Andrey200 said on 27/May/22
Good performance as Han Solo. I don’t understand people who say Anthony Ingruber should’ve been cast because he can mimic Harrison Ford. I would be more sympathetic to that argument if he were to play an Episode IV-VI era Han, where the point of the performance would’ve been the accuracy in comparison to Ford, like Guy Henry as Grand Moff Tarkin and Ingvild Deila as Princess Leia in Rogue One. However, Ehrenreich plays Han Solo long before all that. Solo is set as long as 10 years before A New Hope, and I doubt that many people, in their 20s-30s speak and carry themselves identically to 10 years prior. Mannerisms, manners of speech, etc all change, and there are certainly hints of Ford’s Solo in Ehrenreich’s performance, but subtle enough to suggest that he’s interpreting instead of impersonating.
Solid 173 range.
Dino Anthony said on 26/May/22
This guy is max 5’8”
In the official Solo visual guide they now list Han Solo as 5’8” tall.
Alden was miscast, it should have been Anthony Ingruber.
JD 5'9" said on 10/Feb/19
Just saw Solo. This guy looked about 1.5 inches shorter than Woody Harrelson, and about half an inch shorter than Donald Glover. Assuming those heights are accurate I think it's fair to say he's a 5'8" flat guy. Not really short just a bit bellow average.
Scoobydoo said on 29/Sep/18
This guy is short to be Han Solo.
172 cm ????? Come on ,man!!!Complete failure the movie.

Editor Rob
Funnily when Jenny was watching it, she said to me I think when Alden was standing beside Woody that he was a bit short to play Han.
CelebHeights wouldn't call Solo a failure, I thought it was pretty entertaining with some good set pieces. 7/10
And interesting that casting that role, height never really was an issue...a good thing.
Matt99 said on 5/Jun/18
@Csimpson6ft even though Anthony is an actor himself, I think Disney made the right move. Just because he can do an impression of Harrison Ford as Han Solo doesn’t mean he should be Han Solo, there wouldn’t be anything unique to the character, nothing fresh, nothing to add. Usually impressions are exaggerated and an impression in a film would be too unnatural. I think Alden nailed Solo and gave it his all.
MAD SAM said on 31/May/18
He looks 171 cm at the most, 178 cm Woody looks huge next to him in Solo ; miscast Disney ?
Csimpson6ft said on 29/May/18
I really dont get Disneys decision casting this guy as the younger Han Solo, he looks nothing like him whatsoever and he doesnt even sound like him either, he's also way too short in height on top of that, 5ft 8 is fair though but I wouldn't say 5ft 7.75 is impossible either.
I think Anthony ingruber was a much better choice for the role and he even actually looks a lot like Harrsion Ford and sounds like him, far more convincing than Alden Ehrenreich, just watch Anthony's impression here its so spot on!
Click Here
Vijayan said on 26/May/18
Rob after watching Solo A Star Wars Story, it could in many scenes look like Harrelson had a good 2 inches on Ehrenreich? Could he be a fraction below 5'8, or could it just be camera angles? I think 5'9.5 for Harrelson is spot on though.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't have guessed Alden under 5ft 8 from all I've seen.
berta said on 18/May/18
yeah i agree on that rob but dont you think at the same time woody have about the same height on him that Harrison ford have? What i am saying is that this guy is probably is around the listed height.At best 174 but he is evidence that ford is 100 % under 180 today.

Editor Rob
He can look a weak 5ft 11 range with him.
berta said on 17/May/18
yeah somethin is off with the listings. in the video i can believe ford to be 4 cm taller but is ford only 177 today? i cant see him shorter than minimum 178. But if ford is barely 179 today wich is very likely then this guy still must be 175. one thing is clear ford is not 180 cm anymore. i can believe this guy is 174 and ford 178,5

Editor Rob
Movie Fan said on 14/May/18
I think Ehrenreich is most likely a bit over 5’ 8.” He actually looked almost as tall as Harrison Ford in this video on Entertainment Tonight.
Click Here
Harrison Ford must not be much over 5’ 10” now.
haxxx said on 27/Apr/18
Click Here:
Here you seem Alden with 5'10.75 George Clooney you have listed here. Is Alden's 176 cm listing on Google possible? Doesn't seem impossible or am I missing something here. What do you think Rob?

Editor Rob
I'd be surprised as he is a guy who can look a couple of inches under
Rossum (claimed 5ft 7). Somewhere in 173 range seems more likely than 176cm range.
Ye said on 5/Feb/18
Clearly at least 2 inches shorter than 5'10" Harrelson in the new Solo teaser.
John Doe said on 17/Jan/18
Have you seen his Han Solo boots. They have 4" of heel not even concealed from view. TBH I'm glad they are adressing that aspect, because Ford was at least 6' in his prime.
Marc said on 2/Jan/18
and he's gonna be young Han Solo eh? Not really the best fit the voice too but, we'll see.
Mandapanda said on 7/Oct/17
This young man will go far! He's a Natural!! I'd see him again in another movie.I don't think he looks short! He doesn't look tall either. Look at Tom Cruise! How much taller then Alden could he possibly be?
Denverguy said on 14/Aug/17
The guy is short, even with camera angles, lifts, etc he still looks short in movies. He always wears suspect footwear. Max 5ft 7.5, and that's being generous.
Justanotherguy said on 7/Feb/17
A lot of guys auditioned for this role and this guy was picked. The directors/producers must see something in him. If they are confident than I am willing to give him a chance. Can't wait to see how he does. If Tom Hardy pulled of Bane...
Matt said on 26/Dec/16
I think he's a little short for the role, I bet he'll wear elevator shoes during face shots that's for sure. Ansel Elgort suits the role better as he has the young Han Solo look and complexion, although he hits 6'3/4 range.
Chuck said on 18/May/16
The height difference between Ford and Ehrenreich is no different then Joaquin Phoenix playing Johnny Cash who was about 4 inches taller then Phoenix. Is it a little bit of an obstacle? Yes, but not impossible to overcome.
MD said on 9/May/16
Not sure how it's "ironic." I do agree with Mike, though. He to me is the first time I've ever bought into the argument that height can make you attractive. With his looks, he'd look so much better taller and it'd expand what kind of role he could play. He got lucky with this recent casting, so good for him.
Keltoi said on 6/May/16
Mike said on 18/Mar/16
A bit short. If he was 6'1" he would look hell much better.
Helluva ironic post in hindsight given that he's just been cast as the new Han Solo. Harrison Ford was a 6'1" guy back in the day. It'll be very interesting to see how they make this guy look bigger. Visually, that's going to be way off, unless they put him in massive lifts and utilise camera angles.
Mike said on 18/Mar/16
A bit short. If he was 6'1" he would look hell much better.