MD said on 18/Mar/06
Editor Rob, do you want to check thise one?

Editor Rob
first comment back 23rd march 05 I mentioned the dmx/whalberg photo where I could see him looking short, although in most pics I don't think he can always look quite that short
MD said on 17/Mar/06
He's no more than 5'9" shoes. Here he is with Pauly Shore, who is listed at 5'7.5" here:
Click HereBTW, the guy is always in boots, always, just about. But, I actually found him here with
Mark Wahlberg, who is 5'8" at the most, in gym shoes:
Click Here
mefman said on 15/Mar/06
dmx was on the cover of XXL magazine about 7 years ago with Jay-z(6'1) and ja rule(5"8), he was ALOT shorter than jay and maybe a half inch taller than hes like 5"8 1/2
MeLiSsA said on 21/Feb/06
My friends saw him at the mall and have a pic w/ him and one of my friends is about a little taller than me 5'7 and DMX was a lot taller than her
A-Bomb said on 13/Jan/06
Ok interesting I always took him as 5'10 but I just had a look at some new photos up at gettyimages and there are some of next to Pauly Shore. Now DMX looks only about an inch taller thought there is some leaning involved which makes it harder to decipher. However, more revealing is another photo in which it shows that whilst DMX is wearing sturdy looking boots, Pauly Shore is in sandles. I can never access the full images on my computer to get an address so Rob if you get time have a look. DMX really may only be max 5'8 1/2", 5'8" like Mr. R has been saying for a while now.
Joeblo said on 26/Dec/05
Again, he's about 5'10. I'm not one to make people taller than they are, don't care
much for his music or lifestyle, but true is true.
nana said on 1/Sep/05
i did see him in Trippin with CameronDiaz n Rebecca Romjin.. they are taller than him like 1-2 inch.. they were wearing sport shoes at that time..
djkayris said on 11/Aug/05
dmx is like 5'11 i met him at jay-z's last concert in detroit and we almost saw eye to eye im 6'1-1/2" he was taller than i thought
Chris said on 29/Jul/05
I met Earl "DMX" in Chicago a few years ago. He was recording an album near the bar where I worked. I am 5'10 1/2" exactly and he was definitely shorter than me. I saw him numerous times. No taller than 5'9" probably 5'8"
Viper652 said on 6/Jul/05
Whats with all the 5-10 sightings on this guy?? Does he wear lifts?
Mr. R said on 5/Jul/05
I met DMX in Vegas at the Billboard Awards, on level ground, he was wearing regular shoes. I had to look down aways to talk with him, and I am 5'11.5". At best he is 5'8".
duc.k said on 4/Jul/05
Met him a few times in N N.Y he defantly around my height 5'10
rdogg said on 20/Jun/05
I met DMX after a concert back in 1999. I am 5'11.5 and he was a little shorter than me. I would say he is about 5'10.
Joeblo said on 14/Apr/05
Bullsh*t. He's 5'9 1/2 -5'10. I worked on "We Right Here" music video in 2001 in Baltimore and I helped him up a ladder so we were face to face and I'm 5'8 legit (just got measured on a medical scale) and he had a good 2 inches on me.
Mr. R said on 23/Mar/05
J, if I am truly honest, he seemed between 5'7-8" when I saw him. It was a few years ago at the MGM Grand in Vegas after the Billboard Music Awards. He walked past me, and I congratulated him on his win. At which point, he stopped came back and talked with me for a bit. He is 5'8" ON A GOOD DAY!