Jewels said on 7/Feb/23
flat 5’3 max 5’2.75 min & 88 lbs, she definitely wasn’t 110 lbs as some sites list her since she was very frail/petite.
heyyyyyyyy said on 14/Apr/21
Such a talented singer
Leesheff85 said on 1/Jan/21
How about singer celeste? She won brit award for rising star I'm not sure how tall she is but does look tall alot taller than 5ft 8 jools holland
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Sep/20
Amy should have turned 37 years old today.
I was washing the kitchen floor when my boyfriend shouted in that Amy had died. I screamed "NO!"
At just 27, she had so much more to give, both musically and to herself as a person. It was a very sad time.
RIP Amy 🕯️ XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Sep/19
Amy would have turned 36 years old today.
Mon said on 24/Aug/19
Well below the shoulder level of her husband and often looking barely five foot tall, if that, when walking with him. In the documentary about the run up to her tragic demise there was a tattooist who had her come into his shop incognito make the point repeatedly that she was so small. He said she was tiny. That she could make such an impression on a ordinary bloke when not in public appearance mode makes it very unlikely she was anything like 5'3'', which to me is only shortISH for a girl. If you subtract the big hair and the heels her bodily proportions (head to upper body especially) are of a very petite woman. Subtract two inches.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Nov/18
Can you add Jazz performers category for Amy and Lady Gaga too, they're both jazzers at heart and both performed with Bennett.
Isaac said on 6/Feb/18
Small Women but big voice. I'am still a Fan of her, she was an authentic artist.
Lee168cm said on 22/Sep/17
Would she be around 5'8" in the photo above? Those heels are very high

Editor Rob
nah, they ain't as big as say 5 inches, but could be a bit over 4.
BilboBaggins said on 10/Nov/16
For all the people below quoting the supposed height of Amy from The Sun newspaper - come on, you actually believe what that yarn-spinning tabloid rag tells you?? 4' 11", my ass! That'd put her in the same range as the late French singer, Edith Piaf, ffs! No WAY. Amy was more like 5' 2"-to-5' 2.5". She was short, but she wasn't that short, i.e. 4' 11"! I remember seeing a photo of Amy standing alongside the Olsen twins (Mary-Kate and Ashley) - who are about 5' 0", I think? - and I was surprised to see that Amy noticeably had several inches on them. It's interesting that 5' 2" Lily Allen has never looked as short as Amy Winehouse did (in heels, or not) though. I'm assuming this may have been because Amy was very thin and almost shrunken-looking at times... Amy's dad, Mitch Winehouse, looks about 5' 5" to me.
Does anyone happen to know what height Amy's ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, was? He looked at least 5'10" to me.
DarthVader said on 22/May/16
Just curious Rob, why give her the higher claim she made yet give someone like Tom Welling the shorter claim he made? Welling has alot of evidence suggesting he's a legit 6'3, much as I think you might say Winehouse has evidence suggesting she is nearer to 5'3 than 5'2

Editor Rob
last time I looked I thought 5ft 2 might be on the low end, 5ft 2.5 may well be a good enough shout, she basically went 5ft 2,2.5 and 3. Welling has went 'almost' and 6ft 3.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Mar/16
It was supposed to have been a joke Rich!!!
New found respect for her since seeing the Amy documentary which is an amazing film. Extremely talented and a genuinely good if lost soul. That Tony Bennett who has worked with all of the greats considers her in the elite with Ella and Billie Holiday is the biggest compliment you can give a jazz singer. Wished she'd have done more traditional jazz stuff.
Rich said on 17/Feb/13
Uhm....that's her song "F Me Pumps" in that link. The lyrics are "But you'd love a rich man 6 ft 2 or taller." She never stated she's that tall LOL. She's quite the opposite. She's very short and even with heels she seems to be shorter than most of her celebrity friends and family. Minus her beautiful beehive of course. <3 RIP
Arch Stanton said on 5/Feb/13
UK Singer, said in 2004 Gloucestishire Echo "I'm only 5ft 2in. I'm really not that scary. I'm only little". Also reported from court she said "5-foot-2½, or 5-foot-3" as her height to a judge.
This isn't true.
Click Here see 18:05 and 19:07. She claims she was taller than 6 ft 2, I reckon she could have been 6 ft 4, what do you reckon Rob?
Shan said on 23/Jan/12
I would say 5'2
little sue said on 29/Dec/11
I'm 4ft 11 and with heels and big hair I still get questioned about my tiny height even when I'm working alongside my collegue who is 5ft 2 who never gets questioned. Amy was never as low as 4ft 11, I passed by her at a festival a couple of years back and I was in 4 inch wedges but you could see she was still taller than me in her ballet pumps
Lola said on 28/Dec/11
i'm 4'11..i can say this here because non of you know me, but i tell everyone I am 5'2 and always have and no-one questions it....its only 3 inches...I can make up 3 inches with a pair of shoes that aint that high and an inch of backcombing my hair up...if Amys hair was about 4 inches (still not that high) she'd get away with the 5'3 claim easily....on stage she often wore really high shoes too....I only heard she was this tiny recently so i was lookng at photos of her and blake, in her ballet shoes and yeah her nose is about the same place on his body as mine is to my partner and he is 5'11....again i believe if her dad said she was that small, then she was cos he'd know right ha!! .....i also read a biography about shakira a couple of years back and it said she is only 4'11 too. television can trick the eye...if you get backing people to stand a litle way behind you, you can totally get away with looking a few more inches taller....thing is....everyone talks like its wierd but there are loads of people this small....especially women, its not that freakish haha
Aellai said on 14/Sep/11
I'd say 5'1" and a half to 5'2". My sisters 5'2" and if I compare full body pictures of them together, they look roughly the same. Plus Amy's beehive and such makes her look taller.
Kian said on 14/Aug/11
I've heard claims shes 5'4 1/2 when thats wrong because then i hear shes 5'3 1/2 5'3 5'2 3/4 then i hear 5'2 1/2 then 5'2 then 5'1 shes nowhere near 5'4 1/2 shes tiny she looks 4'11 and in the Sun newspaper it says shes 4'11 and on the news it says she was 4'11 and could'nt cope with what her body went through 4'11 flat no more IMO.
MD said on 8/Aug/11
No, she wasn't. And anyone with eyes could see that. The media for whatever reason (I guess because her size didn't fit her out-sized personality) ofter overplayed her lack of height, but actually, she was just a bit below average. It stranges, because they seem to do that with women, a lot, even more so than men.
melpa said on 7/Aug/11
she isn't 5'3 she was actually 4ft 11.
SmellyMelly said on 30/Jul/11
I heard on the news and read in the paper that she was 4ft 11inches as well. I'm 5ft 3inch and I thought that was short! She was only tiny, bless her, so just imagine the hell her little body went through with all that s**t she put into it. It's a shame and a complete waste!!
Garry j said on 30/Jul/11
I gotta go along with her dad he must know her thing for sure is she is woman Back to Black blew me away what a crying shame she has gone bless you Amy..
littlesue said on 29/Jul/11
A few more references in the papers to say she was 4ft 11, even her dad saying it. Whether its to make it more revelant about drink affection her more because of her size and build, no ways was she that short
omar said on 28/Jul/11
From The Sun today: And the tragic star's loved ones believe she was killed by a seizure because her tiny 4ft 11in frame could not cope with such a dramatic withdrawal.
Read more:
Click Here
RM said on 27/Jul/11
Sleep tight Amy......such a talent, such a disease......I love you girl.....RIP.
littlesue said on 27/Jul/11
There is an article in The Sun newspaper today and her Manager says 'She was only 4ft 11, her body could'nt cope with all she went through'. I very much doubt she was this petite, she could look small in her ballet flats she wore but never tiny
hey said on 27/Jul/11
Beautiful hommages. Rest in Peace, Amy, we´ll miss you.
PB said on 26/Jul/11
An amazing talent, a tortured soul. It seemed as though every song she sang was filled with pain and sadness, and as I listened I thought, no one could fake that emotion. Her music was a vessel for whatever pain and insecurity she felt. What I will never understand is how someone so beautiful, so talented, so gifted could be so tortured. She may have been small in stature, but her talent, and more importantly, her heart was larger than life. May the soul of the late Amy Winehouse rest in peace.
MD said on 24/Jul/11
Man, one of the people in the world I truly wanted to have the pleasure of eventually meeting. Our poor Amy is gone. :(
As for her height, she really seemed comfortable with her height. In fact, I think she liked the fact of being the height she was even if she wasn't comfortable with much else about herself. God, I wish she would have been surrounded by more people who truly cared about her like her fans and her family did. I remember a few years back thinking that her father was airing too much of her dirty laundry in the media, but now I see how truly desperate he was.
ThestarUK said on 24/Jul/11
I thought she was 5'6 - 5'8 woow this shocking
Shes a awesome singer though, RIP
Mr. Tempus said on 23/Jul/11
5'3 for her, requiescat in pacem
Samuel said on 23/Jul/11
Amy's beehive makes her looks like a goddess and the fact that she was 5 feet 2+ plus inches make it more thrilling. If her beehive adds 5 inches to her height and she wears these 6 inches high heels shw would be the most beautiful chick on planet earth. A poem for her:
Oh! darling Amy, I have neber seen you physically boy i always loved to see your photo on the magazines and newspapers. Altough you are dead physically i hope to meet you in your astral form one day and we will have a good time!
Oh Blakey why did you let Amy go alone and then with another bloke! She was your chick mate!
Button said on 23/Jul/11
RIP Amy Winehouse. Poor girl. I cannot believe she's dead. So tragic. A truly talented young woman has been taken away far too soon. Height just seems much more insignificant once someone dies. But, I realise that's what this site is for, so I will discuss that now. OK, well I reckon she was being honest about her height when she said 5'2.5" or 5'3", unlike most celebrities who tend to add a good two inches or so to their height. I honestly would have guessed the exact same range for her, even if she hadn't claimed it, 5'2.5" to 5'3". She genuinely looked that range to me. Definitely closer to 5'3" than 5'2", in my opinion. I mean, she was below average height but she wasn't all that short. I'm inclined to say 5'3" was her real height, but 5'2.75" is still a good estimate.
Chiara said on 23/Jul/11
amy, R.I.P. <3
short man syndrome said on 2/Jan/11
if she's 5'3, Blake's probably about 5'10.
5 foot 8 Brazilian fella said on 17/Jan/09
Maybe her huge hair adds a good 5 in to her height, thus making her look like 5'7
ice said on 14/Jan/09
Actually, I don't think Amy's lying about the 5'2. It just shows that Rob is too generous with most of the women on this site. Many appear to be at least an inch shorter than what's on here i.e. Mina Suvari, Olsen Twins, Kelly Osbourne, Kate Moss, Shakira, J-lo etc.
MD said on 7/Nov/08
Go to the bottom of the page and see the post I made back last year with a picture of her and Kelly Osbourne.
lillee said on 7/Nov/08
I recently saw a picture od her and kelly osbourne both in heels and Amy was about 3 inches taller. Crazy. Could she be 5 foot 6
MD said on 22/Aug/08
She really does give off the impression of being much larger. As that article said, between her force-of-nature personality, hair, and make-up, she seems bigger-than-life. But, if she's only 5'2", perhaps we should bring her down, and maybe that means we need to correct the height of Kelly Osbourne.
ender said on 22/Aug/08
wat say about this article???
Click Hereshe says she is the same height as danny devito????????????
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
"I'm only 5ft 2in. I'm really not that scary. I'm only little"
No offense to Amy but with that face she'd still be scary even is she was only 4 ft 2 in tall.
Anonymous said on 22/May/08
"Amy Winehouse is only 5'2", but with her swoosh of black eyeliner and towering beehive – which she calls her "secret weapon"– she's larger than life."
Click Here
Sophie said on 5/May/08
It's so scary, on that pic with the olsens, Amy looks so much older :| amy is 24 or 25 I don't know while the olsens are 21 or 22, 3 years isn't that much, but it's so scary :|
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/08
I've actually seen and met her a number of times, and let me tell you she's a lot shorter than my gf, who is 5'3'. You can think she's 5'2' if you like, but I swear to you she's shorter - my guess is 5'1.5' and no more.
M said on 10/Apr/08
I've cuddled the girl, drunk in her company... trust me - flat footed; she is (minus the hair, of course)5ft 2ish.
Sid said on 21/Mar/08
sorry i meant 160
Sid said on 19/Mar/08
rob, i would know, i am on bloody youtube for cristsakes, with her, she is more 164.
MD said on 18/Mar/08
She really is underestimating herself. In fact, one of the very few celebrities who do that.
yourmama said on 17/Mar/08
in that picture with the olsens' she looks like she's about 5'4". I think she is underestimating herself
candi said on 22/Feb/08
Someone on here earlier said they'd be able to judge Amy's height better if they saw her standing with the Olsen twins?
Here's the link:
Click Here
brapp said on 19/Feb/08
her brother said in an article he wrote about her that she's barely 5'2" minus the hive and the heels
Chris said on 13/Feb/08
well i think shes like 5'4...cos look at her next to kelly and not only that mary kate olsen is 5 feet...and shes been like what 80 pounds...and she still never looked tall...LOL so i dunnnnnno
bob said on 3/Jan/08
her massive barnet makes her look about 2-3 inches taller..
ally said on 5/Oct/07
i thought she was an inch or so smaller than this!
Nanna said on 3/Sep/07
She is so amazing. She is 5'3 heigh (1.60 m) But often wear high heels.
glenn said on 9/Aug/07
seemed closer to 5-3 in slip fooled by her seeing photos of her and ozzy and both being the same.
J. said on 29/Jul/07
Long time, no type! LOL. Anyway, I think Amy's towering beehive makes her look taller. She's defintely 5'2" like she said. Her boniness makes her come across even wispier. Shame, too since she really was an attractive woman with a nice shape during her first album. I guess some people just have that ole 'self destruct' gene.
MD said on 19/Jul/07
Yeah, she used to look much better with a bit more meat of her bones. Now, she looks kind of sick, really.
anna said on 18/Jul/07
OMG She only 5'2???? wow she looks way taller... BTW she from the UK
she's brilliant! :)

Editor Rob
I can never get my head round why women get tattoos, she looks skinny in that new video and walking street does look small even with the 6 inch hivedo.
Viper said on 20/Jun/07
Where did this chick come from?
Luci said on 20/Jun/07
Click Here
she looks pretty tiny here
nikki said on 17/Jun/07
I agree with sunbeame, could somebody explain the emma bunton pictures
Kate said on 18/May/07
4 inch tall beehive hairdo + 4 inch heels + being incredibly rail-thin = Amy looking like a tall lass. I was absolutely shocked that she's only 5'2'' (the most recent Entertainment Weekly with Kelly Clarkson on the cover reports that as Amy's height in an interview, btw) and I immediately came here to check. Wow! Like Christina Aguilera, a tiny woman with a huge voice.
sunbeame said on 23/Apr/07
She must be taller than this as she is considerably taller than the apparently 5ft1 Emma Bunton. Photos can be seen on getty images.
Sam said on 19/Apr/07
I met her a few weeks back here in Austin, Tx @ SXSW. We took a pic standing right next to each other, and she is tiny. 5'2" would def be my guess. For sure no taller than 5'3"@
MD said on 17/Apr/07
Then Kelly Osbourne's height needs some major revision. Both she and Kelly can't be 5'2".
CC said on 15/Apr/07
I've seen her in person...and she is definitely tiny! I wouldn't say 5'2" is wrong :P
MD said on 8/Apr/07
Only a half-and-inch? She really does look to have a full 2 inches on Kelly, and of average height. I think this is one of the very rare cases of someone underestimating themselves.
MHouillon said on 4/Apr/07
Yeah, despite wearing big heels, looks much taller than 5'2. Remember, sahe drinks a lot, perhaps she was drunken and only measured her legs..
[Editor Rob: upgrade her and blame the drink then!