J.J. said on 6/Feb/09
Malia Obama is nearly 5'4" at 10 years old so she is probably going to be 6'0" or more when she finally stops growing
the shredder said on 5/Feb/09
Am I the only Democrat on this site , lol ? ... btw , I think he is 6'1 for sure !
T.J. said on 4/Feb/09
I'm a Conservative-Republican, so I listen to conservative talk radio. Michael Medved is the host of one of the shows I listen to. He personally said that he was 6'2" and Obama barely appeared an inch shorter than him when he met him. and unfortunatly, I had the pleasure of meeting Obama at a ralley in Gary,Indiana (Where I live) because my friend was voting for him. When I shook his hand, I had to look up a little bit, because I'm only 5'9" and he was easily 6'1.5"/6'2"
Hugh said on 4/Feb/09
I can't buy nothing more than 6'0.25"
T.J. said on 3/Feb/09
Bush wasen't a bad president and he wasen't a big liar like people mad him out to be Anonymous. People like you are to stupid and lazy to look into fact instead of just following the liberal media. Obama sucks and I don't care who knows it. But yes, I do see 6'1"/6'2" for him.
Bad Decision'08!!!
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/09
id say he's 5'10" cause u know bush has lied about his height cause he lies about everything else lmao
Matt said on 2/Feb/09
I think he is 184 barefoot.
MD said on 1/Feb/09
186 cm is tall, but it's certainly isn't "very tall".
ITO said on 1/Feb/09
I haven't thought he is very tall.But he is 186cm,he's very tall.
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/09
I think he is 184 or 185cm (6.05 - 6.075) hence roughly 6'1
Joe said on 30/Jan/09
Wow Obama looks very tall on the television.More than 6ft 1inch.I must look tall too even though Im just 5ft 11.5 inches
Triumphboy said on 30/Jan/09
Probably 6-1. Anyone get a good look at Obama's footwear? Like many men with tall wives, he could have a little enhancement there but not all the time. This could account for people not agreeing on what they are seeing. Short guys are not necessarity the only ones to wear lifts!
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/09
there is a picture of him standing next to University of Texas at Austin quarter back Colt McCoy (6'3), and obama is about 1 inch taller with dress shoes
Hugh said on 26/Jan/09
184-185cm is about right.
MIKESOWELL said on 25/Jan/09
He is about 6 foot 1. When they showed Carter, Former Presidents Bush and Clinton, then current President Bush and then President Elect Obama at the White House, Obama was taller than George W. Bush who is 6 feet, but shorter than George H.W. Bush who is about 6 feet 2.
EdutainMe said on 23/Jan/09
GW Bush is listed as 5'11", Clinton is listed as 6'2.5", Obama is listed as 6'1.5" and Bush Sr. is listed as 6'2" upon entering office. Given how much a President seems to age during their time in office, I wouldn't be surprised if the all lost an inch or more by the time they left.
MHouillon said on 23/Jan/09
I see President Obama at 184cm. (6'0.5")
Tim said on 23/Jan/09
Obama looks an inch taller than Bill Clinton. I thought the press said Clinton was 6 ft 2 in. Has Bill lost 2 inches while in office? Well, I guess that blows that myth.
Orlando said on 22/Jan/09
Look at this photo of Obama with 5ft 11in Gordon Brown:
Click Here
Real said on 20/Jan/09
German, it's kind of hard to compare heights with a diagonal picture where Clinton is much closer to the camera than Barack.
Bush looked 2-3 inches shorter than Obama during the inauguration. This seems right.
Milosh said on 19/Jan/09
I've seen him before and he looked the exact same height as me, which is the height he's listed at.
sumoman said on 19/Jan/09
It kinda seems Obama has varying heights in several pics, but his posture is more slouched. Broad shoulders, race, and the fact that he appears "gangly" makes him round 6-6'1".
that's not true anon - obama is definetely not broad shoulders. He has a rather thin frame.
anon. said on 18/Jan/09
It kinda seems Obama has varying heights in several pics, but his posture is more slouched. Broad shoulders, race, and the fact that he appears "gangly" makes him round 6-6'1".
Spence said on 18/Jan/09
Thats a horrible angle. Get a better pic and Clinton barely looks taller than GW Bush
German said on 18/Jan/09
Hey guys, just noticing that the height difference between G.W. Bush and Barack Obama doesn't seem to be 6-7cm. Have a look at this picture:
Click HereClinton appears to be taller than Obama!
Spence said on 17/Jan/09
From What I saw at the lunch:
GW Bush: 179-80
Clinton - 183-84
HW Bush - 186-87
Obama - 184-85
Scata18 said on 16/Jan/09
I feel like he's taller, at least 6'2. I just watched footage of him walking through a crowd and he was a head taller than many of the men.
Da Man said on 16/Jan/09
Clinton was listed at 6'2" then 6'2.5". The guy is not even 6'1" now though, and I seriously doubt he was ever a full 6'2".
Bush Sr. was the tallest at the recent living Presidents conference. He edged Obama despite standing a few inches further from the camera *and* having a wider stance.
Click Here
Ummm said on 16/Jan/09
Thought George Bush, Sr. and Clinton were recorded both 6'3". Like what some people here had written, Barack appeared the tallest. He's only 6'1.5"?
Lenad said on 9/Jan/09
Michelle Obama is probably closer to 5'10. In heels she has a slight edge on Obama so hes probably a solid 184cm barefoot and 187cm in shoes.
Big T said on 9/Jan/09
I saw a pic of all the living Presidents from a slightly different angle to the one Joe posted, and George Bush Snr definitely looked like the tallest
Kramer said on 7/Jan/09
If George Bush the Elder used to be 6'2
Spence said on 7/Jan/09
Obama isn't over 6'1 and is 185 max because today with HW Bush he looked shorter than him. HW Bush was 6'2 peak and is now probaly 6'1.5 or 6'1 which makes Obama 6'1 at most. He is 184-85 barefoot. Clinton wasn't the tallest he barely looked 6 foot. He has shrunk. W Bush is 178-79
Joe said on 7/Jan/09
Here's a pic of all living presidents together. Clinton definitely looks the tallest, followed closely by Obama, H.W. Bush, and W. Bush. Carter looks like a little dwarf.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/09
Can recall his early publicity, where he/his people seemed to try & associate everything they could with Lincoln -- and read (many times) where Obama would be the talled President shared with Lincoln at 6' 4". I don't think that was honest, comparing Abe's height with his. He seems 6'1-2" at best -- he's Bill Clinton's height, and not Lincoln's.
That's crazy. Many presidents are taller than Obama. Bush, Clinton, Johnson, FDR, Jefferson, and Washington just to name a few.
Casapulla said on 7/Jan/09
Can recall his early publicity, where he/his people seemed to try & associate everything they could with Lincoln -- and read (many times) where Obama would be the talled President shared with Lincoln at 6' 4". I don't think that was honest, comparing Abe's height with his. He seems 6'1-2" at best -- he's Bill Clinton's height, and not Lincoln's.
Lenad said on 3/Jan/09
If he were 187cm they would say roughly 6ft2. Now when I look at other pictures I think 6'0.5 barefoot and 6'1.5 in shoes makes the most sense. 184cm if anything probably is his height.
Sam said on 30/Dec/08
My 6'7" and 6'4"ish Dad met Obama, with pictures. He looks at least 6'2" in the photo, but is closer to the camera. My brother estimated Obama to be 6'1"-6'2" in person.
Trina said on 27/Dec/08
I've seen Barack in person twice and he is no taller than 6'1. If his people is saying he's 6'1 then he's no taller than that. They will always upgrade a Presidents height, not downgrade it.
Tall Guy said on 23/Dec/08
Barack has been wearing lifts lately, as now he seems as tall or taller than Bill Clinton, but I think he is all of 6 feet and no more.
Da Man said on 16/Dec/08
Complex says on 11/Dec/08
"legitametly I think he might be just 6'0 but I could buy 6'1, nothing over tho!!! 6'3 to 6'5 is just plumb hysterical! Oh this also has Mccain @ the 5'7 I've always thought he was!"
The problem with McCain at 5'7" and Obama at 6'1" is that McCain was only 4" shorter face-to-face with Obama, not the 6" needed to make that true.
afghanistan said on 16/Dec/08
I just shook hands with hime when he travelled to Kabul. He's 6'0 - 6' 1/2" with hiking boots on.
Complex said on 11/Dec/08
Click HerePicture that begs down a few senators heights, i'm sure the height chart is inaccurate but the heights prolly aren't and it has Obama at 6'1, so anything over 6'1 isn't worth disussing, legitametly I think he might be just 6'0 but I could buy 6'1, nothing over tho!!! 6'3 to 6'5 is just plumb hysterical! Oh this also has Mccain @ the 5'7 I've always thought he was!
Anonymous said on 10/Dec/08
Anon, how has he got a small head? It's perfectly average, go measure the proportions out if you are that sure of yourself. You really are clutching at straws here to make him appear shorter.
Anonymous said on 6/Dec/08
At first Al Gores's office replied 6'3 to the question of his height and then later he was downgraded to 6'0.5!
MD said on 5/Dec/08
Lol at 6'3", too. He is not taller than anything he's stated himself, so both of those are out of the picture.
Da Man said on 5/Dec/08
LOL at 6'3"
Viper said on 5/Dec/08
LOL at 6-5.
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/08
When his press office said - 'roughly 6ft 1' I think he is not a full 6'1" If he was they would have said 6'1" without the word 'roughly' meaning he is below 6'1" in reality.
His morning height is most likely 6'0.75" and his daytime height is 6'.05" bedtime height is 6'0/0.25 He has a very lean build, so it adds to the impression that he is taller than he really is. Viper what do you think?
Anonymous said on 4/Dec/08
Barack is a lot taller than 6'1. I am 6' and he had me by some inches when I met him. He's more like 6'3-6'5
Spence said on 3/Dec/08
I think his wife is more 5'10 than 5'11. Maybe 5'10 1/2. Obama looks taller than he is cause of his lanky frame. He looked like he had about 3 inches on Bush who I think is around 5'10 now. I tend to agree that he is not bigger than 185-86 cm. Id say more 185
LINDA said on 2/Dec/08
His wife is 5'11" and Obama is taller than she is, so I will say 6'1". When Michelle wears high heels, she is sometime a little taller than he is
Viper said on 29/Nov/08
If he was 187cm he would be rounded up to 6-2.
Hes 6-1 and no taller.
Anonymous said on 23/Nov/08
Obama's build makes him look taller than he really is. He he is skinny and has a small head with a high eyeline. Not to mention, he is a larger than life figure.
He is 6'1'' max and probably a little under.
Viper said on 23/Nov/08
Some have said that Bush looks 5-9 in person.
The Horse of FUNK said on 22/Nov/08
If he's 6'0 then Bush is 5'9"... which is improbable.
Viper said on 21/Nov/08
You could be right Anonymous. He could be 6-0, but I wouldnt go lower than that.
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/08
I vote for 6'0/0.5 max barefoot 6'1/1.5 with dress shoes
Schnouzer Breath said on 21/Nov/08
i vote for about 6 ft 0.5, 6-1 max, appeared about 2 in. taller than Bush who is 5-10 max, his wife is about same heighth and he seems dead even with her when she's in 1-inchish looking dress flats
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/08
Obama is 6'1.5".
johnny said on 17/Nov/08
my brother shook his hand, he said Obama is tall but his hands are very small and thin and so is his overall frame. because he is so thin and slender built he appears much taller then he actually is. according to my bro, though, he is a solid 6 ft 1 inches at best, but he's so laid back and relax he could well be one inch taller.
flash_of_eden said on 13/Nov/08
i know a guy who claims to have met Barack, he says he is 6-2 himself and that Barack was much taller. i dunno how much taller he considers "much" taller, but that's what he said. however, based on that video still with Obama and Bush standing shoulder to shoulder i would give Obama a solid 6 ft 2.25 inches.
Anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
obama apears 6'2" in person, but 6'1.25" makes a solid 6'2" in Presidential shoes.
Fiona said on 12/Nov/08
Michelle sure looks tall, and I thought I was tall.....at 5'10"
trueheight said on 12/Nov/08
2in taller than Bush; when they were walking at times it looked only 1in but Obama seems to have such a relaxed posture.
EJ said on 10/Nov/08
The Obamas with the Bushes:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 10/Nov/08
I say Obama is 6' flat. His thin frame, small head, and high eye-line make him look taller than his actual height.
wooley85 said on 10/Nov/08
Take a look at this picture with Bush who is listed as 5'11 inches. Obama has several inches on Bush. Michelle Obama is around 5'10"
Click Here
Complex said on 10/Nov/08
Lol sorry I make you laugh Vegas, but I don't look at it as man in his mid 70's wearing elevators, more like a man running for u.s. president and has to be seen as a strong powerful leader wearing elevators, I love McCain, wish everyday he woulda won, but I really think he's more like 5'7 max!
Oh and the popular vote showed these two were very close,it's hard to say thats what America wanted, more like what california and celebs wanted, it's like if you voted for a and b and a had 51% and b had 49% yet you switched to electorial votes and a had 75% and b had 25%, but non-the-less, he won, nothig I can do about it now cept run his name down like everyone did to bush,and believe me I will, haha! But Obama is 6'0 Mccain 5'6-5'7. I often think Bush is around 5'10. Politician, have to look tall and powerful!
Vegas said on 9/Nov/08
a man in his mid 70s wearing elevators, complex you make me laugh everytime i read your posts
Complex said on 8/Nov/08
I'ma discuss his height, since we can't do politics, lol! But I will comment and say a "definate no" on every republican wanted him. Mccain & Obama were very close in the race, yet thanks to electorial votes, california voted our us president. But southern (republican) states voted for McCain, like louisiana where i'm from. Anyways, not to start a dispute, how bout we discuss his height, his staff says 6'1 and I say he's 6'0. He's thin thin, making him look taller, but when does he ever look 6'2? Even 5'6-5'7 mccain (prolly in elevators) didnt look too much shorter than him. I'd say 6'0 Obama and 5'6-5'7 McCain!
Da Man said on 8/Nov/08
the shredder says on 6/Nov/08
"Viper , I do keep up with politics even though I don't seem the type lol ! ... and yes they do have Republicans that voted for him !
This is what America wanted , Americans think he is best for the job !
Back to height , I don't think he is taller then 6'1 !"
McCain had Hillary Democrats and Joe Lieberman voting for him. That road goes both ways, and no the vast majority of Republicans did NOT want Barack. Something like 90% of Republicans are frightened by Obama's voting record and extreme left-wing ties.
Barack isn't over 6-1.
Viper said on 8/Nov/08
LOL, even his people say hes 6-1. Give up the 6-2 stuff.
Larry said on 8/Nov/08
President Barack Obama is 6'2''
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/08
There is no way Obama is more than 6'1''. If a politician says he's 6'1'', that means he's 6'1'' MAX and probably a little (or a lot) under.
EJ said on 7/Nov/08
He's not just "US Politician" anymore, he's "US President-Elect."
alexthefox said on 7/Nov/08
viper dude, lets keep political opinions out of this man. its about height here. 6'1. thats my input.
the shredder said on 7/Nov/08
Every Republican , Independted , Democrat with a BRAIN knows that W. Bush is the worst in history ! ... Im not going to agree with everything on both parties , but after Bush America wants something new ! McCain lost because America does not want another Bush , and he only picked Palin to get more women to vote ! ... Then on the other hand , I most say that some dumba**ses only vote Barack Obama do to race , and McCain do to race ... now this Isaw right in front of my face !
Viper said on 7/Nov/08
Every republican thinks he will be the worst ever for the most part.
Northen Lights (CND) said on 6/Nov/08
TO MMA Fan: The video does show President Obama appearing as the taller man, but ex-President Bill Clinton, has bad posture. You can see he's leaning to his right. President Obama is standing staight up. At one point they almost match up in the video(check the 17,18 second mark). So it goes back to what I believe, as stated before. President Obama's height is roughly 6'1" to 6'1.5" when on the grand stage due to dress shoes he is wear at the time. BUT! at Home with Michelle and the kids(+ one said promised dog...) he's about 6'0 to 6'.5". If you think its just a theory of mine. Measure your height without any shoes on. Then measure yourself with a pair of dress shoes on, or running shoes, and you will see the difference in height.
Oh yeah... ex President Bill Clinton's not 6'1". He's 6'0. Peace! :D
the shredder said on 6/Nov/08
Viper , I do keep up with politics even though I don't seem the type lol ! ... and yes they do have Republicans that voted for him !
Click Here This is what America wanted , Americans think he is best for the job !
Back to height , I don't think he is taller then 6'1 !
Viper said on 6/Nov/08
the shredder on Barack Obama
Im glad he won ! even Republicans wanted him .
HAHA, no.
Derek said on 6/Nov/08
He could be in between 6'0" and 6'1", though I'd bet he's closer to 6'1".
Da Man said on 6/Nov/08
Now that he's won the election and is going to bring "change" to the world, let's see how long it takes for him to get boosted up to 6'3" or so.
I'd put money on the guy being 6'0.5"
Viper said on 6/Nov/08
Could he be 6-0?
Sherron Jacobs said on 6/Nov/08
My sister shook Obama's hand earlier this year and said he wasn't tall, however, I saw him in Philadelphia, and noticed that he towered over the podium. So I've deduced that he is a tall individual and by your account, my assumption is correct!
Complex said on 5/Nov/08
Lol, to say the least roberto, but this site is about heights, so i'm not gonna complain, lol! More than a handful could equal like 6 or 7, lol!
mma fan said on 5/Nov/08
Northen Light
It has nothing to do with the wasy he dress or how much he weights or how you get mistaken for a taller person. There is video of him in youtube beside Bill Clinton and he is an inch taller that 6'1 Bil
Click Here
anonymous said on 5/Nov/08
he usually looks between 6`1 and 6`2. That is the typical range.
Lamarr said on 5/Nov/08
ive seen him and person and from far away the first time, he seemed tall but the 2nd time i was closer and he wasn't as tall as i thought. 6 ft. sounds right
runt said on 5/Nov/08
Looks tall next to 6'1" listed Bill Clinton as does Jesse Jackson.
Click Here Click Here
the shredder said on 5/Nov/08
Im glad he won ! even Republicans wanted him ... Well back on height ........ I think don't think he is 6'2 !
Ross said on 5/Nov/08
Manuel, that MSN link is absurd. There is no way on God's green Earth Obama weighs anywhere near 81kg. That is my weight, I'm 183cm, and that does not equate to a slight frame. Obama is clearly extremely slender and small, he isn't 80kg. I'd guess he's in the neighborhood of 150-160.
Roberto said on 5/Nov/08
complex you must be mad
Lenad said on 5/Nov/08
I'd say 6'1-6'1.5. He looks like 6'1 guy and Viper dont talk about politics talk about height
Northern Lights(CND) said on 5/Nov/08
He looks about 6'to 6'.5", 155lbs to 160lbs. Why do I believe this? Men dress shoes do have a half inch to one inch heel. So yes that would put him about 6'1" to 6'1.5", when you presents himself. Also with the combination of being on the slim side, would make him look about 6'2". I get mistaken for 6'0 to 6'1" at work all the time, but I'm 5'11.5" 155lbs. Like Spike Lee said. "Its gotta be the shoes..." I don't speak for all Canadian's, but I know more than a handful are happy Barack Obama is President of the U.S.A.
One Nation.
Complex said on 4/Nov/08
Welp unfortunately Obama won, so out of anger i'm going to downgrade his height, I think he's ummm.... 3'6, and he wears huge stilts to look tall. But yup, 3'6 maximum. At least on a brighter note, we have 5'10-5'11 Bush til the end of the year :)
Bruce said on 3/Nov/08
Michelle Obama's brother is a 6'6" man so she is from a tall family. Obama's height on this site is believable.
6' 3" American said on 31/Oct/08
Dear Anonymous, in the greatest country in the world with the greatest celebrities in the world, politicians are celebrities! Asking a person's height is politics? Or, maybe your just mad because the heights listed weren't metric? Who made you the moderator? Or, do I detect sour grapes from a vertically challenged foreigner?
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/08
Viper, please don't bring politics into this site. There are many people who use this site who aren't American (including myself) and who use this site in leisure. It's hard enough avoiding the disingenuous orchestra of an election you have running in your country without it being found on celebheights. I'm sure you can find ample websites to debate the merits of both canditates..let's not make it this one :)
Viper said on 29/Oct/08
Obama 6-2 1/4 when he wakes up? LOL Ted also said the Rock is 6-3 1/2 - 6-4. Ted, what dream world are you living in?
And taller people have deep voices? hahahahhah!!!
Jeremy said on 28/Oct/08
Michelle Obama looks 5'10 or 5'11.
Derek said on 28/Oct/08
Ang- Michelle Obama looks 5'10"-5'11". Most believe she's 5'11".
Ang said on 28/Oct/08
does anyone know how tall Michelle Obama?
Ted said on 27/Oct/08
obama looks a strong 6'1.25. So I would say he is about 6'2 or 6.2.25 1.88 when he wakes up.
he looks taller due to being slim.
but that is a better look than overweight.
He also has a deep voice at about 6'1 -6'3 people seem to have deeper voices. Look at Sorbo.
Da Man said on 25/Oct/08
Obama better be able to produce a U.S. Birth Certificate, because assuming he wins the election in November he might not be in office for long.
Berg v. Obama, look it up...
EJ said on 24/Oct/08
Rob, after November 4, are you going to change Obama's description from "US Politician" to "US President-Elect"?
McCain is so finished.
Viper said on 23/Oct/08
Socialism would kill the economy in america.

Editor Rob
I like to try to keep this to height only.
anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
Viper are you serious? "Europeans LOVE socialism." Enough! For the umbteenth time, enough with politics! Just stick to his height.
As for the height, i have stated it several times, he is somewhere in the range of 6`1-2.
Viper said on 21/Oct/08
Its because Europeans LOVE socialism Markus. But it wouldnt work in the good old United States.
Antron said on 20/Oct/08
Viper there is no way Bill Clinton is 5'10 unless someone cut off his feet. CLinton is probably like 6'0.25" now. Used to be close to 6'2." Obama is a bit over 6'1", the site has it right.
Markus said on 20/Oct/08
Viper, let me tell you something. I live in Europe, if europeans would have to vote for the US, McCain would lose BIG time.
Anyway, thought this forum is about height, not politics.
The only thing that politics and height have in common is that people lie about it ;)
bikagyura said on 19/Oct/08
Gee, Viper! Sarah Palin? She said herself she's just an ordinary hockey-mom. That's the truest thing she ever said. Dunno 'bout y'all but, with all due respect to hockey-moms, I would advice them to stick to hockey :P
Lenad said on 18/Oct/08
185-186. He has the build of a 6'1 guy, not 6'2.
Viper said on 16/Oct/08
Bill Clinton looked 5-10 next to 6-2 Bush Sr. the other night.
Megan said on 16/Oct/08
I've seen him. He's a strong 6'1". Looks taller because he's slender. And keep the biased political views to yourself. This is a website about HEIGHT.
capcom said on 16/Oct/08
check out this vid, he's noticably taller than Bill Clinton, who is 6'2 or 6'3 I believe.
Click Here
Antron said on 15/Oct/08
He's at least 6ft 1in. good posture too.
Manuel said on 10/Oct/08
According to MSN.com he's 184cm tall and weighs 81kg --->
Click Here
Damian said on 10/Oct/08
So, Clinton is listed here as 6'1"
This picture
Click Here shows Obama has clearly more than an inch on Clinton. And that's on all photos I've seen. Either Bill is 6'0" or Barack is 6'2"
Lenad said on 8/Oct/08
i think he's closer to 6'1 to 6'2.
Antron said on 8/Oct/08
Viper,lets not argue politics. This is not the place.
Viper said on 7/Oct/08
Rob can upgrade him to 6-5 for all I care If he loses :)
Lenad said on 7/Oct/08
Wow you upgradeded him
Viper said on 7/Oct/08
Lets not be stupid guys. Palin has been a governor of a huge state with an 88 percent approval rating. Does Obama have anything like that on his resume? No.
Cat said on 6/Oct/08
wow viper do you have any proof that? because i'm pretty sure my dog has more experience than sarah palin....
anonymous said on 6/Oct/08
"inexperienced, socialist empty suit like Obama."
Those are fighting words viper ;)
On his height though, i have seen enough pictures of him next to bill clinton (and hillary), mcCain, biden, and others to be convinced that he is somewhere in the 6`1-2 range.
Viper said on 6/Oct/08
If anything Obama is the biggest lightweight to ever run for president, on paper. He hasnt accomplished anything. Even Palin has more experience.
Da Man said on 6/Oct/08
Kate1999 says on 5/Oct/08
"With all the problems the country is having, who cares about how tall the candidates are. Age is another matter. With a lightweight running mate like Sarah Palin, McCain is not someone I will vote for. Sarah Palin as President is the scariest prospect."
And yet, what is the life expectancy of a 46 year old smoker? Which we all know Barack is.
Honestly, Sarah Palin as President is no scarier to me than Obama as Pres., as neither have any significant foreign policy experience (the primary domain of the U.S. Pres); on the other hand, at least Palin's track record has shown she can succeed on domestic policies unlike Obama. Check her approval rating in AK for evidence.
The scariest part about 6'1" MAX Obama, in my opinion? He's been bought and paid for, which is exactly the kind of "change" I am NOT looking for:
Click HereAnd just to end this response with some relevance to Obama's height, not looking too tall next to 5'6" max Oprah even accounting for heels:
Click Here
Kate1999 said on 5/Oct/08
With all the problems the country is having, who cares about how tall the candidates are. Age is another matter. With a lightweight running mate like Sarah Palin, McCain is not someone I will vote for. Sarah Palin as President is the scariest prospect.
Viper said on 4/Oct/08
"It's really weird but he exudes self confidence and he is really personable. He is also slim, very goodlooking, a lil paler than I thought and has good posture. I met McCain and he was very pale and old looking. He looked like my grandfather. His teeth were a yellowish hue and I thought that I should have called the paramedics. He seemed a lil scared and confused but was willing to feverishly shake everyone's hand LOL... Appearance does matter for the American President. We are supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world. Why can't our president look like America?"
All that suppossed self confidence for Obama has made him vote "present" on just about every bill, lol. Ill take an older, middle of the road experienced guy like Mccain anyday over an inexperienced, socialist empty suit like Obama. But maybe thats just me :)
Viper said on 3/Oct/08
Obama is NOT 6-2. Hes not taller than his official height.
Da Man said on 3/Oct/08
George, 6'1" 160 pound Obama is bigger than life? I would agree that he is very self confident, but self confidence doesn't make you taller. He's not 6'2".
George said on 3/Oct/08
Did you know that McCain wears insoles to make him look taller? I met Obama and I am 5 10 and he was prob 4 inches taller than me. I definitely think that he is a solid 6 1... I believe that he is a lil over 6 1 most likely more like 6 2... but I don't understand the debate over this. The reason he looks taller than 6 2 is probably cause of the presence that he has when you meet him. He is a bigger than life character. It's really weird but he exudes self confidence and he is really personable. He is also slim, very goodlooking, a lil paler than I thought and has good posture. I met McCain and he was very pale and old looking. He looked like my grandfather. His teeth were a yellowish hue and I thought that I should have called the paramedics. He seemed a lil scared and confused but was willing to feverishly shake everyone's hand LOL... Appearance does matter for the American President. We are supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world. Why can't our president look like America?
trueheight said on 30/Sep/08
Those Michelle pictures, Obama looks 6'0.5
And think his campaign saying he's 6'1 is rounding up. Also he was about 1.5in taller than 5'11 Gordon Brown when they met months ago at the White House.
Also he's 4.5in taller than John McCain. A 6'2 Obama would make McCain 5'9.5 which he is clearly not
Lynn said on 28/Sep/08
First of all I like to say that I appreciate this site a lot. I visit it every day.
But why does this site tend to overestimate height?
"" On newspaper seemingly asked his press office to which they said "roughly 6ft 1". ""
So he is MAX 6'1"!
Phil said on 27/Sep/08
If Obama was 6'1 1/2", I'd hope that they would actually list him as 6'1 1/2". If he's not 6'2", then he shouldn't be listed at 6'2". Being listed as 6'1" could mean that he's 6'1" flat or a half inch above that.
Da Man said on 26/Sep/08
If Obama is 6'2" and McCain is 5'7"-5'8" explain this:
Click Here
Da Man said on 26/Sep/08
If Obama is 6'2", McCain is 5'10". Anybody watch the debate?
I now LOL the McCain is 5'7" people.
candyman said on 26/Sep/08
If hes no where near 6'2, then why is he seen to be consistently 1/2 to 3/4 taller than Biill Clinton who is consistently listed at 6'2. Just google their publicity shots and youtube vids together.
Viper said on 24/Sep/08
If Obama was 6-1 1/2, you would think they would round him up to 6-2. But hes officially listed as 6-1 so hes not above that.
Antron said on 23/Sep/08
Looks 6'1" every time I see him next to others. Look how much taller he is that McCain:
Click Here
Ryan said on 23/Sep/08
Obama's slim build makes him appear taller than he is actually is. An even 6 foot and 170 lbs. seems accurate.
Da Man said on 23/Sep/08
6" heels? Where was this?
Barack at times looks barely taller at all than Michelle in heels.
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click HereBarack at 6'2" is wishful thinking with absolutely no basis whatsoever in reality. The man isn't a lick over 6'1", and is most likely 6'0.5".
As Viper said, he's not pushing 6'2" at all.
Bruce said on 22/Sep/08
I wouldnt mind giving him a strong 6'1.5" nearly 6'2" because if tyra banks was wearing 6" heels for real she will be a strong 6'1.5" making barack Obama the same
Derek said on 22/Sep/08
Obama often gives a taller impression. He can easily look 6'2", especially standing next to his wife, who probably wears heels and is a good 5'10"-5'11".
Da Man said on 21/Sep/08
Obama ain't over 6'1"
Viper said on 21/Sep/08
Hes not pushing 6-2 at all.
thekiddd said on 21/Sep/08
He can look 6'2". 6'3" is too high.
Hugh said on 18/Sep/08
I think he's pushing 6ft2. 6ft2 itself is too high.
Anonymous said on 16/Sep/08
He was taller than Bill Clinton when they me last night by about an inch. I would say he is very close to 6'2. Strong 6'1 weak 6'2
Chris said on 16/Sep/08
Or Obama's wife could just be exaggerating too? She's probably 5'10".
Schnouzer Breath said on 14/Sep/08
i would vote for 6-1 tops
Derek said on 13/Sep/08
Obama's wife is said to be 5'11", which puts Barack at around 6'1". McCain would be 5'8"ish.
Viper said on 13/Sep/08
Looks like 5 inches between them really. We can safely say Mccain is around 5-7-5-8 and Obama 6-0-6-1. They are one of those 2 heights.
trueheight said on 11/Sep/08
6'1 max. Since anything over would suggest McCain is over 5'9. There is a 4in height difference between the two men
mma fan said on 11/Sep/08
He is still taller than 5'11 Michelle in her high heel shoes. Somewhere between 6'1.5 to 6'2 should be his height. I would say 6'1.5
nate said on 11/Sep/08
he always looked super tall to me like 6 foot 3.
Chad said on 11/Sep/08
just saw him on Letterman, and he towered over Dave when they shook hands after he first came from backstage, before Dave walked him to the guest chair, so 6ft 1.25 is definitely not correct. I would say Barack is about 6' 3", maybe taller.
Gabriel said on 10/Sep/08
I actually ran into Barack Obama on the street when he was running for the Illinois Senate and what I fould striking was his height. I assumed he was about 6' 4" I f not taller. I'm 5'10'" and he was towering over me. Very tall man.
trueheight said on 8/Sep/08
oops forgot the link:
Click Here
trueheight said on 8/Sep/08
Prezz, that's pretty accurate except for McCain who is 5'8.5.
Here's him looking 1in shorter than Giuliani. 2:45 where they shake hands is the best comparison.
ADD said on 7/Sep/08
I heard some nonsense somewhere about Obama being 6-3 and McCain being 5-7, get real.
Prezz said on 7/Sep/08
Check this awesome link for president candidates
Click Here
Doty said on 7/Sep/08
Obama looks 6'5" to me--in a recent photo, Obama appeared to be about 3 or 4 inches taller than McCain.
Big King said on 7/Sep/08
I first thought that Obama's height had something to do with 6'0 1/2" but then I read 6'1 1/2".
Viper said on 6/Sep/08
Obama looked 6-0 shaking hands with 6-4 Bill O reilly in a clip on television. Looked like a 4 inch difference. Though I find it interesting that rob has him at an exact 6-1 1/4. Obama fan there Rob? :)
matt said on 31/Aug/08
Obama is a little over six foot, 6'1" sounds right on the dot. He's shorter than Bill Clinton who is a solid 6'2".
Ad said on 31/Aug/08
It's allways hard to tell on photo's how tall a person is comparising to another person. When the camera is a little bit tilt sidewards, a person looks taller then the other allthough he might even be shorter.
Further on, the shoewear. You can buy even shoes which makes you larger and you can't see it from the outside.
Bob D said on 30/Aug/08
The real interesting question is Malcolm X is 6 ft 3 in, Obama Sr. is only about 5 ft 8 and Obama Jr is 6 ft 2 in...who is your daddy Barack?
Frank2 said on 29/Aug/08
Is she really?
As for anyone who's 5'8" claiming to look Barack right in the eye, I wonder if they were standing in a hole.
Viper said on 29/Aug/08
If Obama was at least 6-2, wouldnt he be officially listed as that?
touche said on 29/Aug/08
Looks like "lee" and "key" must be using a standard form from somebody to deny Obama's height. When it gets to the point that you have to poke your lip out and go "he's not that tall" you need to get a life.
dan said on 29/Aug/08
Michelle is 5'11"
dan said on 29/Aug/08
I doubt very seriously that anyone who is 5'8" was looking at Barack Obama eye-to-eye. That's funny. I believe that he said that he was 6'4" or 6'2" when he was on the Tyra Banks show several months ago. He was standing next to her and was a little taller than she was, and she's 5'10". She had on heels that she said were 5 or 6". So, I think Barack Obama is at least 6'2". There's no way that he's 5'8" or 5'9".
lee said on 28/Aug/08
I meet Senator Obama about four years ago. When we were introduced I was struck by how thin and small the man was. I am 5'8" barefoot and I certianly didn't think he was tall. I was standing nose to nose to the man when he shook my hand and I was looking at him straight in the eye. My son is 6'1" and when I am that close to him my head has to tilt up to look him in the eye. If Obama is 6'1" then he was standing in a hole when I meet him.
key said on 28/Aug/08
I met Obama about four years ago. When I was introduced to him I was struck by how small he was. He was very thin and when he shook my hand I remember thinking that his hands were not like most mens hands when you shake them. I am 5'8" barefoot. I think I was wearing a pair of tennis shoes when we were introduced. My first thought was that he was much shorter and smaller than I had thought he would be. If he is 6'1" he was standing in a hole when I meet him.
Viper said on 28/Aug/08
Though, I think people estimating higher for Obama shows that he probably is a legit 6-1 anyway. Since 6-1 on his kind of frame can look taller.
Viper said on 28/Aug/08
Better chance Obama is 6-0 than 6-2 in my opinion. And 6-3 is utterly insane.
growth spurt said on 27/Aug/08
6-1 seems too small for Obama. He looks more like 6'2" - 6'3".
justplaincraziest said on 27/Aug/08
How tall is Michelle Obama?
Frank2 said on 26/Aug/08
Obama is 6'2". McCain is most likely 5'9".
Shannon said on 25/Aug/08
I recently met Barack Obama. I am 5'9.5" in flat shoes, and he was just under 5 inches taller than me. I would bet money that he is 6'2" tall.
Frank2 said on 23/Aug/08
Nixon was solid 5'10". His official bio lists him at 5'11-1/2" which is nonsense. JFK was 6'. When he was autopsied they measured him on the table and came up with a half an inch more, but that was due to the fact that a body can read being slightly taller when prone.
trueheight said on 22/Aug/08
Frank, I think the reason why most ppl think he's short is due to his squat appearance - the fact that he cant raise his arms above his shoulders, they were broken many times in Vietnam in the various torture techniques they used on him.
While recieveing a medal from Nixon he was about 1.5 inches shorter - but he was leaning on crutches. I don't know how tall Nixon was - Some say 5'10 or 5'11.
And was JFK really 6'2? He looks closer to 6ft, which would make Robert 5'10ish
Frank2 said on 22/Aug/08
That's because he is probably 5'9".
trueheight said on 21/Aug/08
McCain looks close to 5'9 in his photos why Bush
Frank2 said on 20/Aug/08
Viper, I met McCain and he's not 5'7". He's at least 5'8" and probably closer to 5'9". He just wasn't that short next to me. I mean, it's sort of like I went to a movie, watched it and I'm now discussing and arguing it with people who haven't seen it.
Vegas said on 19/Aug/08
obama and mccain together on stage looks about 4 inches to me when obama stands tall but he is closer to the camera though
Click Herefunny that mccain looks taller here, goes to show once again you can never trust photos
Click Here
Viper said on 19/Aug/08
Mccain's 5-7 listing is correct. As is Obama's listing of 6-1.
Frank2 said on 19/Aug/08
Yeah, Goldwater was an original. A man who stuck by his convictions. And extremely nice.
But no way is McCain 5'8" in shoes. He's more like 5'9" to 5'10" in shoes. Maybe his posture was bad when you met him. I understand he still suffers extreme bouts of pain and takes no pain killers. I liked him when we spoke. In some ways he reminded me of Goldwater.
Brad said on 19/Aug/08
Met both at book signings. McCain is 5' 8" in shoes. $hitty posture, but then being tied up at the Hanoi Hilton does wonderful things to your posture. Barack is 6' 1". Good photo with Goldwater. I met him, he was 5' 11". Great Senator as opposed to McCain who should be replaced by Sheriff Arpaio.
Lmeister said on 19/Aug/08
McCain is 5ft9 with shoes on. I think maybe 5ft8 in the morning, but never 5ft9...
Frank2 said on 18/Aug/08
McCain is no more 5-8 in shoes than I'm 6-1 in shoes (and I don't wear lifts). If McCain stands up straight he might even be 5-9.
Viper said on 18/Aug/08
Mccain is 5-8 in shoes.
Stiffelio said on 17/Aug/08
I support Frank2's argument that McCain isn't as short as depicted. He's between 5'8" and 5'9".
Frank2 said on 17/Aug/08
I'd guess (I haven't met either man) they're in the 5'8" to 5'9" bracket. They always appeared to be at least two inches shorter than Bush and sometimes looked three inches shorter. Bush is a solid 5'11".
A-Bomb said on 17/Aug/08
I agree. No less than 5'7 1/2 " for McCain. More like 5'8" I'd say. Do you know how tall Cheney and Rumsfeld are? They've never looked over the 5'8" mark to me
geri howard said on 17/Aug/08
I've found three different figures for Obama's height: 6", 6"1/2, 6"1. Take
your choice. gh
trueheight said on 13/Aug/08
Obama is 6'1 legit. I have friends who are 180cm (5'11) and claim 6'1. Many ppl who claim 6'1 are a few inches under. In truth, 6'1 is quite tall
Viper said on 13/Aug/08
EJ has an IQ of 50.
EJ said on 12/Aug/08
John McMoreOfTheSame is 5'2". TRUST me, I met him. I'm like 6'3" and he was more than a head shorter then me, lol.
Viper said on 11/Aug/08
Yeah, that would technically make him 6-1 1/4.
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/08
Chris, have you met him? I have and no way is he 5'6". If he had been that short I could have looked over the top of his head. He was shorter than me, but not by that much. I'd say at most he was three inches shorter. And his shoes looked normal.
EJ said on 10/Aug/08
If Obama is 186 cm, does that make him 6'1" and Change? :)
Chris said on 10/Aug/08
Frank2, that pic makes McCain look 5'9".
Chris said on 10/Aug/08
I think McCain is 5'7", maybe 5'7.5". Or he could be 5'6" and wearing lifts.
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/08
There is absolutely now way McCain looks 5'6" much less is that height. Be serious.
Click Here
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/08
OK. McCain is 5'3". Obama is 5'10" and wears huge lifts. Edwards is 5'6" and wears huge lifts. John Wayne was 5'4" and wore one foot lifts! Happy?
Viper said on 8/Aug/08
There is a better chance hes 6-0 than 6-2, in my opinion. If he was only 2 inches taller than John Edwards then that puts him at 6-0 1/2 or 6-1. Since Edwards is not taller than 5-11. If Obama is really 6-2 his publicists would have that as his height. But his real height is 6-1 or close to it.
Mccain looks 5-6-5-7. 5-9 is crazy for him. And he looks shorter than 5-8.
Mr. R said on 8/Aug/08
I agree with Frank2 on this. The only folks that I have ever seen taller than Obama was the North Carolina Basketball Team. The other day, he gave a speech with Evan Bayh, Senator from Indiana. Evan is listed at 6-3, and he was just a little taller than Obama.
dr. no said on 7/Aug/08
@Frank2: no way he is 6'2. I saw him "life" in Berlin. 6'1 to be generous. And he wore good heels. He was just as tall as most men in the crowd that he passed after his speech. Maybe slightly taller, but never 6'2.
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/08
Anyone know who this is with McCain and how tall he is?:
Click HereMaybe they made sure all these sailors were no taller than 5'6":
Click HereI'm not going to argue this nonsense any longer. McCain is no more 5'6" than George Bush is 6'4". McCain is a solid 5'8" and could be 5'9" if he stood up erect.
And Obama is 6'2", period.
MD said on 7/Aug/08
You posted three consecutive post, but they'd all be more telling if you got him standing next to someone closer to 5'8" than 6'0".
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/08
McCain appears to be at least 5'8" in this straight-on walking shot with 6' President Reagan:
Click HereHere's McCain with Gov. Schwarzenegger who's at least 6'1":
Click HereMcCain with 5'10" Rudy Giuliani and 6'3" Mitt Romney:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/08
And here's McCain with President Reagan:
Click HereReagan was 6'1" in his prime and by the time he served as president he had lost about an inch. I met him on two occasions and both times he was taller than me by about an inch.
One more time, McCain is at least 5'8" and I believe when he was younger he was at least 5'9".
I sometimes think this silly rumor stuff about him being a shrimp is politically motivated.
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/08
Here's McCain with 5'11" George Bush:
Click HereAnd here:
Click HereHere's a young McCain during his Annapolis days:
Click HereHe doesn't look short to me. More like at least 5'9". Look how short the older officer is next to him.
McCain with 6'5" Fred Thompson:
Click Here No way is McCain 5-7. I saw him up close and he's no shorter than 5'8" and he could have bad posture and when he stands up straight be close to 5'9".
Viper said on 5/Aug/08
McCain looks 5-7 at best. If hes taller than that Id be shocked.
Frank2 said on 5/Aug/08
Officially listed heights of famous people are always suspect. Example:
They list Richard Nixon at 5'11-1/2". Nonsense. Nixon was around 5'10". Somewhere I have a shot of him with my father who was 5'9-1/2" and the two look pretty much the same height. Just look at Nixon next to JFK. He's at least two inches shorter.
They list Jimmy Carter at 5'9". Carter in his prime was more like 5'8", now probably down to 5'6".
JFK is always listed at an even 6'. In actuality he was 6'-1/2" according to his official autopsy report.
Then there's all the male celebs who constantly fake their heights.
John McCain was listed in his Navy records as being 5'9" back when he flew missions over Vietnam. He's no more 5'6" than John Wayne was 5'8" (claimed by someone on this forum). I met McCain at a political action committee meeting, shook his hand and spoke to him. He's about 5'8". I also met Bob Dole and he's tall. Over 6'.
Viper said on 5/Aug/08
His press office and publicists say 6-1, so hes not above that. Frank, you can be 6-1 and photograph tall just like Obama. Even at 6-0 too. People arnt that much taller today than they were 30 years ago. And I doubt Mccain was ever 5-9. Hes officially listed at 5-7. I doubt hes above that too.

Editor Rob
didn't McCain's medical say 5ft 9.
Viper said on 5/Aug/08
Yeah, he's giving his speech at the democratic convention in Mile High Stadium, lol.
MD said on 5/Aug/08
And the other part is that he's been made into some mythical demigod. lol
Frank2 said on 4/Aug/08
Obama is tall. Just look at any photo of him standing next to people or watch him on TV. Unless one is at least 6'2" these days, they don't photograph tall when around other guys that are 6'+. Bottom line is people are taller today.
And once again, McCain is 5'8". He's over seventy and went through hell in the Hanoi Hilton so I expect he lost some height and was at one time 5'9".
Derek said on 4/Aug/08
Obama gives a taller impression. Part of it is because he stands next to his wife, who is pretty tall herself and wears heels.
ER. said on 4/Aug/08
Agreed. He's 185 - 186 CM. He's a good example of how a real 6-1 person looks.
MD said on 3/Aug/08
It's funny. I've seen most other media outlets give McCain's height as an amazingly overstated 5'9"! I always pegged him at 5'7", myself. It's funny that CBS is the only one to get his height, correct.
The media has done reports on how McCain has problems with podiums because of his height, which always got me thinking, if he's 5'9", he wouldn't have problems with podiums.
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/08
John McCain is about 5'8". I now since I met him and shook his hand.
Viper said on 2/Aug/08
He might give a 6-2 impression at times, but hes no taller than 6-1 If you look at all of the picture evidence.
Doink said on 2/Aug/08
The debate will pretty interesting... didn't realize McCain is only 5-6! Makes sense as Bush towers over him and he doesn't tower over Jon Stewart when he's on the Daily Show.
Click Here
Frank2 said on 2/Aug/08
Just look at the news videos of Obama. He towers over just about everyone around him. He's at least 6'2".
Viper said on 1/Aug/08
I would peg Edwards at 5-10 1/2 exactly actually.
MD said on 1/Aug/08
Edwards is 5'11" at the very most. I don't know what you're talking about, rob. Maybe you're just a poor judge of height.
Da Man said on 1/Aug/08
If Obama is 6'2" I'll eat my shoe. This guy is UNDER 6'1".
Viper said on 1/Aug/08
Obama 6-2 or 6-3? Thats insane. Also you saw Edwards at 6-1? I think you just cant tell height.
Mr. R said on 1/Aug/08
During the 2004 election, John Edwards was listed at 6 feet, which was his listed height in high school during football season. However, most boards peg him now at 5-11.
rob said on 1/Aug/08
edwards is at least 6 feet if not taller, I am 6ft with no shoes on and I meet him in sc, he was at least an inch taller then I was, we both had shoes on. Perhaps he had lifts on. But he appeared tall. Obama looks to be 6'2 or 6'3 easily.
Viper said on 31/Jul/08
Edwards is not 6-0. Ive seen him in person and hes between 5-10 and 5-11. Obama is 6-1 max.
Frank2 said on 31/Jul/08
Nope. Closer to 6'2". Very slender, but tall. Go on the web and Check him out standing next to 6' John Edwards. He's clearly two inches taller. And in recent photos with Bill Clinton who used to stand 6'2", but has lost about an inch, Obama is about an inch taller. And Obama is almost as tall as 6'3" Jesse Jackson. In photo after photo of him with Jackson, there's only about an inch difference. I've seen Jackson in person and he towered over me and I'm 5'11".
Logic said on 31/Jul/08
Obama is a solid 6 feet. More importantly, he has command presence. This makes seem larger than life. Something McCain is sorely lacking.
Lori said on 30/Jul/08
Look at Obama's proportions. He appears to have a small head, this makes him look taller. Go to YouTube look at recent footage with Gordon Brown (UK Prime Minister) they are similar height but Brown never looks tall as he appears to have a larger head proportionally. That applies to all people, head to body ration gives 'illusion' of tall or short..regardless of actual height, in photos, film etc.
---- said on 25/Jul/08
In Berlin he had really high heels. Sometimes the camera shows him form the side and behind, then you can see the big heels.
dr. no said on 24/Jul/08
I saw Obama life today in Berlin. I was standing in the crowd while he was passing by and shaking hands after his speech. From 5 meters distance I saw him at about 5'11 - 6 foot. Nothing taller for sure as he was about the same height as most men in the crowd. German average height form men is about 5'11. He looked lean and lanky but not really tall.
Da Man said on 11/Jul/08
Fred says on 30/Jun/08
"Over 6ft and taller than Clinton. Check the pic. Click Here"
You must be joking with that pic.
saywhat? said on 8/Jul/08
Shaun, you mentioned that taller candidates win the presidency. John Kerry it taller than Bush by several inches and still lost in 2004. So there is no positive correclation between the height of a candidate and the who ultimately wins the presidency.
Fred said on 30/Jun/08
Over 6ft and taller than Clinton. Check the pic.
Click Here
cvengr said on 30/Jun/08
Most politicians, when over 6'0", have numerous photo-ops which simply make their height manifest to the viewer.
Inthe case of Obama, it appears he is always photographed standing on a curb, platform, elevated stage, or in a fashion so that he appears taller than his true height.
Very few full length photos are publicized of him, in relationship to other objects to help gauge his height.
Relative to others in the photos, if he is over 5'10", he has a very awkward, almost abnormally appearing torso height compared to others around him.
I suspect he is closer to 5'8.
Cindy said on 27/Jun/08
He's 6'1. At a rally he was about the same as my 6'1.5 boyfriend.
Brah said on 18/Jun/08
Al Gore is also 6'1", so that makes sense Joey.
KEwing said on 18/Jun/08
The reason he looked just slightly taller than Oprah is because she was wearing 3 inch heels. She is 5'7".