Johnny Overlord said on 24/Apr/24
Rob I’m 5’5 in a half like bono is it possible for me to round up to 5’6 like he did?

Editor Rob
Yeah, if you wanna round to 5ft 6, not many people are going to notice. Maybe if you were 5ft 4.5-5 they would.
Danimal said on 1/Jan/23
Bono's 62 now. He could have lost 3/4"
JeffBuckley said on 3/Aug/22
What height do you think his son Elijah Hewson is? 23 years old and No recent pictures of them together.
But here is Anais Gallagher (daughter of Noel Gallagher) with Elijah Hewson
Click Here
Here is Anais and Noel together.
Click Here
Elijah looks to be a shortish guy and is often wearing Chelsea Boots with heels, maybe learned from his father lol
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could be taller than Father.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Mar/22
Haha, speaking of Bono being nearly 6 ft, check out this with Blair, Putin and Geldof! Imagine what he had on his feet that day"
Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Mar/22
On South Park this morning, it was said that Bono was nearly 6ft! The rest wasn’t quite so flattering. Read on….
South Park character Stan’s Dad, Randy Marsh, is seen at the doctors as the episode starts. He is constipated, having not had a bowel movement for over three weeks. The doctor gives him a laxative and he goes on his way.
Next we see him on the lavatory straining for all he’s worth. When he finally passes the thing, he is staggered at the size of it. He calls his wife Sharon in, who is not impressed and then the kids. Stan thinks it’s awesome; Shelley finds it gross! Then Uncle Jimbo is called to witness the spectacle and before long, it’s the talk of the menfolk, who trot along to the Marsh house to see the unveiling of the enormous stool.
Predictably, the guys think it’s a contender for The Guinness Book of Records and Randy phones them up only to be told, “We aren’t interested in that sort of thing. What you need is the ‘European Faecal Standards and Measurements’ in Zurich.”
The keen society measure lumps of cr@p in what is known as ‘curecks’, each cureck being equivalent to approximately 2.5 pounds. After the necessary ado, the society measure Randy’s piece in at 8.6 curecks. The previous record was 7.5 curecks. The proud title owner was Bono! He gets to hear about this and is determined to break it. He feigns a turd weighing 9.5 curecks, but the kids, led by Stan, find out that HE was the stool, and his ‘father’ was so proud that he nurtured him and brought him up to be the best at everything.
Meanwhile. a depressed Randy eats to beat the record. and lays a stool weighing in - I worked it out - at around 11 stone! The show closes with Bono being exposed as a fraudulent holder of the record and Randy sitting on the toilet atop a very large piece of faecal matter - TRIUMPHANT!
I just hope that being considered nearly 6ft was worth being the butt of such a joke for Bono!
mande2013 said on 22/Feb/22
I suppose he could be over 5'5 but just with very short legs. He just never seemed as low as the 5'4 some are suggesting when he was younger, even if he's been "caught short" in more recent photos. However, a 27-28 inch inseam for a 5'7 male is hard to believe, although I suppose inseam length-height correlation isn't an exact science, since some could have short legs but long torsos and vice versa. But for what it's worth, I wear a 30 inch inseam and am only 168 range in the evening so he'd have to have very weird proportions to be much beyond the 5'5 and change vicinity.
Rich R. said on 13/Sep/21
Little Dude-Saw him at least 4 times. First saw him in with U2 in 1983. He appeared taller in 1984, [then 87] cause he had aged a little with a slight weight gain, [build plays a factor on height appearance]. He was next to Adam Clayton when walking backstage in 1985, and I was amazed on how much more taller Adam was.
When U2 was on Letterman, I could see all the guys in U2 are puny [I am a runt myself 5'6" and shrinking].
I am going with 5'4" maybe shorter. He had back surgery and that definitely plays a factor especially when you are older.
Bob De Bilde said on 25/Mar/21
That measurement book looks fishy - it has Bono's height on it but neither of the other two(including the Edge's). Also, the inside leg - a very important measurement for fittings - is ultra-precise at 32.5 for Ephraim Lewis but very vague for Bono (27-28). A 27" inseam is bizarre for someone 5'7" tall. I wonder if Bono has lied or asked the writer to round up the figures. I'd say 5'5" top-side.
viper said on 25/Oct/20
Shortest he can be is what Rob gives him IMO
They listed Adam and Larry correctly
For whatever reason Edge and Bono were inflated by 2 inches. A little over 2 for Bono
OriginalAnon said on 27/Aug/20
I thought he was under 5'5''. He doesn't give off the impression that he's 5'5''
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/May/20
🎁🎂 Happy 6️⃣0️⃣th Birthday Bono! 🎂🎁
Bono turns the Big 6-0 today; have a wonderful time on this special day, Bono!
5ft5.25 🎈🎶
meezemaker said on 3/Jan/20
Rob how do you explain that:
U wrote bono is 6 cm smaller that Sean Penn.
On this photograph we see Bono still 5-7 cm smaller than Penn. However Bono is wearing massive platform shoes (4-5cm) ans Penn normal shoes(2-2.5cm). How do you explain there is still 6 cm difference between both?
Bono souldn't look just 4cm smaller?
U can argue camera angle, but I really dont think it changed anything
Click Here

Editor Rob
Bono can look 5ft 6 with Sean, however with bigger footwear you could argue he is nearer 5ft 5...I think anywhere from 5ft 5 to 5.5 is possible.
Gwendolynn Rusland said on 6/Nov/19
What about this..?
Click Here

Editor Rob
I don't think the height part is believable, but the inseam of 27-28 makes sense for a 5ft 5-6 guy...
TallGuy said on 10/Jun/19
Flat 5.4,anything else doesn't make sense.He was stomped by Sean Penn despite wearing massive platform shoes.Please Rob tell us that he isn't paying your for being upgraded
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/May/19
🎁🎈🎂 Happy Birthday Bono! 🎂🎈🎁
I must say, he 'sounds' much taller than a 5ft5ish guy!
Hope it's a great 59th Bono! You're a great guy, who is responsible for great music! 😘
5ft5.25 is my Birthday guess.
mande2013 said on 5/Mar/19
I don't know why, but I just find it very hard to believe Bono is anything less than Pacino/Hoffman/Daltrey range.
Daniel Zuckerman said on 23/Feb/19
His voice is 9 ft tall....but yeah 5'3-5'4"
Anonynon said on 25/Oct/18
The dreaded 5'5"-5'6" range. I feel his pain because I'm around there, but would never wear elevator shoes. I don't get it, there are regular shoes that can give more than an inch, putting him near or on 5'7". He has the mid 5'5" look, and that's what I vote!
meezemaker said on 19/Oct/18
If his wife is 5'2, same shoes....5'3 is the max for him and it is more logical to be called the dwarf.
still 2 inches smaller that Sean penn whereas he got his 2 inches boots...head him to 5'3 Max.
Rob, you have been fooled.
Greatman said on 14/Oct/18
I just find it very interesting, that people in general always seem to have the assumption that every short man must have a huge complex about their height. However, so far i haven't met a single short person who wasn't at least somewhat (negatively) aware about their general lack of size. Bono is a good example. Though i really like him, you always think that this guy has huge issues with heights. There are probably other things going on as well. He lost his mother really young, he seemed to have a somewhat bad relationship with his father. But his enormous success prevented him from developing the kind of a bitter attitude about life many unsuccessful short men have developed.
Angus said on 13/Oct/18
5'4" or max 5'5"
Alabama said on 11/Aug/18
Do you see his head in the 9.5 inch range, Rob?

Editor Rob
Over 9 inch for sure.
FrankR1 said on 15/May/18
I can’t believe how short Bono is compared to the height he appears to be on screen. I would have guessed that he was 5’10”.
ALEXANDRE ALVES BR said on 5/Jan/18
He was not 5'6 rob?

Editor Rob
overall he has looked more in 5ft 5-6 range
Sean said on 1/Jan/18
Dwarfed by 5'8" Sean Penn despite wearing huge boots.
Click Here
Honestly looks like a 4" difference there, which would put him at 5'3" but will give him the benefit of the doubt and so I'll go 5'4"
Powerhouse said on 27/Nov/17
This maybe the biggest disagreement in listing I have with the entire site, I do think Bono is much closer to 5’4 than 5’6. He does not look 5’6, and to be honest comparing him with people and looking at his proportions he doesn’t look strong 5’5 range either. I would say between 5’4 and a flat 5’5 is arguable. While anything over 5’5 flat is silly.
Starlo said on 16/Nov/17
Still a couple of inches shorter than Sean Penn, despite wearing those huge ass boat-shoes that prolly give him 3-4 inches. My guess is 5'3-5'4 range... can appear 5'2 at times.
Andrew said on 1/Sep/17
He's a millionaire...he doesn't care

Editor Rob
wearing 2 inch thick shoes regularly, might suggest he has a little bit of awareness of being a short guy...
Heightist said on 17/Aug/17
From his face, build, and rock star edge, he never seemed short to me. When I saw him in concerts on YouTube, I saw his interesting, stocky build and thought he might be 5'7". It seems most people here say he's around 5'4", and that's surprising to me.
Jan said on 9/Aug/17
I also think that Rob is probably getting paid for this. He is no taller than 5ft 4in.
Sami said on 21/Jun/17
I met him prior to a concert in '92. I am 5'6" and was looking down at him while I was in sneakers. My guess at the time was 5'2", because that's how tall my mom was and it was similar to looking down at her. I might buy 5'3" or 4", but no taller. The Edge was only slightly taller. He is shorter than I am, so there is no way he is 5'9". Adam Clayton was my height or slightly taller. Larry was not there.
Gerry Blue said on 7/Jun/17
After seeing this 2017 video, I'm sure he's no more than 5' 4". Great person though.
Click Here
Jane Doe said on 26/May/17
5'6" only when he wears his big shoes!! I reckon 5'4"
Headbanger said on 15/May/17
Very amazing singer. He is more 166cm, a good looking guy for the girls with that height... Respects
Freddy N. said on 11/May/17
It wouldnt surprise me if Bono is paying Rob for his height to be listed at 5'6, as this site has become quite popular and Bono DEF has a long history of being vain/insecure enough to want to be thought of as a couple inches taller than he is. From the photos below (especially with his wife Aly, id guess 5'4.5". This guy does NOT act over 5'5.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Apr/17
More 166-7cm range, wears big shoes!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Apr/17
Mmm more 5'5 and change I think, maybe 166.
Revisionist said on 6/Mar/17
Bono's wife is listed as only 157 cm, yet with both in sneakers he looks barely an inch taller than her:
Click Here
In platforms, his wife is taller than him even when he's wearing pretty thick heels:
Click Here
Is Ali much taller than her stated 5'2? Bono has always struck me as extremely short. 5'6 isn't quite "extremely short." I can't see him higher than 5'5 flat, and that might be on his best day right out of bed.
Not abono said on 3/Feb/17
Rob, this is your most disappointing listing. There is overwhelming evidence he is in the 5'4 range.
KC said on 18/Jan/17
Years ago I was in the lobby of the Don Cesar hotel on St Pete Beach FL. U2 was staying there while doing a Tampa concert. Bono walked right by me and he is barely 5'4, I am 5' 9. The rest of the band appeared small also
The Truth said on 29/Oct/16
Only person that knows his exact height is he himself, or maybe his doctor.
meezemaker said on 7/Oct/16
U right I wrote "small", I should have write "average". The average height of an irish men born in 1980 is 5'9 (176cm) . I just meant someone whose height is 168 cm cannot be called a dwarf just by being 3 inches shorter than the average.
Bono is 5'4 / 5'5 like many men in many countries. After with heel shoes, he can look 5'7. If he was 5'6, with heel shoes, he would look like 5'8 man, thing which never happened
elvis said on 10/Sep/16
No way! 5ft 4in tops!
BonoNono said on 6/Sep/16
Seriously needs a downgrade, there's no way he's 5'6" flat floor Rob. With his elevator sandals, maybe. Flatfoot he's 5'4" at best. Please reevaluate.
james said on 12/May/16
No way he's 168cm.
Clinton said on 27/Feb/16
Hey Rob how tall do you think these guys standing next to Bono are respectively.
Click Here

Editor Rob
can look between 3-4 and 2-3 ranges. Whether Bono is in normal shoes is another matter whenever you see him beside people, as at times he could be gaining another inch of footwear advantage over people.
jessman said on 12/Jan/16
People from Ireland are not small. Average height is similar to UK.
meezemaker said on 10/Jan/16
His knickname is the dwarf...I cant see a dwarf at 168 cm from a country ireland where people are small.
164 max, Same height than Sarkozy. ..also
Check the photographs with Lula who claimed 168
5'6" said on 3/Dec/15
This guy really needs a downgrade. He probably is 5'6", but with elevator shoes. Barefoot I think he's around 5'4" (164cm).
Prince said on 27/Aug/15
Bono is 5'6" Larry Mullen is 5'7" The Edge is 5'9" and Adam Clayton is the tallest member at 5'10". The band members low height of the day without shoes.
Tr27 said on 25/Jul/15
168cm peak, 165cm now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/May/15
Seen him plenty of times...I wouldn't go over this
hey rob said on 18/May/15
this guy is just not 5'6 next to sean penn in heels, just cant see it that way, at least in that photo
Smallest said on 16/May/15
I've met him a couple of times. I'm 5'6 1/2 and I was looking down on him just like on my brother-in-law who's 5'4 on a good day. There's no way Bono's anywhere close to 5'5". 5'4". Maybe even shorter.
maybe smaller? said on 19/Apr/15
more like 5'6" in heels, are you kitten' me?
HD said on 29/Mar/15
Met Bono in 1986 backstage in Hampton, VA. I'm 5'6" and I looked down on him.
184.3cm said on 14/Mar/15
Had no idea he is this short, he always looked solid average in old music videos. I mean look at "Where The Streets have no name" looks at least 5'9.
CDS said on 11/Mar/15
I saw the movie "Killing Bono" too, and remembered thinking that the actor playing him was a little too diminutive for the part. But now seeing this page, realize he was dead on. I had no idea Bono was that short.
jimmorrison said on 11/Dec/14
I've met the Edge and Bono. The Edge is exactly 5'10", just as I am. Bono is at most 5'7" but probably closer to 5'6". I didn't get to check out his footwear so it's hard to say about that. But I'm very certain about the Edge's height. Anyone who says they met the band and has the Edge listed as anything shorter than 5'10" is full of crap.
Alex17 said on 2/Dec/14
Look! Tom Cruise and Bono
Click Here
The Exorcist said on 19/Nov/14
Look at this footwear...and still getting towered by (5'8" listed) Sean Penn.
Click Here
Joe said on 12/Nov/14
Is 168cm his height in his boots or barefoot,rob? I always wonder whether the height listed in lift or barefoot. Please, make it clear.

Editor Rob
think barefoot heights.
michaeljrocks said on 31/Oct/14
JOHN B - Did you see the giant orange monsters iron man was wearing? Pretty sure he was getting more lift than Bono.
John B said on 21/Oct/14
Watched the Graham Norton show here in the U.K this past week and U2 where all on the show and also was Robert Downey jr Mr Iron Man who is listed as 5'8 and Bono looked a good 2 inches shorter when they shook hands but Bono was wearing some chunky shoes which 100% was given him 2 inches in height or a little more i wouldn't be surprised barefoot Bono is 5'4 or just under ???......-
Sonia said on 15/Aug/14
5 feet 5. Has he ever worn flats?
MD said on 11/Feb/14
Has anyone ever figured out how tall George Stephanpoulos really is?
Click Here
Mickavellian said on 9/Feb/14
LOL .. I was pretty surprised on the movie "Killing Bono" where the character playing him says he's 5'9". When he started U2 his friends called him "gnome" NO ONE 5'9" is a gnome. On U2s first NY concert (no more than 60 people there) he was at the bar downing beers and i was next to him for at least 30 minutes,(REALLY NICE GUY BTW) I am 5'7" and was wearing sneakers he was wearing boots with a 2" heel and i STILL had to look down on him. I would say 5'5" TOPS. When he started wearing the 3 inch wedgies suddenly he was 5'9" . It it is such a stupid exaggeration it is laughable And YES, the show he put on was ****ING AMAZING! at the end everyone was IRISH!
Bard said on 8/Feb/14
Listed at 5'9....hahaha
imetbono said on 7/Feb/14
I met Bono in June of '97. I', 4'11" and he didn't even have to lean over to kiss me. I'd say 5'4"-5'5" is probably most likely.
Dan said on 15/Jan/14
Great man though whatever his size is
lelman said on 16/Nov/13
@Wiltonstilts, they were talking about him as if he was a literal piece of **** though. If you took a 5'6" ****, you'd probably claim it was near 6 foot too.
diavolo said on 13/Nov/13
He is no way taller than 5'5". There's a picture of him and French ex-president Sarkozy, listed here as 5'5". They look the same height, and both are known for wearing large footwear. Also, there was a pic posted on this site showing Bono with REM singer Michael Stipe (listed here as 5'9"). Bono was wearing ridiculously looking wedge sandals, while Stipe was in flats, yet still looked tall next to him. Bono is not an inch over 5'5", maybe even closer to 5'4".
JD said on 26/Oct/13
I met Bono and Larry at Barons in Kings cross while getting a scotch at the bar at 2am on morning in 1985, top guys and very down to earth. They asked my girlfriend and I at the time to join them which we did for about an hour. They were about 5"4 as I'm 5"9 and towered over them. top blokes bono wass probably a little bit friendlier though.
SK said on 27/Aug/13
I met the entire band in '88, and I'd say he was 5'6"-5'7". I'm giving a range because he was wearing boots, although not the kind of platform shoes that he wears now. The rest of the band was in the same height range, except for Adam, who was the tallest.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 25/Aug/13
5'6" for this guy is pushing it. I wouldn't rule out a flat 5'5", he's extremely short for a man. His height is hard to judge because of his massive footwear.
SkinU2 said on 1/Aug/13
Around 1985 & onwards people would tell me I was like a mini Bono. Considering I'm 5'5" it would seem there wasn't much in it!
Mandy said on 26/Jul/13
Bono is still shorter than 5'8 Sean Penn, even though Bono is wearing platform shoes. Bono is still two inches shorter than Sean Penn, so Bono is around 5'5.
wiltonstilts said on 17/Jul/13
Arch stanton you are hilarious! Agreed lolz
Arch Stanton said on 24/May/13
Weak 5'6" I think, he wears massive platforms and still struggles to look average.
passingthru said on 22/Mar/13
Yeah, unlike a lot of celebrities whose height is a part of frequent discussion, I think the 5'7 and even 5'6 claims are overstated. Whereas you may get the odd picture of Tom Cruise looking small, in every single picture of Bono he struggles to look even average...that being greatly boosted by huge platform shoes.
TomYears said on 27/Oct/12
I met Bono, The Edge, Adam and their manager, Paul McGuinness, in '87 or '88. I am 5'9" and was surprised to find myself taller than all of them! They were all four very friendly and gracious. I was a bit embarrassed by the few other starstruck fans (including my then roommate), so I didn't even get an autograph!
BobP said on 10/Oct/12
Here's Bono with 5.7 Francois Hollande and 5.10 Bill Gates.
Click Here
You can see he's wearing massive heels and from the crease in his pants, he's getting at least 3 inches.
I'd say he's 5.5 to 5.6.
The Exorcist said on 7/Sep/12
He looks about 5'6" from the photo's in this page.
mr man said on 23/Jan/12
I had a chance to meet the entire band, get autographs, etc.. I'm 5'6" Bono was at the most 5'7" but given his shoes I'd say he is actually 5'6". I think The Edge was probably 5'5". All of them were pretty short, I think maybe Adam Clayton was the tallest if memory serves me correctly although this was in '97.
They were all really nice guys, especially Bono.
Lou Gubrius said on 1/Jan/12
would wager he's about dead on with Roger Daltrey, who is about 5-5 to 5-5.5 max.
Maverick said on 18/Dec/11
he seems way shorter....he has a massive heel on the outside atleast 1.6 inch, and he must have atleast 1 inch on the in side that make it 2.6 inches.... hes def shorter than 169 cm
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 13/Nov/11
The 5'9 listings for this guy are hilarious.
stardub said on 2/Nov/11
He's no less than 5'6". I'm 5'8" and have stood beside him in heels (while he was wearing lifts) and he was only a bit shorter than me.
Larry is shorter than him, despite all the posts to the contrary, and also has been known to wear some pretty impressive creepers himself (which is why people probably think he's shorter than B).
jrivera said on 8/Oct/11
regardless on the height, belive that his work and talent must no be taken aside, Im 169 cms, so Im short but who cares? who of you tall guys can get to fill up a complete stadium and having all of those people eating from your hand?
joker said on 6/Oct/11
The Edge is about 5.8. He was only marginally shorter than Jimmy Page wearing converse all stars.
Phil said on 29/Sep/11
LOL @ his ridiculous elevator shoes. He is 5 foot 5 or 5 foot 6.
Bono you are short. Embrace it.
wheh said on 23/Sep/11
he's extremely short, he ALWAYS wear platfrom shoes, or like 2" thick sandals, he's about 5'4.
Nick said on 8/Sep/11
There is a movie coming out titled "Killing Bono". Martin McCann plays as Bono in it. Is this Martin guy around Bono's height?
Alan said on 7/Sep/11
Bono is 5 ft 4 inches 5 ft 9 in his heels (which he always wears) he is very sensitive about his height :) Quickest way to piss him off is mentioning it! Adam is the tallest 5 9" approx I'd say
Martyr said on 30/Aug/11
mcphisto is right
Look at the recent pictures with Clooney...
Mathew said on 27/Aug/11
I think Bono could be more like 5'5.5" (167 cm) considering his elevators.
Schamlippe said on 24/Aug/11
I'm 1,69. 1,70 in the morning. I always wear flat shoes and don't look short on photos. Bono should be around 1,63-1,65.
jake said on 8/Aug/11
How tall's The Edge? Bono's height?
5'8.76784 said on 5/Aug/11
Short band indeed, Rob, do you think Bono might be as low as 5'5?? Most 5'7 guys don't need ridiculous boots with extra lift to still appear shorter than average.

Editor Rob
yeah he could be
truth said on 21/Jul/11
5ft4 bono
5ft6 larry mullen
5ft7 the edge
5ft8/5ft9 adam clayton
Mephisto said on 19/Jul/11
I've stood beside Bono at least a half a dozen times over the last 20 years. He is certainly closer to 5'4" than 5'6" or more. My wife is about 5'5" in regular shoes and they see eye to eye with him wearing elevated soles. FWIW.
Shan said on 19/Jul/11
No he's really small he passed by me with the rest of the group, the other (U2 members seems giant)... I was suprise, I do 5'4. "Little body, but big soul"
Tyler said on 15/Jul/11
No way. I just saw him in concert today. I would've guessed 5'8.5-5'9".
Tony said on 12/Jul/11
I thought that Stallone and Downey Jr. were the reigning kings of ridiculous footwear, but Bono makes it a triumvirate.
Click Here
DOHC said on 8/Jul/11
Bono is defintely not 5'3 i think he around the 5'6 or 5'7 FACT
spanky said on 18/Jun/11
I think you will find he is 5'6", i have been a fan for 29 years and he has remained at this height since then
Jackby said on 14/Jun/11
Does anyone really know Bono's real height?
Brad said on 22/May/11
3 feet away last night meeting fans, the Lemon has nailed his and the other guys on the nose strong. Still wears massive customs.
Lemon said on 4/May/11
I guess that this is one of the best pics to judge U2's height:
Click Here
Edge is about 5'9" in shoes; Larry in his Creepers (with 2 inch platform) is slightly shorter than him - maybe 5'8'5" - so he is about 5'6.5" barefoot. Bono in high heels is about 4 cm. shorter than Larry, so he is about 5'5" barefoot. Adam should be around 5'10".
Definitely, I agree with McPhisto estimates. Bono should at least be downgraded to 5'5.5".
Sara said on 1/May/11
How tall is Larry Mullen Jr? Would Larry tower over Bono if they were both standing right next to each other barefooted?
Sammy said on 20/Apr/11
Some chick I work with told me that she met Bono back during the ZOO TV tour (1991) and said Bono was 5'8" - 5'9" and she is 5'6". I guess we don't really know Bono's real height?
J-Dog said on 10/Apr/11
I agree about the downgrade as well.
McPhisto said on 6/Apr/11
I met the band on several occasions; for my part, my height is 172cm.
Beside them last year, I managed to make an approximation for their sizes (although for two of the group, I have simply asked them ;) )
Bono: 164/167cm
Larry: 169cm
The Edge: 173cm
Adam: 178cm
billy said on 3/Apr/11
oh ,come on 5 ft 6.5 is ridicoulus for bono.he is 5'5" at best.
Jesse said on 24/Mar/11
Do you guys think Bono how tower over AC/DC's Angus Young? (in height difference).
Brad said on 17/Mar/11
This 5' 6.5" figure must have been a G derived, he's never been 5' 6" in his life.
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/11
wow, i didnt know that there r even claims of shorter than 5'6 !!
Anon said on 16/Feb/11
He's pretty short, but he's definitely solidly built.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/11
Same height or even little shorter than 5'4" - 5'5" Dmitri Medvedev:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Bono is 5'5" tops today.
I think he needs a downgrade too, Rob.
me said on 28/Jan/11
Younger Bono with GW (5.11). Before he started wearing rediculous footwear. 5.4 the most.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/11
one of his legs is 2 inches shorter than the other,,hence the elevator shoe or shoes
guyfrommars said on 25/Jan/11
I'm glad you all agree with me. Bono is 5'6.5" in his dreams. He was never taller than 5'5" barefoot. I guess he needs some downgrading.
Archie said on 23/Jan/11
He's 5'5" with no lifts. I'm a 5'8" girl and towered over him at Hanover Quay (recording studio). I've talked to him a few other times at concerts, where he was more like 5'7" with the shoes
Brad said on 28/Dec/10
About right on those figures. Edge is really lean.
John said on 27/Dec/10
I met the band back in the Popmart days. I'm 5'10 1/2" and I towered over Bono. Adam was my height, Edge a little shorter, and Adam slightly shorter than Edge. I say 5'5", max.
Leung said on 26/Dec/10
haha those platform shoes are as chunky as the goth shoes Marilyn Manson used to wear.
guyfrommars said on 25/Dec/10
Look at Bono's ridiculous elevator shoes:
Click Here
He was never taller than 5ft5 in my opinion. Look at him next to 5ft5 Sarkozy, they're the same height (and probably both wearing elevator shoes).
SAK said on 10/Dec/10
Bono is 168cm/5ft6 and in the evenings probably goes down 2 167cm, so below 5ft6..
Dan Galati said on 10/Dec/10
I met Bono and he is very short guy 157-158 cm. s the proof watch on U-tube Dmitrii Medvedev (162 cm) and Bono in Sochi-city, Bono is shorter than Medvedev.
TheVerve said on 30/Oct/10
All of U2 members are short at around 5ft6 -5ft8, Adam Clayton is average at 5ft10.
vitali said on 13/Jun/09
I met Bon-o in Prague. I walk over him like godzillas on japin tokyo. I was shock. I tall but he fit through my legs like volga river under bridge. I pat his head and burst into amazing grin. He not impressed by my performance, but i'm quite the cheek. My "mseam" for trousers is 101 cm but this is hypotnoose leg not vertical one. Bon-o is 91.5 cm maximum. He fit in my leg! I think that is 3 feet tall in american length stick.
Dominic said on 7/Jun/09
Im am 5'8" and dont consider myself to be very short, Im taller than a lot of guys, though people are always shocked if it comes up in conversation, since I dont come across as only 5'8" just goes to show
guyfrommars said on 28/May/09
Sarkozy is 5ft5 and infamous for wearing lifts. Even his wax figure at Madame Tussauds have lifts in it's shoes! Bono looks the same height or maybe a very little shorter. If we assume that he's wearing lifts too, then 5ft5, otherwise 5ft6 or 5ft7 max, but I'd rather stay at the 5ft5-5ft6 range.
JD said on 26/Apr/09
i don't like the look of his giant boots, but he's sure made a name for himself. even if it is just one, stupid name.
Mac said on 23/Apr/09
He would like to be 6"tall and handsome.
ikbtops said on 20/Apr/09
I'd love to see a picture of Bono with Jackie Chan(5'8.5"). I think a lot of minds would be blown.
Bill said on 13/Apr/09
Here's Bono with 1.75 Carli Burni. Bono is about 1.65.
Click Here
Lemon said on 11/Apr/09
I agree, Jean E, Bono is a great activist and a great musician! U2 is my favourit band!
About his height: I agree with Phil, 5'5.5" at best.
Here is a recent pic of Bono, his wife and 5'9.75" Helena Christensen:
Click Here
Jean E said on 10/Apr/09
Bono's height has nothing to do with his gigantic stature as one of the best musicians who has ever lived. His talent is HUGE. His physical stature is average. To attend one of his concerts and see him close up, is to fall in love with a beautiful man. Tall men are overrated. They have long legs...big deal. Give me genius and talent anytime in a man. Bono should never be selfconscious about anything. He is the MAN!
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/09
I've never seen sandals like the ones that Bono is wearing. He should have just worn boots, even on the beach. He's now won the title of most ridiculous footwear, just edging out Robert Downey Jr.
Doug said on 6/Apr/09
No way is he 5'6.5! Look at the pictures with 5'5" Sarkozy. He would appear to be even shorter! Now given that Sarkozy is a likely lift wearer and reaches around 5'7" Bono barely reaches the 5'6" even in boots! I genuinely believe he is 5'5 as he appeared a little shorter than the Brazilian president Silva who is supposed to be 5'5"?.
Phil said on 23/Mar/09
Either 5'5" or 5'5.5". No way he's taller than that.
MD said on 9/Mar/09
Sandals with some thicked-assed soles. Those are the largest soles I've ever seen on a sandal. lol
Dural said on 9/Mar/09
Bono in 2in sandals with Helena Christensen & Penelope Cruz barefoot. 5'6.5" seems hard too believe.
Click Here
Brad said on 9/Mar/09
5' 5.5". He's like Madonna & Stevie Nicks: intense hatred of their height and wear big big heels. I'd pay to see him in Chuck Taylors but he'd opt for some Bowser editions with a wedge.
mcfan said on 5/Mar/09
I think 5'6.5 is a little too high for him. Looks about 5'6 or could even be 5'5 3/4.
Babawa714 said on 4/Mar/09
Who cares how tall he is??? The man is a poet, a humanitarian and a genius, isn't that enough? Besides, I find speculating on his "shoe size" is more fun, anyway.
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/09
wow his height really matters, just came cross this site while searching for bono and realized how lame people can get, so what if his 5 ft 6 , his more happier and richer then any tall person commenting on this site.
Lemon said on 23/Feb/09
j., to me Bono and Sarkozy are pretty much the same height. Consider that in those pics Bono was wearing creepers, which give him at least 2 inch. 5'6.5" barefoot would mean 5'8.5" - 5'9" with shoes on: nearly impossibile.
5'5.5" - 5'5.75" tops to me.
Ah, and finally, after Bono met Sarkozy he said: "Sarko is a real physical presence in a room. He might even be taller than me
j. said on 19/Feb/09
Lemon the photos you've posted where he's standing next to sarkozy how can you say he's shorter, he is leaning a bit on the first photo, and on the second looks half an inch to and inch bigger, then take into account sarkozys hair and bonos skin head and you've got bono at 5'6-5'6.5, unless sarkozys smaller than 5'5?
Leung said on 9/Feb/09
Bono doesn
Mr. R. said on 9/Feb/09
Did anyone see Bono's boots on the Grammy Awards tonite? Even Frankenstein would be jealous!
leonari said on 20/Jan/09
I agree with Lemon and Dan. This guy is not almost 5'7". Never. Flat 5'6" on a good day but I go with Lemon 5'7.75 tops.
Dan said on 19/Jan/09
5'6.5" is too tall. He's probably 5'5".
Dublin Paul said on 11/Jan/09
I saw Bono in O'Connell street Dublin in the early eighties. He was wearing heels that day and I am five foot six and he was roughly the same height (including his heels.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
great work and pics lemon.though im debating stipes height as a possible 5-10,as he is another that lives in my stomping grounds.i see him too much.he could be 5-9 also.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
adam is 5-10.edge 5-8.larry 5-8.edge might be a hair over 5-8,and larry a hair under.
Lemon said on 5/Jan/09
That's true Glenn. A weak 5'6" (5'5.5" or 5'5.75" tops) is the best guess for him. The evidence is the pic with Sarkozy, or even the following ones:
With 5'4" Woody Allen:
Click HereNext to 5'9" Michael Stipe (compare the shoes):
Click HereHope Rob will agree too.
beatlefan said on 5/Jan/09
I think some of the posters are wrong about the heights of the other members of U2, they assume that because Bono is short that the others are too. The Edge and Larry are closer to 5'8" and Adam is probably closer to 5'9" maybe even 5'10", remember he did go out with (get married?) Naomi Campbell. Bono always wears think soled shoes or heels to make himself closer in height with his bandmates.
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
5-5 is too low,but ill buy 5-6 tops.5-7 is a joke.though he did look 5-7 to me in the early 90s.maybe the footwear fooled me.
Leung said on 17/Nov/08
I think Bono has always been height conscious; back in the 80
G-$ said on 17/Nov/08
Bono does appear a bit more insecure about his height as he ages. He likely lost a couple inches from when he was in his twenties. Also he is stockier now which makes you appear shorter and hurts your posture.
He is a genius and earned my respect regardless. He should embrace his shorter stature more like Dustin Hoffman does.
Bombay Rocker said on 15/Nov/08
166 max....comes to 5 feet 6 or 7 wearing huge Entourage season 2 episode 9 where he's performing at the end and check out his shoes(monsters) and yet he looks so short!!
BoyishU2 said on 2/Nov/08
How tall do you guys think Bono was back in the Boy era (1981)?
ck said on 16/Oct/08
I'm not tall by any means and I must admit I was a bit surprised at how diminutive he is.
While I can't speak for everyone's experience regarding him, you couldn't be more wrong about his being a phony and an egomaniac, kupal.
i height you said on 30/Sep/08
he doesnt look like 5 ft 7. hes about 5 ft 5 or 5 ft 6.
John said on 19/Sep/08
Luigi, how tall was Bono's wife?
Luigi said on 17/Sep/08
I was at a party for one of his US ventures back in 2005. I met him and his wife, everyone was barefoot due to the expensive carpets. He's got to be 5.5-1/2 cause I am 5.8-1/2 and the difference was noticeable.
ZACH said on 16/Sep/08
So how tall is Bono barefoot?
theenforcer said on 27/Aug/08
I think he is about 5 ft 6.5
Brad said on 20/Aug/08
Glenn said 5' 7". He was the height expert meeting him a number of times.The figure is of laughter. If you think Bono is 5' 9.5" everywhere in his boots, you might as well believe in Santa Claus coming down your chimney at age 35. 2.5" is common for Bono in customs or cycle boots. 5' 5.5" would be the highest you'd think for Bono. Adam isn't 5' 8", he's taller.
Kevin said on 18/Aug/08
John Mellencamp is 1.70 (5'7"). A lot of cool dudes are "short". Height shouldn't really matter, even though it does to the majority. People are just down right ignorant these days.
Numb said on 18/Aug/08
I am 5'3.5 barefoot. Think there would be a BIG difference in height between Bono and I?
Lemon said on 1/Aug/08
5'4" is too short for Bono. When I saw him he looked 5'7.5" with 2 inch heels on. The only thing I know for sure is that Bono should be downgraded to 5'.5.75" or even 5'5.5" (look at him next to Sean Penn or R. Redford or Tom Cruise. There is too much evidence). What do you think Rob?
Hazel said on 30/Jul/08
Bono is 5ft 4incs max. They are all shockingly small I have seen them on the streets of Dublin many times. I was taller than the Edge when I was 14. Big hair, big shoes and/or big hats.
Anonymous said on 28/Jul/08
I just saw U23D which was awesome.And really, Bono didn't look very short.He looked about the same height as The Edge and Larry, and not 5 inches shorter than Adam. He looked like 5'7.5.But I think he was also wearing his habitual ugly shoes,Lol. So 5'6.5 seems about right. Or maybe 5'5.5 -5'6, but he's not shorter than that.Unless he has a very good posture compared to his bandmates.
mick said on 17/Jul/08
he's not even 5'6. i would say 5'5 or 5'4. and adam clayton is not 5'10. no way is the a 5 inch difference between the two of them.
Viper said on 30/Jun/08
"We always see him as a tall guy but he's not"
Who in the world ever thought he was a tall guy? The most I ever thought he was was the 5-8 listing hes officially listed at.
Anonymous said on 28/Jun/08
Next to Sean Penn he looks 5'6 tops, if not 5'5.5
kev said on 18/Jun/08
He's really 5'6.5 .. We always see him as a tall guy but he's not, that's just because of the other members of his band U2 aren't very tall too. the guitarist The Edge is only 5'8'' and the drummer is 5'7''. the taller is the bassist and he's about 5'10'' or around of that.
internet_hey said on 19/May/08
In the Cannes photo Bono is standing as straight as possible with his big shoes and he still looks diminutive next to Sean Penn who is by no means a tall guy.
Chris said on 18/May/08
haha at least he wears lifts and doesnt cover them up...ive seen at least 5 pics with him wearing huge lifts^^ hes no more than 5ft6
Lemon said on 17/May/08
Great pic from Cannes Film Festival: Bono and Seann Penn -
Click Here
internet_hey said on 17/May/08
You should see the chunky goth style shoes Bono was wearing at Cannes, ugly as hell.
M.P. said on 7/May/08
5'6"??? Wow, that's small! I would've thought 5'8" 1/2.
TJ said on 2/May/08
Kupal is just mentally deficient. Some people think that any short person with drive has Napoleonic tendencies. Just plain ignorance.
Anonymous said on 1/May/08
So you think everything he does is related to his height?
If he was taller you wouldn't be saying anything, but as soon as you find out he's short: "he must be talented and a do gooder because of his height". It's such a cliched from people with simplistic views.
I'll be honest I didn't know he was short but I don't think he ever came across as having a chip on his shoulder, but more as preaching at people.
Bob Geldof is way over 6 foot so what's his purpose then?
Alpha Male! said on 27/Apr/08
Bono needs a downgrade to 5.5" or maybe 5.5.5" tops. check out photos on the comment from natalie 26/jul/07, click on the photo of him walking beside penelope cruz and helena christensen. and you can see he has 1.5"-2.5" flip flops and helena christensen 5'9" and she and penelope cruz are both barefoot. i meausred his feet level and compared it to penelope and found their to be only a very slight difference. Remember he is wearing a chuncky hat to make him look taller. Greatly talented artist but needs to wear lift hiding boots or just accept his height.
Antron said on 5/Mar/08
" how does a 4 inch heel make you 2 inches taller? that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. even if bono is wearing heels and not lifts in christina's picture, the shoes are about 3 inches tall and horrible. i think he's 5'5 and has a few issues with his height. what an ego maniac."
See Robs page on heel height.
Click HereIm not crazy on this one, sorry.
Joe said on 10/Feb/08
I think he is 167cm. What was he like when you met him Glenn? He looks a bit miserable in the pics!
sf said on 8/Feb/08
5'5" to 5'6" seems to be the general consensus. Let's lower the dude.
Lemon said on 6/Feb/08
5'4" is too low for Bono. Saw him once and he was about 5'7.5" in platform, so I reckon he is 5'5" or 5'5.5" barefoot, not more.
kupal said on 6/Feb/08
He is about 5'4", 5'5" tops. I'm 5'5.5" and I used to work at JFK Airport and I saw him a couple of times. One time he passed by me and I was a bit surprised that I'm taller than him by about an inch or two, I didn't notice if he was wearing those thick heeled shoes at that moment. I was watching this walk on video (US version) and I got curious about Bono's height because he seemed shorter at that video and that lead me to this website. This is the first time that I see those ugly shoes of his. The guy is definitely a phony and has a huge ego. All these eliminate poverty crap that he is doing is just a way to overcome his insecurities. He has a Napoleonic syndrome.Peace, I love U2, but I think Bono is a little bit insecure about his height. His height is definitely 5'4".
GSP said on 31/Jan/08
Im 5'9.5 in the morning and sometimes as low as 5'8.5 night. What would you consider me? lol Im right at that ambiguous height where your not really short but kind of short.
funny post by the way.
Mike said on 31/Jan/08
oh lets see, id call short- what-- 5'5 - 5'8, 5'9 maybe? very short- under 5'5... average 5'8 - 6' probably... anything over 6' i think people would consider tall, in the US anyway... what i meant by "very shortt guys are toast obviously", is that very short guys face fairly difficult odds when it comes to have people see them in any kind of lead roles in society... i think that is a fair (if not patently obvious) observation... this sort of bias and instinctual opposition by society is natural however, and probably a good thing in ways, tho also bad in other ways...
leonari said on 31/Jan/08
Mike: What do you mean by: "very short guys" : toast obviously. No clue what you want to say. Plus: what is short in your opinion? what is very short?? Please clear this up for me. thanks
Mike said on 30/Jan/08
sorry for the long, confusing and somewhat contradictory post... anyone who knows the first thing about people knows that short to mid range guys just have bigger personalities, more strength of personality and integrity etc... similarly, anyone who knows anything knows that taller guys have the social advantage, and this is often well more than enough to offset their ON AVERAGE smaller personalities... people like Bill CLinton or Schwarzenegger are good examples of high confidence tallER guys -- they have quite a bit of personality, quite a bit of intell (well, Clinton at least) and a lot of social confidence, so overall they have very high confidence and make very good leaders... Clinton's biggest deficiency is probably just personal integrity, and schwarzeneggers is intelligence AND personal integrity id say... my point is just that, in spite of the fact that taller guys like these two make ON AVERAGE better leaders etc, the fact remains that its a physical impossibility for a tall guy to put together all the qualities to an overwhelming degree -- personality, integrity (which is real just a sense of one's own being) and social confidence... its a long story, which if you dont have a sense of what im talking about already, its not worth going thru... Humanity 101---short to average guys: higher odds, no ceiling on potential; taller guys: lower odds, but ceiling on potential; very short guys: toast obviously haha jk... respond/comment as you see fit... obviously someone of my nature would be entertained by all sorts of viewpoints haha
TJ said on 30/Jan/08
Mike that's a pretty embarrassing post. Are you on a mission to make short guys seem paranoid and jealous idiots? Heightism works both ways.
leonari said on 30/Jan/08
Mike: So "overwhelming confidence" can't be found in a tall guy. So who has this kind of confidence???
You? guys who are 5'5"?? Your point does not come across very clearly...please elaborate.
Mike said on 30/Jan/08
5'6.5 seems right for this guy... im not ruling out 1/2 - 1" shorter tho... was right next to him in L'Elysee France a few weeks ago and im 5'6 on the head... as anyone on this page can see, hes ridiculous with the footwear, not to mention the silly shades... enormously talented guy tho right, but its like come on man throw on some chuck taylors or some flip flops for once in your life bono and get out in public and let your balls hang low... if im ever in hollywood youll know who i am because ill go around barefoot or in flip flops... 5'6 is a height for world conquerors, and anywhere from 5'5 to 5'11 or so is where all the real men are... unfortunately, guys in this shorter to a bit-above-average height range just dont have egos/sacks that are big enough to compensate... but you are not going to find SUPREME overall confidence in a man who is over 5'11... just aint gonna happen... id say the taller guys are certainly on average are or act more confident, but overwhelming confidence will never be found in a tall guy, i dont care what corporation or country they are running... though clearly, all of humanity can agree that almost anything is better than this fellow here, who makes himself laughable with his get-ups... leave the platforms to the 19 yr old clubbing girls and groupies dude... we know he wont, but just a thought... f***ing awesome site though glenn & co... height, and physical appearance generally, is hugely important (as it should be, to some degree) and this is a kickass forum for discussions of it
Viper said on 22/Jan/08
Bono is wearing his huge ugly shoes so hes around 5-8 there I reckon. Edge looks 5-8 too.
glenn said on 22/Jan/08
great pics.redford is a legit 5-10.5 as i discovered recently when i saw his ankles properly in place in the flatest of shoes.
brains and brawn said on 14/Jan/08
May I get an honest response please. The majority of celebrities discussed on this site are more famous and financially in a position where most of "us" never come close to reaching much less be at. What difference does it make what their height is? There is "short man's syndrome" and the Napoleonic Complex. Is is safe to say there's a "giant" complex too. Those who are above average height and envy shoter then average, famous and the rich? I'm 6ft 3in and find absolutely no reason to put someone down because they are shorter. Who gives a crap if a man where's lifts or shoes with a substantial heel!!! Women where spandex to keep their fat hidden, tons of make up, hair extensions, heels to make them taller, push up bras? Give these guys a break and put down the people who really deserve it. The Britneys, Hiltons and every politician
Allison said on 12/Jan/08
anton - how does a 4 inch heel make you 2 inches taller? that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. even if bono is wearing heels and not lifts in christina's picture, the shoes are about 3 inches tall and horrible. i think he's 5'5 and has a few issues with his height. what an ego maniac.
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/08
haz: glenn is an autograph dealer
diana said on 22/Dec/07
i think its funny that people come to this board saying height doesn't matter...
it does i mean my god of course it matters
you have to be a fool to think otherwise
Lemon said on 17/Dec/07
I agree leonari, I think in bare feet he is 5'5.5" (166 cm.)
Antron said on 11/Dec/07
christina, he's not really wearing lifts in that picture, just thick soled shoes. Lifts generally mean something hidden inside the shoes. Second, wearing a 4 inch heel does not make you 4 inches taller. Now we can't see her shoes at all. If its a straight up 4 in heel then she'd be about 2 in taller than barefoot. If the shoe has any type of platform to it, it could add more. Bono's about 5'6" in any case. I'm not sure how you know about his temperment though...
leonari said on 10/Dec/07
I think there is a slight chance that he is below 5'6" not much but a bit.
leonari said on 10/Dec/07
The guy is a legend. His shoes are horrible. Truly. Lifts are way better than what this guy pulls. Sorry. Those shoes go with nothing. One always looks ridiculous in them. But WHO knows? Maybe Bono does hide lifts in those platform shoes. It would be possible becaus most of the time the platform Bono wears are even, meaning that he could put another inch lift in 'em and still walk comfortably
glenn said on 10/Dec/07
some people dont appreciate much what i bring to the site.which is legit a-list.
haz said on 10/Dec/07
Can I ask Glenn how on earth you have pics with half of these super celebs on this site. I'd like to believe they are doctored but it would take some good editing to do that, are they seriously all legit?
christina said on 15/Nov/07
i think it's pretty obvious the man is seriously insecure about his height. i would say that a man under 5'6 with his temperment is inclined to be a bit insecure - but his lifts are god-awful and he should try to embrace his height and wear some normal, nice shoes (god knows he can afford them) because in the pics below - were he's wearing lifts and trying to appear significantly taller than tiny penelope cruz - it's just shameful. i think she's around 5'2.5 and wearing 4 inch heels (she always wears 4" heels to events - making her 5'6.5) and and he's about 5'5 in 2 inchers (making him 5'7). i think having him listed at 5'6.5 is being very very generous...
Click Here
Viper said on 30/Oct/07
I thought Bono was 5-8 originally, his official listing.
Lemon said on 29/Oct/07
Saw him in Italy: he's max 5'7.5" with platform shoes on, which means he is 5'5" or 5'5.5" in bare feet. Everything over 5'6" is out of question.
The first pic with Glenn is emblematic: Bono is shorter of at least 1,5 inches. And there's also a great pic of Bono together with K. Spacey that proves he is shorter than 5'6.5":
Click Here
Andre said on 28/Oct/07
It might be reasonable that he is 5'5 if he is wearing heeled shoes, they probably would give him a lil more than 2 inches
ndredhd said on 17/Oct/07
I met him yesterday. I'm 5'7" and I was taller than him. He was wearing small platform shoes. I would say he is 5'5".
kcido said on 8/Oct/07
nice to know that some of these big stars are shorter than me. lifts my confidence a bit... yunow
Deena said on 5/Oct/07
Saw him at Royce Hall last night after a Seymour Hersh talk...a man went by and looked just like Bono but I mentioned to my husband I could not believe how short physically he was. With these comments on this site I confirm it was him. He is a giant in my book regardless!!!
leonari said on 15/Sep/07
Mr. Tall: comment to make on a "HEIGHT" page...fool. We discuss height here. So what? If you don't enjoy discussing it why come here? Go to some BONO Forum where surely someone will say: Bono is short. There you can give the comment you gave. We all know the man can sing and made something out of his life...Otherwise his name probably wouldn't be on this site in the first place.
Mr. tall said on 15/Sep/07
Wtfc's about his height we all have one. oh i'm about 2 microns taller...the difference being he can sing and no one that posted here can come close. Now that is a difference worth mentioning...
Joe Molina said on 9/Aug/07
There was a TIME magazine article back in the day where Bono was on the cover. I read the article inside and it mentioned him as 5'5'' tall.
bull said on 4/Aug/07
do a search on youtube for a video of bono singing with axl rose...axl is 5´8 right ???? look at how tall bono looks next to axl !!!! he looks 5´6 TOPS !
Natalie said on 26/Jul/07
i found a pic of bono with helena christensen and he's about 2 inches shrorter than helena (5'9) here and he's in lifts. they are also walking on sand and helena is on the sloping side and is barefoot. i'd say he's 5'6.5 with the lifts, maybe 5.5 without them. downgrade!
whatever the height...i'd say he's a lucky guy;)
Click Here
Natalie said on 26/Jul/07
i think he's barely pushing 5'5. i'm 5'2 (5'5 in 3 inch heels) and when i met Bono in Chicago a few years ago, i was slightly taller than him in a pic. if i find a scanner, i'll post the pic. he also wears very thick-soled shoes for a man.
Nemesis said on 10/Jul/07
If Edge is 5'8", Bono can't be over 5'5 - 5'6" absolutely tops (being generous). Maybe it's time for a downgrade. Look at this:
Click Here
ali said on 23/Jun/07
I saw Bono coming thru doors at Nice airport, he's tiny!! I'm 5'4" & I was v surprised how small he was. When in Dublin we tried to get into his hotel for a drink, my hubby 6'2" & another friend 6'3", they sent us round the back only to be turned away! Too big I think x
Eddie said on 14/Jun/07
I'm pretty shure that he's 165 cm (167 max). He's constantly wearing extremely big heels (5 cm or so) which make him about 170-172.
He's the shortest in the band. Even Larry's taller if both are barefoot.
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
edge,man he is tricky.he gave me the illusion of looking 5-6 once.some people tell me 5-10 for him.saw him the same event of the josh harnett say he is around 5-8.
Jon Doe said on 9/Jun/07
Brad how is it pathetic to wear big shoes? I mean c'mon women do this all the time when they wear high heels and platforms and what not.And does anyone notice how someone's height changes your perception of them so much? No wonder people wear dodgey footwear,back in the 70's if it wasn't for those platform boots alot of us wouldn't even be here coz that's how alot of people got laid.
Larie said on 7/Jun/07
Isn't there a height of the Edge? I'm wondering how tall he is. Is he taller than Bono? I thought he was but I want to be sure. ;)
Brad said on 22/May/07
The shoes he's wearing in Cannes are some of the biggest tread I've ever seen him wear, really pathetic.
Austrian said on 10/May/07
i always thought he was 5'5 or below
Roger said on 14/Apr/07
Excellint work Glen, I always thought he was around 5-5 to 5-6 tops. JMHO LOL!
Viper said on 9/Apr/07
I thought he was 5-8 too, back when I beleived in billed heights.
the shredder said on 7/Apr/07
I always thought he was an easy 5'8 , but 5'6.5 is a great barefoot guess !
Nemesis said on 2/Apr/07
He appears to be 5'8" with (platform) shoes on. So, I don't think he can be more than 5'6" barefoot. A lot of fan who met him tell he can look between 5'5" and 5'6" (tops). This is my first post, I'm italian: amazing site! And thank you Glenn for your great work! :)
PJ said on 28/Mar/07
Saw him at JFK, I'd say 5'6 to 5'6.5
Lmeister said on 28/Mar/07
Glenn U are right. He can look 5'6''- 5'8'' because of his shoes. He doesn't look like a guy who is 5'5'' or less...
MD said on 27/Mar/07
He's somewhere between 5'6' and 5'7", as he is slightly taller than the 5'6" music producer Quincy Jones, even taking into account the ridiculous heels and obvious lifts, at times.
Viper said on 27/Mar/07
Hes 5-6 minimum.
glenn said on 27/Mar/07
to me,he is a hair under shorter than 5-6.
Devlin said on 26/Mar/07
My monies on 5-5; check the pics with Bush Jr. from a few years back, he's clearly around 5 inches shorter than the 5-10-ish GWBer.
truth said on 26/Mar/07
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radio_man said on 25/Mar/07
he's 5'6 tops, he always look short! not even 5'7
Scarlet said on 25/Mar/07
Because he wears 3 inch biker boots all the time