Guts said on 27/Aug/16
Idubbbz posted a Vidcon video on his second channel and stood next to a few Youtubers there. Most interesting though is that Markiplier looks about the same height as one of the Fine Bros so there's not a chance in hell he's 5'10.
Idubbbz himself looks pretty tall so i'll put him in the 6'1 - 6'3 range.
www said on 25/Aug/16
how is vanossagaming not famous enough to be on here?
Aaron Zamora said on 22/Aug/16
Thank you so much @189 Night yes, i noticed that the majority of them are above to tall range.
Masturcheef said on 21/Aug/16
Tmartn claimed he's 6'4 on twitter
189 Night said on 19/Aug/16
@Aaron Zamora
FaZe Clan Height:
Rug: 5'6 ish
Apex: 5'8
Jev: 5'9
Teeqo: 5'9 1/2
Sensei: 5'11
Adapt: 6'0/6'1
Blaziken: 6'2 1/2
Rain: 6'3
Temperrr: 6'4
Banks: 6'5
Nikan: 6'8
These are all the heights i have taken from there videos, they genuinely are a tall group of people bar a few.
Jamie said on 17/Aug/16
Leafyishere claimed 5' 9" in this video.
Click Here
The Kaiser said on 14/Aug/16
Hey Rob, what about adding Jack Vale? could you tell me please what range do you see him?
Blake said on 10/Aug/16
How tall do you think dangmattsmith is?

Editor Rob
never really watched anything of his yet.
Shani Gaytan said on 9/Aug/16
@alxr37 yeah, I think he's 5'11 lol
Aaron Zamora said on 7/Aug/16
Rob, are you familiar with Faze clan? The majority of them are tall over 5'11 I noticed how is that possible?

Editor Rob
not so familiar with them.
MD said on 5/Aug/16
I'm skeptical of his claim. Maybe he is around 5'8", but he just looks so small. Maybe it's because of his thinness, but it's just as likely that he's not what he claims.
Shani Gaytan said on 5/Aug/16
Lol Poods is 5'11
Alex said on 4/Aug/16
Rob, you agree that there's no way Keemstar is 5' 10" right?
Click Here

Editor Rob
from that clip he could be 5ft 9 range, at least look in that range.
Azure said on 4/Aug/16
Wow Joe Sugg looks rlly short but I searched up how tall joe was and he's quite tall and most youtubers seem to be taller and holy crap they are tall.
Knighton said on 4/Aug/16
Markiplier also needs his own thumbnail. He has almost 14 million subscribers now and has claimed to stand 5'10 in some of his videos.
alex said on 4/Aug/16
why isn't jacksepticeye here he has 11,000,000 subs and now you're lazy to put him in

Editor Rob
don't worry, I gave him a thumbnail...his 'about' 5ft 10 claim is probably a bit generous.
Alex said on 3/Aug/16
Leafyishere claimed 5' 9".
LiquorHole said on 2/Aug/16
No way is Jesse 5'11. Fousey is 5'9.5 and he looked over an inch taller than him. (neither of them were wearing shoes). 5'8 is more likely for him
Also imo, Pewdiepie = 5'7.75
Markiplier = 5'8.75
Sam said on 1/Aug/16
Keemstar claimed 5' 10" but he looks way shorter than that.
alxr37 said on 1/Aug/16
I think pewdiepie is only 5'9
alxr37 said on 1/Aug/16
How tall do you guys think Cameron Dallas is? I'm guessing 5'7.5
TJE said on 1/Aug/16
Ricegum looked a weak 6'0 with FouseyTube.
As for Vanoss, he looks 5'10; wouldn't have guessed 5'11 for him.
jacob said on 30/Jul/16
Click Here Andrew Hales looks a weak 6' at best with Vitaly
The Man said on 30/Jul/16
The Hodgetwins (Keith and Kevin) claim they're 6'2" and 6'3" respectively, but I feel they lean towards 186 and 188cm. It's not uncommon to see one twin significantly taller than the other.
Sam said on 27/Jul/16
5' 11'' maybe.
Max184cm said on 27/Jul/16
Hey Rob, do you think you might give Andrew Hales a page?
JKE168cm said on 25/Jul/16
How tall is ricegum
juelz said on 23/Jul/16
Andrew Hales is a weak 5'11"
2pac said on 23/Jul/16
vanossgaming is around 5'10-5'11
shayshay said on 21/Jul/16
How tall is "itsfangs" ?
www said on 18/Jul/16
Bob, how tall do you think Evan Fong (Vanossgaming) is?

Editor Rob
not so sure on that guy.
Brandon said on 18/Jul/16
Andrew Hales is 6'0" flat.
Fouseytube's 5'9.5" listing is good.
Romanatwood is 5'8"
Vitaly is probably about 5'10.25"-5'10.5"
Rhett and Link both look 6'7" and 6'0"
Jesse(prankvsprank) is probably 5'10.5"-5'11"
Defranco always struck me as a 5'10"-5'11" guy but he might be 6'0".
Nick said on 16/Jul/16
Rob, how tall do you think Yousef Erakat (Fouseytube) is?

Editor Rob
he claimed 5ft 11, but ultimately about 177cm is probably the best figure for him.
Jamie said on 16/Jul/16
Brian from Whatever claimed 6'.
Matthew Robinson (190 cm) said on 14/Jul/16
tony t. said on 8/Jul/16
I could be completely wrong but Amazing Atheist gives off an impression of a bit less than 6'7 to me. More 6'5-6'6 range. I don't believe there'd be any reason for him to lie. Just IDK. I've looked at pics of him and his brother Scotty and I'm not sure if he's really 6'7. I'd guess Scotty would have to be 6'0, give or take. I'd love to see The Amazing Athiest and Rhett stand together. The odds of that happening are probably pretty slim however.
He's claimed 6'6" as well, and I'd say that could be closer to the truth.
Anonymous said on 14/Jul/16
J-Fred claimed 6'5" in his first video. On tall people problems. He is part of Team Edge with his brother Matthias.
Strong 5ft9 said on 12/Jul/16
Hey Rob, how tall do you think Mike Matei is again? Here he is with Brent Spiner.
Click Here

Editor Rob
might be almost 6ft
Strong 5ft9 said on 12/Jul/16
@Jack and he also claimed at one time in a video that he is 6'6"
tony t. said on 8/Jul/16
I could be completely wrong but Amazing Atheist gives off an impression of a bit less than 6'7 to me. More 6'5-6'6 range. I don't believe there'd be any reason for him to lie. Just IDK. I've looked at pics of him and his brother Scotty and I'm not sure if he's really 6'7. I'd guess Scotty would have to be 6'0, give or take. I'd love to see The Amazing Athiest and Rhett stand together. The odds of that happening are probably pretty slim however.
Francis said on 6/Jul/16
I think Andrew Hales is 178cm(5'10") because in a lot of his videos you can notice he gets towered by a good bunch of guys. He does look tall in a lot of scenes too, so that makes me think he's a tad above average height. There is no way he is 6'1"-6'2" because that would mean almost every guy in his videos are 6'1"-6'5" which I don't think is the case in USA.
Jack said on 4/Jul/16
Amazing Atheist has claimed several times he is 6 foot 7"
Jackson said on 2/Jul/16
Vitaly is stocky so gives him a shorter appearance but I can buy weak 5'11
Fousey looks an inch shorter so weak 5'10
Andrew Hales looks more 6'1 than 6'2
Rollo Tomasi said on 30/Jun/16
fousey must be shorter than 5'11. He looks 5'8-5'9 proportion wise.
Jenna said on 30/Jun/16
Can you do Jena from pvp, markiplier,jacksepticeye? Please
SHORTY said on 25/Jun/16
There's a YouTube prankster kinda like Roman Atwood named Adrian Gruszka, but he goes by Adrian Gee on his channel. Anyway I came across a portfolio of his online somewhere that had him at 5'11" and 165 lbs. I'm just not sure if he's worth adding or not.
spainmen191cm said on 21/Jun/16
Rob, do you think that Chapman can look the 6ft3 he claims?

Editor Rob
I think there is a chance he is 6ft 2.
Aaron Zamora said on 18/Jun/16
Can you please make a page for Jesse Wellens and Vitaly?
amaterasu said on 16/Jun/16
Rob, what do you think about these?
Click Here
Click Here
Does he even look 5'10" to you?
Also with 177cm Steve O
Click Here

Editor Rob
he can look about 5ft 10
Tiger said on 12/Jun/16
What about Making Adding Joseph Costello and Big Daws
Sean5 said on 12/Jun/16
Click Here Andrew Hales is still claiming 6'2"
647 said on 9/Jun/16
crazyrussianhacker claimed 6 ft 7 in one video:
Click Here
Gaza2121 said on 3/Jun/16
FouseyTube is definitely shorter than Vitaly. I've seen them in a vlog together and Vitaly was clearly taller.
Click Here
Click Here
If you look at their waistline you can see that Vitaly's is higher and if he stood up straight he'd be the taller of the two.
I think Vitaly is 178cm (5'10") and FouseyTube 176cm (5'9.25").
But if Vitaly is honest and is actually 5'11" as claimed then 5'10" for FouseyTube is possible. If not then I don't see him being taller than mentioned.
c-mo said on 2/Jun/16
funny thing is that I thought that fousey has to be 5'11 before I read him claiming it . he always looked like a 5'11 to me proportion wise on the videos . he definitely has the build of a 180cm g guy and also next to people in the videos he looked like a 5'11 man . and after seeing that he claims to be 5'11 himself I really think that he is 5'11 indeed . even though I wouldnt rule out a solid 5'10 for him but no lower

Editor Rob
I believe 5ft 10 range for him and 5ft 11 in shoe is possible.
Sam said on 1/Jun/16
I don't know which 5'11 men you've been looking at but Vitaly does not look that tall. He looks 5'9.
Mat said on 31/May/16
Rob, how is Vitally hitting 6 feet here? (of course he wears shoes)
Click Here He usually looks barely 2 inches shorter than 5'8 Roman Atwood

Editor Rob
he's probably gaining an inch from the perspective
Dianacupcakes said on 25/May/16
Add a page for fouseytuve and Jesse wellens. Jesses name is going viral right now since him and his longtime girlfriend jeana broke up
Lynn said on 23/May/16
Does anyone know how tall Jack Maynard is?? :)
Sa almu said on 20/May/16
Guys what's Bigdaws and chris difolco height?
lelman said on 20/May/16
Rob, what about adding Jon Lajoie to this page? He claims 6 foot 1 in this song
Click Here and he's been listed at that height for a while elsewhere.
Not sure he looks that tall with 5'8.75 listed Nick Kroll (
Click Here) but I think 6ft range is pretty fair for him.
Aaron Zamora said on 15/May/16
If fousey tube is not 5'11 he's around 5'9 then how short would that make pewdiepie? In fouseys blog he had at least a 3 easy inches on pewdiepie
175.7cm said on 11/May/16
@Dean usually 5'9" guys as myself don't claim something like 6ft or hell even 6ft 1. Unless if that is some huge overexaggerated BS.
175.7cm said on 11/May/16
Rob, you think James Rolfe was honest with his 5'11" claim (i actually remember him claiming that in an AVGN episode) or you think he's more in the 5'9" range?

Editor Rob
I would think he's nearer his claim than only being 5ft 9.
Chungo said on 11/May/16
How tall do you think youtubers Filthy Frank, MaxMoeFoe and iDubbbzTv are? Because Frank (George) looks pretty short like 5'7" and Ian iDubbbz looks pretty tall like 6'1" but I can't particularly tell.
Gaza2121 said on 10/May/16
i don't think FouseyTube is as low as 5'7".
Click Here
He does look 5'10 ish in this vid but he always wears Jordan's so I'm gonna say 176-177 cm range.
Gaza2121 said on 8/May/16
Where would you put FouseyTube, 5'9" range?

Editor Rob
probably somewhere in there
bruhbruh4life said on 6/May/16
How tall do you believe fousey tube and jesse wells are? Who do you think would be taller of the 2? I think that fouseytube deserves a page, Jesse as well. They are the 2 most asked about youtubers on here.
Sam said on 4/May/16
Markiplier looks 5'7-5'8 proportionally, it seems 5'10 is the acceptable height to claim for below average folk. Never does he look that tall though, even counting shoes + hair. His voice alone you would probably think belongs to a taller fellow. One of the more entertaining lets players though imo, more so than Pewdiepie. I wonder how tall jacksepticeye is then since he claimed 5'10 but looked shorter than Mark. I guessed 5'8 at first, but he looked at least an inch or so shorter than Mark.
Mat said on 4/May/16
Rob, do you think Fousey Tube is lying about the 5'11 claim?

Editor Rob
yes, if he had a page of his own he might be listed shorter.
Gaza2121 said on 30/Apr/16
Syndicate is 5'5"-5'6" at best. He's tiny.
musket said on 29/Apr/16
Fousey wears big shoes designer types thick heels he is only 5''7 my friends met him a handful of times wearing sandal type shoes.
Nic Peter is 6 foot
Brittany Furland is 5''7 half
Vitaly guy is 5''8
Tay Zonday (Adam) = 5''6
Aaron Zamora said on 23/Apr/16
Epic 5 tv claims to stand at 5'10 which is kind of believable and he's taller than fouseytube. I wonder who would be taller fousey or Jesse wellens.
MJKoP said on 20/Apr/16
TheRadBrad has said he is six foot three.
TJE said on 20/Apr/16
Yeah, I'd say 5'10 tops for Jesse.
Aaron Zamora said on 20/Apr/16
Jesse is about 5'9. He was much shorter than "Redfoo" who is known to wear very small footwear. He was also noticeably shorter than Allen Iverson. He was taller than Dj Khlaled but that's about it. You can see for yourself on his Twitter page. Since it wasn't letting me post pictures.
MsKitty said on 20/Apr/16
I love Rhett and Link. ^_^ <3 And yes, Rhett is a giant. Lol
Alxr37 said on 18/Apr/16
Fousey tube 5'11 ? I was watching a few of his videos and he looked about 5'8
Chris said on 12/Apr/16
Jesse Wells is definitely not 5'11. I'd give him a 175-176 at most. His body is far too compact for 5'11. Here he is with 5'7 Robin Williams - I reckon he's losing about an inch in lean, yet with military boots on probably has the increased footwear. Either way, this isn't the stature of a 5'11 man.
Click Here
lelman said on 2/Apr/16
Ashens is more 5'9-5'10"
Click Here
TJE said on 30/Mar/16
Sargon of Akkad claims 5'9 in this video:
Click Here
He says the bow he purchased requires a minimum height of 5'8 and that he just about makes the mark.
Dean said on 29/Mar/16
I don't know about KSI beeing 5'11, most likely a weak 5'10. His brother Deji is slightly shorter than him, he's between 5'7-5'8. Their dad was probably 5'9 in his peak.
KSI 176-177cm
Deji 170-172
Dan said on 29/Mar/16
Looks at Jesse video tattoo with Kat von D he shorter than her he can't be 5'11 Kat is 5'9!
TJE said on 29/Mar/16
FouseyTube: 5'9.75
Philip DeFranco: 5'9
Toby Turner: 5'10.25
Amazing Atheist: 6'6.5
Syndicate: 5'7.25
Anthony Padilla: 5'10.25
Ian Hecox: 5'7.75
PewDiePie: 5'8.75
Shane Dawson: 5'11
Michael Stevens: 5'8.5
Paul said on 16/Mar/16
Kristopher London - 6'9" (claims 6'10")
Jeremiah Collins - 6'6.5" (claims 6'8")
Atsu said on 11/Mar/16
How tall do you think is Uncle Larry and he is listed as 5'6 and he seems 3 or 2 inches taller than that.

Editor Rob
yeah he may well have been underestimated 2 inches.
James C said on 11/Mar/16
I can see mcjuggernuggets dad being close too 6ft or 5'11" at the lowest he looks like he could be my dads and grandpas height and they're measured close to 6ft like 5'11 3/4 my grandpa for sure though my dad could be just 5'11. I honestly thought mcjuggernuggets was 5'8" from seeing him next too animate objects I'm kinda shocked he claimed 5'5" 1/2 but he does looks similar too guys like Tim Blake Nelson, and Henry Winkler and they're both 5'5 1/2 like there's an picture of him in an skit getting married to his xbox he looked like an young Henry winkler. He kind of reminds me of jack black too height wise and he is listed 5'6" though in movies he can be described as 5'5" like in Nacho libre, and an scene in Orange County Ben stiller playing an firemen was like there's an heavy set standing at 5'5. With his brother maybe 5'8 1/2 he has an small forehead and high eyelevel, or he could be 5'9" he resembles guys like Roman Atwood Ray park another 5'9 guy. He did claim 5'9" 5'10ish, and though he could look my height though could be shorter as I have forehead advantage, though again big Buddha could be 5'8" and maybe the dad could be 5'11" I've seen in videos where he could tower big brudda and look similar.
Borats chicken said on 4/Mar/16
rob, mcjuggernugget is listed 5'5 and his father is listed 6'0, what do you think?
Click Here

Editor Rob
wouldn't have thought there was that much difference between them, but maybe in other photos it would be a greater amount.
anonomous said on 1/Mar/16
wow, rhett is tall, 2m!
julia said on 29/Feb/16
Rhett and Link:
Rhett Mclaughlin is 6'7"
Link Neal is 6'
Anthony Padilla is 5'10"
Ian Hecox is 5'7"
Shane Dawson is actually 6'
Chris said on 27/Feb/16
Nooo way that Jesse from PVP is 5'11. Next to Jeana who can't be over 5'2, there isn't more than 7/8 inches between them.
I'd say the guy is a strong 5'9. Him and Casey Neistat are around the same height.
James C said on 24/Feb/16
I believe angry grandpa could be an easy 5'10" but he wears slippers in the videos so he could be 5'9 3/4 or 5'9 1/2. Though pickle boy, I think is 5'8". His nose is usually matching angry grandpas under the lip area, and in camera angles next too inaminate objects he would what an 5'8 - 5'8 1/2 guy would look.
James C said on 22/Feb/16
It's funny because a lot of 5'9" too 5'9" 1/2 guys even 5'8" 1/2 guys claim 5'11. It's like the go ahead too claim when you know your taller then 5'8". From looking at pewdiepie I would of thought he was. 5'10" for some odd reason when he was doing his walkthroughs but I looked at his pics I might guess only 5'9" for him, there is an pic of him standing next to an similar door I have. He looked what my height would be and I'm just over 5'9 myself, and might be just about 5'9 at my absolute low, but he could be shorter if he has an smaller head I have an 4.75 size forehead though my head could be longer. So he's anywhere between 5'8" 1/2 and 5'9 1/2 I don't know the guy so I wouldn't know, but with you sharing the pictures I believe he only looks 5'9" like where is he at with Colbert?
James C said on 22/Feb/16
It's funny because a lot of 5'9" too 5'9" 1/2 guys even 5'8" 1/2 guys claim 5'11. It's like the go ahead too claim when you know your taller then 5'8". From looking at pewdiepie I would of thought he was. 5'10" for some odd reason when he was doing his walkthroughs but I looked at his pics I might guess only 5'9" for him, there is an pic of him standing next to an similar door I have. He looked what my height would be and I'm just over 5'9 myself, and might be just about 5'9 at my absolute low, but he could be shorter if he has an smaller head I have an 4.75 size forehead though my head could be longer. So he's anywhere between 5'8" 1/2 and 5'9 1/2 I don't know the guy so I wouldn't know, but with you sharing the pictures I believe he only looks 5'9" like where is he at with Colbert.
Atsu said on 21/Feb/16
Rob How tall you do you think is Angry Grandpa. He listed as 5'9 and while Pickleboy is listed as 5'9 as well Grandpa seems 2 or 3 inches taller than him. I think 179-181 range for correct for Angry Grandpa.

Editor Rob
hard to really tell as the Pickleboy might well be overlisted himself.
MD said on 19/Feb/16
@James C.
I messed up on my last post. Stephen Colbert is only listed here at 5'10", and he's still visibly taller than Pewdiepie, so he's not even 5'10". I was really kind of surprised.
TJE said on 18/Feb/16
Also, there was a video of him with 5'10.5 listed Toby Turner and he looked 4-5 cm shorter than him.
Unfortunately, it's been made private.
James C. said on 17/Feb/16
@ MD Depending on footwear if Pewdiepie wearing converse with trey Parker who might be wearing thicker shoes he could be 5'10" though if it's even then it's possible that he is between 5'9" and 5'9 1/2 or even 5'8 1/2 after all Pewdiepie was closer to the camera. Plus I don't really see 5'11 with him either.
@Rob How tall do you think Big Brudda he is mcjuggernuggets older brother. He claims to be 5'9 5'10ish. I thought at times he could see more 5'9-5'9 1/4 range, though can only appear slightly taller then mcjuggernuggets then appear way taller. I think he is 5'9"
Sam said on 17/Feb/16
@John Cena, he doesn't look it, looks far more average.
MD said on 16/Feb/16
Pewdie is not even 5'11". Here he is a few days ago with 6'0" Trey Parker. There is more than an inch difference, there, even with not the best angle.
Click Here
There is also a picture of him with 5'10.5" or whatever stephen Colbert which I can't get off his instagram page, right now, because my browser's graphics are messing up. Anyway, he is clearly shorter than Stephen, even taking into account him throwing his head back (look at the shoulders).
John cena said on 15/Feb/16
Shane Dawson is 6"0
Sam said on 15/Feb/16
Shane Dawson taller than PewDiePie? Granted they are probably within 2-4cm of eachother, but Pewds looks the taller one in my opinion. I agree about Markiplier, my first impression was 172cm, but then at times he can look 170cm as well. I think around that range is a good fit.
french guy said on 15/Feb/16
do you know who is bart baker?The guy who makes song parodies , how tall he is ?
NIkekaishi said on 14/Feb/16
Dear Rob, how tall does famous youtuber Ray William Johnson look next to 5'8.5 Kevin Smith?
Click Here
I think around 5'3-5'4 if you consider the footwear?
Thank you!

Editor Rob
big Kevin probably has some camera advantage there...but RWJ typically can look a guy in 5ft 4 range
Lelman said on 14/Feb/16
There's a video with markiplier and Jimmy kimmel, and they stand next to each other very briefly. He doesn't really look much shorter than Jimmy there, but it's hard to tell.
Matthew said on 12/Feb/16
I see The Angry Video Game Nerd listed at 5'11. Maybe...
Doug Walker (The Nostalgia Critic) is listed at 5'11.5-6'0.
What do you think?

Editor Rob
Angry Nerd doesn't look much different than NC, both could be 5ft 11-6ft range.
MD said on 11/Feb/16
@Sam, totally agree about PewDiePie. He looks totally average, and would actually probably be a bit on the shorter side of average for where he lives for a person of his age.
TJE said on 9/Feb/16
I STILL can't get over Phil DeFranco's claims. At the most he's 5'9 range and that's being generous.
Click Here
TJE said on 9/Feb/16
PewDiePie is nowhere near 5'10; he'd be lucky to be 5'9; and Shane looks 5'11 with Josh Peck.
Atsu said on 9/Feb/16
Rob How tall you think is McJuggerNuggets aka Psycho Kid. Because He is listed as 166 cm and But I think he is way shorter than that.

Editor Rob
he can look 5ft 4-5 range
James C. said on 9/Feb/16
Yea markplier kinda reminds me of my uncle who is in the 5'8-5'9 range. At first I thought he would be my height at 5'9 because when I have more weight I'm actually built a lot like him and I'm just over 5'9 or just 5'9. Even when he is thin as well my uncle and I are built a lot like, Though I'm taller then my uncle roughly by an inch, one time we measured each other, it was three to four hours out of bed an really chill day he was 5'8.75 and I was 5'9.625 that is early though I measure 5'9 or an little over at night depending on the day, and he is probably just over 5'8

Editor Rob
he has certainly got a voice that gives an impression of a taller man.
Sam said on 7/Feb/16
Rob do you believe Markiplier is really 5'10? Granted you cannot tell as clearly when he's sitting down and doing lets plays, but I find it hard to believe he is even remotely close to 5'10. Personally I'd peg him anywhere around 170cm-172cm, moreso just 170cm when he's standing up.

Editor Rob
I had a look at some photos of him and actually he can look no more than 5ft 8 really.
Sam said on 7/Feb/16
PewDiePie is probably closer to 5'10 in all honesty... like 178cm-179cm. Shane Dawson looks 177cm. Not sure on Phil but he can look near 6ft. Andrew Hales never struck me as being a particuarly tall guy, above average but 6'2 is laughable, probably under 6'0.
120 said on 1/Feb/16
NateTalksToYou claims 6'2" here
Click Here
120 said on 1/Feb/16
Hey Rob, how tall do you think TheSalonGuy is? 5'7? 5'8?
Here he is with Nick Jonas
Click Here
With Lou Ferrigno
Click Here
With Jon Voight
Click Here
Nightwish said on 29/Jan/16
Joe Sugg is probably under the 5'8.5 measured - it wasn't exactly the most precise of measurements and it came to the top of his hair rather than head.
Mrs B said on 28/Jan/16
Louise Pentland/Sprinkleofglitter said she is 5' 7", and Marie/bitsandclips said she is is 6' 0" in this recent video they made together:
Click Here
johemoth the dog said on 27/Jan/16
mrrepzion said 5'9 in a q and a before.
MD said on 26/Jan/16
Well, except for the fact that the page literally states he was barely measured a full 5'8".
Aaron zamora said on 26/Jan/16
@techovan Roman is 5'7-5'8 at most and fouseytube is 5'9-5'10 at most. They might find out their shoe measurements like most celebrities do.
Techovoan said on 25/Jan/16
roman atwood is 5'10
Aj said on 24/Jan/16
Where the **** is Ian hecox
Josh said on 24/Jan/16
Egoraptor: 6'2
Dan Avidan: 6'3
Dame said on 22/Jan/16
MRepzion 5 foot 10
xXPhanGrlFreakXx said on 22/Jan/16
PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg) is 6'0"
danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) is now 6'3"
AmazingPhil (Phil Lester) is now 6'2"
Rhett is 6'7" but with his hair is 6'9"
Link is 6'1" but with his new hair should be about 6'2.5"
I think that's it
READ said on 19/Jan/16
Kristopher London claims 6'10 and another youtuber named Jermiah Collins claims 6'8 (he showed his driver's licence which said 6'7 in some video however he may have grown a little since then).
Click Here
Madeline Daugherty said on 18/Jan/16
Give tyler oakleies height
blah said on 17/Jan/16
I don't know if he's well known enough but Boogie2988, famous mainly for his Francis character, has said 5 ft 9.
Click Here
Fluffi Fluffsson said on 16/Jan/16
If Fouseytube is 5'11 I am gonna eat my shorts. What a liar! Same goes for AngryJoe. He is at best 5'7
Crypto139 said on 10/Jan/16
Lol no way Shane Dawson is 5 foot 11. I saw of picture of him next to an online friend of mine on insta. The friend claims he is 6 foot 1, in something not talking about Dawson at all, and he looked to me about 9 cm taller than Dawon. So 176-177 range Rob?
Atsu said on 9/Jan/16
Rob How tall you think MomoFifaHD is because in a video once he claimed 5'9 and he appears be taller than 5'9 176 cm. He seems nowhere near 5'9. I think his 5'9 claim is wrong. He has gotta be in 5'11-6'0 range.

Editor Rob
really don't know as not much to compare him with.
Alex said on 8/Jan/16
I kinda doubt Tanya Burr is 5'4, I'd give her around 5'2-5'3 but I've never been a good judge. I remember reading something about her saying she was 5'5
Absolute Dan/Phil(PHAN) Trash said on 6/Jan/16
Daniel James Howell claims to be 191 cm(almost 6ft 3), Philip Michael Lester claims to be 188 cm(almost 6ft 2). It's in their book so...?
Jordan C said on 5/Jan/16
Matthew Santoro looked 5'4ish next to usher
Sam said on 27/Dec/15
5'4 for Justine seems about right as she appeared an inch shorter than Josh Hutcherson.
Jay said on 12/Dec/15
I am 5'11" and I met Vitaly in Person. He seemed 5'7" or less to me
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 10/Dec/15
Marcus Butler appears to be more 6'0 1/2".
Powerhouse said on 8/Dec/15
Andrew Hales is 6'0 tall at best, his 6'2 claim is a joke. In his prank videos he is usually the same height as the guys he is pranking and is often shorter. He never gives a 6'2 impression or 6'1 for that matter. He has that regular 6'0 proportion build.
CS said on 5/Dec/15
At the beginning of this video Harley Morenstein from Epic Meal Time says he's 6'6".
Click Here
Sam said on 5/Dec/15
I don't know all of these youtubers, however Jesse is the only one I was kind of expecting to be taller (maybe because he's one of the few that seem relatively honest). What does everyone think about Tobuscus? Seems like he would at least be near his google listing from what I've seen from him, maybe even the full 179cm.
A Person said on 25/Nov/15
Click Here - Brittney (Roman Atwood's girlfriend) claims 5'1" on Twitter
A Person said on 24/Nov/15
Click Here should be added
A Person said on 24/Nov/15
Click Here - TmarTn claimed to be 6'4"
A Person said on 24/Nov/15
Click Here - OMGitsFirefoxx claims to be 5'2" and says that II Jeriicho II is 5'11"
A Person said on 24/Nov/15
Click Here - Ali-A often claims to be 6'3"
A Person said on 24/Nov/15
Click Here - Calfreezy says he is 6'3" at 5:04.
Click Here - Joe Weller says he is 5'9" at 0:41.
Click Here - Syndicate says he is 5'9"
A Person said on 24/Nov/15
Click Here - Claira says ComedyShortsGamer is 5'9" at 0:05.
A Person said on 21/Nov/15
Click Here - PointlessBlog claims 6'0" at 1:37.
A Person said on 17/Nov/15
Click Here - 0:18 - KSI is 5'11" and weights 78 kg
Click Here - 0:41 - Joe Weller claims to be 5'9"
Click Here - 3:32 - Oli White claims to be 6'0"
Click Here - 5:04 - Calfreezy claims to be 6'3"
Click Here - This article says Jim Chapman is 6'3"
I also remember watching a video where Joe Sugg was measured to be 5'8.5"
TheSyndicateProject claims 5'10" often, but has admitted to being "only 5'9"" in some of his vlogs. However, I have met him in person and would say that he is closer to 5'8" than 5'9".
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 15/Nov/15
As the commenter posted below that Amazing Atheist guy claimed 6'6"
Click Here
Alpha M says he's 5'6.5"
Click Here
Mythical Beast said on 4/Nov/15
Finally Rhett and Link r on here!!!!!!!!!!!! I LUV DEM
Big C said on 1/Nov/15
Rob can you add youtuber Mark Edward Fischbach aka Markiplier? He's listed on Google as 5'10.

Editor Rob
does anyone know if he claimed it anywhere in a video? For his height (which is average) he is an example you can definitely say who has a taller 'voice' and head size.
Daniel Pearson said on 1/Nov/15
Joe Sugg once claimed to be the same height as Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise is 170cm / 5'7" tall
Aaron zamora said on 25/Oct/15
You should add furious Pete on here. He claims to be 6'1.
lelman said on 25/Oct/15
Rob, do you think that looks about a 7 inch difference between Rhett and Link?

Editor Rob
that's what I'd expect
Darrianne said on 23/Oct/15
Jacksfilms is 5'10".
CS said on 19/Oct/15
Rhett 6'7 and Link 6' state their heights and stand back to back for comparison in this video at this time:
Click Here
Also commentary afterwords about how hard it is for Rhett to travel on a plane.

Editor Rob
ok cool, I will add them to the list.
John said on 11/Oct/15
Hey rob , how tall do you think is Alvaro reyes? The Spanish youtuber

Editor Rob
not familiar with him, but he looks above average in some stills.
Austin said on 26/Sep/15
I've met Syndicate and I'd estimate his height to be between 5'7" and 5'8"
Judd ISR said on 22/Sep/15
[Editor Rob: unless she is famous on youtube to a degree (and that is quite subjective)?]
you may call her "the dryer girl" ...
at the end it's one of the few videos where is filmed an authentic measurement ... it's a pity do not exploit it ...
anon 174.75cm said on 21/Sep/15
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 19/Sep/15
Vitaly Zdorovetskiy: 5'4.5"
LOL, are you serious? Do you think Floyd Mayweather is 5'3" then?
Click Here
Andrea said on 21/Sep/15
Celebheights, you're a funny guy :)
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 19/Sep/15
My estimates for a lot of the big named YouTubers:
PDP=5'10.5"/179 CM
Angry Joe=5'7.5" in person. He can give off a much shorter impression though.
Dan Howell: 6'1-6'1.25" in person" (not 6'2"+)
Phil Lester: 6'0"-6'0.5" (he looks the same as Dan Howell to me, but they said that Dan Howell is taller when standing back to back)
Nash Grier: 5'10" as claimed.
ChuggaaConroy: 6'0.5" (he's not 6'2" like he claims to be)
Shane Dawson: By Josh Peck:
Click Here (so 5'11" is accurate)
Tyler Oakley: 5'5.5" (he rounds down for some reason
Fouseytube: 5'11.25"
Caspar Lee: 187 CM
iJustine: 5'3"
Smosh: 5'11"
Grace Helbig: 5'8.75"
Philip Defranco: 6'0.5"
Ryan Higa: 5'8"
Rowan Atwood: 5'8.25"-5'8.5"
Andrew Hales: 186 CM/6'1.25"
Vitaly Zdorovetskiy: 5'4.5"
Tay Zonday: 5'6.5"
Zoella: 5'4"
Judd ISR said on 18/Sep/15
[Editor Rob: don't put small kids, or animals in the dryer...but 5ft 11 girls? Fair game!]
She doesn't deserve a page here? at the end it seems a good worst she's 5'10.75" also if we don't know from how many hours she got up...

Editor Rob
unless she is famous on youtube to a degree (and that is quite subjective)?
Judd ISR said on 16/Sep/15
however rob i've found a video where a girl measured at 5'11" enters in a dryer!
here the video:
Click Here

Editor Rob
don't put small kids, or animals in the dryer...but 5ft 11 girls? Fair game!
Judd ISR said on 16/Sep/15
[Editor Rob: there's no reference really in the video, just her talking.]
yeah you're right! i've already watched it at the's a fake video...
there're a lot of similar videos on YT...i don't know why YT users make similar videos with misleading names...
Judd ISR said on 12/Sep/15
What do you think about this video? Now I am outside and I can't load the full video but I think the girl claims to be 182 cms tall...
Click Here

Editor Rob
there's no reference really in the video, just her talking.
DJ said on 10/Sep/15
How tall is DukeThaKilla
TJE said on 7/Sep/15
Lol I still can't get over DeFranco claiming 6'0.
DouglasTomkinson said on 7/Sep/15
Rob, how tall do you believe self-claimed 6'5" BigDawsTV really is? With legit 6'5" Rondae Hollis Jefferson at 2:15:
Click Here

Editor Rob
maybe he's adding a good inch, he could be in between 6ft 3-4
lelman said on 30/Aug/15
What about Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation? He claimed 6'4 - 6'5 on his personal site
Click Here and has claimed 6'5 several times on his videos.
Also, here he is with Gabe Newell who is allegedly around 6'1"
Click Here so I think 6'4 seems pretty reasonable
Anonymous said on 27/Aug/15
Would it be possible to add Rhett and Link? They are rather known for their height. Rhett 6'7" and Link 6'0". Of course that is what they claim and are listed at, but your expert opinion would be better.
... said on 23/Aug/15
Connor Franta is 5 8" 5 9" on a good day
Fluffi Fluffsson said on 8/Aug/15
If Fouseytube is 5'11, I'm gonna eat my shoes. He looks like he is around 5'7
C2 said on 4/Aug/15
Alfie Deyes is claimed to be 6 ft 1 in.
vaiski 5'11" said on 30/Jul/15
WheezyWaiter claimed 5'11" here:
Click Here
Winchester said on 30/Jul/15
Wow I didnt know Anthony was that tall
anon said on 28/Jul/15
How tall is Bootsy (Brendan Castner) from Cinemassacre?
w/ Mike Matei and James Rolfe:
Click Here
Bethany_joy22 said on 26/Jul/15
Why isn't Ian here? Or Joey graceffa?
Vanessa322 said on 25/Jul/15
Anyone knows Jacksfilms height or any theories?! I'm searching everywhere!!
That one swede said on 16/Jul/15
Acctually Danny is more 6'2
JKE 168 cm said on 14/Jul/15
Joe Weller claims to be 5 ft 9 in this video 0.41
Click Here
C said on 13/Jul/15
Joe sugg is 5'8.5 (measured in video)
Domingo Ayala has claimed 6'
That one swede said on 12/Jul/15
Is there any chance you could add Arin and Danny from game grumps? Danny has claimed 6'3-6'2 and Arin has claimed 6'2. Arin is probably around 6'0-6'1 wich makes Danny about 6'2 1/2 or 6'3
Tr27 said on 12/Jul/15
In a photo of PewDiePie and Smosh, this is what I saw:
PewDiePie- 176cm
Anthony- 180cm- ish
Ian- 173cm
C said on 12/Jul/15
Domingo Ayala who makes baseball comedy videos put 6' on a fake scouting video
C said on 12/Jul/15
Joe sugg (thatcherjoe) measured him 5'8.5 in a video in socks.
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 8/Jul/15
A clear shot of Phil and Dan that shows the height difference between the two:
Click Here
I originally thought that Phil was taller, but I guess not. However, it does show that Dan Howell is more 6'1" if Phil Lester is only 6'0". I don't know how he has been listed from 6'2"-6'3.25".
120 said on 3/Jul/15
@anon It's because Mike is not standing up straight, plus he has his head tilted too.
anon said on 30/Jun/15
Any ideas about Grace Helbig and Chester See? Found this video which seems to be good for comparing them as the ground is flat and they are standing close to each other:
Click Here
About James Rolfe, I have trouble seeing him as 5ft 9-10 if Mike Matei is really near 6ft, he never looked noticeablly smaller than him, as indicated by this picture:
Click Here
There is also this picture of him standing next to this guy who claims 6ft 2 on the internet, he does look a good 3 inches shorter to me:
Click Here

Editor Rob
she claimed 5ft 9
JPtoony said on 30/Jun/15
Rhett is 6'9".
realheight said on 30/Jun/15
Caspar Lee is smaller than Chris Pratt listed at 6ft 2. Caspar said it in a video with Pratt. But Pratt wore higher soles, but even. 187 cm ( 6 ft 1.75) for Caspar ?
lelman said on 29/Jun/15
Fousey looks to have a bit of a footwear advantage, and Ryan is bending his knees while Fousey is stood pretty straight. In all honesty they look pretty close in height, if Ryan is really 5'9" I would say Fousey is more like 5'10", if that.
lelman said on 28/Jun/15
How tall do you think James Rolfe / AVGN is? He is listed elsewhere as 5'11", although he looks kind of below that with Ernie Hudson
Click Here
He looks very close in height to Mike Matei who you said looked almost 6ft
Click Here
Also looks pretty close with Jontron
Click Here
I think they all look in the 5'11" range, although with internet celebs it's much harder to gauge because there's just very few good photos.
A few more celeb photos here for comparison, although none really great for height analysis
Click Here

Editor Rob
he might be a 5ft 9-10 guy.
That guy from Troma I seen at an Expo con up close, he was several inches smaller than me
Chris said on 28/Jun/15
Hi Rob,
Can you take a look at this vid
Click Here ? Around 4:45 in the vid, you see Ryan Higga and Fouseytube next to each other. Someone asks fouseytube's height and he says not even close to 6 feet. Plus, I think there's a bigger difference between fousey and ryan than would be assumed by their claims (5'9 and 5'11).
lelman said on 27/Jun/15
Angry Joe is probably about 5'8". Here he is with Spoony who is allegedly 177cm, and he looks about 1 inch or so shorter.
Click Here
Click Here
I think in that picture you linked, Geoff is either wearing lifts or stood on a platform. I think he is a lift wearer to be honest because sometimes he can look 5'10", others he can look 6'0".
Rob, you have any idea how tall Jontron might be?
Click Here
The guy on the right claims 6'2", but generally I think he is more likely 6'0"-6'1", so to me Jon looks about 5'11".

Editor Rob
5ft 10.5-11 could be possible for him.
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 24/Jun/15
A few YouTubers heights (that are slightly lesser known):
ChuggaaConroy-He claims to be 6'2", but that seems to be way off. My guess is that he's 5'10" to maybe 5'11". I sure hope that I'm not the only one who has noticed this!
Angry Joe-5'8"-5'9". His build can give off the impression of somebody who is shorter.
Bishop said on 21/Jun/15
Does anyone know if that game reviewer Angry Joe claimed a height? All I found was this:
Click Here
James C said on 15/Jun/15
At first according to the photo I thought Rowan Atwood would be my height because we have similar doors, but at the same angle if the doors are around the same then my eyes would match just above his eyebrows and his eyes would match maybe the middle of the nose. Though I've been measured at 5'9 and 5'9 1/2 at the doctors and usually by the measuring tape around five to six hours if I relax I'm 5'9 5/8 and if I'm out and about I'm 5'9 1/4 too 5'9 3/8. My morning height is 5'9 7/8 though it could be taller that might been an hour out of bed I think I might be exactly 5'10 out of bed.
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 14/Jun/15
Shane Dawson is the same height as Josh Peck (maybe fractionally shorter):
Click Here
TJE said on 12/Jun/15
I know, I saw that too. Clearly a joke.
I found the video where he claims 5'10. The quote is around 4:45-5:00
Click Here
With 5'7 range Fine Bros
Click Here
With Lewis Brindley, who's claimed 5'7:
Click Here
With 5'6 Lil Jon:
Click Here
Also found a 6'6 claim from the Amazing Atheist, near the beginning of this video:
Click Here
Tiger said on 12/Jun/15
Rob : Can u add Sam Pepper
MD said on 12/Jun/15
Why aren't the pictures for Caspar Lee or Anthony Padilla not showing up? If they can't be fixed, perhaps just remove them altogether until you can find pictures that do?

Editor Rob
they are showing ok
Tiger said on 11/Jun/15
Rob: How tall do u think are the Janoskians

Editor Rob
not really sure
Chris said on 11/Jun/15
Click Here
Hi Rob, in this video around the 4:45 mark, you can see ryan higa and fouseytube standing next to each other. I think this debunks his 5'11 claim? The cameraman even asks him if he's 6 feet, and fousey answers "no way, not even close". What do you think based on this?
Bishop said on 10/Jun/15
I Remember one time searching up Syndicate's height and he was listed as 6'6".....
Bishop said on 10/Jun/15
Here's the video where the Amazing Atheist claimed 6'7" (15:26):
Click Here
MD said on 10/Jun/15
He's more associated with Vine than he is with Youtube, but how tall is King Bach, really? I don't really watch much of his stuff, so I can't tell if he even makes explict references to his height. But, he does seem a little insecure about it, since there seem to be so few mentions of it on the internet. He's not super short, or anything, but my guess is anywhere from 5'7" to 5'8". He's taller than Justin Bieber, it seems, but just marginally.
Chris said on 9/Jun/15
Rob, could you put up the justkiddingfilms youtubers when you get a chance? I wrote their claims lower on this page (5'11 for Geo, 5'9 for Bart, and I'm not certain for Joe).
TJE said on 8/Jun/15
Did Philip DeFranco really claim 6'0-6'1? He was listed as 5'8 before and certainly looks it.
I can believe Michael Stevens at 5'8; thought he measure taller like 5'8.5.
As for the Amazing Atheist, he looks, at the very least, strong 6'5 range. I remember him claiming 6'6 a couple times.
You should add Syndicate. He's claimed 5'8 and 5'10, but when he claimed 5'10, he said he only edged out CaptainSparkles, so 5'7 for him?
120 said on 8/Jun/15
Rob, Any chances of adding The Amazing Atheist
the shredder said on 7/Jun/15
Rob , the amazing athiest ? Claims 6 ft 7
Crypto139 said on 7/Jun/15
Not that I am a big fan of him but theamazingatheist is about 6'7" tall or so he claims. Also the Angry Video Game Nerd is said to be 5'11".
120 said on 6/Jun/15
Nash Grier claims "6 foot" in this video
Click Here
120 said on 5/Jun/15
Rob, how tall do you think Mike Matei from Cinemassacre is?
Here he is in a interview with Brent Spiner
Click Here

Editor Rob
could appear almost 6ft there.
120 said on 5/Jun/15
In some photos with Ian and Anthony. I probably think that Ian could be in the 5'7"-5'8" range. With 5ft 11 Anthony for example.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Chris said on 4/Jun/15
Rob, could you add Justkiddingfilms Geo Antoinette, Bart Kwan, and Joe jo? I've heard a claim from Geo 5'11, and she def looks tall. Bart claims 5'9, but I'm not so sure about this one
120 said on 3/Jun/15
I think Anthony is being quite honest with his 5ft 11 claim. He's easily the tallest member in Smosh Games.
Click Here
120 said on 3/Jun/15
You should add Caspar Lee
He claims 6ft 2 here
Click Here

Editor Rob
ok thanks I'll add him.
Andrea said on 3/Jun/15
Rob, how tall do you think this guy is? If you go to the end of the video, you can see him with Andrew Hales... He looks maybe a couple inches shorter? Maybe he's 5'10-5'11?
C said on 3/Jun/15
Roman Atwood has claimed on video "I'm 5'9" and 145 pounds." -Roman's probably at least 5'8", but has long skinny limbs, and is thin, so tends to appear taller. For comparison he is definitely shorter than Vitaly Zdorovetskiy in person.
Jesse Wellens and Vitaly Zdrovetskiy--both claim 5'11", but actually appear to be more around 5'9"; they are very similar height when seen together.
The Amazing Atheist--not sure about 6'7" exactly, but T.J. is DEFINITELY VERY VERY TALL.
Allie Wesenberg, girlfriend of CTFxC's Charles Trippy (the third 'Allie') is 5'10" according to her DUI arrest info from 8/26/2013.
Clive said on 31/May/15
Michael Stevens (vsauce) claimed to be 5'8, in his "How big can a person get?" video

Editor Rob
he seems a guy who would be accurate about that!
Amaze said on 31/May/15
I heard KSI is 5'11. His brother may be 5'10(deji)
happy i discovered this page lol. yeah ksi is 180-1cm range apparently. my 183cm friend met him and was taller than him slightly
linke said on 31/May/15
Anybody knows how tall froggy fresh/ kispy kreme is? Dude looks super short.
Clive said on 30/May/15
Phiilip Defranco (sxephil) has claimed 6ft, 6 ft 0.5, and 6'1 in past videos
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 30/May/15
How about Joe Suggs? He has claimed that he is the same height as Tom Cruise is.
Andrea said on 30/May/15
Yeah, me too. You think he might be 6'-6'1, then? While i doubt he's a big 6'2 guy, i wouldn't put him below 6'...

Editor Rob
somewhere in that zone yeah, 6ft 2 seems too big.
Sam said on 29/May/15
Jim chapman claims 6ft 3 in this interview
Click Here

Editor Rob
ok thanks I'll add him aswell.
Andrea said on 29/May/15
Rob, as Kourosh and I already said, this guy, Andrew Hales, from the LAHWF channel, claims to be 6'2... In this video at about 2.05... But from a quick glance at a video like this (
Click Here ) do you think he's really 6'2?

Editor Rob
having seen a few of those videos I can't believe he'd be 6ft 2 barefoot.
linke said on 29/May/15
Bart baker? Dude looks tallish. 5'11 least I guess
Kourosh said on 29/May/15
rob here is vitally with the guy who is just 5'8 on the nose
Click Here . how many inches difference do you see? maybe 1.5 inches max.
I think vitally is around my height 5'9.5 and nothing more.
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 29/May/15
You should add Phil Lester. He's listed as 6'2" (which seems accurate). I think that he's slightly taller than Dan Howell. Phil almost never stands up straight, while Dan almost always has great posture.

Editor Rob
from looking at them together he looks shorter than Dan and from just checking he claimed in 2010 on his twitter to be 6ft.
JKE168cm said on 28/May/15
Add ksi and his brother deji

Editor Rob
has anybody heard them claim anything?
Kourosh said on 28/May/15
rob, andrew hales the owner of LAHWF claimed to be 6'2. But i doubt if he is anything over 6'0. Please look him up
and please add vitally as well. i think he is 5'10 max.
mr.rashid said on 27/May/15
@Editor Rob, if your adding youtubers, so if I get at least 100k subscribers, would you be willing to add me lol? Btw I do have a channel but I doubt I'll have subs in a year or so.

Editor Rob
people with millions mainly, some with several hundred thousand possibly.
Josh b said on 27/May/15
excellent page rob :)
I know jesse from pvp and vlogs said 5'11
Matthew santoro said 5'6 but he's shorter
Ans Stuart ashen, or Ashens as 5'11 in a sporting event which he likey put there himself
joe 193cm night said on 27/May/15
Rob, you had already spoken to them online, I'm sure
joe 193cm night said on 27/May/15
Rob, good idea
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 27/May/15
Dan Howell appears to be no more than 185-186 CM.
Andrea said on 27/May/15
Good idea, Rob! Even if i actually know only Fouseytube, among all these youtubers! You think he's 5'11 as he claims? Don't know if you know him, but Andrew Hales, from LAHWF channel, claimed to be 6'2 in a video... Also, you should add Vitaly and Roman Atwood, even if i don't know if they ever claimed something...

Editor Rob
it is very hard to actually check these people, but I figured that giving what they claim is at least something.