ThisGirl said on 19/Nov/06
I agree with Jeana & kelz. She is skinny and she does wear Converse like ALL the time... and lets face it, those are like the flattest shoes you can get. They add on like 1/2".
She was 5'1" maybe when she first came out, but it's obvious that she grew a bit and gained some weight.
Jill said on 18/Nov/06
I saw her in concert with butch walker. And she looks about 5'3. And i was farely close to the stage. Plus she was wearing vans. Which make people look more shorter then they are. I would change the height to 5'3
kelz said on 18/Nov/06
she had a Q&A on her official site and one person asked if it was true that she was only 5'2" and she said "yes. it's funny because whenever people see me they're like, oh how tiny you are" more evidence proving she's taller than what she's listed, i agree with jeana
Jeana said on 12/Nov/06
People downgrade her way too much. She's not 5'0, no way! She's not even 5'1.5"
She's AT LEAST 5'2" She only looks 5'0 sometimes because of what she wears, plus she's really skinny.
Viper652 said on 9/Nov/06
Id say 5-0.
UNK said on 9/Nov/06
She says she is 5'1" (and she looks 5'1"). It came out of her own mouth. There was a link to the video of her saying it some where below. Maybe she is 5.1.5", but no way 5'3.
She used to look shorter when she wore converse/vans everywhere. She is into heels. Don't be fooled!
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/06
Yeah alright, so those boots add about an inch. And Bow Wow's in sneakers which probably add about 1/2 an inch so never the less Bow wow has a 2.5 inch height advantage and he is 5'5.5"
Tisha said on 30/Oct/06
Yeah, she does need an upgrade, she's 5'3, 5'3.6
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/06
'Anonymous says on 26/Oct/06', don't forget to take her footwear into consideration. She's wearing some pretty chuinky boots.
Click Here
Click Here
ThisGirl said on 27/Oct/06
haha, I meant to say **chin**, NOT child.
ThisGirl said on 27/Oct/06
I agree with Anonymous (below). She's definitely at least 5'2". I saw her in concert and she looked about my height (we were right next to the stage)... and I'm 5'2".
Plus she usually wears flat shoes, like in the picture below... you can tell she's only a couple of inches shorter than Bow Wow, and his child is even slightly tilted upward.
Upgrade her.
Leah said on 10/Oct/06
Avril is taller than 5'1" for sure. I met her and we were the same height. I'm 5'2" I just measured again. I'll try to dig up the picture of her and I so I can e-mail it to you, Rob.
Gazelle said on 5/Oct/06
In Australian there was a quiz show that said that Missy Elliot was shorter than Avril...Missy Elliot they said was 5'1 so Avril must be taller than 5'1.
Courtney said on 30/Sep/06
Yeah, there was some video where she was talking about how it's easiest for her to shop in Japan cause they're all about her size, and she made the comment about he being "5'1" and about 100 pounds". Someone I know met her, and the on-going joke with her is that Avril and I are the shortest poeple she knows (cause I'm 5'1" also). It all depends what you wear's like an optical illusion.
anonymous said on 30/Sep/06
maybe Kelly isn't the supposed 5'2" she says she is..kelly's mom sharon is also listed as 5'2" but looks taller than Kelly at times...
Click HereKelly's probably not even 5'1"...but I don't think Avril will downgrade herself that much. Avril is no more than 5'3" then...
Amanda said on 27/Sep/06
If she says she's 5' 1" then I think that's right. :)
Leah said on 26/Sep/06
I am beginning to think Avril may even be taller than 5'2"
Here's a picture of 5'2" Kelly osbourne in 3 inch heels and Avril in sneakers.
Avril appears only half an inch shorter than Kelly, and Kelly's in heels!
Click Here
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/06
oh, my god! she is not i hope, because thats way embarasing! she is beatiful, but thats like small, she lokes bigger on the screen!by, love you biatch!
celine said on 20/Sep/06
i think avril looks kinda petite but still looks great. maybe 5'2? she seems rather short
Anonymous said on 11/Aug/06
If you've seen this picture of Avril next to 6'0 tall Bruce see she's not very tall..
Click Here
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/06
Add Avril to the list of petite female celebrities who have a noticeable height advantage over their mom:
Click Here
D. Ray Morton said on 9/Jul/06
Did Mademoiselle Lavigne post here while I wasn't looking?
Anonymous said on 9/Jul/06
It's weird how Avril looks short next to other people--like young fans are almost her height (
Click Here) then the adults tower her (
Click Here) but when you look at her by herself she looks average in height (
Click Here)...I guess she's just so well-proportioned and in shape...
Anonymous said on 9/Jul/06
ashley...she's already 21 (22 in September) and that's way past when she stopped growing. It's not really something to be "sorry" about because she never complained. And it's most likely that your sister who is 14 won't grow that much more because she's almost done growing.
Ashley Thomas said on 30/Jun/06
I have always loved your songs. I have the Under my Sking CD and the Let Go CD. I want to get all of your other CD's too. Your height is very short for 22 years old. I'm sorry but....yeah. My sister's height is taller than yours and she's only 14. Well, lucky you if you get another growth spurt.
UNK said on 28/Jun/06
she calls herself 5'1" guys...
"If you go to and you register at Crossbonez (it's free) you can see a couple of video's. In the video "Killing Time - Part 6: Show time" she says something like "I like shopping in Japan, cause everyone is so small there. I'm like... 5'1" and a li'll under 100 pounds.""
Emma said on 23/Jun/06
I think she is about 5"2', maybe she is higher.
When I looked at the pictures of her, she seemed tall( Of course she was wearing high-heeled shoes)
I am just about her height..
From my experience, I thin kshe is about my height.
just4girl said on 22/Jun/06
I don't see what so tiny about Avril. She looks like a normal girl to me with healthy weight. Being short doesn't make you tiny, it's about bone thickness. From what I see she looks rather average, not tiny but not "thick" as well.
savannah said on 21/Jun/06
Actually, Avril Lavigne grew about a half an inch. She was 5' 1.5" when she was 18, but now she's 5'2".
anonymous said on 9/Jun/06
For the Paris Hilton pic, you don't see their shoes. Avril could be wearing heels and Paris could be wearing flats. You can't tell from that picture.
Casey said on 6/Jun/06
Avrils 5"2 coz when i was at her concert we were exactly the same height n i was 5"2,it was really creepy
ForensicNYC said on 5/Jun/06
Avril Lavigne with Paris Hilton. Paris has only around 2" to 3" advantage? She could well be an inch higher than listed...
Click HereWhich is taller? right hand?
Click Here
D. Ray Morton said on 9/May/06
A buddy of mine who played on her first record told me she was "really tiny...5' maybe?" Of course, she might've grown since then...
anonymous said on 15/Apr/06
I think she truly is 5'1-5'2, but no more than that. 5'1 is more likely since it came out of her own mouth and most of the media says 5'2 minus one inch so 5'1 lol..
UNK said on 10/Apr/06
actually, she doesn't even say "like 5'1", she says "i'm 5'1". cool, she's not playin cames like the rest of these celebs... she comes right out and says her size...why shouldn't she... i like her.
element said on 8/Apr/06
If you go to and you register at Crossbonez (it's free) you can see a couple of video's. In the video "Killing Time - Part 6: Show time" she says something like "I like shopping in Japan, cause everyone is so small there. I'm like... 5'1" and a li'll under 100 pounds."

Editor Rob
thanks element, I heard that now, yes 5ft 1...
Leah said on 26/Mar/06
I used to be a big fan. I went to her show once and got an autograph, I was standing in front of her and we were about the same height and I'm like 5'2"
I have however read at many sites that she's 5'3"
One can argue I guess. She has never really said her exact height, all she's really said was that she was short, but that's a bit obvious.
Megan said on 9/Mar/06
I saw her in concert and she look maybe 5' foot tall she looks as small as my mom tiny and petite!!!
:D said on 3/Mar/06
Well..i saw avril in concert, and she had on these big boots that were about a 1 inch bottom, and she looked about 5'3. So im gonna give her 5'2. everywhere on the internet i read it says shes 5'2. And when she was about 17 or 18 everyone said she was 5'1, so she could have grown, i mean its totally normal for people that age to grow another inch or two. And my dad too agrees she looks about 5' im gonna give her 5'2.
Editor Rob said on 25/Feb/06
Evan Taubenfeld, played with Lavigne did say he was '5ft 8'
Serene said on 23/Jan/06
I love her music.. but she looks small in the videos. I think 5'1.5" would be okay for her.. I guess
anonymous said on 31/Dec/05
technically Avril is "short" 5'2-5'3 is "short" for a woman
5'4 is the average height in the US and 5'8 would be considered "tall".
...on the 6th question she's asked "So short people have more to prove?"
Avrilrocksx said on 30/Dec/05
I am 5'8, i went to her concert and stood near her, and she wasn't short. i'd say she was about 5'2" - 5'3"
natalia said on 27/Dec/05
i met her n i´m 1.63 / 5'3.5, n i was as tall as Avril
175cm16andgrowing said on 16/Dec/05
You don't have to be bone thin... and you can look tall... but yes, it'S true. 2 years ago... more than 2 years ago, in April 2003 I was skinny and 5'5.5'' or something and looked very tall... then in December, on Christmas I weighed about 130 and was 5'6'' and I don't think I looked as tall as I did before. Nowadays I'm 5'9'' but still growing. I sometimes look like I'm just bones buit I have muscles. So does AL. Every singer or actor or actress has to work out to look good...
gyllenhaalic823 said on 15/Dec/05
i was just about to comment on that punk'd!! she only looks taller because she is BONE thin! actually i have a siting also
my sister was a diehard fan a few years ago and went to her concert (she went to small-town malls all across the country for free) and my mom and sister told me that she was taller than my sister but shorter than my mom even when avril was in heels (my mom is 5'3.5")
Wicked Kid said on 20/Nov/05
I watched the episode where Avril got Punk'd. At first, I was wondering if that was Sarah Michelle Gellar cos she had blonde hair and looked so tiny that I'm willing to bet that she's 5'X the most. Maybe you all should check out that episode again.
:0 said on 5/Nov/05
I've seen her, and she is REALLY SHORT..
UNK said on 31/Oct/05
"The bouncers force a pathway through the crowd. Four handsome, artfully styled young punk guys make for the stage. Behind, not that you can see anything of her five-foot-one tininess, comes their boss. They build ’em small these days, pop icons."
"Hopping up onstage and looking around bemusedly, Lavigne looks exactly what she is: a skinny, tiny 19-year-old girl from the backwoods of Canada who still suffers from spots"
UNK said on 31/Oct/05
MSNBC calling her 5'1" a few years ago. So we have Rolling Stone, MTV, and MSNBC calling her 5'1". Wonder where they are getting this info.
Missy said on 31/Oct/05
I read in several magazines that she was 4'11 to 5 feet tall.
tausif said on 7/Oct/05
5'1 or 5'10 it doesnt matter what matters is how big heart you got . you know that its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog
UNK said on 4/Oct/05
Mary, do you have a link to Q magazine's listing?
Mary said on 1/Oct/05
The Q magazine lists as being 5'2"..and commenting too short.
UNK said on 30/Sep/05
"Has this girl really said she's 5ft 1?"
Well, here is Rolling Stone calling her 5'1. But it doesn't look like they are quoting her.
"Five feet one, eighteen years old, 4 million albums sold -- so if Avril Lavigne says she writes her own songs, who's going to tell her otherwise?"
By Jenny Eliscu
UNK said on 29/Sep/05
"It's not surprising that Avril Lavigne, at just over five feet and barely on the healthy side of 100 pounds, can almost fit into her luggage. What's remarkable is that the large black suitcase she clumsily hoists onto her bed carries all the clothes a 19-year-old girl will wear for the next six weeks. "
SuzyStretch said on 3/Sep/05
A friend of mine works in Kelowna at a hotel where she was staying after a performance. The friend said she was extremely short, especially since she wasnt wearing heals. Also, because she was with Derick Whilbey or however u spell it, the friend said he was really short too.
Amy said on 21/Aug/05
One of her official sites list her as being 5'1" and actually at some interview of her she had mentioned among others that her fans first meet her say"Oh my short you are" that means sth right?I agree,she looks taller but she is not..for sure.
TJ said on 16/Aug/05
She is 5'1. In a piece on her that I saw when she was first breaking the charts, the voice over said "Avril is only 5'1..." She's also shorter than 5'2 Lisa Marie Presley. Added to that, she's listed as 5'1 on numerous sites and as "barely five feet" in an article in The Independent from March 2005. No way this girl is 5ft 2.5. The most generous I've seen her listed is 5'2 and that is definitely generous IMO.
Christina said on 16/Aug/05
Don't get fooled.Avril is thin and that's whys he looks taller than you think.i've met her a year ago and she had the same height as me.I'm 5'1" but i was wearing shoes that add me 1 inch!So I guess she is 5'2".In cms i'm 1.54 so she must be 1.56 or 1.57!Is that clear enough?
Anonymous said on 9/Aug/05
How could she(osbourne) have grown? She's like 21 this year?? Oh, don't tell me - late growthspurt?
absent said on 4/Aug/05
I totally agree. It's all about proportion regardless whatever height you are.
Anonymous said on 4/Aug/05
It's all in the proportion of the body. She didn't look small onstage too. But it's cos her body is in proportion. Deryk's like most probably only 5'3"-5'4" max. Lol. 5'5" is a real kidder.
Amy said on 4/Aug/05
Avril must be 1.57-1.58 cm so yeah 5'1" 1/2
Z2 said on 8/Jul/05
Avril Lavigne sounds just like another "Kylie Minogue." Kylie said she was 5'1" when in fact she is only 5'0". Why do you think Avril hasn't told interviewers she is 5'2"? Because she already "rounded" her height to 5'1". Meaning, Avril is between 4'11"-5'0" in height(and clearly LOOKS it).
pcplus said on 28/Jun/05
yes, but she must be barefoot if not, its a fallace. Barefoot 1:55 cm
Amy said on 22/May/05
There's no way Avril is 163. She's teeny. I'd say 5"1 is about right.
HK said on 19/Mar/05
that sounds correct. when she was 19, she stated she was just 5'1".
Punk-Rock Girl said on 19/Mar/05
Avril's 163cm.Cuz when i met her she was about my height.