German born actor best known for playing Uhtred of Bebbanburg in The Last Kingdom and Luke Ramsey in American Horror Story.
Photo by kathclick/
Neil Craig said on 27/Apr/23
I recently visited Bamburgh Castle and some of the costumes and props from Seven Kings Must die are there, including his outfit. I would gauge that Alexander is just under 5 foot 10. Terrific actor and a lovely person as well.
KH said on 25/Oct/20
I doubt he weighs 180lbs. The average weight for a 5.9.5 man in the United Statues is 175. Believe it or not unless you are a serious body builder being lean and muscular generally means weighing a bit less then average. I would guess he weighs about 165-170lbs. A guy like Sugar Ray Leonard in his prime a guy around this height weighed like 155lbs during his fighting days when he was all lean muscle. He is not quite in the shape a guy like Leonard was so I would guess 10-15lbs more. A guy like this is really thin in the waist with wide shoulders gives the illusion of being heavier then they are.
DellAM said on 7/Aug/20
Great actor in his every role! Good job Alexander, we love you
Philip S said on 13/Sep/19
I don't understand the criticism of Dreymon's casting, he was a great choice for Uhtred. Admittedly, the similarly 5' 9" David Dawson is the true centerpiece of the series (he's ASTONISHING), but Dreymon is quite good; few others would have shared his magnetism in the role. Dawson may be the exact same height, in fact, but there's very little in photos to distinguish their respective heights relative to one another.
Jakob said on 5/Apr/19
I love the Last Kingdom, especially the first two series'. How much do you think he weighs on that show, Rob? I'd have thought 185 range, though I would have also guessed him near 5ft 10

Editor Rob
He could look near 5ft 10 at times, I would have thought 180 range at least
Patrick|1.76m said on 19/Nov/18
Watching the third season of last kingdom, i think he never looks small, what a 1.75m could look. Of course he looks small next to tallish warriors of the series, but i would guess him above 1.75 more then i guess him under 1.75.
And no matter what the books tell, Dreymon does a really good job as an actor on the show. DonĀ“t see any reasons to critzise him.
6ftBen said on 10/Jan/17
On face value is totally miscast as Uhtred of Bebbanburg who is described in the books as over 6' and blonde, but does a decent performance in the show. It doesn't help that the actors who played Leofric and Ubba were both massive.
Ruso176 said on 13/Jun/16
Seems right forma him