Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy was an American rapper. He said once "I'm only like 5'7 I just look like a lengthy dyke".
MR12 said on 13/May/23
Click Here how tall does he look next lil yatchy rob?

Editor Rob
Seems a rough 5 inches difference in that moment.
Mrahman said on 15/Mar/23
Rob, is a 166cm possible. Also how tall do you think trippie redd is?

Editor Rob
Not looked at Redd, but 166 is absolute lowest I feel I could attempt to argue.
Mrahman said on 9/Mar/23
Anakin said on 11/Dec/22
5'6'' seems about right.
MJKoP said on 30/Sep/22
Robbie Murphy Lee said on 19/Jun/22
@MJKoP I’m sorry, but this a cite about his height, you shouldn’t be making disrespect remarks especially after he’s passed, yes sure he had a very troubled past but he also had a very tuff up bringing, and in the end was able to overcome that and save many peoples life’s, and for you to say he should have never been here is honestly disgusting, because if he wasn’t here I don’t think I would be today, and in the end I truly believed he did love himself. I know rob probably isn’t gonna let this comment be posted which I completely understand considering we shouldn’t be talking about this on a cite for peoples heights but I just had to get that off my chest because I’ve been debating whether I wanted to reply to this comment forever. @Robby Harris you put it perfectly and I just copied you without realizing
Holy cr@p, you bring this up after four years? Your logic couldn't be faultier. If OJ Simpson saved "many peoples life's"[sic] by inspiring them via his football career, does that somehow balance out two brutal homicides? And if this is a site about height, then you should also abide by such a concept and refrain from citing your grievances over yeas-old my reality check.
Onfroy seemed 5'6'". Clearly a short guy, but not super tiny.
llort said on 25/Sep/22
Robbie Murphy Lee said on 25/Aug/22
Click Here he looks a strong 5’6 with 5’4 lil uzi vert
Robbie Murphy Lee said on 19/Jun/22
@MJKoP I’m sorry, but this a cite about his height, you shouldn’t be making disrespect remarks especially after he’s passed, yes sure he had a very troubled past but he also had a very tuff up bringing, and in the end was able to overcome that and save many peoples life’s, and for you to say he should have never been here is honestly disgusting, because if he wasn’t here I don’t think I would be today, and in the end I truly believed he did love himself. I know rob probably isn’t gonna let this comment be posted which I completely understand considering we shouldn’t be talking about this on a cite for peoples heights but I just had to get that off my chest because I’ve been debating whether I wanted to reply to this comment forever. @Robby Harris you put it perfectly and I just copied you without realizing
Robbie Murphy Lee said on 19/Jun/22
No taller then this listing, 5’7 ski mask always had at least a inch on him
Juan Arreola said on 7/Jan/22
@Rob, I think an upgrade to 5’6 1/2” is needed many people say he grew taller and gained a couple pounds before he died.
Take a look at this as well for proof:
Click Here
Juan Arreola said on 14/Dec/21
Rob, is 5’6 1/2” possible?

Editor Rob
Would be the limit I could believe. I don't buy the 5ft 7 claim barefoot.
Supreme king said on 5/Dec/20
My guess is 5’5 he looked 2 inches shorter than ski mask and ski is 5’7 same with trippie he is was a little shorter than him and trippie is 5’6
Danman said on 16/Oct/20
Hes like the skinniest 5 feet 6 i ever seen? Most dudes his height are either fat or muscly whats his weight 120?
Que lo Que said on 19/Jan/20
I'm curious how tall ski mask is if xxx is 5'6
hide ardana said on 21/Sep/19
Rob how much do you think his eye level is?

Editor Rob
Looks pretty average range to me
ramucho said on 12/Sep/19
Rob how much do you think he weights ?

Editor Rob
I am not sure, weight is notoriously difficult at times without looking at trunk/bikini shots.
And I already got a strange look from Jenny when she caught me looking at "beach shots" 😂
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Aug/18
@ MJKoP - See you in Sookie's Den!
@ Robby Harris - You summed that up nicely, beautifully in fact. You sound like a very forgiving person who would be nice to know.
5ft6 for the late XXXTentacion.
Robby Harris said on 24/Jun/18
@MJKoP: I understand your point, but at the end of the day the guy was only 20 years old by the time of his passing. We all make mistakes in our teenage years (albeit, not quite as severe as his of course). The most severe crimes committed by him (domestic abuse, robbery/assault) reportedly occurred between the last couple of years. Certain upbringings and mental health/psychological problems can trigger some young people to make bad decisions, or do full-on horrid things (which I am in no way making excuses for). I've also read he was apologetic in regards to his past wrongdoings and tried to "better himself" as a person not long before his demise. That does make it a tragedy imo. Again, this is just based off stuff i've researched, so I could be a bit off. I'd still say his death seems unfortunate...
MJKoP said on 23/Jun/18
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jun/18
@ MJKoP - I will reply to you in a while - just not on his page out of respect to those who loved him. Any death is tragic, especially such an early and violent one.
"respect to those who loved him"
It's a shame that he himself couldn't do the same.
Let me put is this way: What level of depravity does a human being have to reach before it becomes distasteful to speak the truth about them immediately after they pass? As someone who is very familiar with the dynamics of domestic abuse, I have very little doubt that this guy had the potential to go full-on OJ had he not become XXXtinct. This may sound callous, but the only real tragedy here was that he had the opportunity to what he did in the first place...if you catch my drift. When you say "any death is tragic", I say that a monster who will no longer be able harm anyone undeserving of harm is about as far from tragic as it gets. Sure, it's tragic that *anyone* would be driven to hurt the innocent...but some people are just beyond redemption. That's the (sad)reality of it.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jun/18
@ MJKoP - I will reply to you in a while - just not on his page out of respect to those who loved him. Any death is tragic, especially such an early and violent one.
MJKoP said on 21/Jun/18
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jun/18
So, so tragic to hear of this young boy's terrible passing. I read how it happened via 189Night's comment.
RIP Jahseh xxx
Actually...after reading a bit about his history, I fully rescind my 'RIP'. That's all I should probably say for now.
Nik said on 21/Jun/18
R.I..P Jahseh
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jun/18
So, so tragic to hear of this young boy's terrible passing. I read how it happened via 189Night's comment.
RIP Jahseh xxx
Peter175 said on 18/Jun/18
RIP brother your music was amazing.
Definitely think he was a stronger 5ft6 and not a whole lot far off of his 5'7 claim.
Either way no one deserves to go so young. A full 5'6.5 inches for this iconic and deep poet of rap music
Ethan said on 18/Jun/18
He looks 5’7 in pictures
189Night said on 18/Jun/18
Very sad to hear about his passing, 20 years old and already murdered he was only a kid R.I.P Jahseh
Paul NS (6ft 0.5) said on 18/Jun/18
That's crazy news. He was no angel but it's not a headline you expect to see
rog said on 16/Jun/18
he is def 5'7 at least.
Jerry boss said on 11/May/18
He seems 5’6 or 5’7 he just looks type short here because the lady behind him has some high ass heels on and you can see it.
The 5 ft 10 guy said on 15/Apr/18
I think it's accurate not much or less.
ANONYMUS said on 5/Apr/18
must be 5ft7 now
Peter175 said on 12/Feb/18
5'6.5. awkward in that video those are young americans who are around 5'10.5-11 and he was in no way dwarved by them.
hes probably 5'7 early in the day
awkward said on 25/Jan/18
Click Here
he looks very short here
Fireee said on 20/Jan/18
Yeah I say 165 tbh proportion wise
rupert1998 said on 2/Jan/18
Definitely not 5'6 or 5'7
Sebastien said on 1/Jan/18
In this pic
Click Here near Lil Yachty (5'10.5) he looks like 5'7
Not Nav said on 30/Dec/17
How tall do you think Nav is? From looking at some pictures, he looks at least 5'10 but then when he's standing next to the Weeknd they look almost similar. Any thoughts?
Jacob said on 29/Dec/17
The people claiming he was 5’2” are falsely wrong I knew he was at least 5’6”
:) said on 28/Dec/17
he looks like 5'5 or less.
Lav said on 28/Dec/17
Yea I saw him live. Met him, actually a chill bro at times tbh. Looked 5’7 in these thick shoes he had on like the ones in that pic on the page. I think the shoes he had on were one inch so yea 5’6 is right. This 5’5 talk is bs.
Anonymous said on 28/Dec/17
It's Sideshow Bob, although not quite as tall!
hannah said on 28/Dec/17
Belive it or not he was 5'2 2 years ago.Can he reach 5'7 in a near future Rob?

Editor Rob
I doubt he's going to grow any taller.
javon said on 28/Dec/17
Rob, you are 1000% wrong on this one that it is actually funny. Anyone that has seen him in person will let you know he is not over 165cm.
MyNameis said on 27/Dec/17
Ha, had no idea he claimed 5'7. Google has always put him at 5'6 and Ski Mask The Slump God at 5'7, but if X is really 5'6, Ski might be closer to 5'8,because he seems to have a little more than just an inch on X. In all actuality though, I agree X is probably closer to 5'5.
Chase said on 27/Dec/17
Click Here
He’s getting edged out by a kid and he has at least a half inch footwear advantage. I’m going with 5’5. I could see him as the same height as lil wayne.
Aaron zamora said on 27/Dec/17
To me xxx seems like a little guy