Vince said on 14/Sep/14
He's 5'8" because last year when I was 13 I saw him and he's my height which is 5'8"
sim said on 31/Aug/14
Rob, Eminem needs a downgrade to 5' 7" or at max 5' 7.5".
Quincy said on 23/Aug/14
Eminem was obviously 5'7 (barefoot) in his prime. His mugshot has him at 5'8 due to him wearing shoes. People shrink when they age due to gravity decompressing on the spine so Eminem is now 5'6 I have proof. Look up "Eminem Kerry Washington interview" Kerry Washington is EXACTLY 5'4 she even said she doesn't see the point in lying about height because people will eventually find out. Eminem barely looks taller than her. He used to be 5'7 (barefoot) he is 5'6 now (barefoot) He is a pretty short guy.
smart1 said on 20/Aug/14
Eminem is 5' 7" accept it. I am a strong 5' 8" and when I met him I'd estimate he was around an inch to an inch and a half shorter than me
Bullseye said on 19/Aug/14
Folks he clearly stands nothin' under 5ft 8, he can appear shorter sometimes because of the baggy clothes he wears and also because his posture is far from being impeccable. Look at the pics with his 'homie' Royce da 5'9 who is self-admittedly 5'9" (duh?), he only looks marginably shorter than him and in many pics he can actually look the same height.
Boxer said on 18/Aug/14
There is a video of Eminem and
Mark Wahlberg on mtv TRL back in 1999 and Mark looks a bit taller eventhough the camera had a slight angle to it. Mark also seems to be about 5'7 from a clip where hes on the Ellen Degeneres Show. Ellen is 5'7 and Mark cant be a strong 5'8 if so.
Sometimes Em looks 5'8 and could even look 5'6 aswell. Its very tricky but theres also rapper Big sean that took a photo and Sean stands about 2 inches taller than Em (noting that Sean is 5'8. Eventhough Eminem stands closer to the camera, you can tell he is a short guy.
With all these points I'd say he's a strong 5'7.
italianoGuy said on 17/Aug/14
He is 1.72m.
target said on 16/Aug/14
In the mugshot of the gun license, he was wearing shoes. When people get their mugshot taken they don't take off their shoes and his shoes would have added 1 inch or so, I'd say bearfoot he's 5' 7"
jordan said on 11/Aug/14
eminem is the only rap god in the world
Kathryn said on 10/Aug/14
I can't believe everyone is still debating this. In his autobio from 2008, there's a copy of a gun permit he obtained years ago--it says he is 5'8"!
Kathryn said on 10/Aug/14
I can't believe everyone is arguing this. If you look in his 2008 autobiography, he put in a copy of his old gun license. It says right on the card he's 5'8".
Jack said on 25/Jul/14
5'7'75"(172 cm).
tommis said on 2/Jul/14
Kim's around 178m (5' 10") or 180m (5' 11"), Eminem is in the 5' 7" range so anywhere from 170m to 172m is about right to me.
176,2Tunman said on 30/Jun/14
looks 5'7-8 generally,shorter than 5'9 royce and rather a strong 4" shorter than 50 Cent.MAybe 5'7.5" is perfect for him.
Any opinion about Kim's height?she looks big for sure but 6'? hmm,I can't see more than 5'10-11.
max said on 29/Jun/14
He looks quite short to me tbh. He can't be over 5'7, he even looks 5'6 at times.
Yukie said on 25/Jun/14
Why does he looks 5,9 (175 cm) to me idk why?
Joe said on 21/Jun/14
solid 5'7, I don't see 5'8 for him, he is a bit shorter than nas, who is listed 5'8, which I agree with.
Eminem won't hit above 5'7.
He's like 5'6.75 to 5'7.25 guy
Emil 182.5 cm said on 17/Jun/14
Could you consider downgrading him?
Peyman said on 30/May/14
Eminem : 5ft 7.25in- 171 is what I can live with
50 cent : a real 5ft 11in guy
I'm sure:
1st, Eminem is shorter than Rob
2nd, 50 cent is obviously less than a true 6footer
Joe said on 30/May/14
Eminem is not a lift wearer that is why he appears a lot shorter than Dr Dre or 50 cent, who are both lift wearers. I would list Dre and 50 at 6' and 5'11 respectively, Eminem isn't 5'7.5, he's only 5'7. End of the story.
Alex 6'0 said on 7/May/14
Whatever Fred Durst is they look about the exact same height both in sneakers.
Mathew said on 5/May/14
5'8" is too high for Eminem. I could agree with 5'7.5" but not over that.
Alex 6'0 said on 2/May/14
5'6 range is too short for him. He's not 5'8 either. I think he's a 5'7 guy
carman said on 19/Apr/14
Eminem is not under or over 5-7, he could even be 5-7.5.
His mugshot had him at 5-8 due to wearing shoes, possibly with a half an inch to 1 inch heel. He's not as low as 5-6.5 though. I've even met him myself and he was noticeably a couple inches shorter than me and I'm 5-9. He's not over 5-7. Rob, please change the listing for Eminem's height.
Jeff said on 6/Apr/14
@ekt: If you have a very poor posture like eminem you can also shrink at 20, but you can regain it by some stetching, fixing the posture a.k.a spinal curvature.
ekt said on 3/Apr/14
jeff, what do you mean by peak height, Eminem is still too young to start shrinking, most men start shrinking around 50 very few start shrinking before that unless they have scoliosis or earlly osteoporosis or something
kool said on 24/Mar/14
Royce Da 5' 9 is actually 5' 8, but 5' 9 with shoes on. There was a video where they measured his height with his shoes and hat on and and they said 5'9 5' 8 bearfoot.
Eminem's 5' 7, even though he can look shorter than that at times, DEFINITELY not 5' 8. He's short.
em said on 21/Mar/14
James you cant be serious? eminem is not 5'5.5 he is at least 5'7 thats like saying shaq o neil is 5'9
smack said on 20/Mar/14
Eminem is 5' 7", look at him next to Royce Da 5' 9", clearly 5' 7"
Jeff said on 20/Mar/14
I don't think Eminem is5'8 now, at peak he was, he must be around strong 5'7 now, looks like a weak 5'8
Eminem weak 5'8
50 cent weak 6'(looks like solid 5'11 next to 5'10 akon)
Dr Dre 6'0.5( doesn't look like 6'1 next to strong 6'4 Snoop Dogg, believe me he's comfortably 4 inches shorter than him)
MD said on 18/Mar/14
Why do people even bother posting such ridiculous things? I'm looking at you, James.
dynamite100 said on 17/Mar/14
Actually james richardson...
These are the accurate heights:
Eminem - 5' 7"
Lil' Wayne - 5' 5"
50 Cent - 6' 0"
Justin Bieber - 5' 7" 1/2
Ludacris - 5' 6"
Dr. Dre - 6' 1"
James Richardson said on 16/Mar/14
There are the heights:
Eminem 5'5.5
Lil Wayne 5'2.5 LOL
50 cent 5'10.5
Justin Bieber 5'5.5 LOL
Ludacris 5'5
Dr Dre 5'11
ekt said on 26/Feb/14
LOL he may have mentioned that in Crack a Bottle, but remember, Eminem was overweight for a couple of years. He lost weight around 2010-2011 and got back to his weight in the 90's early 2000's. He's definitely around 140-145 maybe 150 the most, no more than that, he is too thin to be anywhere near 175
truthseeker said on 25/Feb/14
I met Shady in 2003, me and him were wearing the same exact nike shoes.
We were literally the exact same height, his shoulder and my shoulders were at the same length and so was our heads. I'm 5' 7" by the way, so there was no way on earth he was taller than that.
I remember his medical records in 2007 said that he was 5' 7" when he was hospitalized, it was in a magazine.
lol said on 17/Feb/14
in crack a bottle eminem claims to be 175 punds
rosie said on 14/Feb/14
Crack up. You've been debating eminem's height for two years. That has so made my day. Really?
Intent100 said on 14/Feb/14 this is an Interview from 1999 with eminem and mark walhberg its pretty much fact that marky mark is around 5 ft 7 maybe 8 at a push so how small does that make eminem? mark i think has about 2- 3 inches on him. his in his mid 20s in this Video aswell so its not like his grown either.
crisp said on 13/Feb/14
Definitely 5'7 or 5'7.5
ekt said on 11/Feb/14
seahawks, he is 5'7.5 maybe 5'8 the most, nowhere near 5'11. just because he has a thin frame, doesnt mean he is tall, not all thin people are tall that is just the myth of somatype. There are tons of tall stocky chubby people like Shaq for example
ekt said on 11/Feb/14
he definitely was around 140-145 ten years ago and he lost weight this year so I would say he is back around 145 maybe 150 the most
MD said on 6/Feb/14
He may have been 140-145lbs ten years ago (though, I even doubt then), but he's definitely not thin by any defintion, these days. He may fool people with baggy clothes, but he's a fairly solidly built guy.
ekt said on 4/Feb/14
Eminem is not 160 pounds, he is a really thin dude and is only 5'8 maybe even 5'7.5. I would say 140-145 is more realistic. at his height 160 would be either chubby or very bulky
Balrog said on 1/Feb/14
Hahahaha nice answer Rob
KidAuthentic said on 31/Jan/14
I'm 5'10 1/2 and I have a 7'7 wingspan. Is That Awkward

Editor Rob
not awkward if you were an Orangutan
MD said on 31/Jan/14
I don't want to get too much into weight talk, since weight is so variable and so much harder to guess, and because this is a height site. But, I don't see how in the world you thought 50 Cent is 235lbs. lol Back when he was preparing for his movie in 2010 - the one he lost 54lbs for - he was topping out at a max of 214lbs. 235lbs for him at his height would be literaly professional bodybuilding territory. He's always been muscular and then got pretty big, but he's never looked anywhere close to 235lbs.
truth said on 27/Jan/14
yeah I think 5ft7-5ft8 suits him, meaning he might be a strong 5ft7.
em said on 22/Jan/14
in rapgod musicvideo he looked short, its wierd how people that is 5"8 cann look shorter than my 5"6 dad, ik alot of people that is 5"5 they look like eminem and taller but he is 5"7 barefoot 5"8 with air
MD said on 21/Jan/14
Hey, Rob.
Since you think he can look under his listing, do you think he's one of the guys you could look into sometime this week to see if the listing doesn't need adjustment? I asked, because I'd been pretty content with this listing until recently. I've finally started to notice that he always looks just under average. A true 5'8" evening height guy could look average (like you have at times), but he always looks just a little short. Perhaps, he's a 5'8" morning height. I'm thinking he may be closer to 5'7", now, than 5'8".
Xxhiller said on 20/Jan/14
Rob do you think he is 5'6.5 because if you look at the video where he stood next to mark wahlberg, he looked like 1 inch sorter and mark wahlberg is like 5'7.5

Editor Rob
he can look 5ft 7
Zephyr said on 15/Jan/14
Yo eminem can be that height lil wayne said it in a song I'm 5"5' but I can 69 so he's 5"5' and eminem well idk
Emily said on 25/Dec/13
He can't be just 5'8. He's way too famous and rich to be this height. So i think his real height is Around 5'11. Waiting for the change in this listing.
silent j said on 9/Dec/13
By all honesty, Eminem looks 5'8 next to Dr. Dre and 50 Cent who are around 6'0-6'1. But he's DEFINITELTY not over 5'8. He COULD be 5'7, but that's it.
My dad is 6'0 and I look really short next to him (and i'm 5'7) so Em could be 5'8.
The irony said on 23/Nov/13
He's 5'6-5'7 no more than that, so he's short but its pretty ironic because he used to diss other rappers about their height but he's just as short as them lol
1969razorblades said on 22/Nov/13
Eminem is 5'7, he was wearing shoes in his mugshot back in 2001 which added an inch, but yeah a definite 5'7/1.70m
cole said on 19/Nov/13
He looks 5'7 in 8 Mile next to a questionable 5'10ish Anthony Mackie. Looks under 5'8 with 50 Cent and Dre as well. Don't think he'll measure much more than 5'7.25 most of the day. Might be around the 5'8 mark straight out of bed.
Nick said on 11/Nov/13
He didn't actually say 5'7 but his exact words were " royce has about 2 inches on me" or something close to that, i'll try and find a link though.
MD said on 11/Nov/13
Great find. If you could, provide us a link to the interview. That would great, and Rob would have to change the listed height.
Nick said on 8/Nov/13
Eminem is 5'7, he said it in an interview with royce online.
theheightman said on 7/Nov/13
he is 5'6.5 or 5'7 max because kid rock is 6'0 and he looks like 5-6 inches shorter in the photo that Matthew provided so pretty short
JD said on 6/Nov/13
5'5? No way. He IS taller than Wayne, but shorter than Royce who is 5'9. He's at least 5'6, but no taller than 5'8. And that person who is all disappointed, it's not like he's 5'2 or anything. He's on the short side for a guy, but not unnaturally so.
Mathew said on 6/Nov/13
Eminem is 5'7.5". Here he is next to Kid Rock:
Click Here
Also, 50 Cent is 5'11" range, 5'11.5" at most. Dr. Dre is about 6'0", quite likely a strong 6' like 6'0.25", but he's not a legit 6'1".
bandit said on 5/Nov/13
Well, I can say is I got to meet him in cowboys station a few years ago, I got his autograph and I am 5'7 and we were the same height, I promise he is not over 5'7.
hughjackson said on 2/Nov/13
eminem is really short look at his picture with xzibit and he looks at least 3-4 inches shorter than xzibit and xzibit is 5'9.5 so im guessing hes at least 5'5 or 5'6 considering he always wears airs which gives him an 1 and a half so yeah aroung 5'5 to 5'6.5
Silent d said on 29/Oct/13
5 foot 8. Isn't he about the same height as rihanna?
KID Authentic said on 27/Oct/13
It's true he is 5'8 because in 8 mile he looked face to face with Papa Doc(Anthony Mackie) who's 5'10 and Em was only 2 inches shorter
Hanson88 said on 19/Oct/13
I remember there being Eminem's medical records in one of his books (can't remember, it was years ago) and most of his height was listed 5'6 and a half to 5'8.
gnops said on 12/Oct/13
not Emil lol, that was directed at the other dude. My mistake.
gnops said on 12/Oct/13
One inch is 2.54 cm, Emil.
truth said on 7/Oct/13
Eminem is a strong 5ft7 that gets listed at 5ft8.
BestRapper said on 9/Sep/13
Em is 5ft 6 - 5ft 6.75 max, see with Rick Rubin 5ft 11.75
Emil said on 5/Sep/13
IkYwOs Usual says on 24/Feb/13
Your all speaking about him being 5'7 and things like that, for poeple that don't live in the states or in a country where english is the motherthounge that way of speaking is impossible to understand, one foot is 30cm. one inch is 1.5cm so math no thanks. would be way easier to understand if you said he's hight in cm'rs :) btw im like 1.78 am i taller than the king?
1 foot: 30.48 cm
1 inch: 2.54 cm
12 inches equal 1 foot
George said on 25/Aug/13
Solid 5' 7", compared to Royce da 5' 9" (who is obviously listed as 5' 9").
Click Here
EltonJustice said on 8/Aug/13
Gee- in lighters he was alluded to being on the same track as Royce, NOT his specific height. Eminem is a strong 5'7 based on evidence but that would leave UK's Dec at a meager 5'4 ish. Which is believable given 6 flat Robbie Williams looks about a foot taller.
George said on 6/Aug/13
Compared to 5' 6" Elton John. Solid 5' 7", doesn't affect his ego and rhymes anyway, so who cares. Image:
Click Here
gee said on 5/Aug/13
he's probably more like 5-7...5-9 is laughable..he said that in lighters...yeah he's 5-9 with thick shoes
Christofi said on 31/Jul/13
@Josh Eminem is 5'7, I wouldn't call him specifically short, I have a 5'2 male cousin and that's what I would call short, the 5' to 5'3 guys are the ones I feel sorry for.
JohnD90 said on 30/Jul/13
Eminem looks 1-2 inches smaller than Rev Run (5'8) here:
Click Here
Which is funny because Em dissed Canibus' height a lot in their feud but Canibus looks taller than Em near Run:
Click Here
Em is NEVER over 5'7
Juicey said on 24/Jul/13
Looks 5'9 in photos next to 6'1 dre...
Powerhouse said on 22/Jul/13
Looks about 5'7.25
kevin said on 21/Jul/13
there is no way emeinem is 5'10. i stood next to his statue and hes about 5'8 and im taller then him by an inch. im 5'9
Makavel said on 5/Jul/13
I gonna say 5'7 MAX. Look this photo witch d.dre(180cm) and see eminem shoes.
Click Here
who cares said on 5/Jul/13
australian spelling is different 2 american and we have the same spelling as england MD what does that stand 4 huh or does it just stand 4 something u can't spell
who cares said on 28/Jun/13
Take a look @ photos of him n Kim. She towers over him which I think is ugly 4 her she looks like a man
the height man said on 22/Jun/13
jun/22/13 i saw pictures of him by dr.dre and he looked preety average so i say he would be 5'10"
MaskDeMasque said on 16/Jun/13
LOL. Possibly my favourite celebheights quote yet. I don't think QB was trying to be rude and i love how you bleep out the f word but not the c word.
Anyway, i've always thought he was a legit 5'8.
who cares said on 16/Jun/13
Who cares about his height u guys must be so bored 2 be discussing his height its wots in his pants is the size that matters
lol said on 11/Jun/13
the most alpha 5'8 man
JonDoe said on 9/Jun/13
Rappers don't need height and neither do rock stars. Boots and Timberlands.
dude said on 29/May/13
josh...his height is what made him the success who he is today
Josh said on 13/May/13
Em is 5'8? Oh man, that's so lame... I mean I love Eminem, don't get me wrong but for a person of his reputation that's pathetic. But my comment isn't fair at all, I have to be honest, what can he do, blame his mother and father...? I'm so disappointed.
true said on 11/May/13
he looks shorter than big sean who is 5'8 , i'd say 5'7.5
chaz said on 26/Mar/13
He's about 5'8 as when you look at him stood next to Royce da 5'9, who is, you guessed it 5,9, Em is just a little smaller
IkYwOs Usual said on 24/Feb/13
Your all speaking about him being 5'7 and things like that, for poeple that don't live in the states or in a country where english is the motherthounge that way of speaking is impossible to understand, one foot is 30cm. one inch is 1.5cm so math no thanks. would be way easier to understand if you said he's hight in cm'rs :) btw im like 1.78 am i taller than the king?
5'11 barefoot said on 14/Feb/13
yeah about 5'7 is right ...with shoes on 5'8....
tommie said on 30/Jan/13
I remember back in the days around 2002 where he was described in the Bravo here in germany as 5 ft 10! there was a life size poster in. 5 ft 8 seems right maybe a tad more. btw. a very interesting person.
DirtyShoes said on 29/Jan/13
i think he's 5'7 since Marky Mark is 5'8...cus there's an inch or inch an a half difference, i doubt Mark's height thought he looks taller than 5'8
Will said on 22/Jan/13
Eminem is still 5ft 8. No he is not 5ft 9 however.
(S)ain't said on 4/Jan/13
he probably peaks out around 5'9'. he isn't a liar or short.
Vouile said on 17/Dec/12
5'8 sounds right. Mybe 5'9, no taller though.
HIGH SCHOOL QB said on 9/Dec/12
IM 6'7" i think hed be up to my chest so about 5'9" or 5'10" im just guessing i may be wrong but i dont know
Heartßreak king said on 24/Nov/12
He may bd 5'8"
Reality said on 12/Nov/12
5'7 max?LOL He's 5'8 at night it's clear.
Lena said on 6/Nov/12
He's a short guy. 5'7-5'8 is about right.
Nick NB said on 30/Sep/12
After having watched '8 Mile', he appears to be 6'0" (1.83 m).
Looking deep into his intimidating large Blue Eyes is most intriguing as they prove to be a window into his soul; one learns that he is extremely dedicated in all that he does and additionally, he possesses an edge which ultimately renders him an impressive survivor with a great determination in life.
Furthermore, as well as being a very gifted music artist and a safe guy, he's a fairly impressive actor too!
DirtyShoe said on 26/Sep/12
wait a min guys...if
Mark Wahlberg 5' 7' - 5' 8'
then how in the hell Eminem 5' 8 - 5' 9' !!!! which the fact is Mark is taller than Em in 1 to 1.5 i think Eminem is 5' 7' MAXIMUM
Dan said on 21/Sep/12
I'm 5'11", he's up to my eyes, so he's 5'7.5" MAX and 5'7" MIN.
johnnyfive said on 7/Sep/12
Eminem always seemed like a strong 5'7 to me. Never 5'9, that height always seemed to tall for him. He does like to slouch and doesn't care about his height or looking tall. This height is pretty much spot on.
karan said on 5/Sep/12
@jae em didnt say dat hez 5'9 in d song ,he said he came wid 5'9 & dats royce da 5'9! :p
Mark said on 31/Aug/12
eminem use to be a strong 5'9, but over the years, he has lost some posture, he is probably like 5'8 - 5'8.5
Jack said on 12/Aug/12
looks a strong 5'8" for sure like Rob...
Jae said on 9/Aug/12
he says in the song "Lighters" he's 5'9...
MaskDeMasque said on 28/Jul/12
no shorter than 5'8. 5'8.25 is possible.
Mekenna said on 5/Feb/12
He's 5"8 in a half-source-Eminem.
Reality said on 18/Jan/12
@CK: Funny?Em might say his morning or middle/late day height.And Royce can be little taller like 5'9.25 (he could just round it) so Em can be anywhere between 5'8 and 5'8.5 at night.
CK said on 17/Jan/12
@Taylor: Funny that both respond with 5'9" but when they stand next to each other, Royce is noticeably taller, by an inch at least.
Taylor said on 15/Jan/12
watch the bad meets evil livestream on youtube. It is royce and eminem in a room. People are asking them questions and someone asks both of them how tall they are. Both respond with 5'9"
Reality said on 12/Jan/12
@Emil: 50 is 6'0,Em is 5'8 maybe 5'8.25,mugshot proved that.
Emil said on 10/Jan/12
Kinda tricky. He looks 4-5 inches shorter than 50 cent who I think is no taller than 5'11.5. I'd say Eminem is 5'7.5
Reality said on 8/Jan/12
@Matt: I really doubt that Royce can be shorter than 5'9,he never looks below that mark and actually he can also be 5'9.25-5'9.5 but of course he wouldn't call himself Royce da 5'9 and half (or quarter) so maybe he just rounded it,Em is never under 5'8 and could even be taller that's actually because it's kinda difficult to compare him to another celebs because of his bad posture.Also at case if (I just assume) Royce is exactly 5'9.25 (that's 176cm) then Em can be 0.75 inch shorter or 2cm which is also possible but of course I'm not trying to say anything else than Em can't be under 5'8 and Royce can't be under 5'9.
Matt said on 7/Jan/12
@A: Well that's his "Official" height. The height he gives in interviews and on official sites. Indeed he could be shorter. But you'll have to witness a barefoot measurement session if you want the EXACT measurement in feet + inches.
A said on 7/Jan/12
Matt says on 6/Jan/12
@Taylor, @mOHAMED, @tyler: You are all wrong about the lyrics! He finish the first verse with: "I came with 5'9 but I feel like I'm 6'8". Although Royce is 5'9 and the song is a duet with him, it has nothing to do with that. It's about Em's height (he's 5'9) and that he feels he's so much bigger because of his success!
Well if that's true, he's lying about his height seeing that he is noticeably shorter than Royce who is a real 5'9".
Matt said on 6/Jan/12
@Taylor, @mOHAMED, @tyler: You are all wrong about the lyrics! He finish the first verse with: "I came with 5'9 but I feel like I'm 6'8". Although Royce is 5'9 and the song is a duet with him, it has nothing to do with that. It's about Em's height (he's 5'9) and that he feels he's so much bigger because of his success!
ps.rude said on 4/Jan/12
5'8 and a half or 5'9. dont be so insulting about it! "reality" should realize he MAY NOT BE RIGHT. why doesnt he go up and ASK eminem in hes so sure?
Line said on 2/Jan/12
In the book "The way I am" that eminem wrote does it stand that he is 5'9.
MD said on 28/Dec/11
There is no nation in the world where 5'4" would be considered tall, and among ethnicity/tribes, 5'4" would only be tall among actual pygmy people. Unless you are one of them, you have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry to be so blunt, but that was a ridiculous, nonsense post.
Jun said on 27/Dec/11
In my town this isn't short! This is extremely tall! I'm considered tall to some adults and I'm 5'4. The tallest guy in my class is like 6ft and the tallest guy in the grade is probably 6'4 or 6'3... Now I feel short. Dang you Eminem and your tallness!
Reality said on 27/Dec/11
Mathew,173cm is actually right.
Mathew said on 25/Dec/11
171 cm is Eminem's height.
Janine said on 13/Dec/11
He looks pretty short for a guy, I'd say about 5'8. Jay-z is 6'1.5, Dre is a bit shorter at 6'1 but taller than 50 cent, who is 6 feet (mugshot proves that). Brittany Murphy is 5'3, she had at least 3 inch heels on and she reached Em's eyebrows in 8 mile. In this video
Click Here Em's wears thick shoes, but Rihanna's heels are much higher and she's by an inch taller (if we ignore her big hair do).
Anyway, I don't think Em is selfconscious about his height, he slouches a lot, stands with his legs far apart...that's not something people do to appear taller :)
yo mom said on 1/Dec/11
this is weird, its not like i havent seen him next to ppl, he doesnt seem short
tyler said on 30/Nov/11
Taylor, you're a dumbass. It says "I'm rollin with 5'9 but I feel like I'm 6'8. Its a bad meets evil song. The other rapper is royce da 5'9. He's saying he's rollin with royce. Haha you obviously know nothing about his lyrics.
Dman1528 said on 30/Nov/11
5foot7 all day he looks 2 inches shorter than 5foot9 Xzibit
Silent d said on 20/Nov/11
Five foot 8. I always thought he wads taller. In 8 mile much taller than Brittney murphy.
Reality said on 19/Nov/11
@Alex: Actually Em didn't claim that,it's mugshot.Def 5'8.
Alex said on 15/Nov/11
Physics, I have seen it plenty of times where guys in the 5'6-5'7 range just claim 5'8.
Enigma said on 14/Nov/11
Em looks AT LEAST 2 inches shorter than Royce in this vid :
Click Here
Reality said on 2/Nov/11
These guys give 5'8 a bad name?Just because they're not downgraded?Eminem looks like a typical 5'8 guy which is ok,I know what I'm talking about.
mOHAMED said on 2/Nov/11
LMAO Taylor on the song lighters he said " I might be with 5'9 but i feel like im 6 8 , he meant he is with ROYCE DA 5'9 DUMASS
Physics Enemy said on 1/Nov/11
He's the same height as Glenn, Viper is correct. These guys give 5' 8" a bad name!
mateodelaghetto619 said on 31/Oct/11
Thats cool. After all, being 5'8 fits his persona; the scandalous slim shady! It wouldn't be the same if he were like 6'2
Taylor said on 27/Oct/11
You idiots! If you knew anything about his lyrics he says in lighters "I might only be 5'9", but I feel like I'm 6'8"
Reality said on 26/Oct/11
ray says on 25/Oct/11
claims 5'9" but looks 5'7"
But is 5'8"
ray said on 25/Oct/11
claims 5'9" but looks 5'7"
jamie said on 23/Oct/11
Eminem must be 5ft8
eminem said on 22/Oct/11
what height is he?
Reality said on 19/Oct/11
If Dre isn't exactly 6'1 then he's very close to that mark,he's just wide which makes him look shorter and Em is 5'8.
A said on 17/Oct/11
Well jake, if Dre is 182-183, then that would make Em 5'7".
jake, 1.82 m said on 17/Oct/11
Agreed, 5ft 8in is fine for Eminem but 6ft 1in for Dre just can't be right. He looks 182-183 cm.
Reality said on 16/Oct/11
@ Enigma: Here they are closer to each other and suddenly the difference changes haha
Click Here .Em's 5'8 he also looks so next to Royce da 5'9.
Enigma said on 14/Oct/11
2 inches shorter than 5'9 Tracy Morgan here :
Click Here
Em's gotta be 5'7
Reality said on 13/Oct/11
5'7 can't be right he's 5'8.
A said on 10/Oct/11
He's 5'7", not hatin'.
JuicyJuicyy said on 9/Oct/11
EMINEM is 5'8 okayy.? Him &nd Rihanna look about the same height next to eachother &nd Rihanna 5'8. Thats average so everybody stopp hatin'
Reality said on 14/Sep/11
@ jt Wahlberg is at least 5'8 to 5'9.Dre is 6'1 because he looks so practically everywhere.
Enigma said on 13/Sep/11
Wahlberg over 5'8? Cool story bro.
jtm said on 13/Sep/11
wahlberg is 5'7 and lol at 6'1 for dr.dre.dre is not even close to 6'1.
A said on 13/Sep/11
@ A Nobody said that he had height chart behind him but it doesn't mean that he wasn't measured.He is 5'8.
Therefore we can't say if he was actually measured or not. We have no proof of him being measured so you can't say for sure.
Billie says on 12/Sep/11
In his song "Lighters" (by Bad Meets Evil) featuring Bruno Mars, Eminem quotes his height at 5'9"
He's talking about Royce Da 5'9" in that verse who is noticeably taller than Em.
Billie said on 12/Sep/11
In his song "Lighters" (by Bad Meets Evil) featuring Bruno Mars, Eminem quotes his height at 5'9"
Reality said on 12/Sep/11
@ Enigma: Why do you use logic like "Eminem is shorter than 5'8 Wahlberg" we can also use logic "Wahlberg is taller than 5'8 Eminem".The first one is typical for downgraders but the secnd one "Wahlberg is taller than 5'8 Eminem" is logical and realistic.It's because Eminems height is marked in mugshot.Eminem looks 5'8 next to 50 cent who was measured at 6'0.He also looks 5'8 next to Dr Dre who is 6'1.
@ A Nobody said that he had height chart behind him but it doesn't mean that he wasn't measured.He is 5'8.
A said on 12/Sep/11
In Eminem's mugshot photo there was no height chart behind him, just a blue wall.
Enigma said on 12/Sep/11
He was shorter than
Mark Wahlberg who's a weak 5'8 at best. Case closed lol
@Enigma said on 12/Sep/11
I checked out his profile on I M D B 2 months ago and it was 5'8 lol
Reality said on 12/Sep/11
He's 5'8 in reality.
Enigma said on 12/Sep/11
He's listed as 5'10.5 on I M D B lol. He's 5'7 in reality
Reality said on 11/Sep/11
If somebody get measured for mugshot then it doesn't matter with footwear or not because even when they would measure in footwear they'd mark barefoot height anyways.So yeah only barefoot.
A said on 11/Sep/11
MissAnne, proof or pics or it didn't happen.
A said on 11/Sep/11
@'Reality', well I know some people who work at police stations and I know for a fact that a lot of the times they don't measure bookies and just give estimates.
Also Eminem wears these pretty thick Nike shoes that look to have a heel of about 1.5"-2" thick. I'm pretty sure he wears those because he's a bit self-conscious about his height.
MissAnne said on 11/Sep/11
Mark Wahlberg, he is 5' 9 in his bare feet. I know this because back in the Marky Matk days my friends and hung out with him before/after different shows over a 2 year period. I am 5'8 in my bare feet and hanging out before a show I stood next to Mark and he is in socks and was just 1" inch taller than me. As for Em, I have a friend who has met him multiple times and she said he was same height as her husband at 5'10. He had awful posture and slouches a lot, so he looks shorter!
leonari said on 10/Sep/11
Of course they get measured but in shoes. Reality: Can you give us a break? Please.
Reality said on 10/Sep/11
Eminem definitely looks 5'8,be ok there's nothing bad.It was kinda joking when I said "What proof do you have that he wasn't measured?".But I'm sure that he's 5'8 and people would RATHER be measured there than unmeasured.Think about it it's much more effective when they know height which was measured by them and that's not difficult.
A said on 10/Sep/11
'Reality', I never said whether he was or wasn't measured. I said I don't if he was measured or not and I'm not making bold claims like you saying "of cource they measured him.He's 5'8 nothing less". Honestly to me Eminem looks under 5'8".
Reality said on 8/Sep/11
What proof do you have that he wasn't measured?
A said on 8/Sep/11
'Reality', what proof do you have that he was measured? were you there? you can't say he was measured for sure.
sam said on 7/Sep/11
I met him and he said he was 5'8 and a half
Reality said on 7/Sep/11
Of cource they measured him.He's 5'8 nothing less.
A said on 7/Sep/11
Well it depends on the station. Some police stations only estimate heights without measuring. We do not know for sure if Eminem was even measured or not.
Reality said on 6/Sep/11
They can measure (or not) with shoes on but they mark height only barefoot.For example 50 cent was meaured at 73 inches which means 6'1 while he was marked at 6'0
Click Here same thing is with Eminem who is EXACTLY 5'8
leonari said on 6/Sep/11
Reality: They measure in shoes! Michael Jackson when arrested he list washers 5'11 cause he was wearing boots with a 2 inch heel. Jackson was 5'9". So that puts Em closer to 5'7" than 5'8".
Reality said on 5/Sep/11
Click Here he was listed after measuring.
A said on 5/Sep/11
In his mugshot there was no height chart.
Reality said on 5/Sep/11
Well yeah but in mugshot he's 5'8.
A said on 5/Sep/11
Dailymail listed Eminem at 5'7".
Reality said on 3/Sep/11
Eminem can't be under 5'8.Nothing less than that.
A said on 2/Sep/11
No way does Em look 6ft in "8 Mile". I was a kid when I first saw that movie and you know how adults look bigger than they are when you're a child? Well I thought Em looked 5'10" back when I first saw that movie. Today I see him as 5'8" MAX but he's likely more in the 5'7" range.
Nick B said on 1/Sep/11
Having watched, '8 Mile', he seems to be 6'0", 1.83 m, 183 cm. He possesses an edge which makes him an impressive survivor with a great determination in life.
SimO said on 26/Aug/11
my height about 1m70 - 1m72
A said on 16/Aug/11
In "Lighters" he's talking about Royce Da 5'9", not himself.
... said on 15/Aug/11
in lighters he says he's 5'9 so he's probably 5'9
The greatest person alive in the world today said on 10/Aug/11
looks 5'8" and about 165 pounds.... not a big dude by any means. not much into rap either, but ive been a fan of his for many years now
chuck norris jokes said on 9/Aug/11
i get the feeling most of the ppl being so specific about height stand around the ranges of 5'6" to 6'0" range
those people are the most insecure of their height and rly have to get down to the decimals of who is how tall
most people 5'5" and below just give up about trying to be tall and accept that theyre below average height, people past 6'1" just dont rly care much about it cuz they havent had much height discrimination
Jon said on 1/Aug/11
@GS When it says 5.675 feet, it means 5 feet and 0.675 x 12 inches = 8.1 thus he is 5'8".
DMWalker said on 30/Jul/11
Dan, don't get mad, man. It makes you sound like a short guy. This site is just about curiosity... and the truth be known, you probably found the site, because you too were curious about someone's height. Lighten up, man.
GS said on 30/Jul/11
What the **** is this man , 173Cm = 5.675853Ft, showing on my Converter.
what the devil is real height ??
dan said on 30/Jul/11
who cares.this height obsession with people is ridicules.are people that insecure they have to try and find something they think is wrong with someone to make themselves feel better?the height complex comes from all the people making fun of shorter people so don't blame small people for something society pushed on them=truth.
chris z said on 29/Jul/11
eminem is foot 9 on stilts lol
Morgan said on 22/Jul/11
I can see Em at 5'8 but nothing over 5'8
hd said on 21/Jul/11
rihanna is strong 5'8,she is closer to 5'9 but still is 5'8 em looks shorter than her only because he is slouching so often.actually em doesn't have "better" footwear if his shoes really made him taller then no more than 0.5" because his sneakers that aren't more than really depends of his posture since rihannas posture is way better.for example you can check out these pics
Click Here so here's em slouching while rihanna is about half inch taller (don't forget about her hairstyle) but when he has better posture
Click Here they are same tall.em is definitely 5'8.
Ed the height guy said on 20/Jul/11
After seeing several pictures and videos with Eminem and several other famous celebs, he's a little under 5'8". Even 5'8" Rihanna in just thin-heel boots was still a little taller than Eminem in sneakers.
hd said on 20/Jul/11
"what proof do you even have that Wahlberg's wife is really 5'9.5"? Is it some inflated claim given by the media?"
she's a model and is noted as 5'9.5.why would they lie about that?not everybodys height is claimed bigger than it is in reality.she also has proportions of a 5'9-5'10 woman.that's the first thing what explains wahlbergs height.eminem is exactly 5'8 he looks so with 50,with royce da 5'9,with dre and practically everywhere (except these pics where he has really bad posture).em actually doesn't have as good posture as most of fames have.mugshot said thet he's 5' doubt em's not shorter than 5'8. wahlberg was taller than him and looks 5'9 next to donnie wahlberg (5'10).here's wahlberg next to vince papale (6'2)
Click Here
rob would be as tall as eminem and an inch shorter than wahlberg i don't even doubt.
A said on 19/Jul/11
hd, what proof do you even have that Wahlberg's wife is really 5'9.5"? Is it some inflated claim given by the media? I don't buy 5'9" for Wahlberg, it's even hard to buy 5'8" for him.
I agree with jtm, if Wahlberg and Eminem took a picture with 5'8" Rob, Rob would be taller than both of them.
hd said on 19/Jul/11
he was taller than eminem on trl.also he's like half inch shorter than his wife (5'9.5) but the difference looks bigger because his wife likes wearing heels
Click Here maybe a weak 5'9 souns better but not 5'8 stuff.eminem is 5'8.
A said on 18/Jul/11
hd, the fact that you say Wahlberg is 5'9" tells me that you're bad at guessing heights.
@ A said on 17/Jul/11
Wahlberg doesn't look 5'7 at all.He looks 5'9 not shorter not taller.
hd said on 16/Jul/11
wahlberg is definitely 5'9 no way shorter.
jtm said on 16/Jul/11
wahlberg generally looks 5'7 and he looked as short as 5'6 next to 5'9.5 george clooney. i bet wahlberg and eminem would both be shorter than rob if they took a picture with him.
A said on 15/Jul/11
Wahlberg at 5'9" is a joke. There are times when he even looks 5'7".
to A said on 14/Jul/11
wahlberg is 5'9 and em is 5'8.
to Tapia said on 13/Jul/11
no,he's 5'8.
A said on 12/Jul/11
to A says on 11/Jul/11
wahlberg is 5'9.
Click Here Obviously you are going to inflate Wahlberg's height to support your claim that Eminem is 5'8". In the TRL video 5'8"(if that)
Mark Wahlberg is taller than Eminem. Eminem is 5'7".
Tapia said on 12/Jul/11
I actually think he is a flat 5´7".
Lagio said on 12/Jul/11
5'7 is too short for eminem,he is 5'8 or a bit taller.
jtm said on 11/Jul/11
there are plenty of evidence that wahlberg is closer to 5'7. he was shorter than joaquin phoenix and nas. eminem was also shorter than nas.
to A said on 11/Jul/11
wahlberg is 5'9.
A said on 9/Jul/11
LOL Sorry but Wahlberg isn't over 5'8".
@ Bradi said on 8/Jul/11
i would say:mark wahlberg was taller than 5'8 eminem.
eminem is 5'8 and wahlberg is 5'9.
A said on 8/Jul/11
Slim Shady says on 7/Jul/11
In The New Bad meets Evil Song Called " Lighters "
he Said " So let em bic's raise cause I came with 5'9′ but I feel like I'm 6'8″
Before I Believe He Was 5'8" But After listening To This , I Think he's 5'9"
What do u think about that Rob ?
How many times do we have to go over this? In the song "Lighters" Eminem isn't talking about himself in that verse, he's talking about rapper "Royce Da 5'9" who is in Bad Meets Evil.
Slim Shady said on 7/Jul/11
In The New Bad meets Evil Song Called " Lighters "
he Said " So let em bic's raise cause I came with 5'9′ but I feel like I'm 6'8″
Before I Believe He Was 5'8" But After listening To This , I Think he's 5'9"
What do u think about that Rob ?

Editor Rob
I don't think he looks 5ft 9
Bradi said on 7/Jul/11
Eminem was shorter than 5'8'' (If that) Mark Walhberg.
Anything above 5'8'' is insane. You're showing pictures with Royce "whatever" yet we don't see their footwear or posture.
Unless you show a full body shot, the best evidence we got so far is the Walhberg video and the plenty of full body shots of him and 50 cent.
to black said on 3/Jul/11
they are about same height.footwear,posture or distance to the camera can make her look taller than him,but she's definitely not.em is around 5'8'5 and rihanna is 5'8 or a bit taller.
p said on 2/Jul/11
just watch the performance rihanna with Eminem ...... when she walked near him ( look at the white line on their heads ) ...u'll realize their different height
black said on 1/Jul/11
please evryone who belive that he is 5'8". you need to help Rihanna's height forum.
as we no knew that Rihanna is little bit taller than Eminem
@ Mike said on 30/Jun/11
at this pic eminem doesn't have good posture and even with that posture doesn't look much shorter than royce da 5'9
Click Here5'8-5'9 is right.
Jeremy said on 30/Jun/11
>Eminem Says In His Song "Lighters" That He's 5'9"...Just Sayin
try to understand the word play, he says he came with royce da 5'9, doesn't say hes 5'9
A said on 30/Jun/11
Shamil says on 28/Jun/11
look at this video, it says hes 5'09, when they show the license thing:
Click Here
They inflated his height on that license cus it also says 5'9" on Obbi Trice's license when he's taller than Eminem. Royce Da 5'9" is also taller than Eminem by a good 2 inches and when Em was arrested, they listed him at 5'8". I still think Em is 5'7" untill I see solid evidence. In the music video with Royce Da 5'9", Em is wearing those really thick Nike shoes he always wears which gives a good 1.5" at least and still looks a good deal shorter than Royce.
Mike said on 29/Jun/11
Standing right next to Royce Da 5'9, at least a few inches shorter.
Click Here
Shamil said on 28/Jun/11
look at this video, it says hes 5'09, when they show the license thing:
Click Here
A said on 28/Jun/11
Jay says on 26/Jun/11
Eminem Says In His Song "Lighters" That He's 5'9"...Just Sayin
In that verse he's talking about Royce Da 5'9" who makes an appearance in the song with him.
Jay said on 26/Jun/11
Eminem Says In His Song "Lighters" That He's 5'9"...Just Sayin
@ b said on 17/Jun/11
how do you know that he would call himself royce da 5'10?definitely not all people wanna call themselves taller than they are.not everyone is mad about his/her height.including me,i'm 5'9.75-5'10 but if people ask my height i call myself 5'9 because i'm weak 5'10.royce da 5'9 is not shorter than 5'9 but he can easily be 5'9.5-5'9.75.
i repeat,i'm not eminem fan and if some people think he's over 5'8,it doesn't mean that they are his's just because of what they see.he's between 5'8-5'9,i know what i'm talking about.
b said on 17/Jun/11
@ brandonknight says on 16/Jun/11
it's pretty possible that royce da 5'9 is 5'9.5"-5'9.75" because he looks so and maybe he just downgraded his height to round it.anyways he looks about inch taller than eminem.i think eminem's between 5'8" and 5'9".i'm not stan lol
Royce Da 5'9" wouldn't downgrade himself. If he were 5'9.75' he'd call himself Royce Da 5'10". Em fans are always trying to upgrade him, dude isn't over 5'8".
marko said on 16/Jun/11
he looks solid 5'8,not shorter.5'8 or 5'8.5 sounds right
@ brandonknight said on 16/Jun/11
it's pretty possible that royce da 5'9 is 5'9.5"-5'9.75" because he looks so and maybe he just downgraded his height to round it.anyways he looks about inch taller than eminem.i think eminem's between 5'8" and 5'9".i'm not stan lol
@Marcus said on 16/Jun/11
I see more than 1 inch between Eminem and Royce Da 5'9", it's more like 2" even if you take the hat into consideration. Em is 5'7".
brandonknight said on 15/Jun/11
is royce taller than 5'9" cuz he looks more than an inch taller than Em everytime I see them. no way Em is over 5'8" some of you stans are trying to give him extra height smh.
Marcus said on 12/Jun/11
Click Here . pause at 3:50 . they are both standing back to back and have pretty much the same posture. Royce is wearing a hat but still he would appear 1 inch taller then Eminem if he didn't had that hat. I think 5'8" is fair
Speed said on 11/Jun/11
"Em is standing next to Royce(Da5'5") he is slouching a bit but still Royce is still at least 1-1.5 inches taller. 5'8" is correct I suppose but more like 5'7.75"."
Em looks about 1"-1.5" shorter than Royce Da 5'9 (with that posture) and if he would stay erectly he would look about 0.75 taller.Since Royce Da 5'9 is strong 5'9,that makes Em 5'8.25-5'8.5
SharkBoy said on 11/Jun/11
check this pic out:
Click Here
Em is standing next to Royce(Da5'5") he is slouching a bit but still Royce is still at least 1-1.5 inches taller. 5'8" is correct I suppose but more like 5'7.75".
@ A said on 10/Jun/11
he's 5'8.he's only 1" shorter than him.
A said on 9/Jun/11
In the song "Lighters" Em is referring to Royce Da 5'9" and not himself. Em is actually 5'7" because he is 2 inches shorter than Royce Da 5'9". And no i'm not trying to make Em shorter, he's really 5'7" at best.
@Keith said on 8/Jun/11
"So let em bic's raise cause I came with 5'9′ but I feel like I'm 6'8″."
maybe he mentioned Royce Da 5'9"
to Caracreamm said on 7/Jun/11
i totally agree with you.they just want to prove that they're taller than celebrities because that's some kind of protection or stuff for them and some of them are jealous too.
5'9 is way more possible for him than 5'7.btw i think he's strong 5'8.
Caracreamm said on 6/Jun/11
whyy is everyonee makingg celebrities shorter thann whaat they really aree.! Eminemm is not 5'7.. he is 5'8 or higherr becausee he is da samee height as rihanna in Love the way you lie.. you guys are just jealouss
joe said on 6/Jun/11
just joking like everyone else 5-7" or 5-7.5" is the REAL height barefoot :)
purple cookie monster said on 6/Jun/11
No yall crazzy he is 5'8" . Soo get it rigght! lol just sayiin
ll said on 6/Jun/11
"Yall that think he 5'9 are crazy. He 5'7... at BEST! Yall throwing away all the pictures where everyones standing up straight and the evidence is clear. Yall throw stuff like that out and say "look at this pic! I know everyones leaning over and the cameras tilted and everyones got bent knees and I know that in 900 other pics it looks a different way but in this one picture eminem looks taller so that is the truth and if you don't like it your dumb and stuff."
dude,you are crazy if you think that he's 5'7.i'm not his fan and stuff but i trust these pics what i have seen,so we can find out pics where he looks 5'5 and we can find out pics where he looks 5'11 but that's just illusion.
he's definitely not shorter than 5'8.he's even more like 5'8.05 and that's what i have seen at the most trustable pics.
Charles said on 5/Jun/11
Yall that think he 5'9 are crazy. He 5'7... at BEST! Yall throwing away all the pictures where everyones standing up straight and the evidence is clear. Yall throw stuff like that out and say "look at this pic! I know everyones leaning over and the cameras tilted and everyones got bent knees and I know that in 900 other pics it looks a different way but in this one picture eminem looks taller so that is the truth and if you don't like it your dumb and stuff."
Does being a fan automatically cause some kind of mental impairment or something?
Keith said on 4/Jun/11
He is claiming 5'9" on his new song "Lighters" feat. Bruno Mars.
Zach H said on 15/May/11
Wow i always thought he was taller than that like 5'10