Nik said on 25/May/19
The comment at the top of this page is very interesting! I like her hair!
Scott said on 1/Jan/17
Maybe 5'10'' and she rounds down?? She does look over 5'9''
Anon said on 5/Feb/11
Looks like 2'' on Fred Armisen in Portlandia. If he's 5'9'' I'd say this is correct
NP said on 18/Oct/08
Aimee walked past me to get to the stage one night and I didn't realize it was her because I'd heard she was nearly 6 feet tall. In fact she's nearer 5'9" (my girlfriend at that time was 6' tall). I think because she's so skinny she just appears to be 6', but she really isn't.
glenn said on 12/Dec/07
yes,hopefully rob will post it next i the next week or 2.better pic.
H said on 11/Dec/07
Glenn: Do you plan to post it?
glenn said on 8/Dec/07
i have a new one from 2 months ago with her.
H said on 7/Dec/07
Snakeman -- I agree. Glenn's expression here is priceless! By the way, why do you call yourself Snakeman? Don't tell me if the reason is rated anything more than "PG."
Snakeman said on 22/Nov/06
The look on Glenn's face is priceless lol
Brad said on 18/Nov/06
She was 6' when I met her in '85. I called her "shorty" and she said "that's a first".
Regus said on 8/Sep/06
What a shock. I can remember seeing her come on stage in Portland Maine before a Hall and Oates Concert, I think it was, early in '85 right before 'Voices Carry' did anything. She was pretty noticeable but I never pictured her being about 6 feet!! Dang. My memory is they played about 4 songs, kinda loud, then left. Anyways. Nice to see her put in here.
jon said on 5/Jun/06
Looked 6'ish at the Iron Horse back in TIL TUESDAY days. Its a really small club(Northampton, Ma) so you get a good look at performers. I don't think its possible to quibble over quarter or half inches from photo comparisons. I could even do that with my friends. anyone really think that can guess a friend height within a quarter inch? Hey-I do wear glasses though!
sf said on 31/May/06
I don't know why she looked so short on Carson - but I really would have placed her at 5'8" based on the show.
gg said on 31/May/06
Saw her at a charity event with slight heels. Makes her over 6' or a starting foward in the WNBA.
Glenn said on 19/Mar/06
Carson is 6-2.maybe she is 5-10.
sf said on 18/Mar/06
Yea, I'm not really arguing her height here, as I have no idea. But, I remembered her height listing while I was watching the show. Afterwards, she stood right next to Carson. You know how sometimes, at the end of his show, the guests stand next to each other, but kind of at an angle? Anyway, this time they weren't. They were all standing, basically, side by side. And, Mann was significantly smaller, that's all I can say. I really would not have put her higher than 5'8" from the show or else Carson is 6'4"!
Glenn said on 17/Mar/06
Strange thing is,she really looked 6 feet.
sf said on 17/Mar/06
Okay - Glenn's leaning in there which removes about an inch. Now, if he was standing up straight, I would put Mann at about 5'10" from the picture. I'm curious what footwear she had on there. Or usually has on to look so tall. Does she usually wear heels? Why? Because she was on Carson Daily the other night and looked MUCH smaller than Carson, who's supposed to be around 6'1" or so? Honestly, she looked a good 6 or 7 inches smaller. To me, at least. She was standing right next to him. This really surprised me as I thought she was supposed to be much taller.
Now, I have no idea how tall she is, but she really was much, much smaller standing right next to Carson. Mayber he really is 6'2" or so, but this still doesn't explain why she looked so small. Bottom line, is that she stood at least 6 inches shorter, and looked even more...
Glenn said on 12/Mar/06
Hey Rob,I keep emailing you,but it went go it juliana hatfield you cant figure out?

Editor Rob
yep hatfield, hmm...maybe gmail has a problem...or some internet gremlin.
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
Yes,6 feet.I thought she would be 5-9.I was surprised.
Michael said on 11/Mar/06
Wow, never realized she was that tall. I would have guessed around 5'8", with her slender frame making her appear perhaps a bit taller. Being such a talented musician, it's easy to see why there's seemingly no room for her in today's increasingly dumbed-down, lowest-common-denominator, assembly-line "music" industry.

Editor Rob
Glenn, what did you estimate her as?
I read one forum where a guy said she looked near enough 6ft...and have read her described this height