Eric W Tam said on 7/Jun/22
Well, someone is surely more honest than the average chap
ChristianAnthonyPerkins said on 6/Jun/22
Yeah, the height disparity between the rich and poor is a lot bigger in 3rd world countries, due to very limited or no access to quality food and healthcare for the latter. The average "poor" westerner has no idea what it's like to grow up and live in an actual poor enviroment in the 3rd world. I have tons of respect for those who emigrate to the west for more opportunities and being successful, bringing that same work ethic and values that were necessary to escape their homelands in the first place. Desperation and a lack of a saftey net often bring out the best in people.
Chaos's Other Throwaway said on 6/Jun/22
ChristianPerkins said on 29/May/22
Maybe most of the black population you meet there are 1st gen African immigrants, who tend to be shorter than Western born and raised blacks. I've personally seen cases happen with other races as well. Third world immigrants' children are a lot taller than immigrants themselves.
I’m not trying to discredit you but I find this funny because my mum (100% English, born and raised here) is 5’0 and my dad (Syrian with Ghanaian and Lebanese family) is 6’1.5. That said my dad’s family are a lot richer than my mum’s so the standard of living growing up was probably a lot better
Savagetez said on 5/Jun/22
I'd say 6'2.5 MAX
Abdulrahman176 said on 4/Jun/22
@ ChristianPerkins said on 29/May/22
Maybe most of the black population you meet there are 1st gen African immigrants, who tend to be shorter than Western born and raised blacks. I've personally seen cases happen with other races as well. Third world immigrants' children are a lot taller than immigrants themselves.
Even when I see first and second generation Africans, then I always notice them to be shorter than the average Dane here
ChristianPerkins said on 29/May/22
Maybe most of the black population you meet there are 1st gen African immigrants, who tend to be shorter than Western born and raised blacks. I've personally seen cases happen with other races as well. Third world immigrants' children are a lot taller than immigrants themselves.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/May/22
⭐️ I should have written that watching someone shooting up suddenly is a fascinating experience. rather than sight, as it
hardly happens before your very eyes! 🤣
Abdulrahman176 said on 28/May/22
@ ChristianPerkins
I agree that he went a bit extra far than expected, I would say that black people in the western world aren’t 100% as tall as the average white person, I do notice a difference here in Aarhus where I am from, the black people here are a bit shorter. But not very much.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/May/22
@ Nick92 - Watching a youngster suddenly shooting up is quite a fascinating sight. I never really had one, but I had a miniature one at 14, when I’d come home from school hungry as hell. I got into trouble for ‘eating out of turn’, but I couldn’t help it! The effect it had on making me look leaner was very welcome though!
Leesheff85 said on 28/May/22
could the two guys to the left be around 5ft 8-9 range rob

Editor Rob
That's a likely range. The guy second from the left claimed
5ft 9 on Mandy.
Nick92 said on 27/May/22
@Miss Sandy cowell the funny thing was before the growth spurt I was taller than him and also a year younger so never expected him to shoot past me in height like that lol .
ChristianPerkins said on 27/May/22
Maybe Rampage went a bit far, but blacks (at least from UK or US or most other Western countries) are virtually the same height as their white counterparts.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/May/22
@ Nick92 - How linteresting to have witnessed a celebrity shooting up in height! There were a couple of boys in my class at school who were never expected to grow very tall,
but they shot up at 15. They were young for our school year,
and it most certainly noticed in their particular cases.
Abdulrahman176 said on 27/May/22
@ Rampage(-_-_-)Clover
Why would that be a stupid comment? I just wrote that he is really tall??
Black males are usually shorter than the average European man, and that makes him very tall for a black man, no hate seriously, I don’t hate black people??
Nick92 said on 27/May/22
He’s definitely a full 6ft3 I use to go church with him, his growth spurt at age 14-15 was crazy .
Michael187 said on 26/May/22
It seems every man online is claiming 6'4" these days. I don't know what it is about this particular inch that gets dudes excited.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/May/22
Abdulrahman176 said on 26/May/22
6’3 is rather near very tall for a black man
Stupid comment
ChristianPerkins said on 26/May/22
Black Brits are virtually the same height as the whites. Same as here in America.
ChristianPerkins said on 26/May/22
Glad he called out a height liar, lol.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/May/22
I like his comment to the guy who claimed six foot four and he came out with, “You’re not bro because I’m taller than you and I’m not six foot four!”
The other guy was well and truly SERVED! 😝😂🤣
Abdulrahman176 said on 26/May/22
6’3 is rather near very tall for a black man