Comentarista said on 24/Sep/22
Cute,blonde and 152cm short.This girl got everything.
Ariell said on 15/Nov/21
I love ter so much!! ♥ fan since 2007. I think she is 5 foot (1,52 m) she is a little short, but is not a problem, love her.
Elene said on 7/Aug/21
I think she is taller,like 153 cm
Elene said on 7/Aug/21
I think she is taller,like 153 cm
Infalible said on 11/Apr/21
152 cm
Hunter Lee said on 26/Mar/19
Is it possible she's not this tall or Joey King is taller? You have Joey listed as 1 and 3/4 inch taller, but there is a pretty discernible difference between them in event photos.
Nik said on 19/Jan/19
She does look 5'0", no problem! I like it that she said she was "five feet nothing"!
Nik said on 26/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell - It's a nice name but a bit of a mouthful, ha ha! Imagine saying "Current Tea Cake" when you are talking to your small animal! What about "Cream bun"?
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jul/18
@ Nik - Yes, that would be nice for a speckled gerbil or a similar type of small furry dude! 🐀🐿️
Nik said on 22/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell - It sure is! What about Current Tea Cake as a name?
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/18
@ Nik - I didn't notice the name 'Cupcake'! It is rather cool, isn't it?
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jul/18
I have checked it out and Annasophia was indeed playing the little girl in 'The Reaping'.
Now that I know her height, I can understand how she was very likely playing younger.
Robert Bartleheim said on 20/Jul/18
I had a crush on her when I was a kid.
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jul/18
Oh, I have a copy of 'The Reaping'! Was Annasophia the little girl? That's well worth checking out!
Taking into account the other comments, I shall opt for 4ft11.5.
aleatorio said on 19/Jul/18
So cute.Seems 150cm.
Robert said on 22/Nov/16
1.50(4ft11) no more
wow said on 19/Jul/15
She is really short
teamhough said on 9/Apr/15
5'0 is fair enough.
in this photo, she is wearing high heels with a little platform and Austin butler who is almost 6'0 looks about a foot taller if she was barefoot. 5'1 Vanessa hudgens reaches Anna's height with heels but without the platform
Click Here
Anon said on 12/Dec/14
I think 5'0 seems accurate. In this photo, there is at LEAST 7 inches between AnnaSophia and Jaime King, who is around 5'8. Looks like they have a similar heel on, and Jamie does not look like she is standing straight cause her legs are crossed.
Click Here
Hypado said on 7/Nov/14
In the Carrie Diaries, AnnaSophia looked around 152cm
Cupcake said on 29/Jul/14
5'1 or 5'2
Connor said on 30/May/14
She doesn't reach 5'. I saw her in Charlotte Intl. Airport two months ago and she looked around 4'10.5"
Sunshine said on 27/Feb/14
She's the same height as Abigail Breslin who's listed as five foot one on this site
Daisy said on 26/Feb/14
She's the same height as Katie couric in an interview with Carl Lentz
Fred said on 26/Feb/14
In photos with freema, annasophia is wearing a shorter heel. I think she is between five one and five two.
Amy said on 25/Feb/14
" though petite at 5-feet-2" in huff post
"At five foot two (A.S.R.)" in teenvogue
What do you guys think?
lucy said on 30/May/13
@metalfan619 I think she might have used it as an umbrella term if she'd said "like 5 feet" ... but she specifically said "5 feet nothing" so I think she was being more accurate than that. Look at pictures of her standing next to a variety of people, she genuinely looks around 5 feet, she's tinier than she seems.
carobabe said on 17/Mar/13
Annasophia Robb is actually just 5 feet, i've done my research. And Freema Agyeman (one of her co-stars in The Carrie Diaries) is 5'2.
Merl734 said on 24/Jan/13
She is very cute no matter.
RentGirl said on 10/Jan/13
She said in the new issue of Teen Vogue, "Everyone always says that guys are intimidated by me…but I seriously doubt it. I mean, I’m five-foot-nothing! I think I must make a stank face."
Click Here

Editor Rob
I thought I'd had her at that height, I think that's an honest assessment.
Big D said on 5/Jan/13
I could have swore she was 5'3"?
mateodelaghetto619 said on 17/Aug/11
Click Here
UPDATE- previous pic was with what looks like 5in platforms. This is her with flats or Murray possibly tiptoeing
mateodelaghetto619 said on 23/Jul/11
Click Here
Click pic to enlarge, standing next to 5'2 Devon Murray. She is most likely wearing heels as she states she is a huge fan of them but I'm guessing she grew at least an inch so 5'3
Anonymous said on 12/Nov/10
she's only 3 inches shorter than josh hutcherson lol...
Tania said on 24/May/09
I met her last March; i'm 5 ft 2 (157cm) and she was taller than me. I'm guessing she's about 5 ft 4 (161cm).
kristen said on 20/Apr/09
Nicole Tay, I hate to burst your bubble, but you are at the age where most girls start shooting up. I doubt your growth is due to ballet.
Stephanie said on 9/Apr/09
How can she be 5' 2" when Alexander Ludwig is 5' 8"? And she's in small heels, too!
Click Here
Nicole Tay said on 7/Apr/09
Don't give up. I am pretty short too. My father always says I'm short.....But its ok. My mum says girl stop growing at 18. You still have 4 years to go, keep it up. But even you don't grow up, you will still have a lot of fans becaus you are beautiful.
Nicole Tay said on 7/Apr/09
Annasophia, i suggest you to go learn ballet. i am 12 this year. i was only 132cm last year. But this year i am 142cm, learning ballet is very good. or you could try learning yoga too.Hope you tae my advise. By the way, I am your biggest fan!!!
RentGirl89 said on 24/Mar/09
States her height at 5'2 from the recent twist magazine along with others.
Click Here
Jamie said on 20/Mar/09
What's her height now?? I saw her in the commercial for Race to Witch Mountain. She was a WHOLE lot shorter than her co-star, that blond dude. So I'm guessing she's around 5'2", not even 5'3". She might still grow a bit more...
lala said on 8/Mar/09
hey guys acccording to doctors girls stop growing at 18 and boys at 21 so... RELAX!!! :)
Olivia said on 7/Feb/09
what's too bad about growing taller?
azztopmodel said on 28/Jan/09
what's her height now in 2009????
Angel said on 24/Jan/09
I agree with Kelsey. She will probably grow one more inch at most. Too bad, 'cause she's become a very pretty gal.
Anonymous said on 30/Dec/08
I think it's funny that she's now taller than Rachel Bilson, when she played the younger version of Rachel's character in Jumper. Any recent photos of them together?
Anonymous said on 24/Dec/08
4'10" is 150 cm, Cloud? At home I've been measured at 146cm, but at school my math teacher's method of measuring had me as 4'10.5".
Kelsey said on 13/Nov/08
She's between 5' 1" and 5' 2" because after you hit puberty you pretty much stop growing. She's almost 15 so I'm guessing she's almost done growing.
Cloud said on 8/Sep/08
If her 5ft 1in she almost taller than me.My heigh is 4ft 10in(150cm)
Isabel said on 21/Mar/08
She's almost as tall as Josh Hutcherson.
Fanatic said on 14/Jan/08
Actually she's 5'3 or something but i dunno, look..
Click Here she's taller than this adult, so i'm assuming she grew to maybe 5'4?
Stephanie said on 20/Oct/07
If her mom is 5' 7" and her dad is 5' 7" then she is going to be 5' 4.5" according to height predictors. Take the average of your parents' heights, add 2.5" if you're a boy and subtract 2.5" if you're a girl. ;)
AnnaSophia Robb is 13 1/2 right now... her 14th birthday is December 8th.
Anonymous said on 10/Aug/07
In her bridge to terabithia audio commentary she said she was 5'1 and that was when she was 13 1/2. She also said her mom was 5'7 and her dad was 5'7, tall mom but a short dad. I'd say she has 2-3 more inches to grow.

Editor Rob
hadn't checked this page since october 2005 really, you see why I don't add many kids...
V said on 2/Jul/07
4'9.5 was her height in October 2005.. I think she grew.. she looks like 5' or 5'1.. somewhere there =D
bri said on 24/May/07
I believe that i read somewhere that she is about 5 ft 5ft in a half
because she is thirteen and i really doubt that she is only 4 9"
Ellen said on 19/Feb/07
There are a lot of pictures of Annasophia Robb next to Josh Hutcherson in Bridge to Terabithia. Josh wrote in his blog about a year and a half ago that he was 5'1" and growing. Even if Josh hasn't grown since then it's clear in the pictures that Annasophia would have to be at least 4'11", but my guess would be that Josh is about 5'4" and Annasophia about 5'2".
Steph said on 14/Aug/06
Mack is listed at 5' 0", which is her current height.
Beverly is 5' 1"-5' 2".
Annasophia is 4' 9"-4' 10"
someone said on 24/Dec/05
I heard that people say that freddie highmore (Charlie) is 5'6". Is it true?

Editor Rob
no, someone guessed that height...a 10-year old fan I think
soccerchick said on 25/Nov/05
I agree with everybody that she's not 5'2" but I don't think she's 4'9" either. The reason julia Winter towers over her at the Charlie and the Chocolate Facotry premiere is because she is wearing high heels. Annasophia is wearing flats. Plus it's been about 4 months since then...she could've grwon. I would guess that she's between 4'11" and 5' right now.
name said on 20/Nov/05
Vanessa, that makes NO sense at all. A 12 yr old shouldn't be looking up the height of a child star!
libs said on 11/Nov/05
well, she looked pretty small in willy wonka, though she's still only 12
id say bout 4"10. i doubt she'd be 5"2