How tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 17

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Average Guess (1339 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.04in (185.5cm)
Current: 5ft 11.06in (180.5cm)
Lak said on 16/Jul/17
Yesterday i watched expendables 3 , sly looked the same height as ford of course sly was wearing a very thick shoes and Arnie looked about 1 and 1/2 ich taller than sly
gibson said on 14/Jul/17
Stallone is the type of guy with a perfect posture but lets be realistics he was 174 never 175, 174 peak days today 173. Arnold was 10 cm taller at most. 6ft.'75 at bestt
gibson said on 14/Jul/17
Stallone is the type of guy with a perfect posture but lets be realistics he was 174 never 175, 174 peak days today 173
gibson said on 14/Jul/17
to be honest for me Stallone never looked 175 cm (5ft'9). A guy with that heights looks taller. He never was higher than 174 cm. Today 173 at best
RisingForce said on 13/Jul/17
I largely agree, Richard, except to me, Sly was more 174-175 as his ex-wife said than 176, but we can find a middle ground on about 175. Nowadays, I agree 100% with 173-174 cm at 70 years old. As for Bruce, I'm also in complete agreement with a peak of 181-182, but I don't think he's 178-179 today. Here's Bruce with John Malkovich, who is also listed 180 currently: Click Here Normally I would post a full pic, but if you've seen the Red films and the events, that's about how they usually look together. Malkovich looks shorter from his posture, but he's not taller than Bruce. The shortest I can see Bruce is 179.5 cm today.
RichardSpain said on 13/Jul/17
@paul01 ,please! As said Rising and other people here our friend Stallone was not less than 175cm in his younger, to me in Rocky movies Stallone was al lest 175cm maybe 176cm barefoot . Did you see scene running with his converse shoes?? there doesn't wear lifts.

Did you watch movie Nighthawks?? well, in this movie Sly worked with actor Billy Dee Williams who was a good 180cm in peak. They wear lifts in this movie. See please!

Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here
They have similar height in this movie!! and please you don't tell me that sly wear lifts because Billy too wears lifts in this movie.

Today Stallone could be anything, he is 70 years old. 173/174cm is more credible for him.

About Willis to me was 181cm/182cm in peak. Nowadays seems 178/179cm. You can looking for pics in google.
Johan said on 12/Jul/17

There are plenty of gym pics from the 70'sand 80's of Arnie and Sly in flat shoes/flip flops. Sly looks 5'9" and it just isn't possible that he was less than that. Do some research the guy could look his 5'10.5" claim ALOT. He even pulled off looking 5'11" + next to Hogan and Arnie at times in the 90's.
Arnie had 4 inches on him at peak and its more like 3 inches today.

Carl Weathers who Rob met several years ago had 4 inches on Sly recently and he was in normal footwear. Carl looks more 6 foot range today down from 6'1" peak but that still puts Sly at 5'8" flat. He also was barely taller than 5'7.5" listed Justin Bieber at an awards ceremony again in normal shoes, the guy still looks 5'8" over 70 years old. His ex wife said he was 175 cm so again 5'8.75"-5'9" peak.

Arnie in turn looked 6 foot next to Chris Eubank back in 2010. Rob met Eubank and he looked a decent 5'10" so Arnie lost 1 cm into his 60's ? Don't get me wrong I think Arnie was 185 cm peak but 184 just seems too low all things considered. Today he can still look 5'11" flat and his body is badly compressed.
RisingForce said on 12/Jul/17
Sly didn't look 173 in the Rocky films. Carl Weathers was 185-186 and NOT 5 inches taller in those films. 174 is fair, but so is 175. Somehwere in that range peak and about 1 cm shorter today. He has worn lifts, but when he wore lifts peak he consistently looked 179-180 cm and the last few years, still looks 178-179 in his lifts. But you're downgrading Bruce and Arnold much more than Sly! Have you even seen the Red films? Bruce looks taller than John Malkovich in both films and at the premieres. Rob lists Malkovich at 5'11" these days. Bruce hasn't been side by side with Arnold in 5 years and it was 2 cm max by that point. It's common for Arnold and Sly to be downgraded, but a 5'9.5" Bruce Willis? Wow.

But then again, you didn't even know what any of their official heights or claims were so how can you be expected to estimate their heights accurately?

Arnold: 186-187 cm peak, 181-182 cm now
Stallone: 174-175 cm peak, 173-174 cm now
Bruce: 181-182 cm peak, 180 cm now
paul01 said on 11/Jul/17
Richard Spain stallone was maybe close to 174 cm max and Bruce 180 maxx. Also Stallone is known for being a lift user. He usually uses . If you watch him in the Rocky movies he looks as a 173 cm guy max because in that movie doesnt seem to wear heels. And today he looks 173- 173'5 max because he wear lifts in many ocassiones, but I'm convinced Stallone today is 172'5 cm tall (more or less). Saying he was 175 cm is disrespectful for honest 175 cm guys or 5'9 tall guys. A 5'9 man looks 1 inch on Stallone and very close to Bruce Willis height, who looks 176-177 cm today (2-3 cm shorter than Arnold who's 179 cm range today)
RisingForce said on 11/Jul/17
@paul01: those aren't official heights, they're Rob's independent estimates. Stallone's official height was always 5'10", except for mid 80s to mid 90s when he was getting 5'10.5" at times and once claimed as high as 5'10.75" while Bruce's official height was 6'1" and he claimed to be 6 feet tall himself.

Neither of them were ever as tall as their official heights, but they're taller than you're claiming. Sly's ex-wife, who didn't part on good terms with him has confirmed he was around 175 or at least 174(back when they were married, she insisted he was his official height of 5'10"-5'10.5") so she has no reason to lie now and there's no way she couldn't tell you his height within 1 cm after living with him for several years and filming 2 movies with him. Nowadays, Stallone is still at least 173, possibly 174. And there's no chance Bruce was under 5'11" peak and there's a good chance he was the 5'11.5" Rob gives him. He could still be 5'11", or at least 5'10.75" so nowadays still more 180 range. 179 seems low even today and 178 a joke.

@Carson: Arnold isn't 5'10.5". If he was, then you'd see him looking no more than 177 cm at times with loose posture and judging by the reactions on this page, you'd have people insisting Arnold is no more than 5'9"! He's still at least 5'11" as I've never seen him look shorter than maybe 5'10.75" and he wasn't exactly Busting a Gut or standing like he would to get measured either. Arnold likely claimed a shoe height a few years back when he said 6'0.5", whether he's shrunk more since then I don't know. Just like when he told the story of his daughter measuring him 6'1" in 2008, the story is probably true except Arnold left out the part where he had shoes on.

@Johan: I completely agree about Dolph. He's been able to drop more than an inch in posture for years. Those late 2012 photos I just posted with Hasselhoff are proof as you can find photos where he looks much shorter with a slouch, but there you see Dolph standing better with a taller man. That's a much better way to judge. I've posted pics on Dolph's page from the past couple years of Dolph with the following taller men using Rob's listings as references: Terry Crews(6'2.5"), Chuck Liddell(6'1.5") Michael Jai White(6'0.5") and Randy Couture(5'11.5"), plus Rob posted a recent pic where Dolph was taller than his 6'2" friend. It's always easier to judge someone's height against someone closer, but this is especially true if the taller man has a tendency to slouch with much shorter people like Dolph does. And to add to it, Dolph has a big head so people who judge by his eye level will naturally underestimate him further. With men closer to his height, Dolph looks a minimum 6'2.5" and a max 6'3" these days standing decently, so anything in there is a reasonable estimate. People saying he's not even 6'2" are WAY off and apparently haven't seen Dolph with people close to his height. I agree on 6'4" minimum peak as well. He could often look even taller so I'd say he had to be somewhere from 193-195 cm peak.

As for Stallone, he hasn't even lost an inch now 70+, more like half an inch, imo and 2 cm max I'd say. He's gone from a likely weak 5'9", imo to a strong 5'8". My personal guess is 5'8.75"-5'9" peak and 5'8.25"-5'8.5" now, but I can see anything from 5'8.5"-5'9" peak and anything from 5'8" to 5'8.5" current as possible and arguable. Height loss does depend a lot on genetics, habits and injuries. Chuck Norris was only 5'8.5" peak, but at age 77, he's still 5'7.75"-5'8". There are other examples as well, but then you have the other end of the spectrum like Arnold, Dolph, Clint Eastwood, Hulk Hogan, Burt Reynolds etc. It's difficult to predict. My father has lost quite a bit, but a lot of that is injuries and I didn't get all of his genetics since unfortunately, I'm nowhere near the strong six footer he was.
paul01 said on 11/Jul/17
RichardSpain and do you think bruce was 182 cm and Stalllone 175?? lol That's funny, just hollywood height. Downgrade 1 inch on both. Stallone was not even 174 cm. He was a solid 173 and Bruce Willis 178-179. Arnold 184 cm at most. Do not believe official "heights" Remember these guys are famous. If a guy claim for exemple 175 is possible he is 173. However Stallone never looked as a 175 cm man. It's obvious.
paul01 said on 11/Jul/17
RichardSpain AND DO YOU THINK bruce was 1823 cm and Stalllone 175?? lol Tht's funny, just hollywood height. Downgrade 1 inch on noth. Stallone was not even 174 cm. He was a solid 173 and Bruce Willis 178-179. Arnold 184 cm at most. Do not believe official "heights" Rmember these guys are famous. If a guy claim for exemple 175 is possible he is 173. However Stallone never looked as a 175 cm man. It's obvious.
RichardSpain said on 11/Jul/17
We can see in next pics Arnold was at least a solid 184 cm

Next to Willis 182 in his peak and Stallone 175 in his peak

Click Here

Here with stallone maybe with his lifts, Willis and his ex wife Demi Moore

Click Here
Lak said on 10/Jul/17
One of my gym partners told me yesterday that he took a pic with Arnold back in 2013 when he came to our country , this guy is 168cm tall and maybe he was 165 back in 2013 because he's only 19 yo know , he said Arnold was very tall ( at least for him) , so I'm so excited to see this pic and do the comparison
Johan said on 10/Jul/17

I think the same Dolph doesn't stand that well with shorter guys his true height is revealed next to the taller ones. He did look about 2 inches taller than Stephen Amell on Arrow and Rob has him listed at 6'1" ( and really he is at least a strong 6'0.5") so Dolph being around 6'2.5" today is most likely correct. However its alot of height he has lost noway was he under 6'4" at peak.

Arnie is the same he has lost alot of height , I would say a fraction more than Dolph a solid 2 inches loss while Dolph has lost about 1.5 inches. Genetics also play a part I just hope I am one of the lucky ones. Sly has only lost about 1 inch and is in his 70's.
Matt6'5" said on 9/Jul/17
Looking at him with Jeff bridges in "stay hungry ". I'd say 6'1.25 to 6'1.5 range. But looking at him with Jai Courtney in the most recent terminator movie, I'd say 5'11.5 give or take .25
Carson said on 8/Jul/17
Joe. that's impossible. Lucky Arnold if he is still 5'11 today. I'd say 5'10"5. Over this height chance at morning
Joe said on 7/Jul/17
Rob, do you think there's a chance that he's still a six footer?
Editor Rob
I'd say very very little.
RisingForce said on 7/Jul/17
Compare Dolph to men over 6 feet and he still looks 6'2.5"-6'3". He looks shorter with men much shorter than him because he slouches. But Dolph was taller in 2012 than he is now. These photos are from 2012 and he's barely shorter than 6'4" Hasselhoff: Click Here Click Here

Dolph in 2012 was still 6'3" minimum and 6'3.5" max so I give him about 191 cm then, or in other words, a solid 6'3". Nowadays, he's more like a weak 6'3". Comparing him to 5'8" guys is not the best way to judge his height. His bad posture and big head can make him look at least an inch shorter than he is.
RisingForce said on 7/Jul/17
The Expendables 2 isn't exactly nowadays, it was 5 years ago. Stallone was probably slightly taller than Statham then and still 174.5 or 175 cm back then and Dolph was still a bare minimum 6'3" back then, likely 191. That photo probably favors the left side as Stallone and to a lesser extent Statham are as tall as 5'10" Scott Adkins despite being farther from the camera. Arnold did wear thicker heels at that event though, which made him look closer to 6' than the 5'11.5" he likely was, or 5'11.75" max in 2012. Here's a similar one, except with Van Damme instead of Statham: Click Here Van Damme in 2012 was likely the same 174 or 174.5 as Statham. Arnold had those same cowboy type heels. Arnold is 3"+ shorter than a still solid 6'3" Lundgren with footwear advantage.

The lowest Arnold could be nowadays is 5'11", but 5 years ago he was minimum 5'11.5". Van Damme and Stallone are both 174 max these days with a chance of solid 173, but no lower and Dolph could be 190 nowadays, possibly 190.5 max.
Lak said on 7/Jul/17
In pumping iron Arnie was taller than mike katz
ArnieFan said on 7/Jul/17
In PumpingIron, Katz is described as 6ft1 and he was clearly taller than Arnie. Ken Waller is described as 6ft and looked a fraction shorter than Arnie.
Lou Ferrigno dwarfed Arnie. I saw almost 4inches difference when Lou wasn't slouching. I am pretty convinced Arnold was 184cm at peak.
Pierre said on 7/Jul/17
@ Danimal= Imo Dolph is under 190 by the pictures next to Big Jay and Rob
Danimal said on 7/Jul/17
Junior31 said on 4/Jul/17
Body builders and wrestlers suffer from the sane problem. Huge height loss. Just like hogan another meathead who had a ton of surgeries the 70yr old plus Arnie has lost 2.5-3 inches.

6'1 peak. 5'10.5 today.

Arnie peak was at least 6'1.5"-6'1 3/4". I do agree that he's max 5'10.5" today. At least a 3" height loss.
Danimal said on 7/Jul/17
RichardSpain said on 6/Jul/17
Here Arnold with Clint Eastwood (192cm in peak) next pics around 20 years ago.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Arnold nowadays next to Jason Statham ( 175) and Dolph Lundgren ( 190)and Stallone 174 cm

Stallone is under 174cm today.
Danimal said on 7/Jul/17
Pierre said on 6/Jul/17
@Richard Spain(5/Jul/17)= Click Here =Harrison Ford next to listed 5"9' Wesley Snipes.Harrison's peak is maybe under 183/184

Wesley Snipes is 5'8". He was 1" shorter than 5'9" Woody Harrelson and he was also listed as 5'8" in Blade 3.
Canson said on 6/Jul/17
@Johan: def not less than 5'11 today
Pierre said on 6/Jul/17
@Richard Spain(5/Jul/17)= Click Here =Harrison Ford next to listed 5"9' Wesley Snipes.Harrison's peak is maybe under 183/184
Johan said on 6/Jul/17
To be fair due to poor posture Arnie would look 5'10" range to many. He is around 5'11" today but doesn't stand well.

I can also see why some think 184 peak but when you consider other actors/sportsmen of that era it doesn't hold up. The lowest he could have been is 185 cm peak.

For instance he had 4 inches on Sly at peak, while wearing flip flops and Sly had thin gym shoes. Today its more 3 inches when Arnie straightens out and Sly isn't packing.

So a 6'0.5" inch peak Arnie means Sly was 5'8.5" at 70+ years Sly has lost 1/2 inch in height? cmon be serious. Now just an inch, maybe as Sly has done well imo.

I still think 6'1"-6'1.25" max peak .
RichardSpain said on 6/Jul/17
Here Arnold with Clint Eastwood (192cm in peak) next pics around 20 years ago.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Arnold nowadays next to Jason Statham ( 175) and Dolph Lundgren ( 190)and Stallone 174 cm

Click Here

Arnold in peak 185-186cm
Arnold nowadays 181 cm

End of the mistery my friends.
Richardspain said on 5/Jul/17
Jonathan 5'8, please!! search in google "pics Arnold with Clint Eastwood" or "Arnold with Harrison Ford".

Arnold was taller than Harrison Ford listed in 183/184cm. And almost as Clint Eastwood (192)and James Cameron(188).

So is clearly that Arnold's height was more than 184cm but less than 188

185 max 186

Nowadays 180/181 not less he still has good look believe me brother!
asian addiction said on 5/Jul/17
Easily 187-188 when Young & 181/182 today. No problem with 5 cm. loss in older years. Common thing.
Lawrence said on 5/Jul/17
Junior31 said on 4/Jul/17
Body builders and wrestlers suffer from the sane problem. Huge height loss. Just like hogan another meathead who had a ton of surgeries the 70yr old plus Arnie has lost 2.5-3 inches.

You a bodybuilder Junior? I am. 65 years old, been working out for over 40 years, and can't say I've lost any noticeable height, nor have any of the real bodybuilders I know. They've got better physiques, posture and carriage than guys half their age. Careful what facts you're flinging around. Surgeries and height loss don't necessarily come with the territory.
Editor Rob
I'm not sure about this, what I do know is about 15 different names on Arnie's page over the years is probably a record 😆😆
Junior31 said on 4/Jul/17
Body builders and wrestlers suffer from the sane problem. Huge height loss. Just like hogan another meathead who had a ton of surgeries the 70yr old plus Arnie has lost 2.5-3 inches.

6'1 peak. 5'10.5 today.
Jug said on 3/Jul/17
I think he was 6'1, maybe 6'1.25 at peak, no more. Every time he's next to a 6'2 guy, like in pictures with James Cameron, he is about an inch shorter. Solid 6'1 guy in his youth. His massive frame and thick combat boots made him appear much bigger when he needed to look really imposing. Today he might be closer to 5'10.5.
loka said on 3/Jul/17
To Jonathan : can you check again when you will see Arnold again at the gym ? Also, be carefull because he uses to wear shoes wich are very flat when he is at the gym...
paulgeson said on 3/Jul/17
yes today 5'11 I'd say weak 5'11. 5'11= 180'34 cm and I say he is 180 cm max
Canson said on 3/Jul/17
Today 5'11
paulgeson said on 3/Jul/17
stop saying he was 186 cm please. I cant go this fraud. He was 184 cm max
Barry Fl said on 3/Jul/17
RisingForce said on 2/Jul/17
Arnold is still at least 5'11". I see a pretty good chance he dropped to about 186 cm at his peak at his low, but it depends on how much Arnie shrunk in a day since I do believe the 6'1.5" evening measurement. It seems Arnold still held onto most of his height until the late 90s/early 00s. The 6th Day, Collateral Damage and Terminator 3 are when he started looking noticeably shorter, perhaps under 6'1" then it seems he lost the rest during his last 2-3 years as Governor.

Agree with all this. Arnold has lost height but is still taller than some people give him credit for. He's 70 and it's not shocking for someone to have dropped 2 inches by that point. I've seen it happen to people I know personally. But he's also had loads of ops - broken legs, hips, etc, through skiing and motorcycle accidents. So they could have contributed somewhat. And he does seem to have a rather sunken posture when he sits or stands (though not always) which makes him look even shorter still.
RisingForce said on 2/Jul/17
Arnold is still at least 5'11". I see a pretty good chance he dropped to about 186 cm at his peak at his low, but it depends on how much Arnie shrunk in a day since I do believe the 6'1.5" evening measurement. It seems Arnold still held onto most of his height until the late 90s/early 00s. The 6th Day, Collateral Damage and Terminator 3 are when he started looking noticeably shorter, perhaps under 6'1" then it seems he lost the rest during his last 2-3 years as Governor.
Luntis said on 2/Jul/17
Calum is 6'1". Because I'm 6'1 here. I'm from France and here I'm 185'4 cm. In USA I'm 6'1 and I was front to front sharing some words with Cal. Very humble guy we were exactly same height. So in my opinion Arnold could be 179 or 180 cm today not over. Calum looks 2 inches on him.
Jonathan5'8 said on 2/Jul/17
I'm about 1/4 inch taller than him which is around 1 cm. But he can look 2 cm shorter sometimes because his posture. I'm 180'5 cm and stading tall both he is about 179 cm today. With luck 5'11 or 180 at morning. I'm sure he was 183'5 cm back days close to 184 cm
Jonathan5'8 said on 2/Jul/17
Richardspain You are wrong. He trains here in the same gym I do. He usually comes at morning. He is not a full 5'11. I was 5'8 172,8 cm at 16 and today I'm 19 and hit 5'11 ( 180'5 cm) . I'm a bit taller. Arnold must be 179 cm today and back in his youth peak was 183-184
even said on 2/Jul/17
peak height was a legit 6 foot 1 , current height is a legit 5 foot 11
Cole said on 2/Jul/17
Use could be right theres a video of arnold giving calum tips and he looks an inch and a half shorter there's a video to with the hodge twins in there car eating and Keith gets arnold up and he says we had a pic with him 2 years ago he's not 6,2 I'm 6,2 and he said I had an inch on him so maybe he can still look a strong 6
Richardspain said on 2/Jul/17
Sorry but give to Arnold 179cm or less is low for him. I'm sure he is 181cm /182cm today. 185cm max in peak.
Lak said on 2/Jul/17
7 mm !!!!
Original said on 1/Jul/17
183,7 Peak, 179 now.
Jonathan5'8 said on 1/Jul/17
A pìc is not the proof to judge height. Arnold must be 5'10.75 today not shorter. I can guarantee he is not 5'10. Standing tall Arnold is very close to a strong 5'11 but his body posture sometimes can look him shorter, BUT he is not 5'10. His lowest today 5'10.5 and he was close to 6'1 in his peak days
Jonathan5'8 said on 1/Jul/17
Cole said on 1/Jul/17
I'm a massive arnold fan but he's like 5,10 now go on calum Von mogers Instagram scroll down there's a pic where there standing right together callum is not standing straight arnold is and he's still a good 3 inch shorter

I've seen the pic you are talking about. But I can guarantee Calum is 6'1 and Arnold is very close to a strong 5'11 today. Arnold usually come to this gym and he is about my height I'm 5'11. There are 2 inches beteween them. Arnold was about Calum heights in his youth. A Little shorter like 0,5 inches I would say
giorgema said on 1/Jul/17
Cole you are wrong the dude is 6'1. 6'2" is what he always claims. I'm 6'1 and he is exactly as tall as me. Met him twice. We are talking about Calum Von Morger right? Arnold was very close to his height or same in his peak days Calum is a real 6'1 Arnold was 6'0. and 3/4
Cole said on 1/Jul/17
Sorry and callum is 6,2
Cole said on 1/Jul/17
I'm a massive arnold fan but he's like 5,10 now go on calum Von mogers Instagram scroll down there's a pic where there standing right together callum is not standing straight arnold is and he's still a good 3 inch shorter
RichardSpain said on 1/Jul/17
@jason , you're right . Arnold could be anything because we dont't know him in person but we are here to enjoy and have good moments as BarryFl said guessing heights.

Maybe Arnold is who laughing us if he reads us Do you know? ha ha

A strong hug!
BarryFl said on 1/Jul/17
Luntis said on 30/Jun/17
jason: we are here to say our opinion and I'm a really good at guessing heights, This is the point of this page! Most of people guess his height 183 to 187, and I'm sure he was 184 peak today 180, not only me say this some too.

I think Jason's point is that people here are doing worse than guessing - they're insisting they're right and saying it's fact, it's proof, it's end of story, whatever. I have to agree with him. It's daft. This is a guessing page and nobody has the final proof. They shouldn't get so worked up about their own, or other peoples, guesses.
Luntis said on 30/Jun/17
jason: we are here to say our opinion and I'm a really good at guessing heights, This is the point of this page! Most of people guess his height 183 to 187, and I'm sure he was 184 peak today 180, not only me say this some too.
Luntis said on 30/Jun/17
183 is too low Davidcae I'm with Arnoldhero strong 184 peak days today 180 he has shrunk 4 cm max. I say 3'5 cm. This makes a fraud 187 cm height peak and more other reason he was a real 184 man
jason said on 30/Jun/17
sorry, gotta laugh at all these people who insist they know the height of a man they've never met, and insist they know it to the exact 0.5cm!!! END OF STORY!!! ha ha. I know it's a height site dudes but chill out. I'd say Arnold is 'about 6 foot' and that's as exact as I'd ever get! Could be 5'10, could be 6'2. Could be 180.5cm, or it could be that I don't know, and nor do you.
RichardSpain said on 30/Jun/17

I agree with you.

Last you said is more credible. Understand me give to Arnold today less 180cm is joke as I said before.

Regards and enjoy!
Davidcae said on 29/Jun/17
somewhere 183-184'5 range peak days. Today a clear 180 cm and 179'55 lowest mark
Arnoldhero said on 29/Jun/17
Definitely Arnold's REAL height:


TODAY morning hours 180,5 CM and 179/180 evening not
Arnoldhero said on 29/Jun/17
RichardSpain in that case I agree 100%. Evening 184 cm or 6'0.5 max sounds totally right and true. At morning 185 cm and right after bed with luck 185'3 cm. Today is max 180 cm. People over stimate how tall is a 184 cm without his shoes
S.J.H said on 29/Jun/17
@sabot said on 22/Jun/17

Arnie is strong 6'0.25 peak i believe and look half inch shorter than 6'1 Yury Vlasov. Today Arnie look more like strong 5'10 maybe 5'10.25 certainly look 181.7cm with footwear
RichardSpain said on 29/Jun/17

If you agree we gave him a strong 185cm in the morning and 184cm during the day ..ok??. Arnold wasn't less than that, believe me! Nowadays I think he's a solid 180cm /181 cm. In my opinion less than that is little for him too, he still looks a big man for his "body building" he is corpulent.

Peak to Arnold 185 cm when he was younger and barefoot.
Today 181/182cm

And yes I agree with you he lost only 3 cm.He haven't lost any more. Around 3 cm ,but in Arnold's height nowadays I disagree with you ,sorry.
Arnoldhero said on 27/Jun/17
Totally agree a guy like Arnold can't srhunk more than that. 3 cm max. FROM 183'3 184 TO 180
Arnoldhero said on 27/Jun/17
RichardSpain. Yeah you are right he was 37 years old so he was in his peak days. I meant 185 cm morning hours. He was maybe a strong 184 in Commando, but I can't go over that mark. Today is 179-180. I guarantee he is not over. They also say 178-179 but I'm sure if he stands straight he can hit 180 today with some luck
RichardSpain said on 27/Jun/17
@Arnoldhero . But if we give to Arnold 183cm ( 6 ft) in Commando, we give him max 183cm because Arnold was in his peak when "commando" was filmed. For this reason I think Arnold was a perfect 185cm in year 1985.

But could be a solid 184cm , 183cm is little bit for him

I think Arnold was between 184-185cm in peak, not more but not less.

And Nowadays a perfect 181cm. He lost 3 cm about his peak.

187 -188 cm everybody know is a joke, absolutely false!

Scott A. said on 27/Jun/17
Cuttingthecrap said on 26/Jun/17
It was Metric who started the fanboy talk many years ago...

I'm glad I missed it!
Arnoldhero said on 26/Jun/17
RichardSpain I have watched Commando and he looks 6 foot. 6'1 is to high for him. 6'1 hit in his peak or morning height
handsome guy said on 26/Jun/17
no more 183cm. this guy's listed height is fraud. his image and muscle makes him taller than real height.
Cuttingthecrap said on 26/Jun/17
It was Metric who started the fanboy talk many years ago...
Giorgi said on 26/Jun/17
Rob, do you think from 187 to 182 is pretty good considering his age and lifelong muscle mass?
Slim 181 cm said on 26/Jun/17
Schwarznegger was a legit 6'1 (185.5 cm) as for now I don't really know. He still towered over Stallone in "escape plan". Perhaps 181 today is correct.
Scott A. said on 26/Jun/17
Jim Hopper said
Fanboy ... fanboy ... fanboy ... fanboy

Tone down the fanboy talk, Jim Hopper. You're starting to sound suspiciously like our old pal Harold. Any day now you'll mention Conan capes.
RichardSpain said on 25/Jun/17
In the movie "Commando" he seems a strong 185 cm ( 6'1) not more. Arnold was 37 /38 years old in "Commando" so he is in his peak. Arnold was 185 cm barefoot and maybe 187cm 188 cm with his boots or footwear.

End of history guys! 185cm was his real height. Nowadays between 180/182 cm.
loka said on 25/Jun/17
1m86 peak and 1m82 now. His weight and his "governor period" has probably made him loose more than 1 inch.
randyorton said on 25/Jun/17
6'1.5"-6'1.25" 250-255lbs back in the day, no more no less. 6'0.25"-6'0" 240lbs today. everyone discredits his height.
totigno said on 25/Jun/17
Click Here

5ft11 now nothing more
even said on 24/Jun/17
he could have been six foot one but now more like five eleven
lak said on 24/Jun/17
i'm about 6ft tall evening , and when i posted my pic here on this site rob talled me i'm in average height
kurtz said on 24/Jun/17
again again and again
Arnold was tall and he is still tall guy, altough he shrunk, but never a single mm. above 6 1.
185 at his pinnacle. Likely btwn 182 and 184 most of the time at his times.
Donky said on 24/Jun/17
Yeah he was 6.0'25" in his peak days or 6.0'5 today over 5'10.5 or 5.10'75 max. king jerry is right. Agree..
hunbert5'11tall said on 23/Jun/17
My height is 5'11 and I'm sure Rob would listed me here 6 foot or 5'11.75 at least. People believe I'm 6 foot. But in the real world I'm 5'11 after lunch. 180'2 cm is my real height but I see that usually 1 inch is what people always add. Doctor measurement I'm 5'11.0 or 180'25 cm with my trainers I could look even over 6 foot! Real height usually is 1 inch shorter than you ever believed Arnold looks at most 1 inch taller than me. People always say the tall guy right there, they usually believe i'M TALL and a ral 6'1 man is very tall!
Jim Hopper said on 23/Jun/17
@Jordan87 Fanboy sorry to burst the bubble. How about INSTEAD we listen to the people above who met him,Kevin Sorbo etc. All say the same thing. Are they all liars????? Doubtful. Arnie was a tiny bit over 6 ft prime. Now "substantially shorter than six foot." as quote by Richard E Grant. And guess what?? He actually met him !! Sorry fanboy
kingjerry said on 23/Jun/17
I agree hunbert5'11tall. He said:

Lou Ferrigno was a strong 6'3 today is 6'2.5 no more. Arnold in his peak days hit 6 foot and quarter inch nothin over. 6'1 mornin if that! This is the truth. 2 inches on both is on movies get it guys?
Lol yea totally agree. In the real world Lou was a strong 6'3 and Arnold strong 6'0. 6'0.25 at most peak days
Jordan87 said on 23/Jun/17
Jim Hopper,

There are better pictures or Arnold and HHH available. Dont post pics that show one guy clearly leaning in it. Also you can't see Arnold's Stance. Focus. Find better pics.
RichardSpain said on 23/Jun/17
Rob I think Arnold wasn't 187cm in peak. I watched some pics in Google face to face with James Cameron and with George Bush father ( they are /were a solid 188cm) and Arnold is shorter than them.So in my opinion Arnold was 185/186cm in peak barefoot not more. And today 182cm is possible. Last night I was watching his last movie "Aftermath" and I think he wears elevator boots. Good drama role in this movie.
Editor Rob
the 186 estimates for him are believable, but it means the 6ft 1.5 he was measured would be slightly incorrect.
Barry Fl said on 23/Jun/17
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
@BarryFl, the camera angle is not in Arnold's favour!

Never meant that, Slim. I don't think Arnold has any height advantage on that picture at all, nor is he especially closer to the camera as the OP suggested! I was just commenting generally. My own belief is that Arnold easily cleared 6'1" in his twenties.
Jim Hopper said on 22/Jun/17
Triple H 6.1,5" max. . Arnie 5-11" MAX Click Here
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
@Danny theres 5 or possibly more men in that photo... I don't think the camera angle was in Arnold's favour... he's not even in the centre of the photo!
sabot said on 22/Jun/17
Arnold next to russian weight lifter Yury Vlasov (6'1/185cm) ca. 1988:

Click Here
Click Here
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
@AlexItaly- I have the exact same opinion.
Danny said on 22/Jun/17
BarryFl said on 22/Jun/17
You can't always judge a person's height just from a picture, even relative to someone else. There are full length pictures of Arnold with other bodybuilders (no shoes) back in the 70s where he looks an inch or so taller, and then other pictures where he towers over them. Same with other people. I guess little changes in posture and position etc can have a drastic effect, certainly when captured in a still image.

Indeed, totally agree and see this a lot. Also the height and the angle of the photographer can have a major influence!
jervis said on 22/Jun/17
Yes Opus he is closer to the camera.His hands are in front of the guy beside.
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
@Opus, I also believe the guy in the middle is closest to the camera (well duh)
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
@BarryFl, the camera angle is not in Arnold's favour!
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
@Opus, A few inches closer to the camera!? Maybe 1 or less 😂
BarryFl said on 22/Jun/17
You can't always judge a person's height just from a picture, even relative to someone else. There are full length pictures of Arnold with other bodybuilders (no shoes) back in the 70s where he looks an inch or so taller, and then other pictures where he towers over them. Same with other people. I guess little changes in posture and position etc can have a drastic effect, certainly when captured in a still image.
Opus said on 22/Jun/17
In the photo with Draper and Park, Arnold is standing quite a few inches closer to the camera if you look closely at their feet on the stage.
Slim 181 cm said on 21/Jun/17
Arnold ain't a lift wearer, he just has awesome proportions (long legs short torso) and it gives the illusion of being and inch taller or so.

Click Here
Ted said on 21/Jun/17
Clearly 6' 1.5'' peak. Lou was no more than 3 inches taller than him.
5'11.25 at noon said on 20/Jun/17
He could have topped out at 6'1.25 in his early 20's
@ Rob what do you think I could measure right after waking up?
5'11.25 at noon. said on 20/Jun/17
Could have been like 6'1.25 in his early 20's
Rob : how much taller coul I've been measured if I got measured a few minutes after waking up ?
Jim Hopper said on 20/Jun/17
@Fred84. Yeah Arnie is certainly under 6-0" on your picture. 5-11" max.
ginersen said on 20/Jun/17
I believe in his peak he was 6 foot tall and half inch maybe close to the 6'1 mark.
BarryFl said on 20/Jun/17
I think Stallone can look 5'10 in a good pair of shoes, which is why he sometimes looks very close to Arnold in height.
BarryFl said on 20/Jun/17
For what it's worth, I'd give Arnold an easy 6'1 in his younger days and at least 5'11 now (though looking less with bad posture). But - unlike certain rabid folk around here - that's my opinion. It's not a fact and I'm not spitting fire at anyone who chooses to think otherwise. I don't know for certain, and nobody except Arnold's doctor does.
James said on 20/Jun/17
Giving prime Arnold a height shorter than 6'0 is just absurd. I'd say a solid 6'1 maybe a tall 6'1 at his peak.

Today? 5'11 range. And that is likely cause the weight lifting takes a toll on your spine.
Luntis said on 19/Jun/17
BarryFl- FULL AGREE! Arnold was 6 foot very lucky if 6'05. Today 5'10 and 1/2 or 178-179
Luntis said on 19/Jun/17
Stallone was 173-173'5 cm peak. Today around 172cm or a weak 5'8. He is known for using footwear advantage. Sometimes he wears lifts. Arnold was 6 foot peak and TODAY 5'10/2 very close to 5'11. In the past it was bigger the height difference between them, because today Arnold has a bad posture and shrunk a bit more while Stallone has kept standing tall with a healtyh posture and maybe he is using lifts. Conclusion today Arnold looks 2 inches taller than Stallone.
But if Arnold stands tall he is close to 3 inches taller. weak 5'8 Stallone vs close to a 5'11 Arnold
Luntis said on 19/Jun/17
Stallone was 173-173'5 cm peak. Today around 172cm or a weak 5'8. He is known for using footwear advantage. Sometimes he wears lifts. Arnold was 6 foot peak and TODAY 5'10/2 very close to 5'11. In the past it was bigger the height difference between them, because today Arnold has a bad posture and shrunk a bit more while Stallone has kept standing tall with a healtyh posture and maybe he is using lifts. Conclusion today Arnold looks 2 inches taller than Stallone.
Fred84 said on 19/Jun/17
There is Stallone with Schwarzenegger in this photo. Maybe they have different kind of shoes. In my opinion, there is not the difference about 8 cm (3 inches), I would say max 2 inches ... what do you think, everyone?
Click Here
S.J.H said on 19/Jun/17
I believe arnie is at worst 183cm barefoot peak and 178cm barefoot now. Nothing less but 0.25' more is possible
BarryFl said on 19/Jun/17
Jim Hopper said on 18/Jun/17
Arnie was never 6-1 or over. Just over 6-0 prime. Facts not fanboys thanks.

How is this a fact, Jim? Rather than just your own opinion? You got the absolute final irrefutable proof?
BarryFl said on 19/Jun/17
Jim Hopper said on 18/Jun/17
@BarryFI Joe 5-11"???? LOL OK... At the age in the picture hes getting on a bit,not even at peak which I found from 5-9 to 5-10. Sorry but fanboys will be fanboys. Arnie was never 6-1 or over. Just over 6-0 prime. Facts not fanboys thanks.

I'm a Joe Weider 'fanboy'? That's why I had to look up his height on the internet is it? And everything I found said 5'10 or even a couple of mentions of 5'11. Not once did I see a 5'9.5 except on your post. Trouble is if you want to find 'evidence' that Arnold was the height you want him to be, you will. If somebody else wants to find 'evidence' that he's the height they want him to be, they will. My only concern is when people start to twist the truth, or to manufacture their own facts, or to ignore the blindingly obvious. I'm not a 'fanboy' of anybody, thanks.
abcd said on 19/Jun/17
Maybe He was max 185 cm and nowdays He is 181 cm
Liberty183.3 said on 18/Jun/17
What do you think about this system of general height classing? Considering 5'9(.25)'' is average American male height, the levels are about the same percentile, for example, being under 5'5'' is the bottom 5.5 percent of the population, and being 6'2''+ is the top 5.5 percent of the population.
sabot said on 18/Jun/17
Arnold and Jackie Chan in 2017:

Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 18/Jun/17
@BarryFI Joe 5-11"???? LOL OK... At the age in the picture hes getting on a bit,not even at peak which I found from 5-9 to 5-10. Sorry but fanboys will be fanboys. Arnie was never 6-1 or over. Just over 6-0 prime. Facts not fanboys thanks.
BarryFl said on 18/Jun/17
Jim Hopper said on 16/Jun/17
With 5.9-5" Joe. Arnies as tall as possible here due to the back arched and body fully stood straight, 6-2" here??? Not even close. Just over 6-0" is his true prime height. Click Here

I can find mention of Joe Weider at 5'10. I can even find mention of him at 5'11. I can't find any mention of him at 5'9.5. And I should think he's wearing shoes in that picture, whereas Arnold wouldn't be. Shoes would've put Joe at about 5'11 (assuming he was 5'9.5-10 and the shoes were not especially large heeled). So, yes, Arnold does look 6'1 or 6'2.
Danimal said on 18/Jun/17
Oscar said on 16/Jun/17
5 ft 11,5 in or 71,5 inches are equal to 180,34 cm, not 182 like you have posted, Rob. Also 6'1.5" = 185.42cm, Rob.
As for Arnie's height no one, literally no one here believes he was anywhere near 6'2". Why would you put him at 6'1.5", Rob? There are several photos of Arnold and Stallone from 1980's where we can clearly see that Arnold had only couple inches over Sly. At his peak!!!

Everything about your entire post is so inaccurate.
Lak said on 18/Jun/17
@gonzaloferro can u give us the article plz
gonzaloferro said on 17/Jun/17
Also there's an article where confirmed Arnold was at 16 years old a 180 cm teenager who was lifting at that time. Average guy would grow max 7 cm more after 16 but being Arnold and what I read he grew 1 inch more so I beliebe he hit 183 cm max at most. He was anywhere around 181-183cm (5'11,25. 6 foot) in his peak over that is unfair and just fake, with a lot of luck he hit 184 cm morning lunch time
Oscar said on 16/Jun/17
5 ft 11,5 in or 71,5 inches are equal to 180,34 cm, not 182 like you have posted, Rob. Also 6'1.5" = 185.42cm, Rob.
As for Arnie's height no one, literally no one here believes he was anywhere near 6'2". Why would you put him at 6'1.5", Rob? There are several photos of Arnold and Stallone from 1980's where we can clearly see that Arnold had only couple inches over Sly. At his peak!!!
Editor Rob
sorry, but your conversion is wrong 😵

Everybody knows the constant for 1 inch is 2.54cm.

71.5 * 2.54 = 181.61 cm

6ft 1.5 = (6 * 12) + 1.5 = 73.5 inches

73.5 * 2.54 = 186.69cm 😇
Jim Hopper said on 16/Jun/17
With 5.9-5" Joe. Arnies as tall as possible here due to the back arched and body fully stood straight, 6-2" here??? Not even close. Just over 6-0" is his true prime height. Click Here
Gracjan said on 16/Jun/17
Arnold's growth ... In his youth he was actually in the range of 186-187 cm and it was confirmed by other bodybuilders. What is today's range of 181-182 cm actually seems to be suitable for him, and 178-179 cm even today I seem to be a little commedy 😂
AlexItaly said on 15/Jun/17
Ok so in order to downgrade Arnold, you downgraded Lou Ferrigno, Jeff Bridges and Carl Weathers. Who's next, why not Holyfield that was clearly shorter than Arnold in 1995? Wait, I have an idea for you haters, why don't we downgrade the entire world population in order to downagrade Arnold? :-D
Jim Hopper said on 15/Jun/17
@Douglas. Draw a line over them both. Cameron is min 2" taller
Danimal said on 15/Jun/17
Dougall said on 14/Jun/17
James said on 13/Jun/17
Ferrigno was 6'1".

Oh good, James is back. When did they let him out?
Editor Rob: Lou was still comfortably over 6ft 2 last time I seen him.

And that puts Hulk Hogan in the same range today, seeing they are the same height today based on their very recent pic.
Douglas said on 15/Jun/17
Lak said on 15/Jun/17
@Jim Hopper
Shoes are the same that pic , and do you realy think there's 2" between them wich means 5cm !!!!

Yeah, I wouldn't say there's much if any difference. Looking at their shoulder heights, Arnold is leaning in slightly as Jim has his arm raised up behind Arnold's back. If he was straightened up, who knows? Quite possibly the same height. Not syaing I haven't seen Cameron looking taller, just not on this picture. And as for Arnold wearing big wedge shoes there, not a chance.
Lak said on 15/Jun/17
@Jim Hopper
Shoes are the same that pic , and do you realy think there's 2" between them wich means 5cm !!!!
Douglas said on 15/Jun/17
Jim Hopper said on 14/Jun/17
An aged James Cameron here 6-1" max. Arnies looks 2" under him and his shoes to his foot position look very odd,big wedge very likely.Click Here

They don't look like wedge shoes at all.
Alexander5'11 said on 14/Jun/17
the big proof Arnold was 6 foot in de 70`s (peak height)is Lou Ferrigno, and Rob met him. Lou was max 6'3. Today is a little over 6'2.0 I know he is 188-189 cm range (6,2.25) thanks to my friend who is 6'2.5 and told me he looked exactly the same height as him maybe a little over him. So the proof Arnold was 6 foot is Lou who was 6'3 at most. You can compare him next to Arnold in the 70´s. He was about 2'5 inches taller than Arnold maybe 3 making Arnold his realpeak 6 foot height. (FANS BOY will say Lou was 6'5 and Arnold 6'2 lol lol lol lol. My friend and Rob met Lou and clearly is impossible to shrunk 3 inches he looked with a good and athletiv posture. Lou was 6'3 at most and Arnold 6.'.25 at most
Jim Hopper said on 14/Jun/17
An aged James Cameron here 6-1" max. Arnies looks 2" under him and his shoes to his foot position look very odd,big wedge very likely.Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 14/Jun/17
6-2 in terminator,in his boots that is. Just over 6-0 prime height.
Johan said on 14/Jun/17
Tomy181 said on 11/Jun/17
Rob why he looked 6 foot in 80's movies? In Comando (1985) one of my favorite movies he looked 5'11.5 with luck 6'0.00. The black guy is 6'3 close to 6'4 and tower him like 3 inches, but his hair style can put him close to 6'1. You can see in this movie Arnold looks like a classic 6 foot man with luck. He was 37 at that time and stand walking tall. in 90's looked 5'11 range close to 6.

The black guy(bill duke) you are referring to is a strong 6'4" so that leaves Arnie at 6'1" range again but he did have a little more shoe so about 6'1".

I eat Green berets for breakfast and right now I am very hungry.
Dougall said on 14/Jun/17
James said on 13/Jun/17
Ferrigno was 6'1".

Oh good, James is back. When did they let him out?
Editor Rob
Lou was still comfortably over 6ft 2 last time I seen him.
jonathan34 said on 13/Jun/17
I'll give 183 for Arnold anyway. Strong 6.0 at 1970's
jonathan34 said on 13/Jun/17
Pierre the reason is because Lou Ferrigno was never 6'5. well.. maybe in his dreams. He was 6'2.75- 6'3 and Arnold was 3 inches shorter than him. Arnold was 181-183 cm at most
James said on 13/Jun/17
Ferrigno was 6'1".
Peter 179cm said on 13/Jun/17
@ Afka9 This is a late response but i'll go ahead: Army measurements are usually taken in shoes as a guy i know claims to have been measured at 179cm in the army and i'm comfortably 3-4cm taller than him if not 5cm.Of course he could just be lying but it makes sense that the Army measures in shoes and weighs in uniforms.I've seen medical tests taken in the Army and ALL the participants kept their footwear when they got measured.In other words your father was likely 179-180 range at 18.
AlexItaly said on 13/Jun/17
Just type "holyfield schwarzenegger 1995" and you will see that Arnold was clearly taller than 186 cm. tall Holyfield back in the ninetis. Even assuming he had shoes advantage, this puts him AT LEAST at 186 cm in 1995. He probably was 187-188 when younger.
Pierre said on 13/Jun/17
@Duncan=yes there is a picture in the web but Arnold is closer to the camera so look bigger,and it's impossible to see if he has lifts or not imo ;Chris seem have a relaxed posture(knee),their shoulders seem to be around the same height
Duncan said on 13/Jun/17
Look at Arnold with Chris Eubank in 2013 at 'The Last Stand' party. Full length pictures. Both wearing regular dress shoes and Arnold - age 66 - looks 3 inches taller (not only that, big bigger proportionately). Chris Eubank a very strong 5'10".
Heightlover said on 12/Jun/17
Tommy181 totally agree. In Comando he looked a strong 5'11 close to 6'0. Maybe because he never was over 6 feet with out his shoes
Pierre said on 12/Jun/17
Young Lou Ferrigno is looking around 3 inches shorter than Dick Durock (listed 6"5.5/6"6') and Arnold is looking around 3 inches shorter than Lou....
Rey said on 12/Jun/17
..was never six-one and a half inch.
Steve said on 12/Jun/17
Heightlover said on 11/Jun/17

You might well be his biggest fan. Doesn't mean your word is law when it come sto the guy's height. Sorry but you're no more likely to be the final say on this page than anyone else.
MJKoP said on 12/Jun/17
Many men profess to love women and believe that they've figured everything about them out, yet in reality those guys are completely hopeless and clueless. So I guess the tag "Heightlover" still works. ;)
Shredder said on 11/Jun/17
Rob how much were his boots in Terminator 2?
Editor Rob
could have been nearly 2 inches
Tomy181 said on 11/Jun/17
Rob why he looked 6 foot in 80's movies? In Comando (1985) one of my favorite movies he looked 5'11.5 with luck 6'0.00. The black guy is 6'3 close to 6'4 and tower him like 3 inches, but his hair style can put him close to 6'1. You can see in this movie Arnold looks like a classic 6 foot man with luck. He was 37 at that time and stand walking tall. in 90's looked 5'11 range close to 6.
Heightlover said on 11/Jun/17
No matter what people said. I'm tired about this discussion. People should search by themselves and listen. Think by yourself. You don't have to believe what others said. Just watch. He never looked 187 cm barefoot .Any guy around his height know this! Maybe in movies looked that some times on some angles, with boots etcc. But Arnold is far a away from a 6'2 guy. The most he ever looked is 6'1. Anyone who believes he was over this mark is BLIND! Or maybe a short guy or below 6 foot, because anyone here with some sense height, etc sees he was 184 cm at most! 185'5 maybe morning height. ENDDDDD OF THIS STORYYYYYY AND FOR THE THIRD TIME I'M HIS BIGGEST FAN! today is 178-179cm maybe 180 at morning
Heightlover said on 11/Jun/17
MJKoP Maybe he hit that mark 6'1.5" with his trainers on. However that's what VINCE said. No proof. It's obvius he never was 187 cm barefoot and of course being the end of the day makes that even more unreal.
Heightlover said on 11/Jun/17
2017 is the year ROB should change this height listed. At least 1 cm would be more realistic and fair and current Arnold height at least 1'5 cm
Heightlover said on 11/Jun/17
MAYBE HIS HEIGHT PEAK HIS BEST HEIGHT DAY In HIS LIFE HIT 185 cm AT MOSTT!! but my guess is 183'5 184 range at most . Ive been his fan since I was a kid and a true great height gusser
James said on 11/Jun/17
Schwarzenegger is 5'11".
jervis said on 11/Jun/17
Did Vince Basille lie?Why would he?
Heightcrazyred6ft said on 11/Jun/17
I think he was 187cm peak out of bed and 185cm at his lowest, give or take 0.5cm.

Today max 180cm evening
MJKoP said on 10/Jun/17
Heightlover said on 8/Jun/17
S.J.H Yeah. I also believe that estimation. Arnold was around 6'0.25 6'0.75 peak and today he is in the 5'10 range, Over 6'1 that is ridiculous just a dream for fanboys and I 've always been his fan

Over 6'1 is "a dream for fanboys"...which is exactly why Vince Basille(about as far from an Arnold fanboy as you can get), allowed Rob show an e-mail at the top of this very page where he talks about measuring Mr. Schwarzenegger at 6'1.5" on a stadiometer...after a long, grueling day of weight training. But I'm sure Basille is just lying about everything and he is actually an Arnie fanboy in disguise, right? I mean, that's hardly a small price to pay for some extra height-claiming sycophant credibility...publicly faking a dislike for one of the most universally loved and cherished public figures EVER - makes perfect sense.
Heightlover said on 10/Jun/17
If a guy is 6'05, most of people would guess a height around 6'1'5- 6'2, because 3 cm is what usually people add to his own height. I'm 6'0 evenign height and always they believe I'm 6'1, because people overstimate real height. Arnold was 183,5- 184 cm at most. Maybe 6'1 right after bed
lak said on 10/Jun/17
i'm talking about weathers back in the 80s in predator , with rob he looks more than 6ft
Pierre said on 10/Jun/17
@Lak=the reason why Arnold look tall next to Carl Weathers is maybe because Carl was maybe not 6"1' barefoot=in the first picture next to Rob he looks like a strong 5"11' next to Rob imo,no more
Kurtz said on 9/Jun/17
full agree with you Heightlover
lak said on 9/Jun/17
so arnold is short hhhhh , what about all his movies with tall guys like tom arnold and carl weathers .... explain this
RisingForce said on 9/Jun/17
Gary, I agree, I've never seen any evidence of Arnold wearing lifts, but a 5'11" man wouldn't look over 6'2". Even 3" elevators are enormous and would only give roughly 2" extra inches compared to normal shoes. More likely, a 5'11" man will pull off a solid 6 feet or a bit over in normal lifts. With that said, I still wouldn't go as low as a flat 5'11" for Arnold, I believe Rob's listings are fine for peak and current.
Heightlover said on 8/Jun/17
S.J.H Yeah. I also believe that estimation. Arnold was around 6'0.25 6'0.75 peak and today he is in the 5'10 range, Over 6'1 that is ridiculous just a dream for fanboys and I 've always been his fan
S.J.H said on 8/Jun/17
Arnold is short looking but not as low as 5'9 that ridiculous i read up from some source and acticles over 10years ago and still many people discuss in some forum now. The cruel part he might be 6'0.25 peak (6'1.5 w shoes) and have dip into 5'10.25 now but at least 5'11.5 fit in a leather shoes
Gary said on 8/Jun/17
Canson said on 7/Jun/17
@Rising force: peak I believe he was. Today I can't tell tho how much he's lost. He wears lifts but to be honest people don't take into account he doesn't have perfect posture either most likely. But It will not tell on him as much with his build as it does on the average person tho. I think somewhere around 5'11 today

Give it a rest with the lifts! Arnold does not wear lifts. If he was 5'11 and wore lifts in his shoes then he'd still look 6'2 or more to this day, and he doesn't. So I don't get why you're saying he wears lifts.
Schlomo said on 7/Jun/17
arnold is about 5'8" tall. don't believe me just google his name with the term "daughter" and see pics of him walking next to his 5'8" daughter. she is wearing flat shoes in the pic.
Tim Wolfer said on 7/Jun/17
He was maybe 6'1'25 peak morning height. Never over 6'0.75 or 184'5 cm
REMfanNO1 said on 7/Jun/17
I see so much talking about noting. This one is easy, Arnold was comfortably six two when young, shrunk to six more or less in his seventies.
Canson said on 7/Jun/17
@Rising force: peak I believe he was. Today I can't tell tho how much he's lost. He wears lifts but to be honest people don't take into account he doesn't have perfect posture either most likely. But It will not tell on him as much with his build as it does on the average person tho. I think somewhere around 5'11 today
pol_clemente said on 7/Jun/17
Peak height was a flat 6'1", 186 morning, 184 evening. He's lost more height than most guys his age though, I think he now wakes up around 181 cm, 179 at night. Now 181 is not short but due to his build and huge upper body, he looks positively stocky now.
RisingForce said on 6/Jun/17
Canson, I do see Arnold at 185 cm until the late 90s. If you look at this video in 1999 with The Rock, he measures up pretty well at about age 52: Click Here I do believe Rock was about 6'3" in the late 90s/early 2000s and I see only a 2 inch difference when they're equal distance from the camera: Click Here I think there's a very good chance Arnold could have lost some height by this time too. He did start looking noticeably shorter to me around The 6th Day, which was probably filmed not long after this since it came out the following year. Arnold still looked 6'1" to me throughout the 90s.
Gary said on 6/Jun/17
Both seated and standing, Arnold does have very careless posture, which makes him look shorter and more shrunken than he is - especially noticeable as he ages and thickens. A surprise for someone who otherwise tries to look so macho, and hangs around gigantic fellows all the time.
Canson said on 5/Jun/17
@rising force I'd go no lower than 184/185 peak he may have been a true 6'1 flat at his lowest. I have a hard time seein 187 but also less than 184 at his peak
luntis said on 5/Jun/17
Peter 179 you could not say it better. TOTALLY AGREE ON EVERYTHING YOU SAID. END OF STORY 179 TODAY . back then: 184-184'5 cm. 185 MORNING HOURS , 6'1'25(186 cm) first 2 hours after bed or with his trainers sneakers
luntis said on 5/Jun/17
Peter 179 you could not say it better. TOTALLY AGREE ON EVERYTHING YOU SAID. END OF STORY
Sam said on 5/Jun/17
@Rampage, I do see Letterman as probably the tallest of those three standing his best as his peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/17
He could have worn lifts to look 6ft3 so 6ft1½ is still fair...
Afka9 said on 4/Jun/17
I am sure when he was young( his late 20's) his height was over 6'1. Probably 186-187 cm . 180-182 cm was ridiculus for him. Now probably he is beetween 180-182 cm. 5 cm shrink is not too much my father was measured 182 cm before he was going to army in 18 years old. Now he is 73 and his height is maximum 175 cm
Peter 179cm said on 4/Jun/17
Arnold may have lost 5cm but 7-8cm is too much for his present age and former lifestyle.It's mainly due to bad posture that he looks way shorter now than say 15 years back.His legs may look straight all the time but his torso is going up and down.And lets not forget how easy is to stand 2-3cm shorter than your measured height if you dont work on posture.Peak height 184-185cm and 179-180cm nowadays.The 6'1.5 measurement could be valid as an out of bed height or with trainers on back in the day of course.
Afka9 said on 3/Jun/17
In peak,i think his height was lowest 184-185 cm, highest 186-187 cm. But 180 cm or 182 cm was too low for him
RisingForce said on 3/Jun/17
Canson, I believe your estimate is completely reasonable, I would just draw the line on anything below 184 cm, but I still do believe he's the height he claimed and Vince Basille claimed to measure him at. I agree on a 2 inch loss and a flat 5'11" is possible, but I wouldn't go any lower and I really still see him at least 181 cm. Rampage, well, Vince Basille did specifically say he measured Arnold in the evening, so if Vince was accurate then naturally, Arnold would have to measure around 6'1.75" around lunch time, except for maybe after an early workout. I do see him and Letterman as almost identical peak, at least as late as the 1991 interview: Click Here Both 187 cm range guys, imo. Close enough to the 6'2" they claimed. I've never been completely certain though because Dave can slouch and Arnold is Arnold.
Original said on 2/Jun/17

Lou: 191
Arnold: 183,5 (could be either 183 or 184)
Lou now: 189
Arnold now: 179

Arnold lost more height and it is visible.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jun/17
@ Gary - That was well worth saying!
It makes sense that taller people are more likely to lose more height because they have that much more to lose, and height-loss must surely be in proportion to the individual.

Arnold's new guesses from me are 6ft2 peak height; 5ft11.75 now.
Johan said on 2/Jun/17
Arnold wasn't a lift wearer he just loves cowboyboots which give him an advantage but not as much as an elevator.

I still think the absolute lowest he could have been was 6'0.75 with a maximum of 6'1.25" so more 185-186 than 186-187.

Nowadays he can look as high as 5'11.25" and as low as 5'10.5" so I just go with the averages.

6'1" for peak and 5'11" today.
Gary said on 2/Jun/17
I don't think Arnold is a lift-wearer at all. People mention his cowboy boots all the time. fair enough, but in America cowboy boots aren't all that unusual. And Arnold made a name for himself appearing around the world wearing only a pair of swimming trunks after all. And still got a reputation as a 6'2 man. make of that what you will. For what it's worth I'd put him 6'1-2 in his young days and no less than 5'11 now. But I wouldn't call him a lift wearer, otherwise he'd be appearing at over 6'2 or evn 6'3 to this day wherever he goes, and he quite clearer doesn't.
Danimal said on 2/Jun/17
Lou was around 6'4" in his younger days. He's 65 today, has lifted heavy weights for over 50 years and has had complete hip replacement surgery. He's not less than 6'2" today (same height as present day Hulk Hogan).
Pierre said on 2/Jun/17
Click Here = Lou and Arnold and listed 5"7'Robby Robinson(right in the picture)
Pierre said on 2/Jun/17
Click Here = Lou and Arnold both barefeet
opus said on 1/Jun/17
bridges was only 6'1'' in shoes. Adjust everybody's height however you like
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/17
Rob, who do you think would be tallest peak out of Schwarzegger, Brosnan and Letterman?
Editor Rob
it really could end up being a toss up with them, I can understand 6ft 1.25 range as being a possible Arnie range, and maybe his 6ft 1.5 was Busting a Gut. Lettermann could look nearer 6ft 2 in the 80's
Canson said on 1/Jun/17
@Gary: I believe he's lost two inches for sure. He may have been a legit 6'1" peak which is likely but today 5'11. What sparks debate here is he is a notorious lift wearer
Canson said on 1/Jun/17
Agree with original on Lou. Never was 6'4 strong 6'3.
Original said on 1/Jun/17
And Ferrigno was 6'3 and 1/4 as young, not more.
Original said on 1/Jun/17
I think Jeff is solid 6'1 but not 6'1.5".
Gary said on 1/Jun/17
I don't see why some people find it hard to believe Arnold could have lost almost 3 inches. A friend of mine who was a good 5'11 when he was a young fellow is now only just scraping 5'9. So somebody taller could have lost more. And look at Prince Philip - a 6 footer in his youth and now most people say he's only 5'8 or 9!
jervis said on 1/Jun/17
If you look at stay hungry at 1hr13.42 mins you will see 6ft4 listed Ed Begley jnr face to face with 6ft1.5 listed Jeff Bridges in it Bridges looks a good 4 inches shorter, its odd because there is a much bigger difference between Begley jnr and Bridges, and Clint Eastwood and Bridges,Arnold does look the same height as Bridges,but if Begley jnr was 6ft4 then its hard for me to see Bridges being 6ft1.5 and Arnold being this height too.
James said on 1/Jun/17
He most likely shrunk a bunch because of so much damage to the body and back. You lose height if you are out of shape, fat, overweight and don't weight train to retain muscle strength and yes posture. However, Arnold for years maxed out weight and put that on his spine and system. Wouldn't shock me if that causes shrinkage.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/May/17
He could have been measured at both 6ft1½ and 6ft1¾ but perhaps the latter at an earlier time like just before lunch or something. Looking at how he stacked up against other guys in the 70's, I buy it. He was identical to Jeff Bridges or David Letterman, some argue he edged them. Not quite a full 3in below Ferrigno (not below 6ft4 and possibly 6ft4¼).
Canson said on 31/May/17
@Rising Force: in his peak Arnold was a strong 6'0" close to 6'1" but not nearly 6'2". He wasn't as small as 5'11" I do agree with you there however
RisingForce said on 31/May/17
Arnold didn't wear lifts, though, so it's really the difference between Bridges being in shoes and Arnold being barefoot, possibly losing more height as well lifting to film the scene and Arnold and Bridges both in shoes. It seems to be more of what I was saying. Arnold was taller than 6'1" guys in his prime, but shorter than legit 6'2" guys.
Jim said on 31/May/17
@Leo2001. Arnold is wearing cowboy boots to Jeff's normal shoes in that scene. You should watch the movie Stay Hungry again where Arnold is walking away from the camera in that particular scene showing his footwear.
jervis said on 31/May/17
yes its funny that hes taller than Bridges there but in Stay Hungry the bare foot Arnold is smaller than Bridges, it goes to show how much difference a pair of Shoes can make.
Mgille said on 31/May/17
So why Kevin Sorbo said he is like 5"11 some time ago? Why a lot of tall guys also said he was max 6 feet? Tall guys or over 6 feet guys has the best reference to guess Arnold's height.Do you believe a healthy and strong man like Arnold has shrunk 8 cm?( more than 3inches! those who keep saiying he was 6'1"5 or 186-187 cm are lost and ignorants. My grandes has never train lifting and she has shrunk 4cm ( 1inch and 3/4) (77 years old) how can anyone can believe this story? Learn, watch and study please. This is the truth. He was about 6 feet 181/183 max today 177 /178. It is amazing still say he was 187?? Anotther and strong proof is today all this guys who met him claming he is 5'10 Range, and politicians saying he is a 5"10 guy when he was gobernor and other ones who met him in the 90"ss : Arnold is 5"11
Leo2001 said on 30/May/17
Looks taller than Evander Holyfield and Jeff Bridges in these pictures(Both listed 6ft1).
Click Here
Click Here
lak said on 30/May/17
he was taller than reg park in his youth
Click Here:
Click Here:
Click Here:
AlexItaly said on 30/May/17
He was clearly and without a doubt in the range between 6'1 and 6'2. No brainer. I know all these discussions with haters and trolls generate a lot of traffic but come on...there is a orgy of evidence he was 186-187 cm. tall in his youth, lets say until the late eighties.
RisingForce said on 29/May/17
Heightlover, what would my estimate have to do with me being 5'9" and why would that be funny? As a matter of fact, I'm a bit under 5'9" in bare feet. I say Arnold was 6'1.75" for several reasons. One being that he consistently looked taller than 6'1" men, plus we have a body builder Vince Basille who didn't like Arnold personally who claimed to measure Arnold 6'1.5" in the EVENING. Arnold in 2008 claimed 6'1.75" for his peak height and that adds up perfectly with a 6'1.5" evening measurement. Usually, someone will be about 1/4" or so taller during normal midday measuring time than they are in the evening so it all adds up. It seems likely Arnold measured 6'1.75" at a more typical measuring time, which seems to validate Basille's measurement. I mean, otherwise why claim 6'1.75" instead of his usual 6'2" or 6'1.5"? Arnold doesn't seem so height conscious as to try to elaborately fool people. Basille says he measured just about his usual 5'9.5" so he believed the scale is accurate and other body builders measured 1/2" below their claimed heights so it doesn't seem it was particularly inflated. Here are quotes from Vince Basille

"Several of the guys there claimed certain heights and everyone was at least 1/2 inch shorter on Mit's scale. Arnold claimed 6' 2" but measured 6' 1 1/2" that evening. I did say that he might be 6-2 in the morning. There were several other people there when I measured Arnold and several other guys. Paul Graham from Australia and Bob Bruce from New Zealand who promoted contests were two others I remember getting measured. Both of those guys were under 5-8 and I have a good idea how tall I am. I measured 5-9 1/2 that day and that is about right so the gauge was accurate."

So until we have some new compelling evidence, I think he was 6'1.75" when he was younger and a bit over 6'2" in the morning, but down to 6'1.5" in the evening. It's possible he could measure even a bit lower, closer to 186 cm after a heavy workout. Basille's story seems credible to me and the measurement result looks plausible. And I know how height is measured. You can be quite obnoxious. Me believing Arnold was 187 cm and you believing he was 185 cm is no reason to be condescending.
Leo2001 said on 29/May/17
Arnold with Roger Moore
Click Here
Moore was like 60 or a bit more
RisingForce said on 29/May/17
If they wanted to make Arnold look taller they wouldn't have chosen such an enormous cast. 6'1"+ Weathers, 6'2.5" Sonny Landham, 6'4"+ Bill Duke, 6'3"+ Jesse Ventura etc. Arnold is taller in the promo shots where you can see their entire bodies as well: Click Here Click Here I do agree that you have to take movies with a grain of salt a lot of times, but let's face it, if there's a movie where Arnold looks shorter than for some, it's as good as a stadiometer measurement. But particularly if several of us try over time, we should get a response from Brigitte since she only has about 10,000 twitter followers. We must make sure to specify peak height, though.
MJKoP said on 29/May/17
One of the head people involved with T2 described Arnold as 6'3" in relation the original character being written as a more nondescript 5'10"-6'0" everyday type of guy. I know the exact quote was posted here before, but if the man who said it was on set and witnessed Arnold during the multiple scenes where he was completely naked(and yes, you could clearly see his bare feet), then the six foot three description is of some very convincing value.
Hyde said on 29/May/17
Like it or not, he easily easily scraped 6' 1.5'' mark barefoot in the late 70s. A shocking 5' 11'' nowadays at only 69. What happened? Who knows.
Average height and slim said on 29/May/17
186 cm peak evening/afternoon height.
181 today evening/afternoon height.
Heightlover said on 28/May/17
Rising Force I say you are about 5'9" if you give 6'1"75 to Arnold big Lol lol lol . He maybe reached 185 cm with luck. Strong 6 foot week 6'1 with luck. Game over and learn how a doctor measure height
opus said on 28/May/17
interesting how people keep bringing the predator scene with Weathers. a few things to take into account, never try to guess somebodies height by a movie scene as its extremely to make actors look taller or shorter with camera angle/directions. Arnold is also the star of his movies, so directors aren't going to make him look the shortest guy. Another thing, if you saw a full body shot of the 2 in that scene, I would imagine that Arnold would have had a shoe advantage guaranteed.
Original said on 28/May/17
@ Jim Hopper Probably 4' inches taller than Zane.

But like I said 6'0.5" peak and 5'10.75" now.
RisingForce said on 28/May/17
I'm not "giving" Arnold anything. Jim, Arnold looks about 185 cm range in that pic, so how is it "100% proof"? I don't see a stadiometer there. If Arnold were 6'1" flat or less, then he'd be shorter than Carl Weathers: Click Here Instead, as you can see he's clearly taller. Carl is still about 6'1" so there's a strong chance he was 186 cm himself. After all, the Oakland Raiders listed him 6'2". Arnold looks no less than a strong 187 cm with him, in other words, 6'1.75". But let's ask Brigitte. I will consider revising my estimate down depending on what she says. It is possible Arnold was only 185-186 cm peak and Basille measured incorrectly or his memory is off, but serious discussion starts at 184 cm(6'0.5"), anything below that for Arnold's peak is trolling, much like the 6'2" peak Clint Eastwood you see people try nowadays. I personally believe Arnold was measured 6'1.5" barefoot in the evening by Vince Basille and if you believe Vince, then it naturally follows that Arnold also measured 6'1.75" barefoot midday/afternoon at some point during his prime then more recently measured 6'1" in shoes at age 60 and 6'0.5" in shoes at 65, which I think he's holding onto approaching his 70th birthday.
The_sidewinder said on 27/May/17
Guess he was 6'2" when Terminator but now he shrunk because of years of heavy lifting...
Jim Hopper said on 27/May/17
6-0 just over peak. 100% Proof with Zane 5-9". Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 27/May/17
6-0 just over peak. Now 5-11 just. Facts not fan boyism
berta said on 27/May/17
yeah i have to agree that one scene that is making this 187 listing possible is his scene with bridges barefoot. he is only 2 cm shorter and barefoot. so they where the same height. But the shoes was very flat so maybe bridges was 0,5 cm taller. the shorterst possible for bridges is 186 peak. But i believe he was 186,7 that makes arnold 186,2 pretty mutch what he always have looked
Terry34 said on 27/May/17
The day anyone here learn what is a medical height measurement give me a call please. You don't have idea how tall is a guy about 187 cm tall. Arnold was maybe 185 cm tall one day in his prime Frank Zane of course was never 5'9. If you guys have eyes you can see he was about 5'8". He looked a bit shorter than Stallone. Conclusion stop giving 3/4 inch to Arnold please. I also love him but in my opinion he was a very strong 6' man. 6'075-6'1 max
Johan said on 27/May/17
Arnie had an inch on Brigitte during the fiming of Red Sonja. She always claimed 6' back in the 80's. I would be interested to hear her opinion of Arnie's height because she was bang on with Stallone (5'9) and Eddie Murphy (5'9). Its one of the main reasons that I believe Arnold was 6'1.25" tops at his peak.
RisingForce said on 27/May/17
Brigitte has claimed 6'1" many times over the years, such as this interview @ 10 second mark: Click Here I doubt she's also claiming 182 cm so we need proof of that claim. That was literally the first interview I saw when I just searched on YouTube to illustrate how often she's said 6'1". She's not that tall, but she was probably between 183-184 cm, maybe 6'0.25" and Arnold was clearly taller. Why doesn't someone ask her how tall Arnold was in his prime? She'd definitely have an idea since the 174-175 cm she gave for Sly Stallone and 5'9"-5'9.5" for Eddie Murphy show she is very good at estimating height. Jeff Bridges has lost noticeable height, just like Arnold. If he was 6'1.5" peak, then he'd be about 6'2.5" in shoes, so he should look a bit taller than a 6'1.75" barefoot Arnold. Carl Weathers is still about 6'1" so he could have been a bit over it, very likely 186 cm, yet he was shorter than Arnold, same with 6'1" Tom Arnold, even in True Lies. Arnold was still not much shorter than 6'2" Nick Chinlund in Eraser(1996). Seeing Arnold with men in that height range, we can say Arnold was likely taller than 6'1", but shorter than a full 6'2". Look how Arnold towered over a 5'9" man like Frank Zane: Click Here
AlexItaly said on 26/May/17
Bridges was a solid 6'1 at 186-187. Arnold was a fraction smaller in that shot but he also was barefoot while Bridges had sneakers on. So it is clear that Arnold was 186-187 cm. as well. Jeff Bridges has always been a very strong 6'1 or weak 6'2. Trying to downgrade him to downgrade Arnold accordingly looks like a pathetic attempt to me.
Pierre said on 26/May/17
Pictures Pierre 27/April/2017 =Lou Ferrigno= around 3 inches shorter than listed 6"5.5'/6"6' Dick Durock= around 6"3'range.Arnold about 3 inches shorter than Lou(or more in the second picture) ...(there is just a supposition)
Pierre said on 26/May/17
By all the pictures next to Brigitte Nielsen both seem to have a similar height.Generally Brigitte seem to have a relaxed posture in this pictures(pelvis legs);if Brigitte 182 Arnold not 6"1.5' here imo.Look at my comment and pictures(Pierre 27/April/17)
177cm said on 26/May/17
Rob what height do you think he was in terminator 2?
Editor Rob
I wouldn't have thought more than 6ft 1
lak said on 26/May/17
he was taller than brigitte by 1 in
Tomy181 said on 26/May/17
Hi ROB, here is Brigitte Nielsen and Arnold Schwarzenegger where they are exactly the same height. Brigitte Nielsen claim she is 182 cm on a TV show and measured that mark. She has claim 6 foot on celebheights . Why with all this testimonies , pictures etc.. Why do you defende 187 cm for Arnold. I really can't understand this height listed and Arnold is my hero, but I like height honesty. Answer me please. Here the prove: As I said many times over 184 is the biggest joke. Arnold always looked like a 5'11'75 6 foot guy barefoot
Click Here:
Editor Rob
the ground in that photoshoot isn't all flat, there are lumps on the 'slabs/bricks'
Johan said on 26/May/17

Whe did your cousin see Jeff? The 70's or the 80's ?

He is old him losing a fraction is normal.

My opinion is that Jeff was 6'1.25-6'1.5" peak and that Arnold was a fraction smaller.
jervis said on 26/May/17
Tomy181,did your cousin meet Bridges at his peak or more recently ?
mister_lennon said on 26/May/17
Arnie was a solid 6'1 peak. Jef brigdes was also a solid 6'1 peak. Clint was a very strong 6'3 peak, almost 6'4. Heston was 6'2 peak.

Donwgrading them is absurd.
Tomy181 said on 25/May/17
Hi Rob. Here is a video of Arnold about his height. He looks about 6 foot. Any claim over that height would be a funny opinión. This video a great evidence where you can see Arnold doesn't look even a 6'1":
Jeff Bridges height is also 6 foot maybe 184 cm he is not a full 6'1" because my cousin was really close to him and told me he was the same height as him ( 6 foot)
Click Here
Editor Rob
yes we've seen the clip from that film, Jeff has some sneaker advantage...I wouldn't argue arnold at only six foot there though.
jervis said on 25/May/17
By the way luntis I was not counting his hair and footwear IMO Clint Eastwood was 6ft3 to 6ft3.5 barefoot from the top of his head, not hair, to the floor in his bare feet.
jervis said on 25/May/17
If everybody Clint was in pics and movies with were all 1 inch less than their listed heights then your right luntis,he was more 6ft2 range,but were they?
Peterson188cm said on 25/May/17
6'2" flat out of bed at peak height, mid day height being 6'1.5" (186cm 187cm) and end of day 6'1" flat, I believe this is closer to the truth.
Strong 6'1", weak 6'2".
luntis said on 25/May/17
Most of people lives with his own height wrong. Learn first what's a medical measurement please! Hair and shoes do not count! Clint looked 6'3" in movies agree! But hair, and boots do not count! Forget his slim body type. He was a real and strong 6'2" guy
luntis said on 25/May/17
Jervis Clint Eastwood is the type of guy you'd think is taller. He is really slim and long legs. You don't even know what is a 6'4" guys! It's an NBA height! Clint was not even 190 cm! He is the type of guy you would think is almost 2 inches taller he was 189 cm never over! 6'2"75 on a good day in his prime
luntis said on 25/May/17
jervis because Hollywood and this famous sector always rises height a bit. 80% of actors are a bit shorter than they claim. Down grade 1 inch for most of them . Charlton Heston of course was on the 6'1 range, however the pic u are talking about you do not even see their shoes and floor. Remember 90% of people do not have any idea what's medical height or real height. Downgrade at least 1 inch these actors. It's obvius Clint was never 6'3" his morning height. Charlton Heston was arounbd 186-187 cm
jervis said on 25/May/17
A 6ft.5 Guy with a good pair of shoes 1.5 inch heels extra 1 inch lift inside and standing with military posture,can easily look 6ft3 in shoes and make you think barefoot he is 6ft1.5 .
jervis said on 25/May/17
If Clint was 6ft2.25, how come he was taller than 6ft2.5 Charlton Heston?Was Hestons height also wrong, was he more 6ft1 range?Clint was 6ft3 to 6ft3.5 peak there is a lot of pics out there to prove that,he can even look the full 6ft4 in some.
jervis said on 24/May/17
If you Google Arnold evander hollyfield images there is a very good video from the opening of planet Hollywood in the 90s Dolphin Lundgren is also on it.
luntis said on 24/May/17
jervis yeah. With Clint Eastwood is the same thing. Listed taller than he was. Clint was 6'2"25 in his peak. But a slim guy like him with his cowboy appearance looked even 6'4" that's why Clint Easwood look about an inch taller than Arnold at that ime (90s) 6'1'25 VS 6 foot
luntis said on 24/May/17
Today he is around 5'10'5 / 5'10'75 morning 5'11 if u dont believe me take a look or ask people, A lot of people who met him claim he is 5'10, others has claim he is with luck 5'11 today
luntis said on 24/May/17
Danimal you are wrong Arnold and Carl Weathers were around same height in Predator. Even being Arnold the main character and the "famous guy" always directors etc, were interested to make him taller with angles scens, also I've heard he has were lifts some time. His athletic posture makes him a 6'1 guy, but he was 6'05" at most 6'075 in his best prime. Nothing more!
jervis said on 24/May/17
Maybe he was wearing lifts at the time, because he also looked only slightly shorter than Clint Eastwood in the early 90s when Clint was still around 6ft2.5.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.