Pierre said on 18/Jul/19
@Johan = But all the comparisons i posted Arnold and others celebrities,even sometimes celebrities in pics next to Rob(ex= Vernon Wells) are always giving Arnold around 6"0' in the 1970s 1980s 1990s or 2000s.I don't see a big loss of height for him by this years
Pierre said on 17/Jul/19
@Dmeyer=Tom Arnold 6"1'? Lot's of comparisons are showing he's around 5"11'.Here is another comparison= Tom next to Joe Manganiello =
Click Here .Now the height chart of Joe/Rob =
Click Here = the 6"0' mark matche with his eyes 5"10' with the top of his noise.I don't take even in consideration Joe had a fraction more shoes here.And he's standing straighter next to Rob and Jenny than next to Tom Arnold .....Tom in this pic(2017) was in his 58 i doubt he lost a lot of height .In other comparisons Bill Paxton /Tom Arnold ,the result is the same = he looks a little bit shorter than Bill and the pic was taken in 2002,Tom was only 43 here
Click Here .In an old pic next to Rob Lowe(5"10') same result = he looks around 5"11' never 6"1'
Click Here = you can see Tom slouch but Rob Lowe break his bust to go in the pic .And more recently around the same difference between Tom /Rob =
Click Here .My guess is always Tom Arnold 5"11' Arnold peak around 6"0'
Johan 185 cm said on 17/Jul/19
Myself said on 15/Jul/19
Yeah he probably just didn't touch his head with the stadiometer. It's pointless to pretend like a measurement, just because it's official and done by a doctor is automatically reliable; we all know quite well their common incompetence even in doing such a simple task as that. That's why I think that Rob is deeply wrong in trusting official measurements as much as he does (but I'm glad that he downgraded Wade at least, despite that (ridiculous) official measurement).
I used to think 6'1.25" was possible and they rounded up a bit but after seeing him with so many others 6'1" flat looks more likely. He only had 2" on a 5'11" peak Belushi in Red heat and he did look shorter than 6'2" James Cameron/ George Bush Snr.
He could get away with it at times as he has a huge collection of cowboyboots and we all know you can look an inch taller with that kind of footwear. He would have been very close to 6'3" in boots depending on the model.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Jul/19
@houss Stop flirting w/ me, love machine.
Pierre said on 16/Jul/19
Imo the bodybuilders were more or less all advantaged with their official heights.i want to say some of this bodybuilders were listed 6"0' and were looking in reality something like 5"10'= this is only my own opinion but i have already posted some pics that can eventually show imo incohérences of some heights of this guys.When some of this bodybuilders have taken their measure with Vince basille's stadiometer they have lost (if my memory is good)something like 0.5 inch=but if they have lost 0.5 inch of their official heights,then the stadiometer was always around 1.5 inches too generous...Of course this is only a supposition ...that probably houss won't like very much....
Dmeyer said on 16/Jul/19
Tom Arnold IS not 1mm under 185,5cm Peak i met him 15 years back actualy looked 186 but had bigger shoes
Johan 185 cm said on 16/Jul/19
Alex 6'3.25 said on 14/Jul/19
Johan no one lose 1 cm around 49-50 years old, my own father, 54 years old now, didn't lose even 1 cm yet, maybe 4-5 mm, and he's a sedentary person, he's still a legit 187 cm. Around 70 years old you can expect 2 cm of height lost or a bit more, it's subjective.
Except millions of people do lose height in their 50's some even earlier. Medical publications support this, anecdotal evidence is useless.
Arnold would be on the top end of height loss but it is possible. You should also take a look at Dolph Lundgren, also a fit guy who lost an easy 4-5cm.
Myself said on 15/Jul/19
Yeah he probably just didn't touch his head with the stadiometer. It's pointless to pretend like a measurement, just because it's official and done by a doctor is automatically reliable; we all know quite well their common incompetence even in doing such a simple task as that. That's why I think that Rob is deeply wrong in trusting official measurements as much as he does (but I'm glad that he downgraded Wade at least, despite that (ridiculous) official measurement).
Public Enemy said on 15/Jul/19
Peak 184 cm
Current 180 cm
Mr.heighty said on 15/Jul/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Jul/19
I agree from A to Z! Arnold was probably 184 cm barefoot or 6'0.5 in his hey day!. This is the truth. Nowdays is a 179 or 5'10.5 guy at most there are evidences on this page so many!. He lost 5 cm at best The max he was is 6'0.5
Pierre said on 15/Jul/19
But i always posted Arnold's comparisons at different periods....in his 20 in his 30 etc...
viper said on 14/Jul/19
Dwayne claims 6-5 now
Pierre said on 14/Jul/19
Click Here Reg Park was maybe not as tall as 6"1' ,here next to Rick Wayne listed 5"8' i guess him shorter than this mark .
Click Here Here Arnold and Reg next to Dave Draper .Dave Draper isn't standing perfectly straigh(legs).He's listed 6"0'in web but look at this =
Click Here =the first 20 seconds he's standing next to Raymond Bailey listed 5"10'(that is probaly his peak height)and looks maybe one inch taller than him.At 2:42 /2:43 he's standing face to face with Max Baer Jr listed 6"4' here = he looks under 5"11' here.
Deniz said on 14/Jul/19
He says people are really lookin up to him, boy you were slightly over average back in the day and now pretty much average.
Alex 6'3.25 said on 14/Jul/19
Johan no one lose 1 cm around 49-50 years old, my own father, 54 years old now, didn't lose even 1 cm yet, maybe 4-5 mm, and he's a sedentary person, he's still a legit 187 cm. Around 70 years old you can expect 2 cm of height lost or a bit more, it's subjective.
Mr.heighty said on 14/Jul/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/Jul/19
I totally agree dude. Arnold was around 6'0'' peak. I see 6'0.5 in his best peak day!
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jul/19
At 48 yrs old you shouldn't have lost anything yet, in your 50's 1cm and at 60 1cm is quite normal shrinkage. You have outliers who only lose a few mm's and the other side who lose maybe a good inch or more.
70's though it can be a huge difference, i know a few guys from work who are still close to their peak while others have 5 cm loss.
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jul/19
viper said on 12/Jul/19
6-0 is too low.
6-1 minimum. The 6-1.5 measurement at night by a guy who hated Arnold backs up that he looked 6-1 usually with others
Not sure about that being a night measurement. Could have been very early morning as Arnold had the typical regime of getting his first workout in the early hours. I highly doubt 6'1.5", unless Vince didn't shove it down on his skull but leave it on hair.
houss said on 14/Jul/19
I have an uncle who was a bodybuilder in his youth , he is 61 yo he use to be 173cm and now he's 168 or less , and he told me that he's now Shorter than some of his friends who he once was taller than them , bodybuilding causes height loss with time
houss said on 14/Jul/19
Hi rob , plz talk to this @pierre ,he really bring this pic to prove tom arnold is the same height as rob lowe , someone , talk to this guy plz , bc i think he's crazy or something!!!!
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Jul/19
Just remember: a movie , like "Total Recall" (1990), can make Arnie look however tall it wants -- seen here w/ stunt double Peter Kent... This:
Click Here vs. This:
Click Here
W/ all due respect to ppl w/ a dissenting opinion, the pic w/ Sally Fields 100% proves he was never 6'1", let alone 6'1.5". I prefer photographic evidence, not the word of someone, a fan of his or otherwise, who claims he measured Arnie at a so-and-so height. Also, my previous post of Arnie w/ 5'9" Leroy Colbert shows him looking shorter than ppl want him to be.
Hong said on 13/Jul/19
There are so many celebrities out there who exaggerated their heights in the past it's very difficult to pinpoint their genuine heights, and now their old, shrinkage has to be taken in to account too. But nowdays it's more difficult for them to get away with it so they have to be more honest and upfront about their heights, for example Dwayne Johnson originally listid as 6ft5 knew he could not get away with claiming this height when he became more famous, so he changed to what was a more realistic height for him of 6ft3,but if he had of being around in the fifties,sixties, seventies,eighties and even up till the mid nineties he could have gotten away with the 6ft5 claim, and then in old age just have said he shrank more than average because of his lifestyle, with all the heavy lifting and injuries he suffered during his career. To be honest I think Arnold was a somewhere between 6ft and 6ft1 peak.
Animus said on 13/Jul/19
Well, I'd place even odds on 6'1¼ versus 6'1½. He did look about the same as the great Reg Park, who was listed at 6'1.
Mr.heighty said on 12/Jul/19
houss said on 11/Jul/19
Yeep and you can clearly see he is 3 solid inches on Arnold! Maybe the black guy was even less than 6'4 and has even more than 3 inches on Arnie! I can't see Arnold over 6'0.25 on the movie
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/Jul/19
Here's a young Arnie in the 1970s w/ listed 5'9" Leroy Colbert...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here
Funny how Arnie doesn't look very tall next to a guy who's supposedly only 5'9".
Arnie and and 80-year-old Colbert (2013)...
Click Here
Video footage...
Click Here
Colbert w/ 5'10" Mike Tyson...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ 5'10" Gregory Hines...
Click Here
Another pic of Arnie w/ his stunt double, Peter Kent (6'3" peak)...
Click Here
Still think Arnie was really close to 6'2" peak height...? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Keep dreaming.
viper said on 12/Jul/19
6-0 is too low.
6-1 minimum. The 6-1.5 measurement at night by a guy who hated Arnold backs up that he looked 6-1 usually with others
Pierre said on 12/Jul/19
Charles Meshak is listed 6"4' , you can see in the airplane scene he tower Arnold ,he's not even standing straight when he's standing at the same distance to the camera as Arnold(at around 0.15 use eventually the low speed)
Click Here In the airport scene we can see their shoes they are looking very similar even the color if my memory is good!
Pierre said on 12/Jul/19
Tom Arnold is not 6"1' he's around the same height as Rob Lowe(5"10')
Click Here or Bill Paxton(
Click Here ) and even looks shorter than him
Click Here Click Here .In True Lies Arnold looks one hair taller than Tom =
Click Here Click Here Click Here that gives to Arnold always max 6"0' .James Cameron next to Bill Paxton does not look really 6"2' more 6"1'=
Click Here Click Here . Arnold closer to the camera looks shorter than Evander
Click Here and later bigger difference because Arnold has probably lost a fraction of height =
Click Here .Arnold looks the same height as Carl Weather in Predator in the famous scene " arm wrestling" but the camera is always in a terrible angle that favor Arnold,in an event Carl looks taller than him
Click Here even when Arnold is standing closer to the camera
Click Here
Dmeyer said on 11/Jul/19
6'1,25 Peak 5'10,75 now
houss said on 11/Jul/19
Mr.heighty said on 8/Jul/19
Has anybody watch Commando? Well by that time the making of the movie was in 1984 and released in 1985. Arnold was just 37 years old and he was in his peak. He looks somewhere 6'0 to 6'0.5. The black guy looks 6'3 in the movie the airport scene the long hair black guy is abut 6'3 at most and has 3 inches on Arnold. Arnold was never over 6'0.5 in his life.
That guy's name is Charles meshack and he was 6'4"
criss said on 11/Jul/19
6'1.25, he was shorter than 6'2 guys (Bush Sr, Cameron) with about 1 inch, he was about the same height with 6'1 guys like Tom Arnold, Evander or Weathers
Pierre said on 11/Jul/19
@Animus= Arnold 186/187 peak? And Lou ? 194? Manny Perry 191 peak?John Larroquette 197 peak? Chet Yorton 185 peak ?Vernon wells 184 peak?
Dmeyer said on 10/Jul/19
Yeah rob 6'1,25 listing will relieve many even going with 6'1,5 measurement thats 6'1 3/8 and maybe that was 11am so 6'1-1,25 IS likely by afternoon
Animus said on 10/Jul/19
Schwarzenegger was pretty clearly 186-187cm in his physical prime. With the wear and tear on his body and the passage of time, it's within reason that he has shrunken as much as he has. There's no doubt that Schwarzenegger's case of height loss is on the extreme end of the spectrum, but he did push his body exceptionally hard for years on end - to a degree that's probably unfathomable to most people.
Myself said on 9/Jul/19
I think a downgrade to 6'1.25 would be more realistic and make many "happy", as also suggested by the average vote...
But I guess Rob likes to stick with officially claimed measurements more...
Importer said on 9/Jul/19
I can see that he was similar to Gerald Butler in height. Never was below 185.5-186cm peak. 186.5-187cm a midday measurement. Just a simple case of a 6'1 - 6'1 1/4 guy claiming 6'2. Nobody should really get suspicious. I was surprised that a 5'9.5 guy challenged him to his claim, most can't tell 1inch difference at that height. Onscreen he could easily look 6'2 in cowboy boots, his muscles helped too I guess.
Peak : 186cm
Now : 181cm
Mr.heighty said on 8/Jul/19
I would bet 1 million Arnold with his head shaved and barefoot would measured max 6'0.5.
Mr.heighty said on 8/Jul/19
Has anybody watch Commando? Well by that time the making of the movie was in 1984 and released in 1985. Arnold was just 37 years old and he was in his peak. He looks somewhere 6'0 to 6'0.5. The black guy looks 6'3 in the movie the airport scene the long hair black guy is abut 6'3 at most and has 3 inches on Arnold. Arnold was never over 6'0.5 in his life.
Barry Fl said on 8/Jul/19
Arnold has had hip surgeries, knee surgeries, and broken his leg(s) on a couple of occasions.
Pierre said on 8/Jul/19
@Johan = I'm nearly 48 years old my height during the day is about 5"11.25'(181), i weigh around 273 lbs(124 kgs),i always practice bodybuilding since my 17, i have not lose even one mm by the years.Arnold in 1988(in his 41) was clearly shorter than 6"0.5' 6"1' Yuri Vlasov older than him =
Click Here
Arnold in around 1975 (around 28 years) was clearly three inches shorter than Lou Ferrigno =
Click Here Click Here Click Here ,Lou Ferrigno himself looking maybe one inch taller than his stunt double Manny Perry listed 6"2' =
Click Here Click Here and looking shorter than John Laroquette listed 6"4' at around 1:10 /1:11
Click Here .Arnold in his 19 looks maybe 6"0' next to Chet Yorton listed 5"11' =
Click Here .Arnold in 1984 (in his 37) next to vernon Wells max 5"11'(
Click Here )Vernon slouching looks around 6"0' =
Click Here Click Here guess him around 5"11.75' peak now probably around 5"10.25'.
Johan 185 cm said on 7/Jul/19
Alex 6'3.25 said on 5/Jul/19
It's scientifically proved that a sedentary person can lose 2 cm around 70 years old, Arnold is 72 years old this month. He was a fitness man for all his life, he's highly unlikely he lost something like 5-6 cm when a sedentary person lose on average just 2 cm. Arnold had bad injuries? Some surgeries on his spine? If he lost 5 cm already, is definitely above an average person, I'm not saying is impossible, I'm saying is highly improbable, especially for a fitness man. It's more likely and believable that Arnold never was a 186-187 cm but more like a 184 cm, and now is nothing more than 181 cm. He lied about his height and likely he used to wear lifts inside his shoe when he worked in Hollywood.
Alex, every medical journal supports 1 cm loss for every decade after 40 years on average. So by 60's 2cm is normal but by 70 it can vary greatly. Losing between 3-7.5cm is completely normal.
Arnold today looking 179 cm alot means that he was max 186.5 cm going by medical studies max but there are also exceptions due to medical conditions.
Arnold's weightlifting regime was anything but normal and so I am not surprised that he ended up in the top scale of height loss.
ltyfm6740 said on 7/Jul/19
He was 6feet, now he is just about 5ft10
Roderick said on 6/Jul/19
I think when he was young, he would be able to measure 6'2" in shoes right out of bed, lol.
Canson said on 6/Jul/19
@Danimal: I don’t think Hogan has really lost 4”. He’s still around 6’3” today in some pics. Peak Hogan tho I don’t think a full 6’6”. Maybe 6’5.5. I agree Arnold peak 6’1” barefoot is realistic and today 5’10 or 11
Mr.heighty said on 5/Jul/19
@Rob whart's your thought on Alex 6'3.25 said on 5/Jul/19?
I honestly agree from A to Z what he said. At least makes sense believing this which actuallly Arnold looked always on the 6'0 range in the 70's and never over 6'05

Editor Rob
While he sometimes could seem 184cm, I still would be surprised if you measured him that low in the 70's and 80's.
Mr.heighty said on 5/Jul/19
Alex 6'3.25 said on 5/Jul/19
Yep but what is amazing is that Rob who is always pretty accurate on heights and he is an expert on heights guess Arnold at 186 cm at his low and 187 his highest guess.
I agree all you have said Arnold was about 184 and probably lost 4-5 cm like from 184 to 179-180.
Rob's opinion makes Arnold lost 7 cm which is impossible. He lost 5 cm max and of course never looked even over 6'1.
Pierre said on 5/Jul/19
Young Lou Ferrigno next to tall guys looks around 6"3' and nothing over that,Arnold next to Lou both barefoot looks around 3 inches smaller than him ...Do the maths again...
Pierre said on 5/Jul/19
@Johan= When is your comparison in the video?Are they exactly in the same posture?Where is the camera?(Both at equal distance?)when you look at the gates at head height behind them at 34:41 / 34:42 you can clearly watch the difference.No bad angle here= Giulianno 181 give Serge Nubret maybe 177,nothing over.
Alex 6'3.25 said on 5/Jul/19
It's scientifically proved that a sedentary person can lose 2 cm around 70 years old, Arnold is 72 years old this month. He was a fitness man for all his life, he's highly unlikely he lost something like 5-6 cm when a sedentary person lose on average just 2 cm. Arnold had bad injuries? Some surgeries on his spine? If he lost 5 cm already, is definitely above an average person, I'm not saying is impossible, I'm saying is highly improbable, especially for a fitness man. It's more likely and believable that Arnold never was a 186-187 cm but more like a 184 cm, and now is nothing more than 181 cm. He lied about his height and likely he used to wear lifts inside his shoe when he worked in Hollywood.
Mr.heighty said on 5/Jul/19
I think Rob's listing will never change guys! Don't waste your time saying he was 6'0.5 which I really agree. I think he was never more than 6'0.5 but Rob's listing is what counts... ;(
Johan 185 cm said on 5/Jul/19
Pierre said on 3/Jul/19
Comparisons Arnold/Serge Nubret .I doubt Serge was even 5"11' more 5"10' imo.In the movie" Titan"(or " My Son the Hero )Serge Nubret looks clearly shorter than Giuliano Gemma listed 5"11.25'(181) = Click Here = make pauses at around 34:41 34:42 (with the low speed,easier)=they are face to face in same posture at exactly the same distance to the camera .And watch the gates at height weight behind them...There is clearly a difference of height.
Not seeing much difference there and when they shake hands their eyes are level.
Serge was listed from 5'10-6' in imperial but always 180 cm regardless of the imperial. Maybe a 5'10.75" guy but no less.
Johan 185 cm said on 5/Jul/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Jul/19
@Johan The pic w/ Sally Fields from 1976 where they're both barefoot and Arnie is 29 is pretty much a smoking gun. He was never more than 6'0.5", end of story.
Shame he is looking down and not standing straight, Sally is stretching up as well. It for sure kills any chance of him ever being 6'1.5"+ but 6'1" is still possible. He looks it when younger next to Serge.
Mhmdmahmoud853 said on 5/Jul/19
Arnold schwarzeneggrr was 6feet,but now he is only 5ft 10 no more.
Hong said on 4/Jul/19
Arnold looks like a solid 6ft next to Field in that pic. He definitely was not 6ft1.5 peak I think we can rule that out.
Space said on 4/Jul/19
He’s over 5’11” today still..
Arslan 6'10 210 CM said on 4/Jul/19
He looked barely 5’9 next to a 5’9 bodybuilder I saw once
And he was in lifts whereas the bodybuilder was barefoot iirc
Pierre said on 3/Jul/19
Comparisons Arnold/Serge Nubret .I doubt Serge was even 5"11' more 5"10' imo.In the movie" Titan"(or " My Son the Hero )Serge Nubret looks clearly shorter than Giuliano Gemma listed 5"11.25'(181) =
Click Here = make pauses at around 34:41 34:42 (with the low speed,easier)=they are face to face in same posture at exactly the same distance to the camera .And watch the gates at height weight behind them...There is clearly a difference of height.
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Jul/19
@Johan The pic w/ Sally Fields from 1976 where they're both barefoot and Arnie is 29 is pretty much a smoking gun. He was never more than 6'0.5", end of story.
Johan 185 cm said on 3/Jul/19
Click Here
Young Arnold with Serge in the 60's.
Serge was listed at 6' but claimed and got measured at 180 cm so 5'11". Arnold is at least 2 inches taller there.
cmillzz said on 3/Jul/19
Never over 6’1 peak.
Joe Joe said on 2/Jul/19
Arnold gets shorter every time i visit his page
Pierre said on 2/Jul/19
With vince basille's stadiometer some bodybuilders were losing 0.5 inch in my memory...but Ken Waller was listed 6"0' and was looking around 5"10' next Ben Weider or Mike Mentzer,Lou Ferrigno listed 6"5' was looking maybe one inch taller than his stunt double Manny Perry(listed 6"2')...
Mr.heighty said on 2/Jul/19
Come on 6'1 is is not a noticeable difference from 6'1.5 and no one would see it. 6'0.5 is a better guess and now is 1 inch which fits better and the difference is of course more realistic
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Viper: that’s if he really measured that 6’1.5. He may not have. That’s also if it were barefoot and last but not least if it were a true low. Just because someone measures at night doesn’t mean it’s their low if they have been laying down. That said, I do believe he was 6’1” peak but not sure about 6’1.5
Toumai said on 1/Jul/19
Yep great pic
Click Here
It clearly shows Arnold was never over 6'0.5 and in the pic looks 5'11.75 due his posture. He was 6'0.5 at best!
Toumai said on 1/Jul/19
I also think Arnold is 5'10.5 max these days and I've always said he was never over 6'0.5. I agree Sotiris Gravas If you ever saw him taller or guess him over this mark , it was thanks to footwear and camera angles.
Toumai said on 1/Jul/19
I also think Arnold is 5'10.5 max these days and I've always said he was never over 6'0.5. I agree Sotiris Gravas If you ever saw him taller or guess him over this mark , it was thanks to footwear and camera angles.
Myself said on 1/Jul/19
I think you are on point.
Joeyb guessed Arnold at 5'10.5 too.
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jul/19
Sorry, here's the pic of that fan w/ 5'11" Alan Tudyk (2016) that I screwed up
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jul/19
Just a reminder: this pic was already posted here by Pierre and posted by me again on Kane's page via a video, showing Arnie and 5'2" Sally Field, both barefoot in 1976...
Click Here
I asked Editor Rob what he thought and his response was, "He might struggle to look much over 6ft w/ Sally."
I thought houss would like to know.
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Jun/19
Arnie and a fan (2018)...
Click Here
Same fan w/ 6'0" Shane McMahon (2019)...
Click Here
W/ max 5'11.5" The Miz (2012)...
Click Here
W/ 5'11" Alan Tudyk (2016)...
Click Here
Height confirmation w/ 5'9" Jared Leto (2017)...
Click Here
max 5'9" Chris Jericho (2012)...
Click Here
Arnie is max 5'10.5" now (when not wearing lifts, like in my pics w/ GSP). Again, he was never more than 6'0.5"... maybe as low as 6'0". Pics next to max 6'3" Lou Ferrigno is also proof. If you ever saw him taller, it was thanks to footwear and camera angles.
viper said on 30/Jun/19
Unless it was a shoddy measurement, I think measuring 6-1.5 at night rules out anything under 6-1 IMO
viper said on 30/Jun/19
6-1 peak and 5-10 today.
It's crazy how much height he has lost at only 71
rism90 said on 30/Jun/19
Johan 185 cm said on 29/Jun/19
Arnold coudl look 1.5 inch taller than Patrick at most yea but this makes Arnold 6'1 tops..
viper said on 30/Jun/19
Arnold looks 5-9 next to weak 5-10 Antonio Brown.
I'd say he's 5-10 max. 6-1 peak.
He's lost a ton of height
Pierre said on 30/Jun/19
houss said on 29/Jun/19
Can we all ignore @pierre he's a hater , he hates Arnold , and his hate affect on his guess
With houss's logic houss is probably a hater of the guys who are around the same height as Arnold because he sees Robert Patrick closer to the camera than Arnold ...
Pierre said on 30/Jun/19
Another pic Robert Patrick/Mitch Pileggi 6"0.5'/6"1' =
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 29/Jun/19
rism90 said on 28/Jun/19
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Jun/19
Robert Patrick himself said that Arnie was 6'1"-6'2" : Wrong. He never said Arnold 6'2 he said I think Arnie is about mi size about 6'1. How ever Robert Patrik sounds to round up heights. It's known he was 5'11.25 and claim himself 6'0. Arnie probably was very close to 6'1 in 1991
Nope not wrong, the man said it in a live interview back in the 90's that Arnold was 6'1"-6'2" while he was 6'. He didn't say then that he was the same size, anyone with eyes could see he was thin and noticeably smaller.
edit: You just pulled that from Rob's page, thats a comment from well after the time period. He put on alot of weight after 40's ofc he weighs almost the same now.
rism90 said on 29/Jun/19
He lost 6-7 cm pretty amazing. Stallone just lost 2 cm and mybe less who knows
houss said on 29/Jun/19
Can we all ignore @pierre he's a hater , he hates Arnold , and his hate affect on his guess
Jimbo hopper said on 29/Jun/19
A safe guess would be peak 6-0.5 or 6-1 max. Now he’s ever chance under 5-11 bare foot. I’d actually say he’s 5-10 next to Lewis Hamilton
Ian C. said on 29/Jun/19
How reliable are the measurements assigned to professional bodybuilders? Were they exaggerated, is what I'm getting at here. Arnold's chest measurement at the height of his career is given as a few inches shy of five feet, which is just huge. Bodybuilding has always seemed a little squalid to me, and I am annoyed that a man who couldn't deliver dialogue with any credibility became a movie star, but you can't argue with the proposition that Arnold possessed a magnificent beauty. It is astonishing to me that his career endured after that beauty was gone, when he had so little else to offer.
viper said on 28/Jun/19
6-1 peak, but he did measure 6-1.5 at night.
Don't know If he laid down for a while before that
rism90 said on 28/Jun/19
However Arnold had a thicker hair sometimes the militar classic style so If you measure a young Arnold barefoot with his head shave like a perfect measurement he would had been more 6'0.75 and 6'1 tops
rism90 said on 28/Jun/19
Nice Rob. So your guess is somewhere a low of 185.5 and a hight of 186.6 cm. I agree maybe 185 range but over 186 or 186 range seems a little higher to me.

Editor Rob
I have never ruled out the chance of 6ft 1.25 peak.
rism90 said on 28/Jun/19
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Jun/19
Robert Patrick himself said that Arnie was 6'1"-6'2" : Wrong. He never said Arnold 6'2 he said I think Arnie is about mi size about 6'1. How ever Robert Patrik sounds to round up heights. It's known he was 5'11.25 and claim himself 6'0. Arnie probably was very close to 6'1 in 1991
Jordan Swan said on 28/Jun/19
Can we get a page for his training buddy, Franco, please Rob. Heard estimates between 5'3 and 5'6
Pierre said on 28/Jun/19
Robert Patrick 6"0' peak? 1993 = next to Mitch Pileggi 6"0.5'/6"1'
Click Here Click Here Click Here = in this pic watch the daylight under their shoes = Robert has advantageous heels,but even without this parameter by considering postures he looks no more than 5"11'range(hairs don't count of course!) .now Mitch Pileggi /David Duchovny =
Click Here = difference here by considering hairs and postures = more than one inch .David Duchovny and Robert Patrick =
Click Here Click Here .
houss said on 27/Jun/19
Rob how much is the difference here
Click Here

Editor Rob
Possibly near 4cm
rism90 said on 27/Jun/19
houss said on 26/Jun/19
Wrong. Arnold is closer to the camera and the difference is less. R.Ptrick himself said Arnold is about his size about 1 inch taller and Arnold has thickers boots.
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Jun/19
Robert Patrick himself said that Arnie was 6'1"-6'2" and that he was 6'0". So Arnie was definetly taller than him.
rism90 said on 27/Jun/19
Pierre said on 26/Jun/19
Well I mean 181 a peak Robert Patrick. I think without a doubt Robert Patrick was a 5'11 so this is important to compare height next to Arnie.. Safe to say he was not less than 5'11 and not over 5'11.25. so this stimation I think is accurate
rism90 said on 27/Jun/19
@Rob In spite the "6ft 1.5" measurement from Vince Basille what's your personal guess for Arnie in the 70's?

Editor Rob
Anywhere from a low of 6ft 1 to a high of 6ft 1.5...I think most people rule out the idea of 6ft 1.5-2 range for arnie. The majority seem to guess him either 6ft 1, 1.25 or 1.5
rism90 said on 27/Jun/19
@Rob do you really think he had lost by 1990 at 43 and how much. Looks barely an inch or less on Robert Patrick..

Editor Rob
A fraction maybe by mid 40's, but generally he still seemed about 6ft 1 in the 90's.
Pierre said on 27/Jun/19
Pic Arnold/Robert Patrick(
Click Here ) = When you look at the feet and shoulders Arnold is the one who is standing closer to the camera .According Arnold isn't standing perfectly straight but Robert Patrick has to watch the camera that is very low and so is not standing perfectly straight,he's standing imo a little bit more straight than Arnold.
Click Here = and Arnold's heels are very probably the most advantageous,not a lot but a good fraction imo
rism90 said on 26/Jun/19
rism90 said on 24/Jun/19
Rob but this photo is from 1990 and Arnold was just 43 years old! How much he would have lost.. I think is impossible he lost at that youg age
houss said on 26/Jun/19
Rism90 in your picture Arnold is slouching a little bit and Patrick is closer to the camera we all know that the difference between them is more than this
Pierre said on 26/Jun/19
@rism90= Robert Patrick 181 is just an estimation,if you look at his page here =
Click Here you can see Rob break his neck/his posture,Robert had an advantage of shoes but even with this parameters wasn't looking even a full 5"11' .It was in 2011 so he was only 53 here.
Pierre said on 26/Jun/19
@houss= I understand you houss, you prefer the pic of Midium Dude
houss said on 25/Jun/19
@rism90 no one can notice 1 cm of difference you can't tell this's a 179 cm guy and this's a 180 cm guy only if they were standing under a stadiometre
Cole said on 25/Jun/19
David goggins is 6ft type in online him with Arnold he’s like 2 inches or more taller
rism90 said on 24/Jun/19
I also think Arnold could be closer to the camera...
rism90 said on 24/Jun/19
Arnold looks more a strong 5'10 nowdays guys like 5'10.25 range or probably 5'10.25 before bed. He lost about 2-2.5 inches. Just watched the making off Terminator 2 and he was 6'2 with boots. When I see him barefoot looks closer to 6'0 than 6'1. This is my opinion. I'm talking about autumn 1990 so he was in his peak.. I'd guess he was 6'0.5 tops and Robert Patrick 5'11.25
houss said on 24/Jun/19
@pierre you mean sly with his lifts in pictures in his favor
rism90 said on 23/Jun/19
A 6'2.25 guy on this site posted a pic with Arnold and told us Arnold is under 5'11 and loser to 5'10. He actually said he is arounf 178-179 cm these days. The guy 188 cm is 10 cm taller than Arnold
rism90 said on 23/Jun/19
houss said on 23/Jun/19
Not agree 8 cm is a biggest difference. My little brother is 9 cm shorter than me and the differenc is much bigger than this. I see 6 cm max more 5 cm. Arnold is struggling to be 179 cm nowdays and Sly 172 range.. maybe 5'8 or 172.72 cm. Arnold is a strong 5'10 max sure he is under 180 cm
houss said on 23/Jun/19
Arnold 180 sly 172 , look at their shoulders
rism90 said on 21/Jun/19
Midium Dude said on 20/Jun/19
What do you guys think?
Very clear.. Arnold 178 cm (5'10) Sly 173 cm (5'8 3/8)
Johan 185 cm said on 21/Jun/19
Midium Dude said on 20/Jun/19
Click Here
What do you guys think?
Thats pretty typical of how they stack up to each other without angles and lifts being used by Stallone.
Arnie usually looks 2.5-3 inches taller than him the last few years. It did look more 4 inches in their younger years so Sly definetly lost less height.
Sly is around 5'8" today so Arnie is 5'10.5"-5'11", which he has looked with other posters and other celebs.
I think peak it was 5'9" Sly and 6'1" Arnie.
Pierre said on 20/Jun/19
777 a déclaré le
18/19/19 @ Tristan3D a déclaré le 13/19/19
Aujourd'hui, Eric Holder (facturé à 5'11 '') se tenait à côté de Schwarzenegger pour une photo-op sur la lutte contre Gerrymandering (une chose proche du cœur de Schwarzeneggers) - les deux ont fait la pose Dillon / Dutch (Predator). Quoi qu’il en soit, regardez la hauteur des épaules des deux hommes (ne comparez pas le haut des têtes, c’est plutôt trompeur; la hauteur des épaules est plus précise), Holder n’est pas juste un peu plus grand que Schwarzenegger, mais doit aussi se pencher adapter le cadre.
Donc, en supposant que le titulaire est vraiment 5'11 '. Arnold ferait probablement 5'10 '' ou peut-être même plus petit. Je doute fort que Schwarzenegger ait jamais été un 6'2 '', comme il l'a affirmé la majeure partie de sa vie, car personne ne reculerait de 10 centimètres (3,3 pouces) sans se couper les pieds ou quelque chose du genre. Si l'image de la photo-op est crédible, si Holder est vraiment aussi grand qu'on le prétend, si les deux hommes ne portaient pas des hauteurs de talon trop différentes, alors la hauteur donnée de 5'11 en tant que Schwarzeneggers affichée sur ce site ne peut pas être précise. , parce que le titulaire est à cette hauteur mais aussi beaucoup plus grand que Schwarzenegger. Mais encore une fois: ce n’est qu’une image et nous ne les voyons que de la poitrine. Alors, qui sait quel était le contrat pour cadrer l’image de cette manière?
En tous cas,
Cliquez ici
La hauteur d'Eric Holder est de 6'1 " , pas 5'11 "!
Eric Holder et Barak Obama (6'1 ").
Cliquez ici :
Arnold aujourd'hui 5'11.5" (182 cm).
La hauteur maximale d'Arnold était de 187 cm (6 pi 1 1/2).
....But Eric Holder isn't standing even straight next to Arnold! =
Click Here and here are their heels .... =
Click Here Click Here
Hong said on 20/Jun/19
Arnold looks like 6FT flat in that pic with Yorton, there both barefoot, you can also see Arnold's legs are longer giving you the impression he was taller than he actually was.
Kurtz said on 19/Jun/19
Click Here
Arnold bit shorter tha McConaughey in 2009.
Pierre said on 19/Jun/19
houss said on 17/Jun/19
Pierre you're out of the game
😄😄😄If these are your only arguments houss then Arnold is very probably shorter than your guess !
Pierre said on 18/Jun/19
Young Arnold next to 5"11' Chet Yorton(the left guy not the right guy) not even perfectly straight =
Click Here
houss said on 17/Jun/19
Pierre you're out of the game
khaled taban said on 17/Jun/19
6'2" was a stretch, 6'1.25" peak I'd say.
Now he is 5'11" flat
Pierre said on 16/Jun/19
Old pic Tom Arnold/Rob Lowe
Click Here
houss said on 15/Jun/19
Thanks rob , Arnold was clearly taller than both tom and bill , and tom is clearly taller than bill who looks 181cm with you
Pierre said on 15/Jun/19
Click Here =how many difference here?Not a lot imo.
Pierre said on 15/Jun/19
By considering Arnold is standing always a little bit closer to the camera next to Bill Paxton and the special angle of the camera(watch the lines of the wall behind them,the lines are clearly not horizontal and favour Arnold ) ,Arnold has always the advantage of the camera.The pic Bill Paxton next to Josh makes me doubt he was even a complete 5"11'
Click Here you can see Bill is'nt standing perfectly straight but Josh is'nt looking perfectly straight too .The debate for Arnold's peak is always open for me.Yes Tom Arnold looks taller than bill Paxton....When Tom Arnold is standing closer to the camera with a low angle of the camera like here=
Click Here .Here try to guess who is looking the tallest by considering the postures and by considering the neutral angle of the camera =
Click Here ...
houss said on 14/Jun/19
Your pictures make no sense arnold was taller than tom arnold and now he's shorter than him or maybe roughly the same height , bill paxton was 181 cm and he was clearly shorter than tom arnold , and tom arnold was clearly shorter than arnold
What the hell you want to proof with this picture hhhh
Maybe Arnold wasn't 188cm but not 182 as you said before

Editor Rob
unfortunately the urls didn't work, but here is a link showing some of arnie and bill
Click Here
Pierre said on 14/Jun/19
Click Here =Young Joe Weider next to bodybuilders listed 5"7' barefeet (left = Georges Eiferman /right = Larry Scott).Next to George Eiferman(listed 5"7')
Click Here .Lee Haney next to Joe Weider =
Click Here .Sergio Oliva/Joe Weider =
Click Here Click Here = Sergio Oliva/Arnold
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Jun/19
@Pierre Yeah, that guy didn't really look Reeves, but sometimes ppl look different if they're bloated, gain weight, have a different hairstyle... or a have a weird facial expression. Yeah, Reeves' footwear was certainly interesting :). That was a lot of footwear for a guy who was supposedly 6'1".
Forgot to post this pic of Arnie next to Robby Robinson (listed 5'7")... to compare w/ the pic of Steve Reeves and 5'6.5" George Burns...
Click Here
Tristan3D said on 13/Jun/19
Today Eric Holder (billed at 5'11'') stood next to Schwarzenegger for a photo-op about combating Gerrymandering (a thing close to Schwarzeneggers heart) - both made the Dillon / Dutch pose (Predator). Anyway, look at the shoulder height of both men (don't compare the top of the heads, this is mostly misleading; shoulder height is more accurate), Holder is not just a tad taller than Schwarzenegger, but also has to lean in to fit the frame.
So, assuming Holder really is 5'11'. this would make Arnold probably a 5'10'' or maybe even smaller. I highly doubt that Schwarzenegger ever was a 6'2'' as claimed by him most of his life, because nobody would shrink down a whopping 10 centimeters (roughly 3.3 inches) without, you know, chopping off their feet or something. If the photo-op image is credible, if Holder really is as tall as it is claimed, if both men were not wearing all too different heel-heights, then the given 5'11 as Schwarzeneggers height displayed on this site, can not accurate, because Holder is at this height but also significantly taller than Schwarzenegger. But then again: It's just one image and we only see them from he chest up. So, who knows what the deal was for framing the image in this way?
Anyway, the link to the photo-op image:
Click Here
Pierre said on 13/Jun/19
@Sotiris= Nice shoes Hercules/Steeve Reeves 😍.I doubt the guy next to Arnold is Steeve Reeves because he dosn't really looks like him.
Comparisons Arnold and Tom Arnold(supposed 6"1') =Now Tom Arnold and 5"11 / 5"11.5' Bill Paxton(
Click Here Click Here ) =
Click Here Click Here .In year 2008 = Arnold Tom Arnold and Rob Lowe(listed 5"10' ) =
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Jun/19
Editor Rob has stunt double Peter Kent at 6'4" peak height, but maybe he was only 6'3", and is now 6'2".
Here he was w/ Arnie...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here
Seen here w/ Sven-Ole Thorsen, who obviously was never 6'5", lol (1987)...
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Jun/19
I already posted this, but I didn't mention Robby Robinson next to Arnie, listed as 5'7".
Compare Arnie next to Joe Weider in that pic to his one of Joe and Steve Reeves, said to have been 6'1" peak height...
Click Here
Here's Reeves next to maybe 5'6.5" George Burns...
Click Here
Interestingly, this was Reeves' "Hercules" footwear...
Click Here
This pic was listed as Arnie and Steeve Reeves, but I'm not sure if that's really him:
Click Here Anyone know for sure?
Here's 5'11" Gabriel Luna w/ Arnold, looking shorter...
Click Here
As for Ben Weider's height, he looked around the same height as 5'9" (listed 5'10")Joe:
Click Here , (1983)
Click Here , (1997)
Click Here ,
(2002) w/ barefoot Ronnie Coleman (maybe 5'9.5" peak)
Click Here
tree said on 10/Jun/19
he has no shoes,important
Click Here
Jimbo hopper said on 10/Jun/19
Today I seriously doubt he’s 5-11. Probably under barefoot imo
Pierre said on 10/Jun/19
Ben Weider and 6"0' Berry Demey
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 9/Jun/19
Farres said on 5/Jun/19
@Johan 185 cm a 183 cm claim is a real 180 cm. Everyone has a wrong perception of a real height or gives his footwear measure. In 2014 Arnold was 180 cm and today is 179. He was 184 cm max.
He looked 181-182cm next to confirmed 186 Evander Holyfield just a few years ago. In 2010 he still looked 183 cm next to confirmed Chris Eubank.
He was only 3 inches shorter than 6'4" range Dolf Lundgren and had at least 2.5 inches on 5'10.5"-5'10.75" George Clooney. He also had 2 inches + on a peak Jim belushi 5'11".
houss said on 7/Jun/19
He is taller than ben wider who was 5'11 barefoot and maybe over 6 in shoes , helllooo 🤗
Farres said on 5/Jun/19
@Johan 185 cm a 183 cm claim is a real 180 cm. Everyone has a wrong perception of a real height or gives his footwear measure. In 2014 Arnold was 180 cm and today is 179. He was 184 cm max.
Pierre said on 5/Jun/19
Click Here Click Here = Young Arnold(27 /28 here) and Ben Weider (in shoes)listed 5"11'
Pierre said on 5/Jun/19
@Johan = Dolph 6"4.25' ? Hum not here imo (at ~ 9:46 ) =
Click Here next to David Soul(6"0.5') he looks around 6"3' nothing more imo
Hong said on 4/Jun/19
There is no doubt that Holyfield is shorter than Smith, he looks about an inch shorter. Arnold looks similar to Holyfield in those pics from 25 years ago. If Smith was 6ft1.5 that leaves Arnold at 6ft0.5 in comparison.
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Jun/19
Kareem and Arnie on the set of "Commando" (1985)...
Click Here
Arnie and Andre the Giant...
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 4/Jun/19
houss said on 31/May/19
Pierre why you always choose pictures where arnold is far from the camera , i told you before i have a friend who met him and said to me he's 183 cm in 2014
He might have still been close in 14" but he has really been around 5'11" 180cm for a couple of years now. He is in his 70's so its normal that he shrinks more.
Sotiris Gravas said on 2/Jun/19
Video footage of Arnie, Holyfield, an Lundgren (1996), around 6 minute mark: Click Here
Alot of your pics I don't agree with as good evidence but this video is very useful. I still believe Dolph was 6'4.25" peak and Arnie is a good 3 inches under there at all points when passing or standing next to him.
He also doesn't look taller than 6'1.25" listed Holyfield when he doesn't stand closer to the camera. Its what I have always believed that he was 6'1-6'1.25" max peak. His 6'1.75" claim is most likely a out of bed measurement.
Pierre said on 4/Jun/19
@Sotiris = Good finds.In the video at 6:00 the camera is very low and Arnold a lot closer then i think it's a good advantage for him.In the pic/video i don't know what were his shoes ,maybe cow boy shoe,in the pic imo he looks shorter than Evander because his eyes are lower than Evander's eyes and Evander has a long forehead his eyelevel is bigger than Arnold's eyelevel so logically the top of his head is higher than Arnold's top of head.Here is a pic with Arnold standing next to a tall bodybuilder ,Spiros Bournazos who claim himself in an interview 187(6"1.5') (i don't know the shoes) =
Click Here .Another Eraser promo 1996 Arnold a little bit closer to the camera so logically an advantage of camera for him(hairs don't count of course) =
Click Here
@Farres = Lou next to John Larroquette(listed 6"4') and next to Manny Perry(listed 6"2') does not look really 6"3.5' imo
Pierre said on 3/Jun/19
@houss=when Arnold looks about three good inches shorter than Lou both are standing at the same distance to the camera.When you see Arnold 6"1' or 6"2' it's because he's a lot closer to the camera than Lou or Lou is pick up a penny on the floor or something like this, or Arnold is standing on a stair imo
Farres said on 2/Jun/19
Pierre said on 30/May/19
Yeas so Arnold was definitely nearly 10 cm (3.5 inches) shorter than Lou Ferrigno.
Lou was 6'3.5 (192 cm) barefoot and Arnold 183-184 cm (6-6'0.5). This is the truth just those who said he was 6'1 or 6'2 should accept the truth and not believe this marketing has always been..
houss said on 31/May/19
Pierre why you always choose pictures where arnold is far from the camera , i told you before i have a friend who met him and said to me he's 183 cm in 2014
Dmeyer said on 30/May/19
Rob do you think Arnold After a long day on his feet could measure 5'10,5-10,75 solid 179 range

Editor Rob
On his worst day maybe he can barely measure 5ft 11
Pierre said on 30/May/19
@Danimal = Arnold was only 48 in your pic next to Evander i doubt he lost really height here.Young Arnold and Lou =
Click Here Click Here Click Here .Lou Ferrigno and Ralf Moeller listed 6"5.5' =
Click Here Click Here .Next to Dick Durock listed 6"5.5'/6"6' =
Click Here .Next to Manny Perry listed 6"2' =
Click Here . Next to John Larroquette listed 6"4' at arount 0:39 =
Click Here .1988 Arnold in his 41 and Yuri Vlasov listed 6"0.5'/6"1' in his 53 =
Click Here Click Here .Arnold 1966 in his 19 next to Chet yorton listed 5"11' =
Click Here
houss said on 29/May/19
Arnold looks 188cm with Johnny Carson
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 28/May/19
Pierre said on 26/May/19
@Danimal= Evander break his posture/his neck in your pic,watch how many his head is standing a lot in front of his left shoulder and in front of his body,but even in this posture the top of his head is around the same height as Arnold's top of head.He break his posture to talk eye to eye with Arnold
Click Here = more recent 2015 = Evander slouching next to Arnold
Pierre, the photo I provided of Arnold and Evander was not Arnold in his absolute prime. I used to have a picture in a magazine in the late 80's/early 90's with Arnold standing right next to Evander and Arnold was slightly taller than him. Arnold was at least 6'1" during his prime. Today, he's lucky if he's a fraction over 5'10".
Badman said on 28/May/19
Always gave me the "above 6'1 but not quite 6'2" impression at his peak, so 6'1.5 is really spot on.
He was slightly taller than legit 6'1 flat guys like Carl Weathers and Tom Arnold, who funnily are taller than him nowdays (they aged better).
Nowdays he is just 5'11 flat at 70+, bodybuilders seem to lose more height than average, I also think he had several injuries which contributed to his above average shrinkage.
Johan 185 cm said on 28/May/19
Back then he in 86' he still looked peak height. He had slimmed down for movies, lost alot of mass and was standing alot straighter. Hard to see him under 6'1" there.
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/May/19
When comparing 6'1" Frank Valois/Andre vs. Arnie/Andre, keep in mind that Arnie had a footwear advantage over Andre the Giant.
Baltomire5'9.5 said on 28/May/19
peak around 6'0.25. He has always used heels or
Pierre said on 28/May/19
Leonardo and 6"0.75' Barack =
Click Here
sefeoij said on 27/May/19
Sotiris, you nailed it. I saw Arnold's wax figure in Vegas and he was closer to 5'9" than 6'.
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/May/19
6'1" Frank Valois and Andre the Giant (1975)...
Click Here
6'0.5" Andy Richter and maybe 6'11.5" Shaq (2019)...
Click Here
Here's a nice Arnie/Shaq/Andre composite pic submitted by fellow poster JT...
Click Here
Shaq w/ height-loss Kareem (2019)...
Click Here
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/May/19
Just a reminder: here's Arnie w/ 5'9.5" GSP (2014)...
Click Here
Here's Arnie (in lifts) w/ GSP (2013)...
Click Here ,
Click Here See the difference? I do.
Another look at GSP's footwear...
Click Here
Arnold is an old man who resorts to footwear enhancements. Surprised...? I'm not. That said, I look forward to the next Terminator movie.
Pierre said on 26/May/19
@Danimal= Evander break his posture/his neck in your pic,watch how many his head is standing a lot in front of his left shoulder and in front of his body,but even in this posture the top of his head is around the same height as Arnold's top of head.He break his posture to talk eye to eye with Arnold
Click Here = more recent 2015 = Evander slouching next to Arnold
Pierre said on 24/May/19
@houss =Hum,Georges's elmet don't count to calculate his height
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 23/May/19
Arnold at his peak (before much height loss) with 6'1" Evander Holyfield:
Click Here
Arnold today (2019) with 6'1" Austrian Chancellor "Sebastian Kurz":
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Mister lennon said on 23/May/19
Obama is 6'1. 185-186. He was the same height than jim carrey, who is about 186 today.
Clooney is about a flat 5'10. 177-178.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/May/19
187cm is not a joke for Arnold at all peak just like 185cm peak for Harrison Ford isn’t ridiculous.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/May/19
Anywhere 185.5-187.5cm peak is arguable. Not above or below that
houss said on 23/May/19
Clooney looks 180 cm next to O'Donnell ,
@sotiris hahaha 😑 not funny at all 5'7" guy , I don't pay attention to wrestling 🤞i don't even know this Hitman or whatever his name is
Dmeyer said on 21/May/19
Clooney was at the very least 179cm and likely 179,5 like rob list him at Peak , Arnold dosnt look less than 5,5-6cm taller so 184,5cm and 186cm depending so Peak 185-186 is likely
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/May/19
@houss So, this wasn't you w/ Bret Hart...?
Click Here
(Arnie went from "I'll be back" to getting kicked in the back.)
Pierre said on 20/May/19
@Johann= Georgess Clooney next to Chris O'Donnel listed 5"9' ,same shoes =
Click Here
Pierre said on 20/May/19
@Johan= Georges Clooney was probably more 5"10' or maybe even a weak 5"10' than 5"10.75'peak and in your pic Arnold is standing closer to the camera =
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Mj7 said on 20/May/19
Always looked close to 6'2 in his younger days. My guess strong 6'1
Pierre said on 20/May/19
@houss= The guy wanted to kill the mosquito before it bites Arnold,he's a big fan of Arnold in reality🤪.More seriously sorry for Arnold's misadventure with this stupid man.
Johan 185 cm said on 19/May/19
Pierre said on 16/May/19
@Johan =But Bruce Willis next to Tom hanks does not look even a fuel 5"11' Click Here ,and imo the peak of the Rock is debatable,next to 6"0.75' Barack the difference is slim imo = Click Here Click Here .And in your first pic Dwayne slouch and in the second arnold is closer to the camera.Here = Click Here Arnold is perfectly straight Dwayne slouch a little bit on his right side and the camera is low so logically advantage the shortest guy but you can see more than one inch between them imo.
Thats not a peak Johnson next to Barack, he is more than 10 years older than in my pic. Arnie isn't peak there either but still 6 ft range.
Next to Willis he looks around 6'1" and also
Click Here Clooney is no less than 5'10", Rob has him at 5'10.75".
houss said on 18/May/19
@pierre why the hell did you hit him 🤣😂🤣
Click Here
Pierre said on 17/May/19
The Rock very straight and 6"0.75' Barack more relax =
Click Here Click Here
Millano182 said on 17/May/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 17/May/19
Yes I'm with you full agree. Thr Rock was 6'2.5 range peak and I always see 2 full inches on Arnie.
Arnold was definetly a 6'0.5 guy (184 cm)
Sotiris Gravas said on 17/May/19
Arnie/Rock (1999)...
Click Here
Look at this height difference...
Click Here
The very most I would ever give him is 6'0.5" peak.
Millano182 said on 16/May/19
Ey Rob. Do you think Arnold knows this site? To be honest I find very hard he doesn't due to his many contacts. He might be heard about this site. I'd like to know his thoughts on these comments xD.

Editor Rob
Actors are sometimes curious creatures and I'm sure a small percentage over the years have visited this site. Whether Arnie has ever done so I don't know.
Pierre said on 16/May/19
@Johan =But Bruce Willis next to Tom hanks does not look even a fuel 5"11'
Click Here ,and imo the peak of the Rock is debatable,next to 6"0.75' Barack the difference is slim imo =
Click Here Click Here .And in your first pic Dwayne slouch and in the second arnold is closer to the camera.Here =
Click Here Arnold is perfectly straight Dwayne slouch a little bit on his right side and the camera is low so logically advantage the shortest guy but you can see more than one inch between them imo.
Cole said on 15/May/19
Just watched twins the guy who’s talking to Arnold b4 the guy on the motorcycle try’s to take Arnold’s suitcase is S.A griffin he’s down has being 6,2 he had boots on Arnold had flat snickers on he had a few inches on Arnold
Johan 185 cm said on 15/May/19
Click Here
He used to be only 2 inches or so under a peak Rock.
Click Here With dress shoes.
How he used to look next to Bruce Willis, forget stallone he is wedged up.
Click Here
Click Here
Later years, I think Stallone outdid himself there as well looks 5'11.
Click Here
Looks about the same…
again back in the day ( Bruce is only in flip flops so almost 1 inch less footwear)
Click Here
My conclusion is 6'1" peak Arnold, 5'10.75" max today.
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/May/19
@Dmeyer The big dude from "DodgeBall" is 6'7" Jamal Duff:
Click Here
Here he is w/ 6'7" Matthew Willig (2016)...
Click Here
Duff and Molale...
Click Here
Pierre said on 14/May/19
@Houss = Tom Arnold next to Joe Manganiello listed 6"4.75' (
Click Here ) and Joe in a poor posture here is imo a good proof Tom is not 6"1'or even 6"0' range
Click Here
Pierre said on 14/May/19
@Houss = when you compare your pics Arnold/Roger Moore Arnold looks easily taller in the first pics,which make me think Arnold was eventually in cowboy boots in the first pic(arnold was wearing cowboy boots even in the 80s like here =
Click Here .And Roger Moore 186 cm seems to me very debatable = here 1984 next to Christopher Walken listed 6"0' pic he looks even shorter than him =
Click Here Click Here .Harrison Ford by this height chart
Click Here is around 72 inches so 6"0' but very probably by wearing shoes. Tom Arnold is listed 6"1' Arnold does not looks always taller than him
Click Here Click Here or not a lot
Click Here ,here next to Josh Kelley listed 6"2'slouching a lot he looks under 6"0'
Click Here
houss said on 14/May/19
here's some pictures in Arnold's favor
Click Here
Click Here
If Moore was really 186cm i think Arnold was a 187/188 cm guy
With 184 cm harisson ford let's say 182 by that time
Click Here
With 6'3" Eastwood
Click Here
If some guy come and say clint was old in that pic , this how he looked with 5'10,75" mike Tyson
Click Here
I think everyone one here watched " true lies " before , we can see Arnold was taller than tom arnold in that movie ,but look how he looks next to him after 25 years
Click Here
Click Here
And he's still taller than guys like
Leonardo DiCaprio
Click Here
Dmeyer said on 13/May/19
Sorry my Bad i mixed molale with another Guy on dodgeball who IS nearer 6'6 and a black dude who was 6'8 so 6'4 possible
Dmeyer said on 13/May/19
On those pics molale looks 6'4 max but in person he IS huge like Vince Vaughn Peak no less than 6'5
Dmeyer said on 13/May/19
I met molale he IS nearer 6'6 than 6'4
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/May/19
@Pierre Great Sally Field/Reagan pics.
@houss You never answered my question. Have you and Arnie set a date for the imaginary wedding in your head or not...? Sven can be your best man. I'm assuming the dress code will be "clothing optional."
Millano182 said on 12/May/19
Vibram said on 10/May/19
Yes I full agree. Commando is one of my favorite Arnold's movies and I've always thought the same. If he really was a legit 6'2 guy or a strong 6'1 they would say 6'3. Overall he never looked 6'1 to me. I agree he probably was around 184 cm or 6'0.5 range. Maybe he was 6'2 with boots on his ey day. Today is 5'10 range. 179 at morning.
Joeyb33 met him and took a pic with him
Joeyb33 said on 3/Mar/19
I’m 6 foot 2.25
Joeyb33 is 6'2.25 (on the left) and said Arnold is max 5'10.5.
Click Here
houss said on 12/May/19
Sven ole is shorter than the rock in that pic !!! 🤣😂🤣😅
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/May/19
@Pierre In the pic that I posted of the Rock and Sven-Ole Thorsen, the other guy is maybe 6'3.5" Brandon Molale, who's listed online as 6'4, 6'5", and 6'6"...
Click Here
Here's Molale w/ 6'2.5" Eddie George (listed 6'3") in 2012...
Click Here
Molale and 6'2.5" Brandon Routh (2007)...
Click Here
Molale and 6'2" Terry Crews (2007)...
Click Here
Rock and Eddie George (2016)...
Click Here
Eddie George and 6'4.5" Charles Barkley (2019)...
Click Here (The height The Rock lies about being.)
So, Sven looks way shorter than 6'3.5" Molale, and slightly shorter than 6'2" The Rock. Sven was 6'3" peak height, putting Arnie at around 6'0" peak.
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/May/19
Kurt Angle (5'10" peak) and Henry Winkler (5'6" peak height)...
Click Here
Height-loss Angle (Editor Rob says 5'9.5") and Arnie (2016)...
Click Here
Angle and 5'8" Mario Lopez...
Click Here
Angle and maybe 6'1.5" Alberto Del Rio (the peak height Editor Rob has for Arnie):
Click Here Del Rio was billed as 6'5". Almost as funny as Google still listing Lou Ferrigno as 6'5".
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/May/19
@jojo2 and Pierre Nice pic. I echo the words of Pierre. I was actually going to post this yesterday, but I forgot.
Based on Cruise's hairstyle and whiskers, that pic was taken in 1994. Here he is at the premiere of "Interview w/ the Vampire":
Click Here Arnie was 47 then.
Here's Tom Hanks (6'0" peak height) w/ Bruce Willis, who Editor Rob says was 5'11.5" peak height, from "The Bonfire of the Vanities" (1990)...
Click Here
Click Here Footwear...
Click Here
Compare that to Arnie and Willis (1991)...
Click Here
Click Here
(1995) footwear visible
Click Here ,
Click Here
So, given that Hanks was max 6'0' peak, how tall was Arnie in your opinion? Also, what do you give as a peak height for Willis?
@houss When's the wedding?
Click Here ,
Click Here
Just kidding, dude...
Click Here
Pierre said on 11/May/19
@Sotiris = Ronald Reagan and Steven Spielberg(listed 5"7.5') 1982 =
Click Here with Johnny Depp =
Click Here Click Here (223 votes are giving 5.864 for Johnny Depp listed 5"9').
Pierre said on 10/May/19
Click Here =Arnold and Sally Field listed 5"2'
Vibram said on 10/May/19
He was never over 185cm / 6-1 peak. Remember the scene from Commando? The mall security said: "suspect six foot two, brown hair. He is one gigantic mother******". If he was a genuine 6-2, they would of said 6-3 or 6-4. I think prime Arnold was 6-2 only in boots. He may of been 184cm or 6-0.75 prime but no less. He's now 179cm for sure.
Vibram said on 10/May/19
He was never over 185cm / 6-1 peak. Remember the scene from Commando? The mall security said: "suspect six foot two, brown hair. He is one gigantic mother******". If he was a genuine 6-2, they would of said 6-3 or 6-4. I think prime Arnold was 6-2 only in boots. He may of been 184cm or 6-0.75 prime but no less. He's now 179cm for sure.
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/May/19
Here's Arnie and 77-year-old Gerald Ford (6'0" peak height) in 1990...
Click Here
Arnie/Ford in 1978...
Click Here
Ford and 58-year-old Teddy Kennedy in 1990...
Click Here (Kennedy was never 6'2".)
Kennedy and 6'2.5" Ali circa 1970s...
Click Here
Arnie and Kennedy after I straighten what needs straightening (1978)...
Click Here
Arnie and height-loss Ronald Reagan circa 1980s...
Click Here
Pierre said on 9/May/19
@Jojo 2 =good find!By considering Tom Hanks(listed 6"0') slouch a lot Arnold is max the same height as him.I guess a straighter Tom is taller than Arnold by this pic
Pierre said on 8/May/19
@houss=You're dying to see my pictures?!You're maybe gay?Sorry i have no pictures of myself and my biceps....My biceps can not go in a picture they're too big 😎
Pierre said on 8/May/19
@houss= you talk probably about the guy who is more realist than you on celebrities heights?😎
houss said on 7/May/19
@pirre I'm dying to see your pictures , and knowing the guy who downgrade all the celebrities
houss said on 7/May/19
@Pierre the screams of guy who's taller than you 😂😂😂
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/May/19
@houss I'm actually a fan of Arnold. I used to be a huge fan up until allegations of sexual misconduct and racism were leveled against him. That said, muscles and career have nothing to do with the height one's given. You mentioned my height twice in your post. I'm guessing you're a weak-willed individual w/ a Napoleon complex. Physically, I'd wager even weaker. Go back to staring at his muscles, fanboy. Meanwhile, actual adults here will discuss height.
Pierre said on 6/May/19
@Sotiris(comment on 3/May/19) = It's the screams of a 5"11.75' guy 😄😄😄
houss said on 5/May/19
@sotiris , hhhh i told you you're jealous of the man 😂😂😂 , don't be ,try to do something abt your body you say you are 6'7" you can be a monster if you want but don't be jealous of someone with a career like arnold because no matter you're 6'7 you will always look up to him
Dmeyer said on 5/May/19
Arnold looks noticably taller that 185-6cm stone could while he was already 50s , one of those times hé looked 187
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/May/19
@houss Perhaps you spend way too much time being exhilarated by Arnold's bulging steroid muscles and far less time trying to determine his actual height. (Not that there's anything wrong w/ that.)
What I find distracting is the way he's always screaming...
Click Here
Pierre said on 2/May/19
@Houss = Good try
Sotiris Gravas said on 2/May/19
Note to fanboys on the verge of having a nervous breakdown b/c their idol isn't as big as they achingly need him to be:
Click Here :)
PetersonBruno190cm said on 1/May/19
Arnold Schwarzenegger Height:
Today: 5ft 11.29in (181.0cm)
Young: 6ft 1.25in (186.0cm)
Canson said on 1/May/19
@Richard Anderson: Sotiris posted pics of himself a while back and he definitely looks 6’7”.
houss said on 1/May/19
@richard anderson , I think he's jealous of Arnold's physique 😂 😂 , arnold had the best physique of all time , 188cm or 185 cm it doesn't matter , a 185cm man is considered tall in every place on this planet
Just take a look at this picture
Click Here
Pierre said on 1/May/19
@Richard anderson =very interesting, what are your arguments/pics?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/19
184cm peak is definitely too low
RichardSpain said on 1/May/19
6'2 with shoes. Arnold wasn't a solid 6'2 barefoot. He was 6'2 in shoes.
My guess:
Peak 185cm barefoot (around 6'1)
Nowadays 1'81 barefoot more or less 5'11
Richard anderson said on 30/Apr/19
Sotiris Gravas I think you sir is a liar saying that you measure 6.7 when there is no evidence of that and on the other hand arnold was a solid 6.1 1/2 if you do not want to accept it is your problem but stop lying about the height of arnie when the at its peak if it was 6.1 1/2
Dmeyer said on 30/Apr/19
The range arnie can look at peak is 184-186 not 183 or 187-88
viper said on 29/Apr/19
Bo Jackson measured 6-0 1/2. He looks just 6-0.
He's no 6-1. Would be a good add by Rob
Canson said on 29/Apr/19
Sotiris is 6’7” not 6’9 or 6’10”. Trying to make him taller only proves what he said about being a fanboy
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/Apr/19
Here's max 5'10" peak-height Tom Jones w/ Arnie (1977)...
Click Here Notice how Arnie isn't towering over him, lol.
More recent pic of both height-loss gentlemen...
Click Here
Jones and max 5'11" Evis (cowboy boots)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
If any fanboy takes offense to what I post here b/c they desperately want Arnie's peak height to be 6'2" or over, just pretend this never happened and go cry into your pillow. Scream into it if you have to. No one will hear you. Or care.
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/Apr/19
@Pierre Thanks, dude. Likewise. I guess I should have mentioned McGinley. I am a fan. Saw "Platoon" when it first came out; great movie. In honor of McGinley, Sven-Ole Thorsen (who was never 6'5"), and 6'7" or 6'8" Ben Davidson... here's Neil Flynn (6'5" peak height) from the show "Scrubs" and Brad Garrett (6'8" peak, now max 6'7") from 2012...
Click Here
@houss Something tells me you're an unabashed fanboy. If you're not embarrassed by what you posted, I'm embarrassed for you. You forgot to include this pic of your idol, to make him look even taller, lol...
Click Here Pretty pathetic, dude.
FYI, I'm 6'7", 280 lbs. Is that big enough for you? I've already posted pics of myself on this site, proving my height. Hunt them down if you desperately need to know what I look like. Sound good to you, fanboy..?
Pierre said on 27/Apr/19
@Houss = But your pics can not prove Arnold is 6"1.5' because we don't know/we can not guess even approximately the height of the people who are standing next to him .In the pic Arnold /Franco and others Arnold is standing a lot closer to the camera and so i think the camera give him a good advantage of height.
Johan 185 cm said on 26/Apr/19
houss said on 25/Apr/19
Pierre arnold was and still taller than you are , he was 6'2" and now 5'11"
I used to believe Arnold was 6'2" as well but its obvious that he was 3" under 6'4" range Sven-Ole Thorsen, he looked very similar to Carl Weathers, he was shorter than George Bush Snr and the list goes on. The absolute max I see him being was 186 cm 6'1,1/4 at peak.
Nowadays he can look under 5'11" but its a question of how good his posture might be. He does look 5'10.5" lately alot but still looked near 6' back in 2010.
Click Here
I mean Andre did have a huge head look how it compares to Wilt but thats 11 inches or so. Andre is now listed at 7' so its hard to argue over 6'1".
houss said on 26/Apr/19
Sotiris gravas , how tall are you hhh , by making fan of arnold Schwarzenegger's height who looks like this with normal people , i think maybe you are in 6'9" 6'10 " range no shorter than this
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
@pierre @sotiris , I'm waiting to see a pic of you standing next a 150cm towering over 😁
Believe it or not the guy on the left side of the picture is 6ft tall and he's the taller of the three
Click Here
Pierre said on 26/Apr/19
@Sotiris=Good finds!Sven-Ole and Michael Caine 1994 On Deadly Ground =
Click Here = The left guy is John C Mc Ginley listed 6"1'.Now Michaël Caine and Steve Martin listed 5"11.5' =
Click Here .Michaël Caine and Pelé listed 5"7.75' =
Click Here
Pierre said on 26/Apr/19
@Houss= that's a point of vue...
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Apr/19
Arnie looking huge w/ Lennox Lewis (6'4.75" peak height) in 2000...
Click Here Kidding.
Looking even bigger w/ 6'6.75" LeBron James and 6'10.25" Chris Bosh (2011)...
Click Here
houss said on 25/Apr/19
Pierre arnold was and still taller than you are , he was 6'2" and now 5'11"
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Apr/19
Sven-Ole Thorsen was never 6'5". He was around 6'3" peak height, same as Lou Ferrigno. If he ever looked taller in a movie, it was thanks to footwear enhancements.
Here are barefoot Sven and Arnie...
Click Here ,
Click Here
More pics of our friends, Sven and Arnie...
Click Here ,
Click Here , (1978)
Click Here , (w/ Clint Eastwood)
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here
Sven w/ Ben Davidson (who was listed both 6'7" and 6'8") and Arnie...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Maybe 6'4.5" Hulk Hogan and Ben Davidson (both in cowboy boots)...
Click Here
Elliot Gould (6'2" peak) and Ben Davidson ("MASH" 1970)...
Click Here
Guy (Alex Wilkie, often wears cowboy boots) and Davidson (2010)...
Click Here
Same guy and max 6'8" Kevin Nash...
Click Here
Sven and Ralf Moeller (6'5.5" peak)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Sven and 6'3" Kevin Sorbo...
Click Here
W/ The Rock (6'3" peak height)
Click Here
W/ Michael Caine (6'2" peak)...
Click Here
People are obviously going to think Arnie was taller when they think Sven was 6'5" peak... or that Ferrigno was 6'4" peak. Google still lists these guys as 6'5" which is a complete joke.
Pierre said on 25/Apr/19
Lou Ferrigno looks lots of times 6"3'peak next to others guys and Arnold in good old pics(good angle,both barefoot,same distance to the camera and same postures)never looks only 2 inches shorter than Lou,he looks 3 inches shorter than him imo.Next to Chet Yorton listed 5"11' (both barefoot)Arnold looks only one hair taller than him.I think his big loss of height is more a legend= 5"11.75'/6"0' peak now 5"10.25'/5"10.5' which seems to me even a big lost for a 70 years guy.He might be 6"1.5' in classic shoes after a good sleep at his peak. next to Lou when same distance to the camera same posture(watch the floor for the distance) =
Click Here ;next to Chet Yorton listed 5"11' =
Click Here .Others next to Lou =
Click Here Click Here .another next to Chet Yorton who break his posture/his neck here =
Click Here
Barry Fl said on 25/Apr/19
That's pretty much what I'd say, though I (personally) wouldn't rule out the Vince Basile measurement. I have been face to face with Arnold on three occasions in the past five years and he's taller than me (at 5'10). I know people who've lost 2 inches by their 60s - one is a friend and the other my father, and in both cases there was no extreme training or injuries/operations to blame - so I've no doubt it happens.
halister said on 24/Apr/19
Yeah I full agree. Heavy weight training is not a reason. Height loss is more genetics and injuries. I guess he lost 2 inches from a weak 6'1 to almost 5'11 these days.
Barry Fl said on 24/Apr/19
I don't attribute much of Arnold's height loss to weight-training - more to all his injuries and operations. And maybe it's genetic? Some people do lose a lot more than others after all. But I don't think we can say he lost height because he used heavy weights - he ended his competitive career in his mid 20s after all.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/19
There are other photos from the set of T1 and T2 where Arnold looks close in height to Cameron
ulaix said on 20/Apr/19
@Rob. Studies indicate a lot of benefits of weightlifting:
Adding strength training into your workout routine plan is great to control bone loss. It improves bone density.
I guess as a professional bodybuilder he might be training very frequently and more into a hypertrophy workout and not into a a strenght routine which is better for bones because you also train less and not so frequentely so bones ligaments and tendons don't damage they get even stronger having more time to recover and get stronger). I mean a strenght program is better because is like: Train smarter. Train less.
For example doing heavy squats 2 times per week but just 2 sets each day since a young age won't make you loose height and It will be amazing for your bones and knees making you so strong with a correct posture. When you are 40-50 you have to be smart and train smarter: Train less and shortly like 30 min workouts 3 times a week. You can train heavy with a correct technique an doing this you will recover perfectly. Arnold as all bodybuilders train at least 5-6 times per week and more into a hypertrophy program where you have to do a lot of exercises per muscle and sets and doing this all his life can't be ideal or good for bones.
I recommend to train heavy till your 40's 50's and then just chill and do more cardio programs. If you've been involved since a kid on fitness or bodybuilding at 50 you can train heavy without any problem.
To conclude for average guys :
Train 2-3 days doing some lifting or fitness machines (65% intensity 12-15 reps and sets (3x12-15 reps all exercises)( Do it for your body muscles and bones. Trust me! It will help to prevent bone problems when you age.
And train 2-3 days doing some cardio exercises: 30 min walking or cardio bikes.
If you can and important.. Stretch every single day and keep walking tall! Not many people do this and you will reduce height loss as you age!
I'm a personal trainer