Realist said on 6/Nov/20
He's 5'6 or so
Denise said on 16/Aug/19
A man of 5'6". God bless.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Nov/17
No comments for nearly 7 years - that's no good is it Big Boi?
Well, this one's to stop it being a FULL 7 years!
The Boi can have 5ft6 precisely!
ACE said on 9/Dec/12
I meet big boi here in Atlanta he not even close to 5'7 he more like 5'4. Im 5'11 and i looked way down at him so i know he nowhere even close to 5'7 more like 5'4 with boots he might reach 5'6
JR said on 7/Dec/10
Just watched an old episode of SNL and outkast preformed. Big Boi looked about an inch taller than Chris Kattan who's like 5'6 or something. I'd say big boi is closer to 5'7
JonDoe said on 11/Sep/07
He put his name as BigBoi on purpose sort of like a play on words like "hey I may be small but I'm still a big boi" at ya know his rap skills and what not.I think he's atleast 5'6 though.Rappers usually have crazy names anyway,like look at Snoop Dogg doesn't anyone else look at that guy and think he reminds you of an actual dog?I'm being serious here.
glenn said on 17/Jun/07
maybe 5-5 it is.i saw 5-6.maybe im wrong.kinda looks 5-5 in the photo actually.
youngsta said on 15/Jun/07
i seen him in concert and i can tell you hes no taller than 5'5".
Realme said on 13/Jun/07
Yes, you can tell by his body proportions that he is 5'5"-5'6"
glenn said on 13/Jun/07
good to on both for maximum results.but try to even it out.thanks.
16and5'7.25'' said on 13/Jun/07
thanks glenn, yeah i've been getting some responses on the general height page, but i'll still post every now and then on the glenn page. don't worry i'll keep ya out of it lol
glenn said on 12/Jun/07
your welcome on my page anytime.are you getting responses elsewhere?
16and5'7.25'' said on 12/Jun/07
i've been good and yeah i've been posting on the general height page, also no hard feelings i knew you wasn't trying to be a dick i can see how it was tedious to ya also i'll keep ya out of it if i post on the gleen page again :)
glenn said on 11/Jun/07
how ya been 16? i wasnt trying to be a dick on the glenn page.just honest.after one year or more,it was tedious for me.its understandable to me.i have some of those traits.have you posted on the general height page? please i said,your always welcome on my page.just keep me out of it ;-)
glenn said on 11/Jun/07
seemed 5-6.
16and5'7.25'' said on 11/Jun/07
glenn how tall did you estimate him to be? he looks 5'5 or 5'6 in the pic
Jon said on 21/May/07
Got his autograph at the Funkmaster Flex Car show in NC. He is definately smaller than 5'7"....5'5" maybe.
16and5'7.25'' said on 11/May/07
dang he's 5'6.25''??!! man he did look short on wild n out (or something like that, it has nick cannon in it.) but i didn't think he was that short lol
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
Yeah,and The Other Guy Is Only 5-10!
Jake said on 10/Mar/06
When I saw this I started laughing. I always thought Big Boi was indeed a big guy, like 6'+. But he is in the 5'7" range, I don't know why I got the impressison he was tall.

Editor Rob
yeah, he uses his name I suppose opposite to the Tiny Ron guy!
mjd said on 7/Jul/05
172-173 would make him 5'7 1/ that is a overstatement
J. said on 7/Jul/05
Alrighty, saw the Brooke Valentine video he appears in and some recent publicity photos with his buddy Andre and he's DEFINTELY more in the 5'6" range MAX. He's quite short and 5'7" is much too high. I originally also thought he was the height he was listed here but there's no way. And the more I see, there's no way Andre is 5'11". I wouldn't be suprised if he's more in the 5'9" range. He's extremely average in height which is weird considering that he used to get described as being 'tall' and 'lanky' in early press.
smartmarq said on 5/Apr/05
Yeah I have the 2nd Outkast album "ATLiens" and it lists that his height is 172-173 cm.