Nik said on 11/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I would like to say that your last comment to me was very thoughtful and full of empathy and understanding for my situation as a sufferer of EB. You are right saying that I am aware of the fact deep down that I am as worthy and as good as any able bodied person, but sometimes it gets me down when I start feeling that the world is all set up for able bodied people and it is easy to feel in the shadows of society at times. Therefore at such times I start to waiver from my belief that I am as worthy as anybody else although deep down I know that I am.
The most important thing I have learnt in life is to be grateful for what I have got and to appreciate all the good things that I have in life which sadly some able bodied people don't value as much. You are totally correct Sandy, sadly some people moan about their lot despite having so much going for them, these people need to be told by people like myself that there is not much wrong with their lives.
Also thank you for encouraging me to open up and say what I feel about anything that is on my mind due to being a disabled person, it is always important to share how you feel with other people, life would be so much better if everyone did this sort of thing because keeping ones struggles and issues under lock and key can be so damaging. As a friend I will always have rime to listen to you too Sandy, and I will always do what I can to support you in whatever way possible.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Aug/17
@ Nik - I forgot to mention that you are still a young man in the prime of his life!
Nik said on 10/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I will answer your very nice comment later. Firstly I would like to say there is one more thing I want to tell you and Rob. Should I ask you to e-mail Rob to find out some information, or should I try to tell you on a quiet page?
I will proceed when you have answered me.
I have answered your comment on the Sonya Balmores page, it is in Rob's I tray as I write.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Aug/17
@ Nik - My heart goes out to you having just read your comment below. π’
Never should you feel any less of a person because you were born with EB. The sensible person within you knows that, but the very human Nik still feels tortured, as well he might. Anyone would feel that way. By telling the people on this, your favourite website, part of you is saying, "I was born with a debilitating skin condition which makes it hard for me to do the things that nearly everyone takes for granted, but I am just the same as everyone else and worthy of the same respect, as are others like me!"
.... and the other part of Nik wishes to enlighten the people who don't know about this condition and need telling about it.
If I were you, I'd feel an urgent need to tell those who moan about 'their lot', when in fact there is not all that much amiss with their lives. Perhaps this could become a new discussion point as it applies to celebrities and the rest of us alike, but right now, I feel you have taken a brave enough step by opening up like this. It must have taken a great deal of forethought to make that decision and I hope you feel that, having broken the ice like this, you don't have to keep this to yourself any longer. If ever you wish to pour your heart out, then feel free to do so!
You have time for others so I'm sure they'll be only too eager to spare you as much time as you need and so richly deserve.
I know I will!
Cheers for now, Nik! π
Nik said on 9/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I have learnt to live with my condition as I have got older but it has not been easy and through my life I have felt frustrated at being disabled and I have always felt that people have defined me by my disability. I suppose mentioning about my disability on a website in front of countless people is not easy but then when I was more ready to do so it was not easy breaking the duck on this issue, so my silence just went on.
In all honesty though although it has handicapped me in my life I can still do the vast majority of things that able bodied people can do, I just feel that my opportunities in life have been limited.
Being disabled is not something to be ashamed of and good people like you and Rob know this, however I won't lie and I will be honest in saying that it has got me down in my life.
I really hope that your back problems are reduced as much as possible and I know that it will be a very difficult time for you. I am really glad that you are positive about your life, that is how you must be. It's so important to look up in life and be joyful about things, everyday it is important to be thankful about all the good things in your life and to invent new aspirations for the future so there are things to look forward to.
I have answered your comment on the Sophie Balamores page, so please look out for that'
Take care!
Nik said on 9/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Oh yes, and we saw a multi coloured cat outside the patio door a few days ago!
Nik said on 9/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell
I am always checking out people all the time ,what people will think I do not know! Ha ha.
Yes, it was great to see the dog I mentioned about, it was like a wolf, but it is a lovely dog!
It worries me when you say that you can hardly walk, so take care.
I'll be back!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Aug/17
@ Nik - I'm getting ready to go to the doctor - and check out the peops on the way!
I'd love to meet a big brown dog like you did in the doctor's surgery! Brown (chocolate) and blue-grey dogs are my favourite colours for dogs - and mega-unusual colours for cats! π©πΈππ
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Aug/17
@ Nik - Steven Yeun is someone I haven't heard of at all! I'll have a look at what is being chatted about on his page asap! π
Nik said on 9/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I will answer this nice comment of yours in full later. You are right in that all children should be respectful of others, I have come across many other people with physical and mental impairments and, like you, I respect them and think about them with as high a regard as anyone else.
I hope everything goes OK at the doctors for you, take care.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Aug/17
@ Nik - Hello! I have just read your two comments in response to my comment regarding your EB.
I don't see for one moment why you should feel embarrassed about talking about something that, through absolutely no choice of your own making, is part of your everyday life, but understand? Oh yes, of course I do, as would anybody. It's an inborn desire to want to be like everyone else; to feel that we belong. Hmmmm... height tends to creep in everywhere!
All parents should bring up their kids to be respectful of everybody, how ever God made them. I'm sure you'll join me in giving the 'two thumbs up' sign to the Jeremy Kyle Show, because drawing to the public's attention unpleasant conditions that people have to live with, in a world ignorant through no fault of its own, is the very best of its redeeming features. Watching the brawling and rowing is hardly the highlight of anyone's morning, and the repetitious phrasiology and lousy grammar can make me want to scream sometimes! Actually, I was staying at my Dad's when it was first aired and he would kick me out of bed or bring me in from the garden (whatever I was doing!), just to get me 'to see some angry people!' We thought it was hilarious!
The show has come a long way since those early days of over 12 years ago!
I have my doctor's visit tomorrow to find out whether anything can be done. It won't be pleasant, (the surgery) but just as long as I can get better, I will be really grateful. I can hardly walk now, so when I can again, at least I'll know what people go through when they're disabled. Yes, for the past couple of weeks I have been using a stick! I thought I should accept the offer when I stood up in the chemists and nearly went flying into a line of people queueing up! Not long ago, I was darting up the stairs two at a time and doing handstands with the kids in our gardens!
However, I eat every day, have water when I'm thirsty and a bed to sleep in at night! I have friends, I have my cats and I am never bored, so I think I'm one of the lucky ones! Oh, and I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure from trivial things, like pausing a DVD and taking in the beauty of the mountains, the sky or the countryside, even though I'm not there in real life - and the film is a complete load of sh*t!
OK, I have to shoot (if only!) downstairs and see to the cats!
Keep your chin up and your head held high!
Only three more days to go and it'll be the weekend again, and another thing that dawned on me the other day - in a few weeks time, our shops will be filling up with Christmas things again!
π πππππ π
That's a nice little thought on which to close! Cheers Nik!
Nik said on 8/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell
I really appreciate everything you have said in your last comment! My life is much richer for finding this website, and becoming friends with you is a significant part of that. Everyday I look forward to our next chat.
I could easily see Amrit being 5'6.5" like you claim, I think she is a convincing 5'6" person. I will go for 5'6.25"!
What do you think to Steven Yeun? Have you been on his page and seen the debate on there?
Nik said on 8/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Thank you for the nice things that you have said in your comment yesterday evening. My Mum and I thought that you would check out my condition on "Google" and that is exactly what you did. It is a terrible illness to have and I am unfortunate to have it but some people have it far worse than I do and I am aware of that when having EB gets me down.
I would like to have mentioned my condition before but I felt shy about doing so on the Internet in front of so many other people, I obviously don't mean you and Rob as well as a few others. However in the end I just came out with it as I just wanted you and Rob to know and I don't care how many other people know about it. I have met other people with this condition, some with EB far worse than me, and they come across as fun people who are positive about life as well as being good and kind people.
Communicating with you on this website has been an enjoyable part of my life for the best part of a year, I like you and look forward to our interesting conversations and I find you to be a nice person who is respectful of adults and children of both genders, plus it's great that you are an animal lover too!
It's great to hear about the fact that you were snacking on fruit yesterday, I think that I am going to have some grapes and maybe an apple today, but not yet as I don't fancy it at the moment, it's 8:45 in the morning!
I had a doctors appointment at about 11:00 yesterday morning, we got the taxi there to save us from walkIng, a short distance though it was!
Have a great week Sandy, enjoy dipping into the fruit bowl! Oh yes, we saw a really big brown dog that was if a poodle breed in the doctors surgery, the fog belonged to a lady who popped in. The dog came up to me and then to someone else who was in the waiting room!
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Aug/17
@ Nik - As you can imagine, I have been checking out on 'Google' about your skin condition, and it did upset me more than a little.
Only 5,000 people in this country live with this debilitating illness. Of course I have heard of it, but I didn't know it came in so many forms (about 27, I read).
I find it amazing that people whose lives are blighted like this are far more optimistic, not to mention grateful for the good things that life has given them. So many people dwell on the negative, but those who have to make an effort every single day to feel nice and comfortable, something taken for granted by the masses, are far more often thankful for the good things regarding how they were made.
I knew I liked knowing you before, and looked forward to our fun and pensive chats every day, or nearly every day, but now I can honestly say that I have admiration and love for you and having you featuring in my life is certainly enhancing and adding to the quality of it. It is also quite an honour to meet someone so positive, not to mention kind.
I have some dark-coloured grapes, satsumas and a sugar-free jelly sitting next to me on my bedside table to snack on this evening and there are some odd-looking peaches downstairs shaped like doughnut rings waiting to be eaten, but all fruit is good food! That's another plus with favouring a height website - health matters figure strongly when the subject is to do with the body, and there again, I am speaking to a fellow health-conscious human being with a great fascination in the subject of height - you, not forgetting the other interesting people as well!
I missed my doctor's appointment this morning because I overslept! My new painkillers are doing that to me! I go on Wednesday instead, which is extremely convenient! πππ
Have a smashing and enjoyable week Nik!
Take care! πΈ
All the Best to your family, π©especially your Mum! βπ‘π
Nik said on 7/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell @ Rob
Coming to this website and meeting lovely people like both of you means so much to me. Don't worry about what I have said about my disability, my health is good and I am fortunate in other ways!
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Aug/17
@ Rob - Blokes like you, Rob, are a rarity!
Cutting remarks can be terribly damaging to members of both sexes, and when you are in the public eye all the time, reading nasty things about yourself must really finish you off. I have no doubt whatsoever that the celebs come along to this site and others like it, and what a grand opportunity this is for us, therefore, to take in a few deep breaths and think before we write in future, to bolster ππ up their confidence rather than destroy it. ππ’
It can't be that difficult to look for the NICE things in people and avoid the ones we have nothing nice to say about! Surely it can't be too hard? If we apply these few basic rules when we criticise others, famous or otherwise, there is absolutely no doubt that this will be a far kinder and lovelier world for us all to share in! ππ
π π‘πͺπ ππ©ππ’πππ¦πππ
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Aug/17
Hey! I love the subject of height and I also find make-up kind of interesting, especially when it may effect a woman's confidence - and height!
Cheers all!

Editor Rob
sometimes we - myself included - have to be mindful of the way we phrase things.
There was another actress who read her page on here and saw a couple of comments that were about her appearance, and she said they were celebs do read this site π
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Aug/17
@ Arch - Good on you for speaking your mind! When I see a photo which compares unfavourably to how someone usually looks, I often feel the need to bite my tongue and say nothing!
I must say, I find it very refreshing to see such blatent honesty, not to mention humerous! π

Editor Rob
She wore a darker lipstick and enhanced her eyelashes a bit...that's how she chose to look and is how she looked for that event. Unfortunately with prphotos that was the only option I had, and I like to host a photo on this server if I can, so that it's always there.
make-up can certainly give ladies a different look, but it's a site about their height, not their make-up choices π
Arch Stanton said on 2/Aug/17
Gorgeous girl but horrible photo of her in comparison to how she looks in most though Sandy. Her face and hair look plastic here.
Josh said on 30/Jul/17
Nico Cortez so you won't forget to put him Rob
Katie said on 29/Jul/17
Looking at her leg length- I'm going to say 5"5
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jul/17
What gorgeous hair Amrit has! All sleek, shiny and black!
And with a height of 5ft6-5ft7, with model vital statistics, this girl has got the lot!
Shame I don't watch Hollyoaks so I have never been able to take in all these assets of hers!
I am going to go for 5ft6.5 for Amrit.