5'11james said on 26/Nov/24
Yeah, 5’9.25 is a good upgrade for Pewds!
bmb said on 24/Nov/24
Nice upgrade!
Elais said on 23/Nov/24
Hi Rob, glad to be back on this comment section. I think half an inch upgrade should be considered or atleast a 1/4 inch, Rob. Not only did he appear to have measured nearer 177, but he also got about 178 with Jacksepticye when he removed his shoes and seemed pretty accurate cause Jacksepticye got 173 like he is listed and he did seem clearly more than an inch taller than Jacksepticye, also he has a bad posture often. 176 atleast imo

Editor Rob
176cm does seem like it would be closer.
7272 said on 24/Apr/24
I'd give Pewds a quarter inch considering he got measured at 177cm
Rubbishposter said on 23/Apr/24
Rob, I think 176cm or 5’ 9¼” is spot on. Average guess seems genuine. Upgrade by a quarter inch for Pewds?
But yeah, the 180cm claims are cringe. He really needs to accept his real height, and that being five nine is not a bad thing, even if he lives in Sweden. There’s gotta be some sort of obsession with “round” numbers. Maybe ‘80 sounds more satisfying than ‘76? Plus, he wears those huge boots everywhere. Wish a fan could expose and prove his real height in front of him. A sad case of height denial.
CreepX said on 22/Apr/24
Magnus Mitbo is listed as 173-174 cm and Felix looks much taller than him
5'11james said on 30/Nov/23
5'9.5 imo, he needs a half inch upgrade or quarter inch at the lowest.
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Sep/23
Isn’t he popular?
Felix gets 5ft9.5.
Abdul 5'10 said on 2/Sep/23
Henrik said on 26/May/23
On Swedish passports, you state your height yourself. They'll have a stadiometer at the police station, but you'll be the one using it yourself.
James Halpert said on 26/May/23
He revealed in this video that he is 180 cm... thoughts?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Seems rather optimistic.
ward said on 25/May/23
he recently showed his passport to prove he is actually 180. idk how heights on passports are set especially swedish ones.
GERAD HOKJH said on 7/May/23
Can’t see him being under 5’9. Neither can I see him close to 5’10 even after he wakes up. So 5’9 ¼ is my guess
brien said on 4/May/23
Click Here
here is an image of mrbeast and pewds
Tug said on 1/May/23
@Britney Spears fan 2000
Saw him in Brighton without his massive shoes on, and he's nowhere near that height. He's a solid 5'9 though.
Malcolm Oliver said on 29/Apr/23
He looks 5’9 next to 6’2.5 MrBeast
5'10.25" said on 17/Apr/23
175-177 cm range. 177 cm out of bed, 175 cm at night.
Cooper Clarke said on 15/Apr/23
@Wisdom What do you mean ”That's 5’10”? Are you talking about the 175? Cause that is 5’9, maybe the fact that an inch is 2.54 cm rather than exactly 2.5 might've confused you.
Britney Spears fan 2000 said on 13/Apr/23
He is 177 cm
Height Analyzer 2 said on 11/Apr/23
69 inches the ideal height 🤪
Johan 185 cm said on 8/Apr/23
Yes...his friends measurement of 177cm isnt very accurate. Maybe this is why people overmeasure? they count hair and just eyeball it? 175 cm seems a good shout.
Anonymous8210 said on 8/Apr/23
Solid 5’9 imo, 5’9.25 a chance but 5’9.5-5’9.75 is really pushing it and I doubt he would actually measure that barefoot, in the video where roomie measured him it looked like he had his thumb slightly above where his hair was, which easily could have lead to him being measured 2cm or taller than he is or close to that, again 176 isn’t impossible. Also he never looks anywhere near 2 inches taller than say Jacksepticeye (5’8) or Markiplier (5’8.25 imo) even with his big shoes which makes me doubt him being in the 5’10 range, it’s clear he’s more of a 5’9 guy than a 5’9.5-10 guy.
Personally I would go with 5’9, if Rob did 1/8 listings often I would say maybe 5’9 1/8.
Wisdom said on 7/Apr/23
That's 5'10
James (179cm) Jones said on 6/Apr/23
Id say that hes 5'9 ½, and 5'9 ¾ at the max for Mr. Kjellberg.
Britney Spears fan 2000 said on 30/Mar/23
He's about 5"10-5"11
Nobleyute said on 1/Feb/23
5'9.5-5'9.75 Out of bed for Felix. 180 is a bold claim. Even if he was wearing shoes I feel even at my low of 179.5-180 I'd still have a slight edge on him.
GRXj17 said on 19/Dec/22
Hes a Andrew Garfield type build. Looks taller than he rly is. Id give him a strong 5ft9 maybe 5ft10 on a good day out of bed. But yea 175-178cm range for the guy probably where it meets is in the middle. My guess is 5ft9 1/2 doesnt look like 5ft8 range at all to me...
zakxd said on 12/Dec/22
He's about 5'9 barefoot, ~5'10 with shoes
Henrik said on 10/Dec/22
You probably expect him to be taller because of his longer face. I am the opposite, having a broader head and face (like Jack Black and Malcolm McDowell), which I think may be more common or associated with "short people", at 6ft 1 3/4 in the evening. I've gotten into arguments when saying I'm 6ft 2 that nearly required putting me against a stadiometer to prove it, lol.
184guy2 said on 8/Dec/22
5'8 guy claiming 5'11.... nothing too see here
7272 said on 16/Oct/22
175.9 at his highest
Supdude1223 said on 4/Sep/22
5ft 9 3/4
5'7 and a fraction said on 28/Aug/22
Could be a strong 5'9.
John777 said on 12/Jun/22
Maximum 176 cm, sometimes looks smaller and he wears shoes with a thick sole.
mnecro2602 said on 7/Jun/22
5'9.5" is a joke.
Here's anything4views next to 5'8" listed Keemstar:
Click Here
I, personally, have Keem around 5'7"-5'7.5". The average guess on his page is 5'7.62".
Here's PewDiePie with anything4views:
Click Here
Even if you take Keemstar to be 5'8", PewDiePie is struggling to look anything over 5'8.5" in comparison.
Abdulrahman176 said on 21/May/22
Around 5’9.5
Joe Ponce said on 19/May/22
Yo Rob, you think Felix may actually be 177 cm? I mean, for a guy his build and age, I suppose I could see him at a peak height of 5'11" sometime in his life. If not, maybe out of bed he's a 5'11" while being a weak 5'10" to strong 5'9¾" at the end of the day.

Editor Rob
Can see the 176 argument, 177 really is pushing it for me.
chad michaels said on 1/Apr/22
Is it because he’s Swedish with a longer face?
Plissken said on 22/Mar/22
Okay I expected him to be a lot taller, and I mean by a big margin, I expected at-least 6'1 and I had no idea why.
Wehrmacht180 said on 13/Mar/22
174 cm
John Rose said on 20/Feb/22
He's one of those people who looks taller on camera than in real life.
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 18/Feb/22
He is 176 cm, that's it. No further investigation neccessary.
Brady Camire said on 16/Feb/22
In one of Jacksepticeye’s latest videos at 5:10 (
Click Here ) Felix ridiculously claims again he is almost 180 cm (5’ 11”), to which Seán calls bs on.
dreus23 said on 30/Jan/22
What's interesting about Pewds claiming 180 cm is that it's the statistical average height in Sweden. It makes one wonder how the statistics were measured. If it's self-reported, then I'm 100% sure the actual average is lower than 180 cm.
I've heard some people from the US say that Europeans are more honest or knowledgeable about their heights; which really isn't true lol. I live in Sweden, and most people who don't measure frequently, measure incorrectly, and therefore end up being 4-5 cm taller than they actually are. I know a guy who measured 181 cm at home, only to be very shocked when he measured 176.5 cm at the medical. Some people are just oblivious as well, like a guy who I'm convinced was 189 cm but always claimed 194 cm, but pretty much never measured either and really didn't care which honestly is a good thing. There's many more examples that I've seen (187-182, 160-156, 168-172 among them), so it's not rare at all
And then there's Pewds; 180 to 175. That's 4-5 cm height difference. Coincidence? I think not!
Dom 173 cm said on 11/Jan/22
Pewdiepie had to be around 176 c
Ethan Wolf said on 4/Jan/22
Actually I think 162 is spot on
Ethan Wolf said on 4/Jan/22
Uncle Pewds is hunching but she's clearly at least 5'2.5" yeah. I seem to have overestimated how much he was hunching
recapa said on 1/Jan/22
@Ethan wolf, your perception of height is very horrible espcially if you think that marzia is a 152-153 woman .lets say that pewds is about 176 there in the pic the average length from the top of the head till the eyeborws is usually 4 inches (10cm) and marzia seems to reach right about his eybrows level and she is in what i assume is a 2 inches (5cm) heels there so that a 15cm difference and if we go with pwedipie being 176 tall then that would make her in the 160-161 range which wouldnt make her 162 cliam too farfetched.
Ethan Wolf said on 23/Dec/21
177 cm at most. Not quite 5'10" and never 180 cm (his claimed height) unless with shoes, which doesn't count. He might be 176 cm but I'm gonna go with 177 since I'm skeptical with a 1cm margin. His woman looks 4'11" to 5'0" at most, she's like 5'3.5"-5'4" with heels
Jackie Lee said on 16/Dec/21
Well she's claimed to measure 162 cm. One more question rob, how tall does the guy in the middle of PewDiePie and marzia look?
Click Here

Editor Rob
If she claimed 162 then he's not much taller there about 163 range and Pewdiepie solid 5ft 9
Jackie Lee said on 15/Dec/21
Rob it's time to add his girlfriend marzia too. How tall do you think she is?

Editor Rob
Last time I looked at her I remember thinking over 5ft 4!
toddd0461 said on 12/Dec/21
@slothee I can understand that. That's probably why he wants to claim 5'11" to 6'0" because that's about average over in Sweden. 5'9" is alright though in the US/UK. I'm personally 5'9.75" (177cm) and there are tons of guys I'm taller than here in the US.
Malcolm Oliver said on 12/Dec/21
I was going to comment on this too. Scandinavians (especially Swedes) have a higher average in height for both males and females.. it may have skewed his perception or insecurities of his own height. Thus the claim for 180cm (as that is the universal height to not be considered “short” for the most part).
slothee said on 12/Dec/21
To be fair to PewDiePie, 5’9” range is short for a Swedish man, who average 5’11.5”, 182cm. So if he is 176cm or a strong 5’9”, that’s equivalent to a solid 5’7”/5’7.5” in the US/UK, which is the beginning of the short range or at the very least shortish. So, he was raised in a tall country and thus thinks of himself as short even though he resides in the UK now where he’s average range.
barry 183 said on 22/Nov/21
i think he's 5ft 9 - 5ft 9 1/2 and 5ft 10 1/2 -5ft 11 in those balloons he calls shoes
i would say 5ft 9 1/4 or 176 cm would be a good listing for him
crazy he claims 6ft tall
bmb said on 15/Nov/21
Is PewdiePie still in denial lol? dude relax, none of us are saying 5ft9 is short. we just aint buying your 5ft11 claim. Roomie's measurement video already kind of sealed the deal, even with the rough measurement method.
Percy said on 15/Nov/21
He’s 176cm
Malcolm Oliver said on 13/Nov/21
Average guess seems spot on.. he's probably near or at 5'10 in the morning, but falls below to a strong 5'9 throughout the day.
Lover_thorn3 said on 10/Nov/21
In his video the guy he’s reacting to said “I’m barely 6 foot” and pewdiepie said “I’m even taller than you” the fact he’d claim to be above 6 foot is interesting.. anyway I think he’s about 173CM

Editor Rob
MNS08 said on 8/Nov/21
@toddd0461 Yeeppp. I wonder when was the last time these celebrities went for a physical. And if they did, ignored the fact that they were supposed to take of their shoes
A 5’9 guy claiming 6’ is the most borderline delusional thing I’ve heard. By Pewds logic, I guess that makes me 5’11.
If you ever read this Pewds (and I doubt you wil), 5’9 is indeed average, and you hit that mark bang-on so you aren’t short, but don’t lie about it.
recapa said on 6/Nov/21
175.5-176 before bed and 177.5-178 out of bed.weak 176 guy from what i,ve seen.
toddd0461 said on 6/Nov/21
anyone here after pewdiepie's latest video?
creeperboss600 said on 6/Nov/21
watching his video while on the site was just curious
Macheo445 said on 5/Nov/21
pewdiepie went on this page on his most recent video and he said he's 6 foot.
bmb said on 11/Oct/21
Judging between him and the tape measure in Roomie's video. It did look he could maybe measure more closer to 176cm.
RJT said on 20/Sep/21
He's average by all means, but maybe feel short in Sweden...
Psuedo said on 19/Sep/21
I watched the video, and his friend was putting his thumb a 1/4 inch below the 70 inch mark, which is him getting 177. The problem is he was measuring from the top of Felix's hair, not the skull + the tape is slanted you can see in the bottom which is inflating his height a bit.
Nevertheless, I'm looking at the 69 inch mark which is the one below the thumb and it seems to be a perfect match to Pewdiepie's top of head. Good listing Big Rob of 5'9, he also looked to be shorter than Fousey too.
Morgan Kaye said on 19/Sep/21
5'9, likely in the 175cm range.
Painrain said on 10/Sep/21
No less than 5'9.25.
I'd give him 5'9.5.
MaximusPrime said on 31/Aug/21
Time to change him to 176? I mean his friend prolly didn’t get him THAT much off.

Editor Rob
It's possible, assuming he was honest about no footwear.
Stinky 186 cm said on 31/Aug/21
Weak 5’ 10”
recapa said on 29/Aug/21
175-176 range.
aaronjjon58 said on 15/Aug/21
He looks over 5'9 flat but not quite 5'10. Maybe 5'9 1/4 or 5'9 1/2 possibly?
Curseioo said on 1/Jul/21
People saying that he is 5"10 is wrong he is shorter than fousey
BalticGuy said on 19/Jun/21
Everyone knows Felix doesn't have legs, so he's actually closer to 3', tops. ;) the people who watch him will understand.
Philip550 said on 10/Jun/21
I think he's a solid 5'10. He might look taller or shorter sometimes near some people, but it often ends up with poor posture. He was measured 181 cm with shoes, so 178 cm is pretty realistic barefoot. He's average height for Sweden.
Dom5'11.5 said on 10/Jun/21
He doesn't have the proportion of a 5'9 guy, looks closer to 5'10
Guys said on 5/Jun/21
177 out of bed type of guy?
Danny Hightower said on 2/Jun/21
He's literally wearing crazy high lifts in most of his photos and has openly edited his height on google and elsewhere in his videos lol. Also the guy comparing his height to markiplier says he's not wearing shoe is wrong, he's very obviously wearing shoes in that entire video as well as the picture, which would mean he's 175 tops, but probably lower to a significant degree
cupcake said on 17/May/21
depending on how much height he loses during the day if he got measured in the morning I'm going to say he's between
175.09 cm - 175.73 cm
If we want to be accurate and go in between we can assume Pewdiepie is 175.41 cm or 5'9.06 which is just the slighest bit over 5'9
jawcel said on 14/May/21
176-177cm range, he needs an upgrade to at least 5'9.25. I give him 5'9.5.
gary69 said on 8/May/21
Looking at photos where he is with Conan and another one where he is with Trey Parker, I was thinking 177-178cm.
Vincent Caleb said on 2/May/21
I actually agree with Cmillz, looks max 5’9” with Conan who is 6’3.5-6’3.75”.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 29/Apr/21
I’m willing to bet peak Gibson, peak Stallone & Tom hardy would edge this guy out
Slim 6'1.5 said on 29/Apr/21
He’s actually 174.5cm but robs guess is close enough
abdou. said on 14/Apr/21
google says he 5.11 And Google always increases the height of people so he like 5.10
Megrace said on 8/Apr/21
He could pass for 176 cm
Vincent Caleb said on 8/Apr/21
The one time I watch pewdiepie he goes on celebheights lol.
Siri said on 8/Apr/21
Felix if you are here again,you are 5'9" bro😂😂😂
just kidding🤝🙏
gary69 said on 8/Apr/21
This website is in his latest video
gary69 said on 8/Apr/21
PewDiePie shouted you out in his newest video, fddf

Editor Rob
I hope he didn't demand an extra 2cm 😼
Vincent Caleb said on 7/Apr/21
Dude wtf, he just put this on his YouTube!!! Look at his last video LOL. All our comments were on his video.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 16/Mar/21
sebastian945 said on 11/Mar/21
We all know that Feliks height is really 3 feet, His legs are artificial!
3ft? Bit generous, he’s 2’9 max
sebastian945 said on 11/Mar/21
We all know that Feliks height is really 3 feet, His legs are artificial!
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 28/Feb/21
@thanoy stop fanboying to get him an upgrade. He’s clearly not 6’
thanoy said on 25/Feb/21
I think he is 6 ft
cmillz said on 10/Feb/21
Vincent Caleb said on 24/Jan/21
Maybe and upgrade?
Nah, I wouldn’t go any higher than this mark actually.
Lover_thorn3 said on 31/Jan/21
@marmol honestly his friend Roomie looks taller not shorter
Marmol said on 30/Jan/21
You can see in this video "
Click Here" that measured in socks, he's hitting the 178 mark for sure. His friend, being shorter, see's it diferently, and claims 177. So despite him being regarded as short, I strongly think he's 178-179 cm.

Editor Rob
I thought he was between
5ft 9 and 10. However, that tape looked a little bit bent, which could knock some height off.
A lot of folk would give him 176cm range, which I don't dismiss.
Vincent Caleb said on 24/Jan/21
Maybe and upgrade?
GTB173cm said on 24/Jan/21
5’11 for him is almost impossible. I’d say he’s a weak 5’9 but 5’10 in shoes.
Lover_thorn3 said on 22/Dec/20
Cant see him under 173. Can’t see him over 175.3. I don’t believe the 177 measurement
Genau said on 22/Dec/20
Rob whats the highest youd argue for felix

Editor Rob
if he really is in socks, then 177 is a possibility.
ruby said on 17/Dec/20
He is 177 cm. YouTuber RoomieOfficial measured him in this video:
Click Here.

Editor Rob
5ft 9.5 range is very possible there if he was only in socks and Roomie was in sneakers like he is suggesting.
Baconvation said on 14/Dec/20
PewDiePie is actually 5'10 ft in his latest video.
Aj06 said on 14/Dec/20
I belive he is at very least 1.5 inches short for his claim more proably more like 1.75-1.8 inches off I would give pewdiepie a 5'9.25 max (5'9 1/4)
fddf said on 26/Nov/20
Click Here
Next to 173cm Joji bending down. He is clearly 180cm+.
Philip550 said on 20/Nov/20
5'10 / 177 cm
Stomak said on 19/Nov/20
This is way off, he is at least 5'9 3/4 at night, he is like 5'10 most of the day, the thing is that he doesnt care about his height that much so usually in photos he isnt even staying straight, btw he is at least 1.5 inches taller than jacksepticeye and jack is probably same height as you
Vincent Caleb said on 14/Nov/20
One of the more solid 5’9” on this site.
Mike Sui said on 31/Oct/20
He's like 5'9 , Fouseytube claims to be 5′9.75′, why would he deplicate himself if it wasn't the truth ,look at this pic of them :
Click Here
Lover_thorn3 said on 26/Oct/20
I did actually mention i only heard he claims 5’7 from a comment i never said if It was a reliable claim or not.
PeterTheCurious said on 25/Oct/20
Lover_thorn3 If you watch, the video, he didn't know what is feet and inches, he is from Sweden, they use metric system. He later put his height into a calculator and he says he is 5.87 feet, which equals 179 cm. "facepalm".
recapa said on 25/Oct/20
a full 176cm for pewds
Lover_thorn3 said on 24/Oct/20
Click Here rob. Are you familiar with this video? Ive not watched it yet but i read in a podcast that pewdiepie claims 5’7 in it! Im not so sure he could measure that short but i’ll watch it when i have free time to see if he claimed 5’7 unless your already aware of it

Editor Rob
you can use the technique I describe in
This video how to find any potential height claims in videos, especially long ones.
So it took me a few seconds to find
PewDiePie mentioning 5ft 7 after they talk about 5ft6, but they go rambling about centimetres afterwards.
PeterTheCurious said on 23/Oct/20
As Brook Tatom said he is taller than Markiplier. Here is a picture, Pewdiepie taller than Jack and Mark without shoes.
Click Here So I’m sure Pewds not 175, but more a 177-178 guy.
cmillz said on 16/Oct/20
Lover_thorn3 said on 6/Oct/20
I believe he is robs height twin

Editor Rob
I wish he was my bank-balance twin 😆
Mike Sui said on 5/Oct/20
Looks 173ish to me.
Brooke Tatom said on 26/Sep/20
In the cringemas livestream he did with markiplier, Felix appeared slightly taller than 5'9" Markiplier. Its especially evident around the 3:30 mark of the highlight video uploaded to Felix's channel, although their posture is admittedly different. I'd say about 5'9.5" at most, but probably more realistically around 5'9.25".
Philip ZeX said on 24/Sep/20
Were you able to find any pictures where he stands next to people whos height is confirmed?
I'm trying to find more of them, but he rarely takes pictures with other celebs and youtubers.

Editor Rob
jake dsfasfs said on 19/Sep/20
he is 179 everyone know but he jokes he is 181 he said it on a video he looks pretty tall tho definitely not 175
Alex Schulz said on 15/Sep/20
Felix is strong 5'9, i think during the day he is 5'9⅛" - 5'9¾". 5'9¼" from me
Axel Lextor said on 11/Sep/20
something else speaking of Elrubius. There are many photos with another youtuber named Willirex who is 181. In many photos they are the same and in others Willy is taller than Rubius and in others Rubius is taller than Willy. Hope this helps you get the height of Elrubius
Rupert Rolfsen said on 9/Sep/20
I think pewdiepie is a strong 5’9. Clearly taller than jacksepticeye at 5’8. I would give him 5’9.5-5’9.75 (177.2cm)
Mr height said on 3/Sep/20
Rob. Any chance he really is 8-8.5 range like the recent comments say he is?

Editor Rob
lowest I'd argue is 8.5
gio crolla said on 31/Aug/20
slightly smaller than a 5'9 roomie
RickieC said on 22/Aug/20
"I know some super talented Youtubers with only 15,000 subscribers, no idea how this guy got over 100 million!"
Like in most markets, early adopters have a higher chance of success. The first people in anything usually have an advantage. It takes time to build a business/channel.
Take Celebheights for example, it's been here since 2005ish, now it's considered an authority website my Google. There are many newer clones but most are further down the rankings.

Editor Rob
Yeah, there are big youtubers who got in early and stuck at it. The rewards if you get into Youtube's good books (regular suggestion) are immense.
Just don't do what I did - put out some critical videos about Google/Youtube 😏
The French Dude said on 10/Aug/20
5'8.5 sounds right to me, can't him taller than that!, always had looked average height to me, never tall
Andy5'93/4 said on 9/Aug/20
I thought it was just one video at first but from lover thorn3s posts its clear roomies taller. I think pewdiepie really could be a solid 5’8 barefoot
Lover_thorn3 said on 31/Jul/20
Btw rob ik ive asked a lot about roomie. But what about dave he claims “just over 6 foot” and in a video “well im just over 6 foot” and in another “im either 6 foot or just over”
Click Here
Do you think he looks his claim?

Editor Rob
In that moment I could see near 5ft 9 and a good 6ft for them both, assuming footwear was about same.
Lover_thorn3 said on 29/Jul/20
If jack came in at 170 surely mark is still taller than 165
Click Here
If jacks even is taller its definitely not by 5CM
PeterTheCurious said on 26/Jul/20
So if Roomie taller than PewDiePie, than Jackspetickeye is 170 cm and Pewdiepie is 173 cm and Markiplier is 165 cm, I posted a picture where Pewds without shoes as tall as Jack, with bent knees.
MD said on 26/Jul/20
Loer_thorn3's posts are pretty convincing...
Linke said on 25/Jul/20
What is the average height for a swede? 5'11?
Lover_thorn3 said on 24/Jul/20
Hey rob sorry for all the comments but i have one last photo this is another side by side much better for showing
Click Here
I tried to draw a line but i failed 😂 here its harder to tell whos heads higher (hair etc) but roomies shoulders are taller and he makes Pewdiepie look like a 173 if roomies a 174 i doubt one person is enough to have pewdiepie downgraded but what do you think of this?

Editor Rob
they are pretty close...if Roomie's 174 claim is a measurement, then pewdiepie over 5ft 9 seems hard to imagine.
PeterTheCurious said on 20/Jul/20
Lover_thorn3 Look at my link in the previous comment. I made the screenshot myself, PewDiePie wears socks and he has the same height like Jackspetickeye who stands tall with shoes on, but PewDiePie in resting position, his legs bent. I don’t know how tall is Roomie, but my so called evidence is I think more accurate, because on my photo they stand in a line at least. 175 before bad for sure...
Lover_thorn3 said on 15/Jul/20
Hey. Rob i dont mean to repeat but i thought id show some more angles to show roomie is most likely clearly taller
Pewdiepie is closer to the camera yet still cant look roomies height
Click Here
Click Here
Roomie has worse posture here but probably still has an edge
Click Here
This is the closest to standing side by side roomies still taller
PeterTheCurious said on 13/Jul/20
Rob sorry, I forgot to put my link into tinyurl. So here is a picture:
Click Here This is a very interesting photo. Jackseptickeye wears a normal shoe and he is standing tall, Markiplier bends his head down, PewDiePie is without shoes and he is slouched and he has the same height as Jackseptickeye. What is your opinion? PewDiePie is taller or the other two is shorter? PewDiePie listed as 180 cm, Markiplier listed as 179 cm and Jackspetickeye listed as 178 cm. What is the truth? Emma Blackery the short lady, I don't know how tall she is and PJ is tall for sure he is the guy ond the right side.
Lover_thorn3 said on 13/Jul/20
Here is roomies 174 claim
Click Here

Editor Rob
It certainly doesn't help PewDiePie's own claim if roomie is a true 174cm.
PeterTheCurious said on 12/Jul/20
I made this picture by myself. This was a livestream 3.5 years ago with big youtubers, there were PewDiePie, Jacksaptickeye and Markiplier. This is the most accurate camera angle that I found and they are standing in a line. Markiplier and Jackspeptickeye wearing shoes, Pewds barefoot, I drew a line on the top of their heads. Pewds elbows on the table and his legs crossed and bent. Jack stands tall. Markiplier bends his head down. There are also Emma Blackery I don't know how tall she is, but she could be very short. PJ's height also don't know. This is for you Big Rob, please tell me what is the truth about PewDiePie's height. Here is the picture:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Jack is the one probably standing best, with PewDiePie maybe losing a bit in posture...I still think PewDiePie generally seems at least 5ft 9
Lover_thorn3 said on 11/Jul/20
Rob. How tall do you think Joel from Roomie is? Hes generally listed as 173-174cm but he is taller than pewdiepie
Click Here

Editor Rob
He does seem taller, though I've no idea if he ever claimed 174 or anything like that. Maybe in a video he mentioned it.
6footTom said on 10/Jul/20
If Jacksepticeye is indeed 5'8" flat, then I can't see Felix being taller than this listing.
Jack6'1 said on 2/Jul/20
Id say a weak 5 10 or 5 9¾ cuz he was measured with rommie
cmillz said on 30/Jun/20
Actually gave off a weak 5’9 impression next to 6’3.5ish Conan O’Brien.
Blanc said on 30/Jun/20
That sounds right, in fact when I stand next to a tape measure and people read it out how they did with him I look 5ft 7.5 which is atleast 3 cm too high.
PeterTheCurious said on 18/Jun/20
He claimed himself 180 cm in two videos not two long ago. But the last video he said actually 179 cm and he is definetely not 175 and he will mesure himself on camera in the future. I don’t know how tall he is, but I’m sure he was mesured once 177 cm and another time 178 cm. I think he wakes up with 179 cm and go to bed around 177 cm. If he really mesures himself accurately that will decide the question. One thing is sure, he has very big and strong bone structure (he has 1,5x wider shoulder’s than Jacksepticeye). Last time I gave him a 178 cm, I will not guess again, I look forward if he really mesures himself.
bigdboy said on 8/Jun/20
in his recent video he claimed 179cm tall
Andy 5'91/2 said on 30/May/20
Roomie himself claims 1.74M and he looked taller than pewdiepie in the video they did mention roomie was wearing shoes but a full 1.2inch shoe? Roomie done the measure with a single thumb and the top of his hair heres my guess for a lot of their heights
Pewdiepie 5’8 3/4
Jacksepticeye 5’7
Dave (boyinaband) 6’0 1/2
Roomie- 5’8 1/2
I dont know about mark
Ambiguous J said on 28/May/20
Click Here
Can't really see how these two are the same height? I know angles are a thing in height but Mark genuinely looks like he has 5'7 proportions.
Ronaldo 185.5cm said on 28/May/20
@Jani he got measured 177 with more proper measurement than that 178cm measurement, you can see that jacksepticye guessed it from way further off his head than in roomie's video. He is over 5'9 but not 5'10. I would love to see a stadiometer measurement and see how tall he really is. Would be like 176-77cm. And im not underestimating, thats just how it is. + Keep in mind that its not sure what time of the day it was measured, if it was at afternoon, then he would be a legit 176-7cm, if not,then around 176cm.
Ronaldo 185.5cm said on 28/May/20
@Jani he got measured 177 with more proper measurement than that 178cm measurement, you can see that jacksepticye guessed it from way further off his head than in roomie's video. He is over 5'9 but not 5'10. I would love to see a stadiometer measurement and see how tall he really is. Would be like 176-77cm. And im not underestimating, thats just how it is.
sammy long balls said on 26/May/20
In Roomie's vid, he was 177cm and then in Jack's, he was 178cm so I'd give him a 5'10
Jani said on 9/May/20
I would give Felix close to the 180cm mark. Felix wasn't really standing as tall as he should've been when Roomie measured him. When Jacksepticeye measured him without shoes Felix was 178cm. Those obviously were not accurate measurements but if Felix would stand up tall he would probably get 179cm.
Ronaldo 185.5cm said on 5/May/20
@Kian Kavoosi yea but 177cm in a video with Roomie. He isnt 178cm that was a ty measurement honestly
Kian Kavoosi said on 2/May/20
I’m sure he is 178 because in a video with Jacksepticeye they topic of height came up and he took his shoes off and jack measured him at 178 which is 5ft 10
Victor 180 said on 1/May/20
He's somewhere between 5'9" and 5'10". I'm thinking 176 cm is about right.
Although, in the picture you provided, it doesn't even look like he's got the proportions of a 5'9" guy; his legs are very short, and in the video where Roomie measured him, it was done with one thumb. Not proper at all.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Apr/20
Facially he has the look of a very tall Skarsgard type Swedish guy, surprised he's only this. I know some super talented Youtubers with only 15,000 subscribers, no idea how this guy got over 100 million!
mark thompson said on 21/Apr/20
@Battery2000 every video i've seen felix and jack in together, felix is always taller. he gets measured at 177cm or 178cm i think because of his hair, which makes his exact height hard to pinpoint. i think felix is 175-176cm and jack is 171-172cm, but there is no way felix is shorter than jack, not by any tad bit.
Kinan Abuawad said on 9/Apr/20
Google just listed him as 177cm/5,9 3/4 Which is probably because when roomieoffical measured his height which turned out to be 177 cm
Nicholas 5'9.25" said on 9/Apr/20
Battery2000, you're an idiot. Jack is 5'8", Markiplier is 5'9", and Pewdiepie is 5'9" to 5'9.25"
Battery2000 said on 5/Apr/20
Ok I've found out Felix's real height. He's almost 5'10, more specifically 5'9.7
He stands just a tad bit shorter than Jacksepticeye who's 5'10.1
And then at last Markiplier is 5'10.5
OriginalAnon said on 21/Mar/20
He could be slightly over 5'9'' but chances are he is a flat 5'9''. He is definitely no taller than 5'9.5"
cmillz said on 28/Feb/20
Not buying anything over 175cm for him.
the thing said on 22/Feb/20
Click Here 2:33 cames he was very short when he was young i don't think he is anywhere near his 180cm claim nowadays
Murtuza said on 18/Feb/20
@Deep Purple |
Robert Wadlow was measured at 8’11.1”
Gapi said on 16/Feb/20
Click Here in this vid he is measured to be 177 cm (2:08)
Click Here and in this one, more (not as precisely) 178 cm (12:05)
so I'd say about 177cm, maybe a tiny bit more so I say 5ft 9 and 3/4
Roderick said on 3/Feb/20
I can actually believe 5'9.25" for an exact measurement.
I used to love watching Pewds before he blew up into what he is today. I still love the guy, even though he can be a goof for what he says during his streams sometimes.
Aldebaran said on 1/Feb/20
Look for me a weak 5'10. 1,76,5.
5'11Guy said on 31/Jan/20
I honestly think 5’9 is too low for him, I think he should be upgraded to 5’9.25
Deep Purple said on 17/Jan/20
Peppa Pig is 7'1, all internet listed her at 7'1. Daddy Pig is 8'11 and taller than 8'10 Wadlow
6footTom said on 5/Jan/20
Doesn't look over this listing if Jacksepticeye is only 5'8".
Peter175 said on 2/Jan/20
He's not 5'10, but I think 5'9-5'10 is way more likely than 5'8-9". I think 176.5 is probably his realistic height.
taylor22 said on 28/Oct/19
Sometimes he use thick ass shoes and insoles to boost his height 1-2 inch taller.
In this pic :
Click Here he explained in a video that mark is in the higher ground.
In this video :
Click Here He looks an inch taller than 172-173cm Jacksepticeye.
But he doesn't look like a 175cm person next to 162cm marzia so i will give him 176.5cm 177cm max
Roderick said on 21/Oct/19
5'9" is ok
AMWF cute euro girl said on 13/Oct/19
Roomie used to measure Pew's height in a vid and said he was 177 cm.
herio said on 12/Sep/19
he's measured 177cm and 178cm tall in both jacksepticeye and roomie's video
Peter175 said on 8/Sep/19
Rob, can you add his wife Marzia? I think she would be a good page to add and would bring in a lot of viewers. I think she's at least 5'3.5 maybe 5'4. I still think Felix would be above 5'9 even before bed, so I'm taking her height into account with him at 5'9-5'9.5
Diallo said on 21/Aug/19
He was measured in a video 177 cm
cmillzz said on 10/Aug/19
Thing is, Mark probably isn’t quite a legit 5’9. I see him more as being a weak 5’9, and Felix at best a solid 5’9.
Skeletor Mode said on 5/Aug/19
He is definitely below 5'10" but I think 5'9" is too low for him. If you want me to be really specific I see his legit night height as being in the range of 175.7 cm - 176.1 cm. He might go down to 5'9" on a very rare low. 5'9.25" would be the most plausible listing if you ask me, especially because he consistently appears to have a very slight edge on Markiplier who is listed here at 5'9" as well.
wifikidd said on 1/Aug/19
He is 7 feet 1 or 2 compared to peppa pig
Peppa the pig said on 29/Jul/19
He clearly is 7'2" as he said in his last video.
Now im sad cause hes taller than me :(
Dvhh said on 28/Jul/19
He is 7.1 feet as stated in his recent video
cmillzz said on 13/Jul/19
Wonder whose sock kamb246 is, probably some previously
Banned poster on here who I’m unfamiliar with and do not care to know about. Dumb
trolls lol.
kamb246 said on 12/Jul/19
@cmillzz yes because what you think, thats the true, thats sense.
i think you should say everyone's height
cmillzz said on 9/Jul/19
Rob, you need to invite Felix over to your house and measure him under your stadiometer to put this 5’10-5’11 nonsense to rest.
michael breen said on 8/Jul/19
guys he is178 cm Sean measured him in a video
Click Here
time stamp : - 12:08
khaled taban said on 6/Jul/19
No, he simply isn't 5'10", 5'9" and 5'9.25" are possible.
He is average in America, short in Sweden.
cmillzz said on 4/Jul/19
He barely looked 5’9 next to Conan O’Brien.
MD said on 3/Jul/19
Yes, he is obviously neither 177 nor 178. That is out of the question.
cmillzz said on 1/Jul/19
175cm at most, Rob has the right idea.
PeterTheCurious said on 30/Jun/19
First time he was mesured 177 cm, second time he was mesured 178 cm, I think it depends how well he was hydrated or which time was he mesured and also the tape can bend so it not accurate, but clearly not 175 cm, definetely taller. Maybe in school he was mesured with a 2 cm regular shoes 180 cm and he stick to it.
heightdude said on 28/Jun/19
in videos, he has been measured barefoot at both 178cm and 177cm. Not accurately though.
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jun/19
Grinch said on 12/Jun/19
Felix was measured in a video with Jacksepticeye were he was measured 5'10 1/4, 181cm.
5'10 1/4 is 178 cm, 5'11 1/4 is 181cm.
TheBat said on 13/Jun/19
That would be hilarious if his fans thought that lol!
cmillzz said on 13/Jun/19
Lol, so many naive, clueless people... What’s next, 185cm for Felix?
Royce Cyril G. Ramirez said on 12/Jun/19
Wrong Felix is 1.80 cm or 5'11
Grinch said on 12/Jun/19
Felix was measured in a video with Jacksepticeye were he was measured 5'10 1/4, 181cm.
Jaemss said on 11/Jun/19
Click Here 12:02
He's 178cm or 5'10 and a little bit
redisanepicgamer said on 11/Jun/19
pewdiepie & jack measured it in his last video. (YOUTUBE FEUD W/Felix) on jacksepticeye's channel.
khaled taban said on 31/May/19
I don't think he is taller than 175cm.
Y07 said on 29/May/19
@IWishIWas6Foot2 Where is Keemstar?
IWishIwas6Foot2 said on 18/May/19
Ranking of most insecure YouTubers:
1) KSI's little bro
2) Jake Paul and Pewdiepie
3) KSI
cmillzz said on 13/May/19
he could be near 5’11 in those shoes though
cmillzz said on 13/May/19
He’s probably barely even 5’9, let alone 5’10.
Jk said on 12/May/19
His shoes are these I believe
Click Here

Editor Rob
They look similar to that kind of shoe, which seems around 2 inch
TheBat said on 8/May/19
Agreed. That would make KickThePJ 6'4" if Felix was 5'11" and that would make me 6'0.5" as well.
6footTom said on 5/May/19
He cannot be over 5'10" when he gets consistently dwarfed by 6'2" KickThePJ.
Thijmen5 said on 27/Apr/19
I think he is 5'11.
Cameron Brown said on 26/Apr/19
As measured
Hijoputamus said on 26/Apr/19
This lad is 180 with huge lifts and standing on a box.
Another Mario Lopez bull ting us.
What a joke
Kristian 5'11 said on 23/Apr/19
All I can say for certain is that Felix got measured by Roomie in a rather comical video
(Don't know if I'm allowed to post links for videos here, but here it is anyway.)
Click Here
TO sum up Pewds isn't more than probably 5'10 or 5'9 but it's fun to see him joke about his height, cause that is clearly what he's doing.
Think this is possible Rob?

Editor Rob
It's a shame they never put him under a stadiometer, that would have been great - still time for him to do it, if he's short of cash, I'll send him a spare one 😂
SickMyDuck said on 19/Apr/19
"He is listed 181 cm on google now. In a few months later he might be listed 183 cm. I think 177 cm is the maximum height for PewDiePie. Famous people often lie about their height."
He edited his own page to make it appear like this.
That's right. You fell for his goofs :')
yanis sushasnky said on 19/Apr/19
from his latest video he has clamed 262 cm,which i think i very reasonable so no more arguments please
#FiveElevenSquad said on 19/Apr/19
His legs look very short, 174 cm/5'8.5.
TheBat said on 16/Apr/19
He definitely seems to be joking about that now that you mention it. His original 180 cm claim is still pretty bad.
J-Dog said on 16/Apr/19
5'8" Maximum....Does not look 5'9" without massive heels. I attempted to be as un-bias as possible as I don't personally care for him.
6footTom said on 15/Apr/19
I think it's pretty clear that he's joking about his 181cm claim when he says, "reality can be whatever I want."
TheBat said on 15/Apr/19
Google in a nutshell! Whoever puts those heights down is way off like 70% of the time. I'm 5'10.5" (or 179 cm) and I would love to put Felix's claims down the drain.
Magda said on 13/Apr/19
He is listed 181 cm on google now. In a few months later he might be listed 183 cm. I think 177 cm is the maximum height for PewDiePie. Famous people often lie about their height.
TheBat said on 13/Apr/19
Felix maybe one of the most insecure YouTubers when it comes to height. Due to his newest claim, he would think that a strong 5'10" guy like me would be close to 6'1". Absolute BS is what I call it.
Ben said on 12/Apr/19
I saw the model for the shoes some tine ago. They're quite expensive and it gives him 5.5cm.
cmillzz said on 11/Apr/19
Now I’m really starting to question if he’s even over 174.5 cm...
Christian Almost 6'6" said on 10/Apr/19
Did anyone see the video with Pewdiepie and Roomieofficial (joel berghult) who has said on twitter once, on video once, and has been listed at 5’8” but Pewdiepie and him look the same height! It’s kind of odd! Lol
6james94 said on 10/Apr/19
was he measured in shoes if that's the case he's definitely 5'9" though barefoot could be 5'9 1/4 that video could of been earlier in the day and maybe he measures 5'9 1/2 on a lazy day. Do you think 5'9.25 is possible
6footTom said on 9/Apr/19
He's got quite a few full body pictures of himself in those exact elevator shoes on his Instagram so I don't think he's trying to hide to them. He's probably like Robert Downey Jr. in that regard, he wants to feel taller but doesn't hide the fact that he wears extra footwear and admits that he isn't that tall.
HeightMythsBreaker said on 8/Apr/19
PewDiePie seems quite insecure about his height, he's just been spotted wearing elevator shoes:
Click Here
I'd go for 174-175.

Editor Rob
They've got to be some Gucci or expensive style, if anybody can find what make/model those are it would be interesting.
Oneiroi said on 6/Apr/19
Will you add Nate Garner sometime in the website Rob? He have more than two million of followers in instagram, almost 700.000 in Youtube and 46,428,103 views.

Editor Rob
I'm not sure on him.
earl said on 5/Apr/19
How much height does pewdiepie gain from the shoes hes wearing in this picture? it looks like 5 inch elevators to me.
Click Here

Editor Rob
They are called 'Portmans', a well known model worn predominantly by New Yorkers.
They give 3 and 1/3rd of an inch of height.
Almost 180cm said on 1/Apr/19
Rob,He's Listed 181cm now man he must realy have an Issue With His Height The Youtuber that Measured him is 174cm and they looked almost the same,he's no taller than 5'9" i wish you could get a picture with Him,people should just accepte their real heights and move on

Editor Rob
He should do a proper measurement video, I mean a stadiometer costs nothing really!
Jonas Gutierezz said on 31/Mar/19
In his video he said "Reality can be whatever I want". He was clearly just kidding about 181. He is 5'9.50 max
SnerhagAip777 said on 31/Mar/19
Appearantly Felix has made a new claim which is 181cm. Maybe you should add that, Rob.
Damon Blank said on 30/Mar/19
I don't think he's taller than 5 ft 9, 5 ft 10 to be honest.
Comment said on 30/Mar/19
In his newest googling myself video he changed his height to 181 cm. xD He's no more than 176.
Prudvi Kamtam said on 30/Mar/19
Y'all are wrong his actual height is 181cm
TheBat said on 26/Mar/19
No way in a million years is Felix 5'11" at all, more like 5'9".
cmillzz said on 14/Mar/19
174-175 cm is more like it after seeing more of him. same height as Mark.
RyannoF7 said on 13/Mar/19
I have seen YouTube video and it's about his height. He has been measured by Roomie and that height that Felix has reached 'bout 1m77 but he also wearing shoes.So i think his height at least is 1m75
JD 5'9" said on 27/Feb/19
@Sophus Vaino Not sure about footwear, but it looks like that guys hand moved up slightly. I'd guess he's more 175-176 range.
Y07 said on 26/Feb/19
I'm disappointed he still believes he is 180cm not too long ago. Definitely a extremely rough measurement in that video (i would never use that method if i want to measure someone), but at least it wasn't far off from your opinion. If this was filmed not too long after he got out of bed, then probably likely he'll get 175 or 176cm if he was measured like that later in the day. Either way i'm still putting my money on 175 or 176cm for his minimum height.
Michael Christman said on 25/Feb/19
Yeah, I had a feeling he wasn’t 5’11”, he looks closer to 5’9” in videos standing next to people. He’s an average height guy. This sounds right for him.
Kimblemur said on 17/Feb/19
His claim of 5’11 is audacious hahaha, 5’9
rawdshaq said on 17/Feb/19
177cm measured yep
Liten said on 16/Feb/19
Rob, he is 177 cm and its confirmed

Editor Rob
It seemed a very rough estimate, would be interesting to see him get a proper measurement to see if he still got above 5ft 9.
Angus said on 16/Feb/19
177 cm measured
Peter175 said on 15/Feb/19
I feel like he would be taller than me and I'm 175.5cm.
His measurement looks to show that is at least not below 175. I don't think 178 works for him at all or his claim of 180 or joke claim of 185, but 176-177, totally not impossible, especially not 5'9.5 ish. He just has a long skull and a small frame so he looks kinda like he's built like a teenager but he's every bit an average height male globally, but probably 2 inches short for a young swede.