at this site knew exactly what the **** they were talking about, and this wasnt an opinion-based site?
Anonymous said on 27/Oct/08
Henry would be stronger than Show in lifting events. I'm willing to bet Show would destroy him in an arm wrestle though.
Danimal said on 27/Oct/08
Clay says on 24/Oct/08
Check out the Show in the movie 'Jingle all the way'. That was his early-mid 20's and he looked about 350-360 there that was right after basketball. He has struggled with weight ever since he removed the tumour. Someone like Khali is heavy as hell but healthy and muscular actually.
MORE ignorant comments. Do you understand what facts are? Big Show was in his mid 20's in Jingle All The Way and close to 400 pounds already there. As for Khali being healthier than Big Show, how do you know that? Are you the doctor doing a physical on either of them? Thought not.
Danimal said on 27/Oct/08
Clay says on 27/Oct/08
Im not so sure
Mark Henry is even stronger that Big Show. Big Show is freakin' strong if he wanted to he could compete in those competitions. The guys built like the himilean mountains.
Man are you ignorant.
Mark Henry is an Olympic POWERLIFTER, with official lifts under his belt. TRUST ME, he IS stronger than Big Show, who has no formal powerlifting training, at least not that I am informed of. Most of your opinions are based on your feelings and NOT on logic or facts.
Big Show said on 27/Oct/08
hug says on 26/Oct/08
Big Show had an amazing physique in the 90's. He looks incredibly muscular in this video and is definitely stronger than the Great Khali.
Click Here
I've got that match on dvd and I always that chokeslam on the Blue Meanie is an incredible feat of strength. He lifts him up but doesn't drop him down immediately. He lifts him up a little higher, which is purely the strength of Big Show as The Blue Meanie can't assist him in that, unless he found the ability to fly. And the Blue Meanie was no small man, he was around 300 lbs (if not more).
Clay said on 27/Oct/08
Im not so sure
Mark Henry is even stronger that Big Show. Big Show is freakin' strong if he wanted to he could compete in those competitions. The guys built like the himilean mountains.