Canson said on 17/Oct/19
@Junior: I’ve never seen a good pic with Simmons and Lebron. Maybe 6’8.75 tho for Simmons
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Oct/19
@viper If you believe the 6'8.25" for Ben than Lebron is nothing over 6'6.5" and Carmelo is probably 6'5.5".
viper said on 15/Oct/19
This could have been a shoe height like Stephen Curry.
Simmons has not grown since his 6-8.25 measurement his rookie year.
K.A 188 ! said on 15/Oct/19
Even though he is very tal he has never giving me the super lanky impression that 6ft9 guys like Kevin Durant or John Isner give.
Who knows this could be a shoe measurement I have him at 204 cm personally.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 14/Oct/19
Click Here Lebron was atually standing further behind to look near 2.25" lower than Ben. Closer to the truth it's 1.75" between them.
Canson said on 14/Oct/19
@Joe: yea Lebron is slouching in the first pic. I still wonder if they didn’t give him that 6’9.5 just to keep him 6’10” on paper. I say that because the more I see with Embiid the more I believe it’s closer to 3” between them
Canson said on 14/Oct/19
I have Simmons 6’8.75 perhaps
Canson said on 14/Oct/19
@Junior: yea but Butler looks shorter than Kawhi. IMHO Kawhi looks your height. His was probably a true 1 hour out of bed at 6’6” and Butler was embellished.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 14/Oct/19
Feel that Ben Simmons is only this listing usual out of bed. 6'8 3/4 same as Dwight Howard lowest.
viper said on 14/Oct/19
If these measurements arnt set in stone, it wouldn't shock me If this was a shoe height and that his 6-8.25 measurement is his true height.
I've always thought he looked too short to be 6-9
joe### said on 13/Oct/19
i haven't seen a decent photo yet to take a comparison between ben simmons and lebron
Click Here
Click Here
joe### said on 13/Oct/19
6'8.75-6'9 tops for ben simmons, but there is a possibility that I may be wrong
joe### said on 13/Oct/19
Click Here
in this pic he is in front of lebron winning by 2 cm advantage.
Ellis said on 12/Oct/19
This guy is really difficult, in my opinion he is really not that much shorter than Embiid. One can argue a 2.5 inch difference, but not much more after that. This guy is 6'9.25, Probably wakes up almost six ten, and at a low is 6'9. Pretty sure you lose like 50% of your height in the first hour. This guy is anywhere from 6'9-6'9.5, but I would say closer to 6'9 than 6'9.5, because I reckon KD is barely taller than him, never seen a picture though. 6'9.25.
joe### said on 12/Oct/19
i have ben simmons in 6'9 flat.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 12/Oct/19
At most Ben is solid 6'9 not the extra 1/2.
@Canson Could consider Butler can look that, but sometimes doesn't look below 197cm. Ben i would give 6'9 a low from Lebron being 6'7.
Canson said on 11/Oct/19
@Rob: why didn’t you knock the 1/4” off like for the others.
@Junior: I think Butler is 196 and he’s 205.

Editor Rob
A 1/4 knock off isn't unreasonable to consider
joe### said on 11/Oct/19
the guy has two measurements 6'8.25 and 6'9 so 6'9.5 was rounded up he doesn't look like 6'9.5 and here he is with Karl Anthony towns which was measured 6'10.25 but only looks between 6'9.5- 6'106'10
Click Here
Mad Dog said on 11/Oct/19
I don’t see how Ben could possibly be 2 and 1/4 inches taller than Lebron from looking at this pic. He looks at most 3/4 inch taller than Lebron. Neither seem to be slouching and no advantage with the angle or anything.
Click Here

Editor Rob
There was another shot I seen
Here which could be closer to 2 inches
viper said on 11/Oct/19
IMO measured 6-9 3/8 rounded up
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/Oct/19
206cm is the best he look with 197cm Butler.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Oct/19
7 foot fraud. Lol. He maybe deal with a lowest measurement not more than 6'9. Dirk to me is more 6'10 1/2 and camera advantage making Dirk look over 2" taller.
joe### said on 9/Oct/19
he never looks 6'9.5, look with mike scott measured 6'7.25
Click Here

Editor Rob
6ft 9.5 as a 9-10am measurement isn't too hard to believe, so maybe he falls short of that later.
viper said on 9/Oct/19
He only looks 6-8 with Dirk
viper said on 9/Oct/19
Click Here
Lol, how did people think Simmons was
He's a short looking 6-9 guy.
I thought he was 6-8
joe### said on 8/Oct/19
6'9.5 seems to be a morning measurement he looks weak 6'9 with 6'10.5-6'10.75 dirk Nowitzki and dirk look shorter than kevin garnett listed here at 6'11.25
Click Here
viper said on 8/Oct/19
Look at this.
Click Here
Now that was one stupid article
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Oct/19
. Just saw Ben Simmons listing here it shocked me with that 1/2 over 6'9. I always thought he look max 2" over 6'7 Lebron and 3.5" on 6'5 1/2 Jimmy Butler. Need to check on him more.
viper said on 7/Oct/19
Could have been a 6-9 3/8 measurement rounded up to 6-9.5
Still surprising. He supposedly measured 6-8.25 before
Vick HJ said on 6/Oct/19
Are you gonna start adding more official heights for more NBA players now that the actual NBA has started to crack down on players real height? Some people went down a whole 3 inches than their listed height.

Editor Rob
I'm not sure who has changed 2 let alone 3 inches, that is a huge change. The one thing with measurements is the time of day might vary, and I suppose some players who are very tall have a bigger variation.
a 6ft 9 or 10 guy might have a much bigger variation in morning to evening height like 3-4cm.
Onabill said on 6/Oct/19
Can’t believe there is only 2 1/4 inch differences between Him and Embiid, Embiid legit towers over him, I always thought at most Ben Simmons was 6 ft 8 1/4 with out shoes plus it is interesting that Both Al Horford and Tobias Harris have grown an Inch since coming into the League, with these new NBA heights it is going to be interesting who has grown! And who are fibbing the most about their height