How tall is Ben Stiller - Page 3

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Average Guess (141 Votes)
5ft 5.87in (167.3cm)
Sticks said on 28/Aug/05
Parker, you don't know how tall Schwimmer is, do you? As I already showed you, Jada Pinkett Smith even at 4'11" plus big shoes wouldn't make Stiller 5'7". Why do you think the guy who saw Rock and congratulated him on his performance at the Oscar's said he was one short dude if he's 5'11"? Why did the movie ushers who spoke with him call him "diminutive" if he was one inch shy of 6' tall? You stubbornly refuse to acknowledge what you don't know and want Stiller and Cruise to be 5'6" or 5'7", or whatever it is. Just believe that. It's fine to believe that. Why argue about it if you don't care about evidence and if it means so much to you that they're that height? I know you can't measure Stiller or Rock or their heads and do any kind of math because you don't know how to use ratios, as you've already explained. It turns out Stiller's not even close to 5'6". Not close.
Sticks said on 27/Aug/05
exactly, the average of the sightings you mentioned would be 5'9.5". The idea is that random errors are reduced with more estimates. In your case it would have over-estimated your height by .5". Not bad.

blueholdem, they aren't saying all kinds of things about how tall Ben Stiller is. They seem pretty sure that he's short. The Iverson thread (before it shrank) and the Nash thread showed just how tight the groupings can be. I haven't seen evidence of a really bad bunch of sightings.
Sticks said on 24/Aug/05
LOL, you shouldn't get so riled by it. If it sickens you should stop reading. I like Ben Stiller. He never disappoints me. He's really short. Jokes in his movies about him being short are rarely funny. The evidence supports my views. And your weak stomach isn't convincing me he's taller.
LOL said on 23/Aug/05
5ft 2'? WTF! where did that come from...? Jennifer Aniston 5ft? c'mon that is the biggest load of nonsense I've heard in ages. I really do wonder about some people's comments. I'm guessing this is a way of making yourselves feel better by belittling celebs. I love the testimonials of people being 5ft 6' and 'towering' over celebs, please... Is towering to you people like '1cm'? or has your vision deceived you? or are you just trying to make yourselves feel better? Either way, it doesn't work, shut up! I don't see how ANYONE can take your comments seriously.

It's like wih Cruise, 5ft 3'? honestly... how big are his lifts gonna be for that height? Sheesh it sickens me, really it does.
McFan said on 22/Aug/05
I came across two photos showing Stiller's height might be underrated. The first one is with Jennifer Aniston but you can't see their feet but I'm pretty sure she was wearing sneakers in the scene.

This second photo shows Stiller next to a 5'8 Debra Messing? This photo isn't a good one but I can't see him being less than 5'8 if Debra Messing is 5'8.

Also, Owen Wilson is 5'10.5 according to this site.
Sticks said on 19/Aug/05
RR says on 27/Jun/05
Well, I am 5'6 and he was considerably shorter than me when I met him and he was wearing boots. Super nice guy, height just doesn't make much difference.

So either this guy's a big, fat liar or Stiller's under 5'3". He even liked Stiller, so if he's lying, why height assassination without character assassination? Why are these people lying? Another 5'6" guy (I checked the site, not likely to be the same person) says the same thing: "I tower above Ben Stiller and I'm 5'6""

Think of times when you've seen someone in boots that appeared to be "considerably shorter" than you even though you were only in shoes, but somehow it turned out that the guy was actually an inch taller than you. It doesn't happen. So either we have to accept that these people are lying or totally out to lunch or conclude Ben Stiller is nowhere near 5'7". Stiller wouldn't argue the point since he's said he's 5'2" and he's said he's 5'3".

If Jennifer Aniston is shorter than Ben Stiller by 3" she is under 5' tall. I don't care what she's listed at. Stiller's listed at 5'8" and 5'9" in some places. The Stiller's-under-5'3" case could hardly be better.
Parker said on 16/Aug/05
Sticks - If you offered me a million bucks to guess Stillers height within an inch, I'd believe none of what I hear and half of what I see. In other words I wouldn't believe any sightings, and look at the following photographs:
With 5'5 Hoffmann

With 5'7 inch Capriati ( full length) Rob posted a link below

I'd consider lifts and shoes. I'd consider the fact that I'm around 5'3 myself and know I'd have to stand on a box to get half a head on my 4'11 inch daughter in 3 " heels, and I'd plump for 5'6 for Stiller +/- 1 inch.
Anyway, after seeing you now think Tom Cruise is also around 5'3, I think your having a laugh. ..but your entitled to your opinion if your not and I wish you well...I'm pretty certain your not going to get the Celeb heights editor to agree with you.

All the best
Mr. R said on 15/Aug/05
This picture of Ben with his dad partially confirms my sighting. I say Jerry Stiller is about 5-3 when I met him at Carroll O'Connor's funeral. This pic puts Ben between 5-6 and 5-7. However, I cannot deny the presence of lifts.
Parker said on 15/Aug/05
Sticks - I'm not scientific enough to understand all these ratio's, or how you can determine Stiller's wearing lifts. To me, he is over half a head taller than JPS - 5'7 in shoes, which fits with Rob's pic with Jerry - I'll hold me hands up and say Stiller is not 5'7, but everything I've seen, film, photographs etc suggests he is not less than 5'5.5 barefoot. Personally, and its aall about opinions, I'd put him at 5'6.5
Parker said on 15/Aug/05
See the link Rob posted with Chris Rock and Jada Pinkett Smith 14/Jun/05. If we take Jada Pinkett Smith as the reference height - she sometimes gets listed as 5', but has admitted to 4'11. She rarely weare heels less than 3 inches, so stood next to Stiller she is standing 5'2. That would make Stller about 5'7 in shoes and Chris Rock about 5'11 in his trainers.

Parker said on 14/Aug/05
If Hoffman is struggling with 5'2, then Michael J Fox is less than 5ft.
Mr. R said on 12/Aug/05
that pic with Hoffman and Wahlberg is interesting. Hoffman has definitely lost height, but not THAT much. I think that Markie Mark defintely has some lift/boot action going on in that pic!
Mr. R said on 12/Aug/05
Thanks Sticks! I am ALWAYS sincere when I give my eyewitness accounts - certainly accuracy is another story! When I saw Ben, he was dating Calista Flockhart, who was with him that night in New York at the Tony Awards. They walked past me on the street, and he seemed about 2 inches taller than her. She runs about 5-5 to 5-6, so this is why I said that 5-7 is not out of the question. Also, I have met his father Jerry and he is about 5-3, and Ben is always pictured as being taller than his dad. So 5-6 to 5-7 seems about right. Of course, I cannot deny the presence of the almighty lift!
Parker said on 12/Aug/05
In the photograph with Hoffmann, he does not look an inch taller. However I think it is really hard to nail people's heights down to a half inch. Posture can make a huge difference. A friend of mine, when measured 'officially' is approx 2 inches taller than me, but if you ask anyone to guess they put us at the same height give or take half an inch. The reason for this he is very round shouldered, and I think Stiller has similar posture - If he sretched back into 'seargent major' pose (like most of us short guys do when being measured for medicals) I do think Stiller could hit 5'7. With his posture, he's more 5'6.

Hope that's not confusing!
Sticks said on 12/Aug/05
Mr. R, I've got complete faith in your sincerity. I think your sighting is consistent with the 5'7"-MAX sighting listed at the top of the page.

CoolJ, I agree he doesn't look anything like 5'7" in the pictures you mentioned. A question worth considering is, 'if he's really 5'5" and concerned about his height enough to be listed at a higher height, why make a joke about being 2 inches shorter than he really is?' His 6'4" claim was ridiculous and funny. That's a joke. Saying 5'3" with a pained expression sure sounds like he was confessing something a little painful to him.

So is he getting lifted to something close to 5'7" or is he that tall barefoot? The "incredibly short" sighting and the sighting of the 5'6" person who "towered over" Stiller (combined with the Garafolo picture, his references to his height, etc.) aren't consistent with a nearly-5'7" Stiller. 5'7" Stiller evidence is consistent with a 5'2.5" Stiller (lifts), but 5'2.5-ish Stiller evidence isn't consistent with a 5'7" Stiller. The two chunks of evidence are exactly what you'd expect with an actor who wears lifts. If lift-wearing is as wide-spread as William Goldman says, it makes sense that Stiller wears lifts. So shouldn't a 5'7"-ish Stiller also appear to be 5'10"+ regularly? I've never seen any evidence of that.
Mr. R said on 12/Aug/05
I have seen Ben Stiller from a distance, when he was dating the Ally McBeal lady. 5-7 is not too far off the mark. I saw his father at a funeral, and he is about 5-3, so if we can find any pics with he and his father, we may be able to get an accurate figure!
CoolJ said on 11/Aug/05
Stiller looks short next to the 5'5 (I think he's lost a half-inch or so, see my latest pic with Wahlberg ) Dustin Hoffman.
CoolJ said on 10/Aug/05

That is not the best angle, nor position to judge any of these guys. BUT I must say.. Stiller does not look 5'7" here. More like 5'5".

Almost strange, Isnt it?
Sticks said on 10/Aug/05
Parker, sure, we'll leave it there. Cheers.

J, I actually never saw that show. I always thought Stiller was short, but like most people, I had no idea he was that short. The picture with Garafolo convinced me and then the evidence piled up. She's bending at the knees, leaning and tilting her head in flats and he's standing tall in normal shoes or more. What I find funny is that Stiller couldn't convince people he was 5'2" no matter what he did. Everyone would think it was a comedy bit. The woman who described him as "incredibly short" didn't know how right she was.
Parker said on 9/Aug/05
Checked out the picture with Garafola - I think were going to have to agree to disagree - both have poor posture to me, and he still looks 5" taller.
If Rob thinks there is only an inch between them I'll hold my hands up - I just don't see it

All the best

sticks said on 9/Aug/05
Have to be brief here.
sf, I tried to make one thing clear with those pictures: the picture parker linked to is not evidence that Stiller's 5'6" or 5'7", it's a photoshop. I said, if that picture were genuine, how tall would stiller be if he took a step back to stand beside Deniro? Deniro's height. Then I posted three pictures to show that he is nowhere near Deniro's height. With the football, on the stoop and up on the mound of dirt while Hoffman's shaking Deniro's hand, Stiller is clearly way shorter than Deniro. I don't think those pictures alone prove Stiller's around 5'2.5" unless you know Hoffman's or Deniro's heights, which is another issue. Tell me whether you think Stiller would straighten up on that stoop and be even nearly as tall as Deniro. The difference is over 5" and I grant he's slouching a bit.

Parker: How is the fact that the man has twice referred to himself as around 5'2.5" not evidence? Do you think the picture was photoshopped or not? If Chris Rock is 5'7" and short as people say he is, how tall does that make Stiller based on the pictures I posted? Neither of us know how tall Jennifer Anniston is so your conclusions based on Along Came Polly don't go far. There's lots of evidence that he's 5'2.5". The fact that he says it is excellent evidence. Don't forget Hoffman was barefoot. Check out the picture with Garafolo who says she's 5'1". If she's 5'1", he's around 5'3".
Parker said on 9/Aug/05
Sticks - Not sure what you are trying to say here - Stiller looks around Hoffmanns height (slightly taller with the rugby shot) in every photo you have shown me. Certainly not a shred of evidence in these images that he is under 5'3. I watched the film 'Along came Polly ' last night. Stiller taller than 5'5 Aniston, and to me he still looked taller in every scene than Hoffmann in meet the Fockers. I don't think he's 5'7, but I don't think he is shorter than 5'6.

Anyway - I'm not the one you need to convince. Rob sets the heights, and he has got him at 5'7.
CoolJ said on 8/Aug/05
I think he's just under 5'7"

Rock is about 5'10.5
Parker said on 8/Aug/05
Sticks - Look at this image from below

Hoffmann 5.5, Streisand 5'2, Stiller in sneakers. If Stiller is 5'2.5 he'd have to have stilts inside those sneekers - each to their own, but I just don't see it.

Sticks said on 7/Aug/05
Parker, maybe he was wearing lifts in Meet the Fockers. There's lots of variation in body proportions even at a given height. The man's said twice that he's around 5'2.5", there's picture evidence with Garafolo and Chris Rock and Duchovny that's completely consistent with the height he said he was and inconsistent with 5'7". There's no good evidence that he's not within an inch of 5'2.5".
Parker said on 7/Aug/05
He's taller than Dustin Hoffmann in Meet the Fockers. So not shorter than 5'6, and I don't think any taller than 5'7 - His body proportions are just not indicative of a man of 5'3 (Dudley Moore, Prince, Micheal J Fox,Davy Jones - Its clear those guys are less than 5'4. Not so with Stiller

JCS said on 2/Aug/05

Now if Rock is in fact 5'11.. then Stiller at 5'7 looks about right.. but its being debated whether Rock is actually closer to 5'10.. if thats the case.. I think Stiller is in the 5'6 area
McFan said on 15/Jul/05
Are you kidding? Am I looking at the same photograph? Let's break it down. His heels are 1.5 inches and let's say he's 5'7. Okay, he's 5'8.5 in the photo. Aniston who is known to be 5'5 is wearing 2.5 inch heels. She's 5'7.5 in the photo. Then why is Ben Stiller over two inches taller than Aniston in the photo? I watched "What About Polly?" and he looked the same height as her when she was wearing four inch heels. Look at the size of his head and overall features compared to Aniston's. It's an illusion. His stocky body is giving the impression of a smaller person. If Ben Stiller was a skinny guy with a small head at the same height, you would think he was much taller than Aniston. The only way he's 5'7 is if Aniston is 5'3.5/5'4. Some photos can be very deceptive so I'm not holding much stock in this one which shows he's clearly 3 inches taller than Aniston.
leonari said on 9/Jul/05
McFan: Please man, please. Stiller is never 5'8". Look at the pcture Rob provided.Yes Aniston is wearing 2.5 inch boots, but his shoes also have quite considerable heels and look bulky...both have bad posture in the pic. Stille is 5'6.5" on the mark and 5'7" in the morning after a good nights sleep. But he fooled you!
sticks said on 25/Jun/05
I'll break it down the way I see it in the original photo and I'd be interested to see how you'd change these numbers:
footwear advantage: 1"-3" Stiller - She's got flat shoes and his could be anything. I'll call it an inch to be conservative.
posture advantage: 2" Stiller - Okay, he has bad posture in another photo (so it's weaker and possibly meaningless evidence) but she is squatting deliberately, and tilting her head.
height advantage: 4.7" Stiller (use the distance between their pupils = 6cm avg for men and women)
4.7" - 1" footwear - 2" posture = 1.7" taller than Garafolo who is 5'1". Stiller is 5'3". Those numbers must be very wrong if Stiller's 5'7". Rob, where do think the error is?

The problem with the new photos you presented is that you can't see Garafolo's knees or feet. Do you know she was wearing the shoes at the time? Was she bending her knees? You know she's not above a little duplicity to help out. What's in Stiller's shoes? Useless for determinging relative height. Deal with the good evidence of the first photo.
leonari said on 25/Jun/05
Becuase 5'3 is 160 cm and that my friend is sooo tiny for a man...I'm 5'7" and thats all but tall, but 5'3 is absurd and I won't continue to argue. For me this is as absurd as Tom Cruise being 5'11". Sorry man. My father is 5'4" and he is a really small man. You can't add more than 3 inches lifts , insoles to any shoe without makking it impossible to walk normally...
sticks said on 23/Jun/05
Leonari, why is Ben Stiller lying about his height? Do you claim to be 4 inches shorter than you are? Do many movie stars do that? If he's 5'6.5", why is he not standing at least 6.5" over Garafolo's head in the picture?
leonari said on 23/Jun/05
You're on the right track ROB!! Congrats. He is definetly not below 5'6" I'm so sure of that even though I haven't met him...I would give him 5'6.5" and I really believe that that's on the mark!! Go for 0.5 inch downgrade next month and you're there!
Ricardo said on 23/Jun/05
Yeah and another thing Rob, if you see the shoes chris rock is wearing, "shell toes" i used to own a pair and the only thing i can say about them is that it is almost impossible to put an extra sole in one and the heel of the shoe is shorter than most other shoes. Don't beleive me? buy a pair and go walking outside you'll see that everyone that was your height is a little taller. I measured the sole myself because i was curious, it is about 0.75" inches high, I don't know about the shoes Ben is wearing but i don't think the heel is 0.75". Now unless Chris Rock's shoes are specially tailored for him i think that Ben loses a 1/4 of an inch there putting him at 5'6.75", though i think he is more like 5'6" flat, because Owen Wilson DOES NOT look like 5'11" and Ben is so much shorter than he is in Starsky and Hutch, but we may never know their true heights for sure,
sf said on 23/Jun/05
Saw a skit one time where Stiller was standing next to Tom Cruise. Now, we all know how the debate rages over Tom's height. Anyway, Stiller was around an inch shorter - Tom was clearly taller and most people put him no taller than 5'7" or so. Don't know if Cruise was wearing any lifts cause they only showed the two somewhere from the waste up. I don't believe Stiller is any taller than 5'6" and 1/2 or so...
Drew said on 15/Jun/05
In that picture with Chris Rock (who's 5'11"), Stiller looks around 4 inches shorter. I'd say 5'7" is right, maybe slightly less.
Anonymous said on 12/Jun/05
Look at the picture again...if Deniro is 5'9", Hoffman cannot possibly be under 5'6"! He certainly doesn't look 4-5" shorter than DeNiro! And on many sites Hoffman is actually listen as 5'6" (168cm). I doesn't look shorter than that.
JS said on 10/Jun/05
Hoffman is barely 5'5", plus you've got to take into account where everyone is standing in relation to each other plus footwear (Drew's picture).

leonari said on 9/Jun/05
Sorry if I sound rude DREW but apparently you don't seem know much about heights. Ok you got 2 out of 3 probably right(Stiller and DeNiro) but Hoffman himself said more than once he is 5'3/4" tall and that was when he was youg. The guy is 66 years old and probably lost a bit. So you're off by a whole inch my friend.
Drew said on 8/Jun/05

Hoffman: 5'6 1/2"
Stiller: 5'7"
DeNiro: 5'9"

That's pretty accurate to me.
leonari said on 31/May/05
I almost agree with you dear Mr. EDITOR but you have to consider that Dustin Hoffman is 66 years old. Most people have lost some height at this age, I would assume like 0.5 inch. Now as you pointed out correctly Hoff is often barefoot in this flick or wearing small heel sandals. So if Hoffman shrunk a bit he is a tad over 5'5" nowadays if his claim of 5'5 3/4 was correct when he was young. I watched the movie again yesterday and I can't find a single frame where Stiller looked 2 full or more inches taler than Hoffman, plus Stiller is wearing sneakers most of the movie which are for sure a bit higher than Hoffman Sandals. I am convinced now that Stiller is 5'6.5 on the mark. I would suggest that you downgrade him to this height. This guy isn't above 170 cm. NEVER! Plus in the pics provided by smoke proves my point : he does look at least 3.5 inches shorter than Owen wilson who I believe is a real 5'10"
CelebHeights Editor said on 31/May/05
In Meet the Fockers the multitude of angles used made Stiller look as short as 5ft 6 and as tall as 5ft 8. Ignoring DeNiro (who looks to be shrinking), but looking at those scenes with Hoffman (where hoff was barefoot and in low heeled footwear) I think Stiller is more 170cm, absolute max 171.
Lmeister said on 23/May/05
Hmmm...5'3'' haha...but Rob considering all the pics of Ben with Dustin shows that he really isn't taller than 5'7''...I do believe that Dustin isn't wearing lifts at least nowadays...
JDawg said on 23/May/05
I read in a magazine recently that he said he was only 5 foot 3. I don't know which magazine, but I remember reading it.
J. said on 21/Apr/05
A quote from Stiller:
"The last thing I want is to be a 5-foot-2 guy walking down the street with a 6-foot-2 model. Like, 'Look at me! Look what I can get now I got my dick caught in a zipper."
EJ said on 17/Mar/05
Ever seen him with Larry David (about 5'11" I think) in Curb Your Enthusiasm? Very substantially shorter, more than 3 inches.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.