Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Oct/20
The banter between Angela's hairdressing character, Fiona, and Tracy Shaw's tall hairdressing character, Maxine, often sounds like two young guys comparing notes!
NOT very ladylike!
Angela gets 5ft8.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/20
Ooh! Angela's character just came out with, "It stunk!" ð·
Speaking like that was a major crime in my Mum's books. I came out with that when I was seven, and my Mum yelled at me, "It STANK! It's STINK, STANK, STUNK!"
Looking back now, it was extremely funny how seriously she took grammar, and I suppose it has rubbed off on me. That was one of my earliest memories of her correcting me, and the difficulty I had in keeping a straight face when I had to repeat what she'd said!
Angela gets 5ft8. That came as a surprise, I can tell you! Since I found out her height, and she reappeared on the Classic showings, I've done nothing but take in her tall height - and tall she most definitely is.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Apr/20
It hasn't taken long at all for Angela to make her presence felt in 'Classic Coronation Street'. She's dating Steve ð and in this afternoon's episode, she had a real go at him for being overly extravagant and going to loan sharks. Had I known back in the nineties just how tall she is, and ferocious with it, I'd have put my trainers on in Steve's situation and zoomed off - she's fearsome and vicious! ðĪŠ Oh, pardon me, it wasn't necessary; Angela threw Steve's odds and ends out of the window, so I guess poor Steve will have to return home to Mum and Dad! ðð
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Mar/20
She's arrived in 'Classic Coronation Street' now, and I think it's because she was hanging around with a decently postured Steve MacDonald ð that I never really took in her tall height before. When she stands with the rest of the female cast, yes, I CAN see that she is tall.
Nik Ashton said on 19/Oct/19
@ Rob - I think you would probably edge Angela out but I am not sure I would! You, Angela, and my good self, are all exactly the same age as each other!
She is originally from Leeds!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Aug/19
Angela will be coming back to 'Coronation Street' it seems! Then we will be able to take in her height. I never knew she was THAT tall!
Would you believe she had a secret daughter with Steve? She is the 5ft5 Emma, played by Alexandra Mardell.
5ft8. ð
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/18
No! That is amazing! I would have guessed about 5ft5 for Angela. Never once did I take in that she was THAT tall!
I will go with 5ft8. Just because I never noticed her tall height, it doesn't automatically mean that I should lop bits and bobs off my estimate; that wouldn't be just or fair!
Yeetzus said on 23/Nov/16
Seen her on Ordinary Lies. Did look above average to be fair.
CD said on 1/Jan/16
I've seen some 5ft 7.5 listings out there for Tracy Shaw, don't know whether that is nearer the mark. I think she was quite similar height to her on-screen husband Steven Arnold (played Ashley Peacock), and he is given 5ft 7 by his agency.
div said on 31/Dec/15
Rob why don't you add Tracy Shaw. The girl who played Maxine .

Editor Rob
I'd forgotten about her, I see on her site she had 5ft 8, but didn't look that tall.
anonymous said on 27/Nov/13
How tall is he girl who played the girl Maxine who was her co star in the British soap Coronation Street?.

Editor Rob
she gives 5ft 8
little sue said on 14/Nov/13
Yes I,ve seen this height mentioned a few times in Women's mag's. She always mentions that she has big feet too, think she was a size 9.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Nov/13
Yeah she's quite tall for a woman, I would have guessed about this.