Abdul(177cm) said on 2/Apr/23
truthteller25 said on 27/Oct/19
She is very attractive and tall 5'11.5 I can see maybe even 6 foot
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Dec/17
Why can't I see girls like Alek when I go shopping, or take a leisurely walk in the park one afternoon? 😢 It isn't fair!
After my little sound-off on 5ft5 model Sofia's page yesterday, it took about 30 seconds before I resented what I'd said! I agree that more modelling shows should contain more realistic-sized people of both sexes to promote fashion and help us all decide what to wear, but you can't beat the open-mouthed wonder of the tall, experienced skinny models on the catwalk, can you? If their shows were replaced by shows with normal size, and even plus-sized people, the catwalk would lose a lot of its magic! At one time, really tall, skinny girls were frowned upon, and often still are, but now their elegance is admired, and when girls truly are made this way and don't starve themselves to attain their bodies, isn't it to society's advantage to put them on show, for they are very beautiful and should be enjoyed rather than told to go and fatten up - if their bodies were created that way! They are rare, I grant you, and that is why I don't see them when I am out - well, not very often, anyway! 😁
The gorgeous Alek here can have 5ft11.25!
PS: Does anyone know where she does her shopping?
Andrea said on 25/Dec/17
Can't see her footwear (although I presume she is in heels), but she looks a good amount shorter than Boris here:
Click Here
Hijopotamus said on 25/Dec/17
Met her at Bryant Park NY Fashion week in 2003. She was wearing jeans and flats and looked over 5’11
She is way more beautiful in real life than in photos or even the runway. First thing that came to my mind was “why doesn’t she look this good in photos”?
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 24/Dec/17
Flat 5’11”.
MaryAnne said on 24/Dec/17
Warm as a cholocate drink, tall as a glass of water! She has hit the genetic lottery and turned it into a success machine! 1,81 cm easily for Alek.

Editor Rob
if someone asked her weight, I'm not sure what I'd say...she is very slender, I would have said Alek weighs close to 120 pounds.