Jawilder said on 24/Apr/23
Mvk (182cm) said on 19/Jul/22
Rowan182.5cm said on 27/Dec/21
I think he's maybe 181.5-182.5cm but I don't think he quite makes it to the full 6'0"
Wehrmacht180 said on 24/Dec/21
182 cm
about 6ft 1.5in said on 10/Oct/21
rob, have you ever meet any celeb who knows your homepage?(celebheights!) also your listings.

Editor Rob
There are some who are aware of it, and I'm sure even a small handful visit it now and again wondering 'When the hell is my photo with Rob going up' 😏
Stinky 186 cm said on 29/Aug/21
I honestly don’t know he can look 5’ 11” at times but he can 6’ 0” in other occasions I’m gonna say he’s a sub 6’ 0” and stands anywhere between 5’ 11 1/2” and 5’ 11 3/4”
Lkks said on 28/Apr/21
Common is a rapper slightly less than me in height due to eye level.
Incognito324 said on 22/Mar/21
This site lists the heights of celebrities with shoes. (2-3cm error)

Editor Rob
I list as if barefoot.
Leesheff85 said on 6/Mar/21
Looks 2 inches taller than legend so john could be 5ft 10
Duke said on 5/Mar/21
I met him in Calgary, he was shooting Hell on Wheels. He's for sure 6, I am 6' 1' and I was just a bit taller than him. Super nice guy, I played basketball with him for months and I didn't even know he was famous.
slim 6'1 said on 18/Jan/21
182cm the average guess has him
Arch Stanton said on 15/Dec/20
Very tall dad!!Looks like a West Indian cricketer, has a similar look to Ambrose
Click Here
Editor Rob said on 15/Dec/20
He once described his Father Lonnie Lynn as "six foot eight".
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Jul/20
Stephen a smith refer Common as "small" which is younger brother not related to height.
Chris Bradley Brady said on 14/Feb/20
I just heard Stephen a smith refer to Common as a "small brotha" in regards to the celebrity basketball game on all star weekend. since Stephen a smith is about 6 foot himself why would he refer to a fellow six footer as "small"? maybe common is really 5-11.5?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Feb/20
Yeah probably 184-185cm range out of bed. Looks like a typical 6ft dude. A fraction under at worst
Peter175 said on 14/Jan/20
Doesn't really look 6ft in this photo but he does look it in others.
At worst, 5'11.5
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Aug/19
I would rule out 184.5cm out of bed for Common and 182.5cm before bed but not strong 6'0 or solid 6'0, Nicolas Cage look to me will be strong 1/8th inch on Common.
James E said on 5/Jun/19
He’s right around 6ft. I met him in person and stood face to face with him for some basketball movie he was filming. He’s not a short dude and has no reason to lie about his height. Wouldn’t consider him tall, but he’s 100% above average height.
Frost said on 23/May/19
That picture with Biggie Smalls excludes anything below 5'11.5" in my opinion. 5'11.75" is as low as I would go.
Dpny said on 21/Feb/19
I'm sorry most celebrities lie about their heights to be taller than they are and I'm telling you right now I was standing right behind him on a line and I'm staring down at the top of his bald head so there's no way he's only 1 inch shorter than me. look at the pictures of him & Barack Obama he's at least two inches shorter than Barack Obama
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Aug/18
Maybe Common get his 6'0 at the doctor office in the morning. Holding stronger 182cm.
lee168cm said on 23/Jul/18
Could John legend be 5ft 10 he only looks 2 inches shorter than common here
MAD SAM said on 19/Jun/18
He’s always looked a full 6 footer to me, gonna put him at 182.5 cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jun/18
182-183cm zone
TJE said on 15/Dec/17
Looks 182 with John Legend
AJ said on 14/Dec/17
Maybe have to take another look, always thought he looked in the 5'10"-5'11" range.
daddypop said on 4/Dec/17
at least 6.05, look at his picture with 5'10 kanye (yes he is 5'10 not 5'8, in every picture i have ever seen he is 5'10)
JJAK said on 31/Oct/17
I buy the full 6 foot has the build and stance.
MD said on 23/Oct/17
My eyes must have been deceiving me, because he didn't strike me as any taller than Trevor Noah on The Daily Show when he came out to meet him last week.
Junior said on 20/Oct/17
@Dpny said on 25/Aug/17
You kidding right? That would have put Keanu Reeves 5'11.5", Morgan Freeman 6'0,
James McAvoy 5'5, Angelina Jolie 5'4.5", Anson Mount 5'9.25",
Ben Affleck 6'0 lol..
Realist said on 19/Oct/17
Common looks 6 foot in every thing
Dpny said on 25/Aug/17
There is no way he is 6 feet tall I'm 6 foot 1 in my socks and I stood behind him online at a physical therapy place in Manhattan and I'm staring down at the top of his head he's maybe 5-10 on a good day. Also look at the movie he did with Queen Latifah she's taller than him and I think she's 5:11 or 6 feet
Dejavu said on 4/Apr/17
If John legend is 5'9 as listed, Common looks 5'11 only
jack said on 21/Mar/17
nah he 6'0 so he not under that
nick92 said on 15/Jan/17
hi rob, ive seen a few pictures or common and barrack Obama together and its more like a 2 inch difference between them
Click Here Click Here Click Here

Editor Rob
you could argue he was at most 5ft 11.5 in some of those photos.
S.J.H said on 11/Nov/16
I mean Jesse Williams is 5'11.75
S.J.H said on 6/Nov/16
@MD said on 24/Sep/16
Some camera angle picture and footwear are deceieving. Maybe Jesse Williams is 5'10.75 because i have also see some picture where common is taller than williams not quite under 6'0 there
Josh Jeffords said on 30/Oct/16
Very weak 6 ft likely 5 11 average posture not very tall.
Actually not a bad actor when he is given a decent role.
He did look tall in aces but many sub 5 8 s make ubtall.
S.J.H said on 6/Oct/16
Jimmi Simpson needs to be downgrade too
MD said on 24/Sep/16
Common is actually just a bit below this listing. Here he is with Jesse Williams who is 5'11.5". If anything, he's slightly shorter, but I'd not be mad at a 5'11.5" listing:
Click Here
Click Here
He's not quite 6'0".
Quan said on 25/Jul/16
Weak 6'0" (5'11.75") is best for Common IMO
MrTBlack said on 18/Mar/15
His Dad was actually 6'7" (more likely 6'6" since NBA stars are listed in their shoes). He has a way of looking 6'3" plus but next to 5'8" John Legend, 6'0" is the most I can buy for him.
Hypado said on 25/Jun/14
Common height: 6ft 0in (183 cm) FOR SURE.
Leo said on 24/Jan/14
I'd place him @ 6'0". In the movie "Just Wright",standing face to face with 6'4" Dwayne Wade,he was 4 inches shorter.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jan/14
Yeah I guessed he was 5'11-6'. A bit taller than Queen Letifah. It's kinda funny in Just Wright as he plays a basketball player and he really doesn't look like one LOL..
HellBoundPower said on 8/Aug/13
I'd buy 6' for him. Him and Anson Mount trade heights and look about the same on Hell on Wheels.
Silent d said on 26/Jun/13
In american gangster, a little shorter than denzel washington. 180cm.
nancy said on 15/Oct/12
he has to be like 5'11, he gave a speech at my school, a I was shocked to see that he wasn't as tall compared to his television appearances.
brent said on 27/Sep/12
He is 6ft. I stood next to him at a funeral, and Im 6'1.
steven said on 15/Jan/12
6'0 no way. he only look 0.5 on 5'11 jimmi simpson in Date Night. 181cm dead on.
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 2/Jan/12
5ft 11.5in (1.82 m), rounds up to 6ft.
park said on 2/Jan/12
this guy is 5'11! 99 prcent shore, met him at concert in brooklyn. this guy is awesome!
nasa said on 1/Jul/11
common is max 177cm ;)
Click Here danzel is 180cm
tim said on 16/Jun/11
I just saw common at the YMCA in Calgary, and he looked to my 5'9 height to be 5'11 or 6'.. he seemed shorter than I would have thought he was
Ed said on 22/May/11
6 foot is on the money
da_truth said on 8/Apr/11
5'11 barefoot
6' with shoes
rare said on 25/Mar/11
he's at least 6', in Smokin Aces he got like 5 to 6" on 5'8 Jeremy Piven, so he might be 6'1 in shoes.
SolidSnake said on 20/Mar/11
In wanted it said 6'4
5'7.37 said on 20/Jan/11
I'm not sure about this dude's height, he can look from 5'10 to 6'1.
BBSMOOTH said on 17/Jan/11
Looks 5'11, maybe 5'11.5
Saskia said on 30/Jun/09
Seen him live and I'd place him at six foot or so.
He's dating Serena Williams, who is five nine.
Here is a picture of them together.
Click Here
word said on 18/Jun/09
the movie is called smokin aces rob
josh said on 30/May/09
tv guide describe him as 6'1. i dont think he is that tall he is around 5'11 to 6 feet to me
Reall? said on 20/May/09
but macavoy could be wearin lifts or standin on somethin
Kale said on 5/May/09
check this
Click HereMcAvoy is 5 ft 7, and u can see that common is not much bigger than him.
JTRoN said on 20/Jan/09
at the end of the movie Wanted, when Morgan Freeman hands him his assassination slip with his name and details on it, it says he's 6'4 lol
I thought that was just as funny as when they described Denzel as 6'3 in the movie Deja Vu
Paddy said on 17/Dec/08
Common is like 6 1" maybe even 6 2" this is a bad pic, hes defintely over 6 0", i seen a photo of him, alici keys and rihanna and hes atleast 3 inches taller than both of them
glenn said on 21/Nov/08
i think thats fave 5 freddy in the background.rap pioneer legend.i could be wrong.i took one with him too.
Matt said on 20/Nov/08
Why do people insist on talking gibberish based on celebs heights..
GLENN, is 5'8.
So in a picture with 5'8 glenn..when common is at the VERY LEAST 2 inches taller
why would anyone looking at it say Common was only 5'9? It defies logic.
LOL @ the mofo in the background with the Kufi, does not look impressed.
MW said on 13/Nov/08
I'm 5 ft 8
I saw his live performance in Cracov and he's much taller than me.
nate said on 7/Oct/08
its smokin' aces not shooting aces
donj said on 3/Oct/08
commons dad was an ABA basketball (old pro bball league) forward. his dad was 6'7 . he has to be at least 6 foot
Anonymous said on 28/Jul/08
Yeah, his dad was a ABA basketball player standing at 6'7, like ns said.
Anonymous said on 29/Jun/08
Mon i agree common is 5'9 i saw him on the conan obrian show when he was in chicago
when he went to thank common for coming on the show he looked extremely short like i was shocked how short he was compared to conan and in that movie smokin aces he looked 6'4 conans but next to conan he looked 5'9 unless conan is 6'8 common is way under 6 foot there was a much larger difference than 4 inches
ns said on 10/Jun/08
he should be taller considering his dad is 6'7
petria said on 30/Mar/08
This site really is bad. I think u should change it to celebheights(minus an inch or two ).com Every one seems to get downgraded!!! why???? Common is actually 6ft 1.5 inches tall!
N said on 23/Feb/08
I am a bartender at a night club. When common came to the club he was at least two inches taller than me an dI am 5'11".
diana said on 16/Feb/08
did you see american gangster?
he is basically the same height as denzel washington
you people are stupid
he is 6'0 minimum
mon said on 23/Jan/08
Will.I.AM is 5'9??? He looks very short, i thought he was like 5'5 or sumtin. Common looks short as well, i dont c 6 feet, more like 5'9.5 to me.
Arshee said on 8/Nov/07
Common is at least 6'1! It's funny how some of you are saying you saw him at a show and the person he was with looked 5'7..........How the hell can you guess how tall someone with him was? Common is at least 6'1. You guys are crazy.
Big T said on 4/Nov/07
He is shorter than 5'11.5" listed Chris Brown, no doubt in my mind, after seeing both at the MTV awards.
Doubt It said on 20/Oct/07
Caught Com at a show in Upstate NY. He did a floor level performance (everyone at face level) and came off NO taller than 5'10 to me and the cats I was with. And thats being GENEROUS. We were all surprised how short he was. I'm a short cat by the way. No way he's coming near 6'. No way
Bean said on 10/Oct/07
If it means anything, I saw Com live in 2003 with Gang Starr, Floetry and Talib Kweli (DOPE SHOW!). Anyways, I remember thinking he looked a lot taller on stage then I figured him to be. However he does have that appearance to him. 6 foot seems about right.
BigT said on 24/Jun/07
nah i think 5'11.5" max from the photos submitted by MD
glenn said on 19/Feb/07
william is that tall? one of those guys in the peas is 5-6.i hope its not that guy.common seemed near enough 6ft.
J. said on 17/Feb/07
What height did you guess for Comm, Glenn?
Steve said on 1/May/06
when he stood besides dave chapelle(who is 6'0) he looked 1 inch taller at least
Karen said on 29/Sep/05
Common could not be 6'1 if his life depended on it. I went to a concert with him and John Legend. He pulled a normal height girl on stage (5'6, or 5'7) and standing next to her with small wedged heels on, he was MAYBE an inch or so taller, so he's maybe 5'11, MAYBE.
J. said on 6/Aug/05
Okay, Rob, I'm sorry but Common's not 6'1". He's 5'11" MAX. He seems like he would be 6'1" but look around and look at some pics of him next to Kanye. If he's 6'1" then Kanye is 5'10". And you know lil' Kanye is nowhere near that! ;-) But yeah, Common, like many rappers is shorter than he seems.
Big Alfonso said on 28/Jun/05
this guy is not 6'1, when he was on TRL he was at least 3-4cm shorter than 6'1 black guy who is hosting TRL. I would say 182 (5'11/5)max.
J. said on 26/Mar/05
Rob, judge Common's height from this photo: http://www.allhiphop.com/flicks/?ID=390.