Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/22
Actually, Andrew’s birthday was on the 30th November. I should have written ‘one of the sexiest guys’, and not guests.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/22
Whaoah! It’s Andrew’s Birthday today!
Many Happy Returns to one of the sexiest guests out there!
5ft10 in the morning, but 5ft9.5 by our standards.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Sep/22
Andrew is back in Classic Coronation Street and he’s been foolish enough to sleep with Linda Sykes/Baldwin, while Mike has gone to support his dying ex-wife and friend, Alma.
Shame on you, Harvey! (He’s the character played by Andrew). I thought you’d have had more sense than that.
Sandy C said on 7/Aug/22
Andrew’s Tim Drewe has started in Downtown Abbey, and he’s doing his best to fit in, which is more than can be said for his partner.
It’s Series 5, and I’ve been waiting for him. He’s been well worth the wait, of course!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/22
Andrew hasn’t been in The Bill as much as I’d like, but he’s turned up in Classic Coronation Street. He’s a big shot, very suave, and running the office in Baldwin’s absence.
A great many women are after him, and who can blame them?
5ft9.5. 😀
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Apr/22
Waiting for Classic EastEnders to come on, I noticed Andrew Scarborough’s name pop up at the end credits of The Bill.
It looks as though I’ll be watching the cop drama for the foreseeable future if HE’S in it!
5ft9.5. 🥰😋
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/21
🎁🎂🎈🎊 Happy Birthday Andrew 🎊🎁🎂🎈
Many Happy Returns to Andrew Scarborough, who celebrated his 48th Birthday on Tuesday, 30th November just gone.
I wish him a healthy and happy New Year, and a Merry Christmas 🎄 and I hope he had a terrific Birthday.
5ft9.5. 🤗 XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Aug/21
The Drama channel are showing the women's prison drama 'Bad Girls' right now at around 11 each night.
Andrew joins in series 7, so still some time to go.
5ft9.5. 😄👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/21
The band who recorded 'Don't Fear The Reeper', Blue Oyster Cult, which was played at the beginning of each of Andrew's five bowing-out episodes, are going to be touring later this year. 👌
'Don't Fear The Reeper' is a very popular hit as regards being chosen for doomistic dramas. Stephen King's 'The Stand' is another such example.
Andrew can have 5ft9.5. 😉👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jan/21
It might have been a week ago, but I saw the scene on the 'Emmerdale' omnibus again yesterday: Kim had some flowers to put on Graham Foster's grave, it beimg a full year since he was killed in the storyline. I still miss him, but I have plenty of Andrew's DVDs to keep me happy!
5ft9.5. 😀👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/20
🎄 It's just occurred to me that Andrew is probably 5ft10 or nearly that first thing in the morning. It's also crossed my mind that, in my earlier days, I only got measured and weighed very early. If I'd gone any later to the swimming baths or shops to be weighed/measured, my stomach would have been so crammed full of tea that it would have added 4-6lbs, and that would have been totally out of the question! 😂😉😛
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/20
🎂🎁🎊🌹 Happy Birthday Andy! 🌹🎊🎁🎂
A massive Happy Birthday to Andrew Scarborough, who celebrated his 47th Birthday yesterday. I hope it was a great occasion for him and that he enjoys a wonderful New Year.
5ft9.5 🍻😄👍🎈 XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Sep/20
What's happening to me? I keep dreaming of celebrities! Not that I'm complaining mind you - I thoroughly enjoy it....
I've just woken from a dream in which I was wandering about Croydon. It was pre-covid and everybody could be seen to the full. The place was awash with stars but my interest was more aroused than ever when I saw Andrew Scarborough playing the guitar and singing, and he had a bloody good rock voice! 😋 I'd hoped he hadn't seen me coming out of a sex bargain shop; it didn't sell anything crude - just fluffy little nighties and the likes, so I bought one.
Later, I met a tiny little girl who was out of her home FOR SAFETY REASONS. This had a lot to do with a film I'd seen last night and what turned the central character into the evil killer that he was: 'Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer 2: Mask of Sanity'. I read his tragic history at the end of the film.
Well, I bumped into Andrew again and I told him why the little girl had been following me and what should I do? He recommended that I take her to the Police station, which I thought the best idea, but one I'd do on the strict proviso that they know what's going on at home.
Then I woke up.
So back to height now. Andrew was about as tall as my boyfriend, or taller, which is 5ft9 without shoes. When I first saw Andrew's 5ft9 here, his height was written up as 5ft10 on his internet pages, but has since been lowered to 5ft9, so you see Rob, your website is a force to be reckoned with!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Jul/20
@ Alison McCann - Have you watched Andrew in the drama 'Bad Girls'? He plays a rather corrupt prison officer, and has perhaps the biggest part I've seen him play since 'Emmerdale'. He's excellent in 'The Bible', and appears as a cop in 'Jamaica Inn'. I'm going to check him out in 'Hearts and Bones' soon.
Cheers Alison - your taste in men is admirable!
5ft9.75 😉👍💕😍💞
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jun/20
When my boyfriend came round the last time, he found my Andrew Scarborough coaster nesting away on my bed. I also have three Andrew Scarborough key rings and a fridge magnet, and asked him if he wanted any. He said, "I think I preferred it when you were in love with Liv Tyler!" I take it that meant NO!
Then I took him next door and pointed out my Liv Tyler doll!
Andrew gets 5ft9. 💕
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jun/20
I'd love to know what Andrew Scarborough will be starring in next! 😉👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jun/20
My boyfriend came round yesterday for a picnic in the back garden. I chauffered him into my room, where he noticed the pictures of Andrew Scarborough on my wall. He said, "Oh, is he your new Celebrity Crush?" 😂👌
I said, "Yes, and if you'd watched Emmerdale, you'd see he's a duplicate of yourself down to a tee, background-wise, height and build - and he was afraid of NOTHING!"
Andrew gets 5ft9.5. 😍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/20
I noticed that Andrew Scarborough was playing older in 'Emmerdale', as it had August 1968 on his coffin, but he was really born in November 1973. This was probably done to make him a more appropriate age to play Kim Tate's husband.
She selfishly had the poor man cremated with only her attending his funeral. What a horrible thing to do! 😝
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Feb/20
This morning I received a copy of Andrew's Emmerdale casting card together with two more replacement keyrings. The first one was played away by my kitty cat, Manelia!
I still can't get over how much taller than 5ft8.75 Robson Green Andrew looked in 'Touching Evil', and really suspect that he could be five foot ten now. There are some very tall guys in 'Emmerdale', but that isn't the case in 'Touching Evil' at all!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Feb/20
I am watching Andrew in 'Bad Girls' and he is as fearless as ever AGAIN! He's just told the number one prison officer that he's a piece of 💩, and the prison officer retorted, "Consider yourself DEAD!"
Andrew didn't flinch! The other guy is considerably taller than he is, but is loathed by everybody. I think he'll be the first to be knocking on the doors of the pearly gates, certainly not Andrew's character Kevin!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jan/20
⭐ I've just found out that Andrew plays Joshua in the 2013 production 'The Bible'.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jan/20
Wow! Did anyone notice that Graham (Andrew) didn't even cower when he was threatened by much taller men? Examples are Marlon Dingle (played by Mark Charnock), Jamie Tate (played by Alex Lincoln) and Al Chapman (played by Michael Wildman). Then there is, of course, the evil rapist Piers.
It just goes to show that an average-sized man can be at least as tough as a much taller one if he knows how to handle himself and has self-belief.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jan/20
Ha ha! I've just ordered myself an Andrew Scarborough fridge magnet and keyring! 😃👍🔑
Five nine and three quarters.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jan/20
I just ordered myself a copy of Bad Girls Series 7, with Andrew Scarborough. I've read the write-up and he sounds like a VERY naughty boy!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jan/20
@ Glenis: I've acually bought the CD 'Some Enchanted Evening'. I can play it now it its entirety! 😋👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jan/20
I've just found out that Andrew plays the part of Goliath in a TV dramatisation called 'The Bible'. He's certainly got the stature for it!
Have I ordered a copy? Well, of course! My knowledge of the Old Testament needs a thoroughly good brush-up, and I get to see Andrew into the bargain! 😋😍
Glenis Simms said on 24/Jan/20
I’m loving the Don’t Fear the Reaper at the start of Emmerdale this week too. I’m always fed up when it goes off so quickly. A few more bars would have added to the scene.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jan/20
Another thing Alison, I wonder how madly the sales of Blue Oyster Cult's 'Don't Fear The Reaper' have gone up? I sure have bought it! 😉👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jan/20
I like you Alison! 😁👍
I think it's dreadful that they've killed him off. I bought the 'Touching Evil' and 'Silent Witness' episodes just to see him. I think he's a marvellous actor.
Alison McCann said on 23/Jan/20
I have also noticed that Andrew was in the brilliant drama series Downton Abbey playing Tim Drewe, which was my favourite series and he also played Marcus Dunn in Holby City, And and also for playing Graham Foster in Emmerdale. He sure was my favourite character in the series. I would say that Andrew Scarborough is a amazing and a brilliant actor. My Guess of Andrew's height is 5'10.😃👍🌟🌟❤
Alison McCann said on 23/Jan/20
Oh no no cannot believe that the wonderful Graham Foster in Emmerdale had been killed. He sure was my favourite character in the series. And I always thought that the actor Andrew Scarborough is a really amazing actor. I would say his height is 5'10.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jan/20
I like the playing of Blue Oyster Cult's song 'Don't Fear The Reaper' at the beginning of each of this week's episodes - how very appropriate! I recall playing the opening scenes of 'The Stand' five times in succession just for the pleasure of listening to that track!
The confrontation between Chris Bisson's coked out Jai and Graham yesterday showed there was a slight difference in their heights, but only a small one. This time, I'm saying 5ft9.75 for Andrew Scarborough, who's MUCH stronger than Chris. It's just a shame that he doesn't have eyes at the back of his head!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jan/20
Oh no! They didn't kill off my favourite 'Emmerdale' actor at Christmas. They've saved that very dubious pleasure for my Birthday Week! What sort of present is that? A thoroughly stinking one, if you ask me!
My beloved Andrew Scarborough gets five foot TEN! He does look it many a time.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Dec/19
I'm so upset to read that my favourite Emmerdale actor in years is to be killed off as part of the Christmas festivities. 😭
Well, I'm most upset about it. I hope Andrew has something great planned for the new year for his fans. Before Emmerdale, I'd never really taken him in. Now I really like him and have dreamt of him TWICE!
I do like his voice! 🎁🕯️🎅⛄🎄😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/19
"Still breaking in your new house pet?" Graham (Andrew) said to Kim Tate about his eh, replacement! Very appropriate and very funny! 😁🐀👅
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Oct/19
It's a touch of sparkle for Graham to have found out that he DOES have a little daughter after all, having lost his wife and baby in a car accident, while he was at the wheel - drunk, and persecuting himself mercilessly ever since.
He's changed his will, bequeathing all his worldly possessions to the child, bless him. There's another possibility for new happiness in his life as he's fallen in love with Rhona, the vet, played by 5ft1 Zoe Henry, and she with him. So far, I don't think he's had much luck with relationships, and I SO hope that these two get together!
I have my fingers crossed that there isn't too much heartache to be experienced by Jamie Tate when he finds out and that having two Dads can be a positive experience, if you let it.
Today my guess for Graham, I mean Andrew (!), is 5ft9.25.
⭐ It's worthwhile to add that the little granddaughter of Kim Tate, as written about in my comment from the 22nd September, is the biological child of Andrew's Graham Foster. What a turn-up for the books that was! 😮 She's going to explode! 😝🖕 to her with my compliments!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Sep/19
Kim Tate's little granddaughter lost her lollipop. "Did you drop it in the car? Shall I have a look?" said Kim.
Then, pointing to Graham, the kid squeaked, "No he can!" (referring to Graham) "He's the servant!"
Graham (Andrew) merely cleared his throat! 😏
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jul/19
I am watching the 'Emmerdale' omnibus and was marvelling at what a chore it was.
Then I heard Andrew Scarborough's deep and sexy voice and I thought, "Well, not any more!" 👂😋👂
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jul/19
I'm glad Andrew had a suppressed sense of humour about the streaking couple!
😂😂😂 I even saw him grinning - twice!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/19
What on Earth does his cleaning lady think she's doing, going through Andrew's diary? That is a sacking offence!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Mar/19
I didn't half panic when that horrid Kim Tate was prepared to kick him out! 😝
Being the man he is, he wouldn't accept it, and told her where to go! He must surely have the sexiest voice on TV at present. 😋🏆
I'll give Andrew 9.25" over the 5ft mark once again, and his second comment of the year. 😁👍
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jan/19
On Saturday night/Sunday morning, Andrew Scarborough was a very welcome 'guest star' in one of my dreams! I was suffering from a bad cough, and Andrew said in his manly voice, "You need something for that cough!"
Absolutely stunned, I accepted a bottle containing a herb-based remedy, but not before I stroked his hand in gratitude!
I always find that 'Emmerdale' is more exciting when Andrew is figuring heavily in the storyline. I keep expecting Joe Tate to reappear, as he has been on the front cover of my TV mag recently with Mr Scarborough for the second time since his supposed demise. Why is Andrew's character, Graham, drinking through guilt if Joe is still alive and just been warned off? There has been no activity in Joe's bank account since he disappeared, so perhaps Graham gave him a large sum of Kim Tate's money, and now that Debbie has involved the Police, all will soon be revealed.
I found one scene particularly touching last week when Graham went to see Charlotte Bellamy's character for advice on a problem they share: that of alcoholism. Charlotte, who plays Laurel, I was surprised to find is 5ft3.75, but because that 4ft11 assistant of his is never out of high heels, she makes Andrew look shorter than he oughtta! She's Priya and played by Fiona Wade, the shortest cast member.
Next to Charlotte's Laurel, you could see a really notable difference between her and Andrew. Laurel was at home and not in heels, which is normally how it works! She dished out some really excellent advice to Graham, reassuring him that he had done very well to stay sober for so long and that he should seek proper help - and be honest with his girlfriend Megan, who genuinely loves him. Bravo to Laurel for that, and she also gets a huge thumbs-up emoji for enabling me to see that Andrew is every bit as tall as I expected, which is a very minimum of 5ft9 and 5ft10 when he gets out of bed in the morning. 😊👍
I give him 5ft9.25 and his first comment of 2019! 😁📺
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/18
I finally got round to watching the right 'Touching Evil' episodes which starred a young Andrew Scarborough and it was MAGNIFICENT! Robson, I must say, stole the show, but Andrew played someone way beyond his years. Another thing - if Robson's 5ft8.75, Andrew looked little short of 5ft10.
The episodes are the last two of Season Three, and the storyline centres upon fire and rebirth - scary stuff!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/18
⭐️ I bought the first series of 'Touching Evil', only to find that Andrew wasn't in it! It was still well worth seeing, and now I have Series 1-3!
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Dec/18
I'm delighted to say that I got my little mitts on a copy of the 'Touching Evil' series which has Andrew in two episodes. I can't wait to find out whether he plays a goodie or a baddie! Although he's only 45 now, he'll have been younger in this and it'll be interesting to see if he looks the same height, and if he's slimmer, which often makes a person look taller, as was the case in his 'Silent Witness' episodes, wherein he played someone with a dubious character.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Dec/18
Last Night's 'Emmerdale':
I could just see that there would be a price to pay when that interfering Priya confiscated Graham's car keys, left for the shops along that long country lane and there was an irresponsible kid at the wheel of a car stolen out of spite. But what was worse than that is after the youngsters had stacked and abandoned the car, its owner came along and got in the car - steaming, stinking DRUNK! Then when he hit Graham and left him for dead, all he was worried about was his blessed car and self-preservation. I was livid! How DARE he run my Graham over! 😝
If that happened in real life, and happen it does, the victim risks suffering from life-long injuries and pain, including a bad posture and height-loss. Our roads should be treated with respect, and NEVER should anyone drive sozzled.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Nov/18
Ha ha! Did Graham really pour beer on his breakfast cereal in tonight's 'Emmerdale'? That must taste disgusting! 😖😩
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Nov/18
Hey Rob!
I just came across an interview with Andrew where he discloses that he was in 'Coronation Street'! It was at the same time as when Suranne Jones was in it.

Editor Rob
In the UK, you eventually would appear on one of the soaps!
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Nov/18
Yesterday I saw Andrew starring in an episode of the third series of 'Silent Witness'. He was 24/25 years of age and looked above average in height, but he was slimmer in a less muscular way than he is today, which could have accounted for his looking that much taller, not to mention the other stars probably averaged out at less than the 'Emmerdale' crowd he stars with now.
Had he had a bigger part in this, I would have considered buying the third series of 'Silent Witness'. I already have the first two on their way!
While hunting around on the internet for things Andrew has starred in, I found that he was in 'Touching Evil', with Robson Green. I therefore ordered the first series to scrutinise the couple of episodes he is in. Robson is a good measuring implement, and I rate Robson's 'Wire in the Blood', which I have in its entirety. From what I've seen of 'Touching Evil', it is pretty much on the same lines in its capacity to thrill. Yes, real edge-of-your-seat stuff, with the added bonus of Andrew Scarborough. Now that suits me fine!😁
I'm going to give him 5ft9.5.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Oct/18
The person who said that is Connor. Hi Connor, and Happy Halloween! 🎃😁👍
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Oct/18
So glad to see him back after largely missing out on last week! I heard him before I actually saw him, and then when I looked up I noticed him talking to Cain. There didn't seem to be much difference height-wise, and whoever said that Cain looked 5ft11 with him has indeed got a point, unless the scene was filmed at Andrew's tallest time of the day, which could easily be nearing 5ft10.
Csimpson6ft said on 17/Oct/18
@Nik i just cant see him at only 5'8.75 Nik, he's been making Jeff Hordley look like a 5'11 guy recently which i wouldn't rule out for him, but i think Andrew has been looking more of a strong 5'9 guy than a weak one, he's got to be at least a solid 5'9er.
Nik said on 17/Oct/18
I do think it is likely that he is at least 5'8.75" but 5'9.25" at tops! He is a great addition to celebheights!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Oct/18
@ Connor - Well said! 👍
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Oct/18
@ Little sue - That's because his part calls for an expressionless face. He can let go though - I've seen it!
I think he's an excellent actor.
Connor Simpson said on 15/Oct/18
@little sue I disagree, his acting seems pretty good, especially in scenes when he gets angry and shouts and like when he got upset after assassinating Joe, he really shows emotion I think, id say he's one of the best actors I've ever seen in Emmerdale in my opinion.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/18
Well, Rob, I like it!! It's a nice BIG one! 😊
Connor Simpson said on 14/Oct/18
Rob do you think Andrew might be over 5'9? Like 5'9.25 or 5'9.5?

Editor Rob
The most I'd go with is 9.25
little sue said on 14/Oct/18
I would guess about 5ft 9. Think his performance in Emmerdale so wooden, he has about 3 expressions!
Connor Simpson said on 14/Oct/18
@Sandy Cowell he might be 5'9.25 or possibly 9.5, but Jeff looks a bit shorter nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised if he is closer to the 5'11 range today.
Nik said on 13/Oct/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I know exactly which scene you are talking about, it was from Thursday's second episode of "Emmerdale"! It was great to see the way that Andrew remained cool and unmoved when Jeff Hordley's character Cain Dingle (autocorrect tried to change it to Dongle!) squared up to him, and of course this scene provided us with ample opportunity to compare their heights too! As you can imagine I have nearly worn the pause button out on the remote control and it has to be said that Andrew always looked over 5'9" when compared to Jeff, but that is assuming their postures and footwear were equal! Then there is the small matter of possible hair advantage to consider!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Oct/18
Particularly superb choice of picture Rob! 👌

Editor Rob
I think it was the only one on the prphotos site!
184.5/185Jeff said on 12/Oct/18
Great actor, best performance I have seen in a long while, and seems reasonably over 5ft9, I would say not far off 5ft10
Sakz said on 12/Oct/18
Next to Jeff Hordley who plays Cain (who is listed at 5'11.75) he looked over 5'9 and closer to 5'10 although footwear may have influenced that. Jeff also doesn't have the best posture at times so that was also probably a factor. However, seeing him next to other members of the cast 5'9 seems about right and in terms of proportions he looks average height.
Nik said on 12/Oct/18
I have faith in Rob so Andrew, from Harrogate, can 'ave 5'9"!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Oct/18
He was fantastic tonight AGAIN, putting on a performance to be proud of.
He didn't so much as flinch when Cain stood up and tried to look all threatening! Cain, played by Jeff Hordley, is very nearly 6ft. Andrew did NOT have it necessary to look down at him when giving him the eye-to-eye. He could look him virtually straight in the face, and that was something I couldn't help noticing. Perhaps Andrew is nearer 5ft10 at certain times of the day, because he sure looked over 5ft9 in that scene!
Jeff's Cain had better watch out! He's no longer the hardest hard nut in 'Emmerdale'!
Nik said on 11/Oct/18
@ Rob - Thanks for giving Andrew Scarborough his page on this website!
@ Sandy Cowell - Look who's here, we are so lucky to see Andrew Scarborough aboard celebheights!
Andrew has an excellent acting CV and he always performs very well when playing the part of Graham Foster in "Emmerdale", he is also a theatre actor who performs in a number of major theatres! It is great that celebheights has provided us all with accurate information about Andrew Scarborough's height!
Zampo said on 11/Oct/18
I actually think there is greater chance Mr Scarborough would measure slightly under than over 5'9. 5'8.75 is entirely possible from what I've seen.
Zampo said on 11/Oct/18
Sandy Cowell, thought as much he was "about 5'9" (as I stated in the height request page). I am quite confident Ned Porteus would measure in the 5'11 range. Maybe similar to someone like Finn Jones (on celebheights).
Paul Wood said on 11/Oct/18
I thought he was shorter but after seeing photos of him with 6ft Ned Porteous I think 5ft 9in is correct.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Oct/18
I think he could reach 5ft10 or just under at his tallest time of day.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Oct/18
I'm so pleased to see him on Celebheights! I think he's really made his mark in 'Emmerdale' now. You can tell he's an experienced actor - unfortunately I haven't seen 'Downton Abbey' - but I'm loving him in 'Emmerdale' right now. He just gets better and better!
Height-wise, I would say a strong, burly 5ft9, a bit like my boyfriend!
Great to see him - thanks Rob!